Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 604 : Choice, opponent

In the early morning, the mountain air is fresh.

Maori leaned back lazily on the back of his seat, with no energy.

--Compared to when he got off the plane, there was no vitality.

"what happened to him?""

In the car driving to the U17 training camp, a high school student asked curiously.

Omagari, who was sitting in front of these ignorant colleagues of high school students, was in a good mood at this time--

"Probably, it's because of the qualifying competition to be held later."

Ochi is really worthy of being the head of the Hyotei Tennis Department!

Even if Mori is a member of Rikkai's big tennis club, Tsukimitsu Ochi can put this lively and overly high school student back in a word.

- "After you go back, your junior should find you in the Second Army Challenge First Army qualifying match, right?"

Although there was a question mark, in Tsukimitsu Ochi's calm words, it was like an affirmative sentence.

Maori immediately lost his excitement to return.

Of course he knew before that the possibility of Nioh challenged him was not small, and he secretly thought about what it would be like to play again many times.

But he thinks about it for himself

After being clarified by Yue Zhi--

I watched the excitement of so many senior high school students, next, if

Yue Zhi may only be based on rational analysis, but Maori knows that Nioh is almost 100% likely to play against him next.

But this is not the problem.

The problem is one-

He is not sure to win!

The winning rate is less than 30%, this is still in the case of adding more wisdom.

Even if Nioh finds other people to doubles, under the terrifying "homology", the tacit understanding is not much worse.

The reason why he has a "winning rate" of almost 30% is also because of his own strength improvement and the recognition of his doubles partner Tsukimitsu Ochi's strength.

"Mental Assassination"-Doesn't work for Nioh, but in the doubles game, it should be quite lethal to another middle school student, right?

It's a big deal, you won't lose face when you hit two, it's impossible to "lost without fighting back"!

If you lose badly, you lose the face of your army

It's okay for others to say, at best they laughed twice.

But one-

Maori raised his eyelids lazily and glanced at a senior high school student with long hair.

--Oh, this senior will definitely not let him go!

I'm angry and want to hit someone if I lose an ordinary game

If he loses the game, even if the opponent is the little Nioh he has always praised ー-

Sure, Senior Tohno will be hit in the face with a tennis ball!

The fact that Mōri Juzaburō was able to integrate into the uncomfortable group of the First Army so quickly shows that he is not a person with low EQ.

He who has a high EQ and is just too lazy to use his brain sometimes naturally knows how much hatred and anger he has given himself (and his younger generations) during the nearly one month during the expedition.

These slowly accumulated "hatred"|values, if they burst out all at once

Maori slumped in his seat, his whole body revealed the breath of "nothing to love", and he couldn't be more lively anymore.

"Senior Liu, aren't you going?"

"The minister has gone.

Watching his red-haired senior pulled his doubles partner to chase in the direction of a certain group of high school students, Kirihaya looked left and right, and found that many people had left one after another.

And, most importantly, the Minister of Rikkai also left!

--This means that they can "freely move"!


Liu said.

Of course he has to go to a senior high school student for advice on "data tennis."

However, now he still has some questions that need to be answered--

"Is there only a part of the army?"

Liu Junshi looked at one of his white-haired teammates.

Many people have left, but many people did not leave, but chose to stay in this network court.

Of course, many people don't have black jackets, so theoretically they cannot be challenged.

But one-

Tokugawa Kazuya of the No. 1 court, and the senior high school student Oni Jujiroro, who is an old-fashioned red-haired high school student, stay on this court!

Fortunately, Tokugawa Kazuya, a senior high school student, said that although he was not on the list to make Yanagi understand, Oni Jujiro, a very capable senior, also chose to stay here...

"Are the people on the list only able to qualify with some of the first army?"

Although the No. 16 court has the lowest ranking, this court is also the largest court in the U17 training camp.

If the information Liu got is correct, there is another "nickname" in this court!

--Central court!

"Will they come directly?"

