Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 607 : Homology, defense

Both the Mutsu brothers glowed in the same tone at the same time.

The bright white light connected the two of them together, their thinking was unified, and their actions were as if they were the same person.

The "homology" between the two of them is undoubtedly very strong, not the kind of rough homology, but the delicate coherence after tempering.

Playing together since childhood, the cooperation of the two high school brothers is undoubted!


The tennis ball touched the racquet and then tore the air.

The Mutsu brothers are experienced doubles tennis players. They looked for the gap between Marui Kuwabara and then played for the gap.

--Even though they were anxious by junior high school, the two high school players remained calm deep in their hearts.

Compared with junior high school students, high school students are "informed and informed" in the true sense.

The overseas expeditions have brought them extremely precious experience in the game, and made the high school students who were originally incomparable in experience become calm and old-fashioned.

Even though on the surface angrily, he still has his own plan.

However, the actual doubles game process is not so satisfactory.

Opposite the net, a bright white light instantly illuminates from the bodies of Marui and Kuwabara, and then the light is connected together-the state of "coherence" is achieved!

Rikkai's group was in the same tune, and it was aroused too early. So that, by now, the red-haired Rikkai Taisho Xuan and his dark-skinned partner can do the same as they want.

And the "homology" between the two of them is not a dry initial state.

Kuwabara's mental power is not high, yes, but the Rikkai Taisho Election usually "endures hardships and stand hard work" and his whole-hearted trust in his doubles partner Marui Bunta, together, it is enough to make up for it!

When Marui no longer focuses on offense, he has the consciousness of defensive counterattack.

"Absolute Defense" appeared!

--"The defensive range is beyond imagination." The description of this sentence can now be used to describe Rikkai's large group of doubles.

The two high school students were like prey plunged into the spider web, unable to break free.

The tennis balls they patted over were like they were hitting the net. They were intercepted and could not fall on the court ground at all.

Even if there are occasions to score, but most of the time, tennis can't break through the net at all!

"Only'homology' can defeat "homology"."

The red-haired players are still joking and laughing in the fierce competition.

His physical strength is really not what it used to be.

On the back mountain, the three Mifūne Nyudō three coaches practiced the Rikkai Taisho candidates hard.

After confirming that these people do have enough potential, the Mifune coach believes that the training policy of Rikkai's big players should be like this-since you can't die, you can practice!

Therefore, unlike other teammates who have made breakthroughs in realm, Marui Bunta's biggest gain in the back mountain is the complement of his "short board".

"Barrel effect", "short board" determines the "upper limit".

Not every doubles partner can take his teammates to victory as easily as Nioh Masaharu, and not every doubles partner can perfectly cooperate with him and share his pressure like Kuwana.

Marui has always known his own "shortcomings."

He was chewing gum during the game, not because he was contemptuous of his opponents, but because he was not confident in his physical strength.

but now

He is chewing gum in the game, it is really just a personal hobby!

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho Election never knew that he has such a great potential in terms of physical strength.

If you say, in the first two days after going up the mountain, he was still full of resentment.

So now, his heart is full of praise for the coach on the back mountain.

As for Nioh and others who threw them in the car-

Of course, still full of resentment!

The living conditions on the back mountain are so bad, Marui Bunta definitely doesn't want to go for the second time!

So, first of all, in order to fulfill this cautious wish of his, he must first establish a "small goal"--

Enter the first army and get the first army badge!

--As long as you enter the First Army, you won't go to the back mountain to "further study" again, right?

There is such a motivation in my heart, and there is also Nioh's "incentive" that "Don't play the game quickly and everyone missed Yukimura's game, you go to be Yukimura's opponent", Marui waved a racquet and worked very hard.

In front of the net, a "line of defense" that tennis can't surpass appeared.

"How about it, my genius?"

It is inevitable that there are beads of sweat and wine between the forehead and hair.

After all, his opponents are not ordinary "parallel imports."

Even if it's just a one-set system, Marui can't take it lightly in the face of senior high school students--even senior second-year students.

The pursuit of "beautiful score" is second only to the pursuit of "victory" in the eyes of Rikkai Taisho elections.

If they can win with a beautiful score, why not do it?

A "perfect barrier"

Or, can it be called a "dream castle"?

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho election stretched out his arms in front of the net

He had already begun to construct the prototype of this move during the spring break when he was promoted to the third grade.

In the initial qualifying match of the internal tennis club at the beginning of National Day Three, he gradually made up for the gap in this rudimentary move.

Nioh Masaharu is indeed a very good practice opponent.

-One, as a teammate, he is an excellent training partner, there is no one!

Marui didn't know if it was because of the "Nioh Phantom" or other reasons he didn't know one by one-

The silver-haired and white-haired teammates are so familiar with his unfinished tricks as if they have played many games.

He doesn't know the principle, but this does not prevent Marui from perfecting his tricks based on the Rikkai most internal qualifying match!


Marui Bunta, who has always been an attacker, has played the role of "gatekeeper in front of the net".

Racquet waved quickly, bringing a sharp wind.

Bang bang--


"3:0, Marui and Kuwana are ahead!"

Nioh on the side of the court assumed the responsibility of the referee.

After he finished speaking, he frowned and urged--

"hurry up!

"We are going to see Yukimura and Yoo!"

Such a urging sound made the high school students who were already shocked by the opposite side even more embarrassed.

I thought it was a crushing game

The result is the other way round!

The bright white light 2.9 has been on both sides of the net since the beginning of the game.

But as I said before, under the "homology", only the combination with stronger basic strength can win!

The Mutsu brothers have been with doubles since they played tennis.

The time they spent playing tennis was much longer than that of Marui.

Although they are high school sophomores, they have entered the first army by virtue of their own strength and won many games.

However, they still lacked a little "experience" in their junior high school career ー-

They have never met a Rikkai player before--

The strength of the Middle-School junior high school affiliated to Kanagawa Rikkai University. Probably, among the current foreign school players in the first military, only Shitenhouji high school students who have met with them can truly understand. After encountering Rikkai, then This kind of inability to do something from the heart, extremely deep, unforgettable!

PS, I found that the number of words in my chapters is getting less and less w.

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