Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 610 : Appearance, understanding

"My opponent is actually a middle school."

What are the coaches doing?

Are they dim-eyed and constantly beckoning?

No.11 maintains his careless look on the surface, and secretly complains about the coaching staff in his heart.

"Junior high school students, do you know where the U17 training camp is?"

The middle school student on the opposite side looked slender and had not strong muscles, which made the First Army high school student a bit distressed.

What if he accidentally beats the opposite middle school student to a breakdown?

When the time comes, people like ghosts and Irie may come back with racquet, and maybe they will be tripped by those "sinister and cunning" coaches at some point!


"Are you ready?"

"Once it starts, I won't allow the game to be abandoned halfway!'

Unbreakable Iron Man said in a cold tone.

Although he was a bit distressed, he would not give up anything because of it.

Winning on the court is what every tennis player pursues.

What's more, the players of the first army value their badges more than many people, and value their victory in every game!

"It's been a long time, senior.

Yukimura said with a smile.

Once this teenager with purple-blue hair smiles--

His expression, his appearance, without breaking the iron man, seems to be synonymous with "harmless humans and animals"!

Unbreakable Iron Man diverted his eyes a little silently.

He took out a white headband from his uniform pocket.

The No.11 board 163 of the First Army had a face and used a hair band as a blindfold.

"Now that you are ready, let's start the game!"

"Let me give you a look!"

After finishing the blindfold, the iron man said coldly.

He looks very arrogant and seems to think that he can beat the middle school opponent on the opposite side of the net with his eyes blindfolded.

But while Yukimura was a little surprised that the senior on the other side did what he did, there was also a lingering sense of violation in her heart.

-I always feel that something is wrong.

Senior, this is

Is it shy?

I don't know why, when Yukimura saw the senior second-year high school student, Yukimura, the first control group that flashed in his mind was Sanada and then Kirihaya.

As upright as the Deputy Minister Rikkai, is this not about "bullying the weak"?

As awkward and proud as Rikkai's sophomore ace, is this not wanting to "win without war"?


Seiichi Yukimura is also a bit distressed now.

--He is not weak!

Why, when many people see him at first sight, they think he will be "weak and small"?

Muscle does not represent tennis strength, and physique does not represent tennis level.

The slender Minister Rikkai can beat the tall Deputy Minister Rikkai and sweep the game.

So, let the facts tell the senior on the opposite side--

Don't judge people by their appearance!

"The consequences of fighting with us are unbearable for you now!

The opposing army high school student didn't seem to be in a hurry to start the game, he was still talking.

"Did the coaches let you come (bhcj)?"

"Then you are so unfortunate!"

The tone of the unbreakable iron man became more murderous as he spoke.

If he didn't just stand there and waited for Yukimura to serve, maybe his aura would be more full.

"I'm going to start, senior.

Yukimura completely blocked the words to the previous generation.

He felt that the senior high school student opposite the net seemed to be constantly trying to intimidate him with words, wanting him to abstain.

But Minister Rikkai never abstained--

Throw the ball, swing!

"It's not a lucky thing to meet me--"


Before the high school student had finished speaking, the sound of the tennis ball interrupted his "intimidation".

--I don't know, who is more unfortunate

Although I think the senior on the opposite side of the net is probably a good person (di, Minister Rikkai smiles and hands you a good person card, please accept it), but Yukimura will not give up the game for this reason.

Seniors are willing to cover their eyes, so just continue to cover them.

When Senior is about to lose

Minister Rikkai spotted the ball, raised his arms and waved racquet with a smile on his face.

This senior is a rare righteous, proud and upright opponent, and a "routine" that Yukimura is very familiar with.

All in all, this is an opponent who will not affect Rikkai's winning rate!

"Insidious and cunning" coaching staff really is not "wandering in name".

Nioh and others have passed two or three online courts.

Not surprisingly, they discovered that all the high school students on the adjustment list they saw were beaten badly by the first army players.

