Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 621 : Data illusion, input and output (middle)

Bang bang!

The sudden landing of the tennis ball surprised Mitsuya slightly.

This is Liu's answer to the "data illusion" that both parties knew well before!

No.17 obviously did not expect that Rikkai's military division would be so decisive in the face of an awkward stalemate.


"15: 15! "

Since the original plan doesn't work anymore, change it!

Liu knew that with his strength just now, he couldn't get the real data of his research data, Akuto's brother, who had been afraid of him for a long time.

But his original intention was not to use such a "small price" to exchange the N..17 personal tennis data of the First Army.

[I wanted to procrastinate, now it is]

If you continue like this now, of course you can also achieve the purpose of "dragging time"!

With this in mind, Liu, who had changed his "combat policy," both his power and speed of swinging his racquet were improved.

Moreover, he quickly calculated the data and intelligence of the high school students on the opposite side of the net, and in an instant guessed the opponent's next move, swinging the tennis ball to an extremely tricky position.

Yanagi Renji has never forgotten the memories of playing tennis with Mitsuya Akuto as a child.

Mitsuya Akuto taught him data tennis and knew his "foundation".

But "the role of force is mutual", Yanagi Renji can naturally also get information and data about Mitsuya Akuto from this time together!

Even if the player's strength, physical strength and speed will change with time and training, even if the tennis level of both sides is different from what it used to be, there are always things that remain the same!

People's habits and character are hard to change.

The reaction in an instant, to a large extent, is to comply with the subconscious thoughts of the person himself.

In this way, Liu's disadvantage is actually not a big one-

Mitsuya Akuto knows him, and he also played the role of "spectator" for a period of time during the immature period of No.17 in the first army.

Even though he is not a memorable person, as a data tennis player, Yanagi Renji naturally has a well-known ability, and he has a clear enough memory of those past times.

Coupled with the repeated thinking over the years

Since the unexplained parting, Inui Sadaharu has always regarded Yanagi Renji as his "imaginary enemy", writing and painting records full of data;

Yanagi Renji is the "leader" of Inui Sadaharu's data tennis. His obsession with data and his obsession with his guide "Brother Akuto" are half a point less than his obsession with him!


Under Mitsuya's surprised and stunned gaze, Yoo slammed racquet towards his calculated position.

The tennis ball fell to the ground with the No.17 trousers of an army.


"30: 15!

"Of course Renji will not forget the data tennis that Akuto gave me.

Liu, who is so confident and with sufficient reserve and arrogance, looks to Inui Sadaharu outside the court, that he is the "Rikkai Grand Sergeant Yanagi Renji" he has been familiar with for a long time in the past three years.

It is hard to believe that Liu, who has a gentle temperament and is indifferent enough, will have this posture of hiding needles in the cotton.

But Inui Sadaharu had to believe that such Yanagi Renji is actually very gentle.

In the previous summer competition for middle school students, Yanagi Renji, who played with the Rikkai big tennis team, showed offensive tennis style and gas field, which made him take it for granted.

Just like the head of Hyotei Atobe Keigo, no matter how "my grandfather" and "gorgeous" he has, the action of snapping his fingers and throwing his jacket will not be disdainful; Rikkai Grand Tennis Club has the courage to "maverick", Rikkai Grand The strategists of the tennis team also have the confidence to look down on others.

But does the scope of this "other people" include the No. 17 data tennis player in the first army?

Standing outside the court, Inui Sadaharu frowned.

He saw the changes in the eyes of the high school student players under the glasses with the same gentle and bookish temperament, and he could also see the changes in the plans of the middle school student friends on the court.

But he couldn't analyze the outcome of this game-insufficient data, insufficient intelligence!

"The data I teach tennis."

The high school student who lost points in a row did not show the angry expression that was provoked by the middle school student, but smiled dumbly.

Rather than completely defeating Liu, who he had long identified as the "successor" and regarded as his younger brother, the outcome that the first army No.17 would like to see is actually Yanagi Renji's data tennis.

