Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 615 : Hyotei Gakuen, Hyotei is selected

"Yue Ren, I'm back!"

The middle school student Hyotei with glasses poked his red-haired doubles partner who was in a daze on the waist twice.

Perhaps because of the long stay in the same dormitory, his teammate seemed to be more and more deeply affected by his roommate, and he dared to wander away with confidence on such occasions.

So, Oshitari reluctantly reached out and poked in the past-at least I have to recognize the seniors of the army today.

"Oshitari Yuushi, what are you doing!"

Mukahi Gakuto, who was sore and awake, did not question loudly due to the tension of the scene, but he was annoyed and could not speak to Oshitari in a good manner.

"Look at the opposite side. The tallest senior in the first army is our former minister of Hyotei."

"Is it a veritable "high cold"?"

Mukahi Gakuto glared at him, but Oshitari Yuushi didn't care.

Nearly all his attention at this time was on the No. 9 of the first army and his own minister who looked a little strange. He was able to awaken Mukahi Gakuto, and he did so based on the friendship of his teammates and companions.


Hyotei is a genius who likes to spit, but of course he doesn't want to slander himself.

He still prefers to make complaints secretly with his teammates and companions, and then use the audience's response to satisfy his "heart of complaints".

"Hey, really!"

Xiangri jumped up almost reflexively, so startled.

But the red-haired Hyotei was choosing to know that the current situation would not allow him to go wrong, so he abruptly held back. But the wide-open eyes can't cover up.

"So tall!"

"Is he really the head of the tennis department? With such a height, the basketball department won't rob people?!"

Even if there is a gross profit of nearly two meters by his side, Yue Zhi can't let Yue Zhi "get rid of everyone."

The height of 2.2 meters, 167,6 is too prominent. It is highly regarded among high school students, not to mention among middle school students of normal height.

Therefore, at the very beginning, Mukahi Gakuto, who was in the sacred tour, even the skirmishes that almost broke out before did not bring him back to his senses. Mukahi Gakuto was so shocked when he saw the army of NO.9 in a sober state.

"Cilang, Cilang, wake up, look!"

After receiving a shock, Mukai, like Oshitari just now, began to slam the teammates who were standing next to him who were sleeping well.

"You two be more serious!"

Shiido, who was struggling to keep his face straight, only felt that his nervousness was suddenly wiped out by these two teammates.

He seriously suspected that his young tame-dye was misled by the spectacle boy from Kansai.

--How can you mess around on this occasion!

In this context of "two armies facing each other", even if you can't show your aura without expression, you can't be noisy!

I usually do this in the tennis club of my school. I must do a good job of surface skills outside to show the aura of Hyotei, Oshitari, Muko!

Such as Rikkai Grand Tennis Club

Before exposing the internal scenes of getting along, this is a high-cold king tennis team with its chin raised and ignoring everyone!

Shishido Ryoh feels very tired at the moment.

He did not have the nervousness of the silver-haired junior next to him, nor the curiosity and fighting spirit of another mushroom-headed student.

Unlike others, Shishido Ryoh recognized the former head of the Hyotei Junior Middle School Tennis Department in the first military team from the beginning.

When he first entered the central part of Hyotei Gakuen, the boy with long flowing hair and a smooth ponytail, the first club he chose was the Hyotei Tennis Club.

Moreover, at the beginning, he was actually a supporter of "tradition".

Shishido Ryoh has a strong self-esteem, but he is willing to follow the "tradition" of the tennis club when he was in the first year of the country.

The reason for all this is because the current NO.9 of the First Army!

--Minister Hyotei, who led Hyotei to the top four in the country in the competitive environment surrounded by strong groups at the time!

Shishido Ryoh and Mukahi Gakuto are young children, and they have the hobby of "playing tennis" together. For various reasons, Mukai could not see the match of the Hyotei Tennis Club led by Tsukimitsu Ochi, but Wanshito was "loved at first sight."

The boy who was going to choose Hyotei Gakuen in junior high school was impressed by the cold Minister Hyotei at that time.

Therefore, even when Kuni I hadn't joined the club at first, Shishido Ryoh subconsciously maintained everything about the Hyotei Tennis club, including "tradition."

But what he actually maintains is not the "traditional system with seniority first", but the "Minister Hyotei" in his heart, the shadow he wants to follow.

--It's like a knight loyal to the lord.

But the "outsider" Atobe Keigo is an "accident" to the entire Hyotei Gakuen.

The emperor chooses the minister, and the minister can also choose the master.

Over the past three years, Shishido Ryoh, who has no longer the soft and long hair of his precious baby, has given the position of "emperor" in his heart to the gorgeous current Minister Hyotei.