Liu Junshi's information analysis ability is really not to be underestimated.

But Nioh didn't intentionally conceal these news, he was happy to mobilize the fighting spirit of his teammates.

Especially a certain deputy minister

The opponent of Rikkai Deputy Minister, if there is no big accident-No. 2 of the first army will be happy to accept the challenge!

"I don't know the specific details.

Of course he couldn't know - Byōdōin Hōō announced the time for No.11 to N..20 to face off, but after they got off the car.

In theory, even if the Maori wants to "brief up", it is impossible to do so.

What's more, before the qualifying round is over, he and senior are opponents!

"However, it can be speculated that the top ten seniors in the First Army will not be so easy to shoot!"

Just kidding, when will the top ten in the first army follow the arrangements of the coaching staff so well?

Moreover, those who challenge the list will definitely choose to challenge?

In a tennis match, there is also an option of "automatic abstention"!

There are only 19 players in the First Army Overseas Expedition Group;

There are twenty people on the challenge list.

Challenging the army not only requires a "permission", but also a "price"!

Because of fear and injury, there should be most of the people who abstain from voting, right?

At least, half of the senior high school students on the challenge list did not leave Nioh Masaharu with some memorable impressions!

"So, is it the bottom ten, Nioh-san?"

"The top ten will come here and meet us?"

Liu Sheng also quickly summarized the key points in Nioh's few words.

"Yes, are you going, partner?"

Although Nioh is not very happy to play a game with other people, but if Yanyu is willing

It's not impossible for him to play doubles reluctantly!

"I still need to accumulate."

Liu Sheng raised his hand and pushed his glasses, and declined Nioh's invitation.

Top students have the arrogance of "top students".

Yagyu Hiroshi knows that if Nioh is willing to take his doubles and "coordinate" with him, then it is very likely that he will enter the final list this time.

But in his heart, he was unwilling to do this.

This time the list is not inevitable like "Rikkai's three consecutive hegemons".

After the barriers between schools were broken, the competitiveness between individuals was strengthened.

Liu Sheng wants to rely on his own strength to become an indispensable part of the list, rather than reluctantly "add the head."

His current strength is actually very embarrassing.

--Compared to the top, more than enough to compare to the bottom!

But if it is the next time

"Next time, I will follow up!"

It has only been less than two years since he officially played tennis. The ability of Liu Sheng to possess the current strength is already the ultimate display of his talent.

The talent and physical quality that can be called a demon like Shitenhouji's first-year student, it is rare for thousands of years!

"Then I will go one step ahead."

After getting the answer he wanted to know, Liu made a decisive decision.

The ideal opponent in his heart is not the "top ten".

A certain data tennis player who stayed quietly in the bottom ten positions in the first army is the best opponent Liu thinks!

A military player, No.17 Mitsuya Akuto--this (winner) senior is his best "beacon" to test his own strength!

"Hey, shall we go now?"

Kirihaya froze for a moment, obviously not thinking too much.

He knew the importance of this qualifying match. After basically confirming his spot, Rikkai's second-year ace was not willing to be so stingy to compete with others for performance opportunities.

But it is one thing for him not to fight for opportunities, but it is another thing for him to know the strength of his predecessors.

Kirihara Akaya sensitively felt the change of his senior.

--His Senior Liu seems to be more sensible.


"Senior, wait for me!"

"I'm going to watch the game!"

One of the three mountains that have been crushing on his head all the time - Senior Nioh is no longer a big mountain, it is the sword of Damocles that can crush him at any time, and the senior who can bring him "doomsday" at any time - It is impossible for Liu to not advance to the realm called "different dimension".

Kirihaya doesn't know how to reason, nor does he know how to detect intelligence, but he has a powerful intuition that Liu doesn't have.

This intuition allowed him to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and directly embarked on the path of different dimensions that suits him best, and it also made him look forward to the different dimensions of his predecessors for a long time!

PS, there are five chapters, I can't finish QAQ recognition,

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