Even, they are on the verge of being swept at the end of the game.

"How do the coaches arrange their opponents?"

There are no famous brands at all in these online courts.

So, how do other people find their opponents?

"Two Mutsu seniors, how did you find your opponents?"

Kirihaya asked curiously as he walked.

"Hearing the sound of tennis, I came in.

Mutsu Yuho said so naturally.

"The boss let all No.11 to No.20 get out of the car and go find his opponent."

Mutsu Yuma very wisely did not repeat the original words of Byodoin Temple.

"These venues should be arranged by the coaching staff."

"The coaching staff has collected so much data on the army, even if we can't fully determine our strength, they will know our habits.

"Like my brother and I, after getting out of the car, we went straight to the place where we raced just now."

When Mutsu Yuho saw his brother finished speaking, he said quickly.

U17 has a big business and will not let the first military players always squeeze on the same court to play.

Even if they don't consider other things, they will also consider in case a player loses control emotionally, accidentally kills the entire army with a glowing ball, or executes the criminal law to destroy most of the combat power.

Therefore, it is necessary to practice separately and let "big men" habitually "own a certain court".

The U17 training camp is backed by the country, and it is also located deep in the mountains and old forests.

They lack nothing but money, and lack court and equipment.

"Yes, my brother and I often play in that court."

Mutsu Yuma agreed with his brother.

At this moment, Kirihaya was stunned, as if seeing the sparkling golden light from behind the two.

--Ah, today's sun is so dazzling!

In spite of this, Rikkai Grand Tennis Club has completed three consecutive hegemonies. But Rikkai Tennis Club is still part of Rikkai University after all!

- It is impossible to expand the area of ​​Rikkai's large tennis club significantly. At most, update the equipment

"Are they all arranged by the coaches?"

Liu Sheng glanced at the junior who had opened his eyes.

"Yukimura's opponent, which senior in the army will it be?"

Sanada has only one focus.

"Guess? It's not obvious!"

When Marui heard that the two senior high school students had revealed the "plans" of the coaching staff, he immediately knew what kind of opponent their minister would face.

"First Army No.11, does not break the Iron Man seniors."

--Of course, it is necessary to use the strongest opponent in this round of qualifying to test Minister Rikkai and get relevant data!

"Seniors know the court position where Senior No.11 is located?"

"Please take us there!

Nioh narrowed his eyes and said.

His long narrow eyes are slightly curved, like a fox thinking of bad ideas.

--Can't drag anymore, even if Yukimura will slow down the game as much as possible.

Compared to Marui and Kuwabara who played in the second round, Yukimura was a player in the first round!

"Yeah, let's not hurry up, Senior Liu, it's okay to say-the data tennis must be very slow!"

Probably because Liu is not here, Kirihaya dared to say that about data tennis.

"Since the seniors know the inside story, why don't you say it earlier!"

Not afraid of embarrassing the seniors, Rikkai sophomore said straightforwardly.

Kirihara Akaya really believes that all seniors have a bad habit of "hiding and wearing".

-You always think that I will comprehend some hidden meanings, but where do I comprehend these meanings!

Rikkai's second-year ace thinks he is pitiful. He doesn't know a lot of things in the tennis club. He doesn't know what "unknown" information his third-year seniors sometimes exchange in the conversation.

"Hey, haven't we said it before?"

Mutsu Yuho froze for a moment.

Except for his confusion, his expression was full of blankness.

"It doesn't seem to have been said, we probably thought you knew about it."

Mutsu Yuma said calmly.

The elder brother of the twins behaved very calmly.

"Oh, that's it~"

Kirihaya replied arrogantly.

So, if it wasn't for curiosity to ask directly, would they still look for court one by one?

--How come the seniors are so unreliable!

Rikkai's sophomore ace felt like he was going to blow up.

PS, QAQ is updated late, and school is about to start. Packing things up all day. Good night, I will try to make up tomorrow!.

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