In less than three years, Atobe Keigo has carved his own traces throughout Hyotei, and the Tennis Department is no exception.

The minds of more than 300 people in the Hyotei Gakuen Tennis Club are in the hands of Minister Hyotei.

The former head of the Hyotei Junior High School Tennis Department certainly has an indelible feat, but the current Hyotei led by Atobe is the heart of the selection...

"The following grams are on!

Hyotei's second grader seems to have found a new goal.

But while saying this, his dark golden eyes looked at the other person.

- Hyotei's current minister, who is stronger than the former minister?

Hiyoshi couldn't wait to know the answer.

He really wants to know the No. 9 tennis strength of the current army, and he also wants to know the current tennis strength of his minister.

He has made a lot of progress in the back mountains, so he now wants to know the current level of his "challenging benchmark".

However, it has to be said that (bhcj) is like Shishido Ryoh's silence about his national youth "idols". Hiyoshi Wakashi instinctively believed in their incumbents before seeing the No. 9 tennis prowess of the first army. minister.

"Minister, don't lose.

"If I lose, then I will change my'target'."

This Hyotei mushroom head junior said so.

He looked at Atobe's eyes without any fear.

Hiyoshi Wakashi, who wants to "get down" for a long time and has always targeted "Atobe Keigo", does not want others to defeat Minister Hyotei first.

Even if Atobe lost the game on court, Hiyoshi Wakashi was unwilling to let Atobe lose another game.

--Unless, Atobe can lose to him!

"Ah, don't you think this uncle will lose the game unglamorously, Hiyoshi?'

I felt the baptism of different emotions from the Hyotei teammates, but Atobe actually didn't care at first.

He has long been accustomed to the attention of the public, he is also accustomed to the different looks, and he is more accustomed to ignoring the extra gaze exploration.

But sometimes, like now, he has to say something!

Although I admire the former Minister Hyotei very much, and also appreciate his achievements in leading Hyotei, Atobe Keigo will not change his own thoughts because of these.

"Hiyoshi, are you still making excuses for your failure?"

"My uncle has always been a goal of many people-even if I don't have the identity of Minister Hyotei."

Having said that, Atobe glanced at his staff.

"You only need to watch the next qualifying match and act as a cheerleader by the way."

Minister Hyotei unceremoniously gave his orders.

-Dignity The Hyotei Tennis Club has been selected as a cheerleader in the mind of Minister Hyotei.

"Of course this uncle will win, even doubles!"

After Atobe's own eyesight observation, and with the little intelligence that St. Rudolph's tennis manager who has been getting along well since entering the U17 training camp, Minister Hyotei has found his "how to open the qualifying match."

First Army No.10 Mōri Juzaburō, the former Rikkai Grand Junior High School Tennis Club was selected

The road to Yuanjia is narrow, Hyotei and Rikkai don't know how far they are. They can get together even in the U17 training camp.

Although it is not a "death and alive" opponent, but as a doubles partner to play a doubles match-this combination directly provides Atobe with a "ready doubles partner" candidate.


When Atobe spoke to the members, even if it was not the only one, Kabaji Munehiro must be the first to respond.

"Xiao Jing is an "Emperor"!"

Oshitari pretended to inadvertently glanced at Huadi and then went into a silent state, making half-truths and complaints.

The IQ of Hyotei's genius is still worthy of trust. He saw the No. 9 and No. 10 of the First Army with such a harmonious aura, and he had already guessed who his minister’s doubles partner would be.

"Of course Atobe is fine!"

Xiang Ri watched Minister Hyotei's facial expression with trepidation, for fear that his minister would turn his face in the next moment.

If the word "Emperor" was a compliment before the timeline of the U17 training camp, it sounds like now..

Because a certain Rikkai Taisho chose the "XX Kingdom" dormitory brand, Mukahi Gakuto didn't know if he thought too much or others didn't think so much-he always felt that Oshitari called Atobe "the emperor", there was a feeling of death!

--Not a ridicule, nor a mockery, Oshitari Yuushi is just "finding death"!

[Yuushi, have you forgotten that you are still a Hyotei junior high school student? You are still a member of the Hyotei tennis club, you have not graduated yet! And Hyotei also has a high school

[If you die like this, I really feel that three times the amount of training is not enough, you want to try five or even ten times the amount of training?]

Mukahi Gakuto, who has improved a lot in tennis strength and stamina after returning from the mountain, feels that his former doubles partner has not changed at all.

Oshitari Yuushi is also a tennis player who loves to complain.

He still loves "death" so much, and is always ready to annoy Atobe to "make trouble" for himself!

PS (1/4).

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