The way he looked at Liu almost unchanged from the beginning of the game is enough to prove this.

The high school students of the First Army looked at the eyes of the middle school students on the opposite side of the net. The emotions contained in the eyes did not even have the intent to fight, but the deep indulgence contained in the plain surface.

First Army No. 17, Mitsuya Akuto, a military-instructor-level figure known for his calmness and inexhaustible strategy among high school students. Strict standards.

He indulged his juniors in data tennis from the bottom of his heart, but he was not an unscrupulous doting.

- Mitsuya Akuto doesn't want juniors to think that data tennis is so simple, and don't want juniors to think that they can easily win games at this level.

"Renji is now a junior. How far have you come on the road of data tennis?"

After pondering for a while, the No.17 high school student of the First Army asked with his gentle manner as always.

--The smile reaches the bottom of my eyes, but there is a chill.

He can feel the change of Rikkai's big country middle school on the opposite side of the net-compared to the first two games of the game, now Liu is like a sword out of the scabbard, with a sense of showing his edge.

But now is the time to show your edge and defeat your opponent?

[My data, Renji, are you sure you have collected enough?]

[Is the information you got true and is it sufficient to allow you to win?]

Data tennis has gone far enough on the road, and the mood of Inui Sadaharu outside the court serves as a "test benchmark." High school students believe that this is Rikkai big country middle school students playing more and more real strength.

Therefore, Mitsuya Akuto decided to use his data tennis to "teach another lesson" for the younger generation.

--This is his greatest severity and the greatest connivance as a senior to his younger generation.

But as the saying goes, "Everyone has blind spots."

Mitsuya Akuto, who has been in the circle of high school students in the first army for a long time, is after all lacking the most hidden part of the middle school students.

- The hole cards, this kind of thing is something that will only be exposed at a critical moment.

Sometimes, even the teammates on the same team will not know.

Inui Sadaharu really knows Rikkai's military division well, and roughly knows the strength of Yanagi Renji.

But does he really know the upper limit of Yanagi Renji's tennis strength today?

Data player Yanagi Renji's hole cards are unknown to the other teammates of his own Rikkai Grand Tennis Club!

The "awakening" of Hou Shan, even the three-ship coach, was almost unaware.

The "righteous" and unconcealed Sanada attracted most of the attention of the junior high school students in the back mountain, and the proficient Kirihara Akaya attracted most of the attention of the 170 ball club of Rikkai Big Net.

These two shining "attractive light sources" successfully concealed the low-key Liu Junshi who had made a breakthrough silently.

Deputy Minister Rikkai didn't know anything about it, but the second-year ace of the intuition system. Rikkai sophomore ace, with a certain idea and curiosity that he believed in, he spoke to his Yoo-senpai several times and stopped.

But even if the black jacket group returned from the back of the mountain, Liu never talked about the changes in his own tennis strength.


Nioh and Yukimura have the confidence to believe that there is a change in their own tennis division. Others either acquiesced or were skeptical because of the attitude of their teammates.

But such thoughts and thoughts are only limited to the team of the tennis club of Rikkai big country.

Focus on - Rikkai! Junior High!

Yoo, who is absolutely top-notch in terms of hiding data, perfectly concealed the changes in his strength in front of the Seigaku data tennis players, and there is no nonsense to tell the seniors of Rikkai high school students who are now in another camp.


[Brother Akuto, maybe I'm not as good as you in this aspect of data intelligence. But as you said when you first taught me what data tennis is--]

[The victory or defeat of this game was announced the moment the data was obtained!]

There was a "gap" at the beginning of this game, and there was a foregone conclusion with a probability of 87.3%.

In terms of data and intelligence, Yanagi Renji has a decisive advantage!

PS, the completion of this chapter will not be modified or added. The total remaining at this point is (0/4). The next step is to update it as you want, so you don't have to worry about waiting for it. After finishing the four chapters, I am not sure if there will be any more. If there are updated chapters, then the number of words is also uncertain.

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