Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 641 :Analysis of Marui, caring younger generation

"None of us want to compete with our seniors!"

"So I-Mori-senpai, Tanegashima-senpai, you just surrender!"

(--Review of previous situation)

Nioh, who spoke his own thoughts, received admiring eyes from his teammates not surprisingly~.

Especially the admiring eyes from the red-haired teammates from his own tennis club.


In this case, it was Marui Bunta's own real thoughts!

It is impossible to admit defeat before the game;

Even if he just hesitated, he would never change his position.

Nioh and Marui are teammates in the tennis club and classmates.

In theory, the two of them spend the longest time together. After all, the main job of the students is "teaching". What's more, the two people are still at the front and back tables! Therefore, even if they can't communicate during class, the two people at the front and back tables gradually become familiar with each other's personality.

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho has a passion for tennis like a volcano.

It is usually not revealed, although it is known for its genius skills, it is not particularly eye-catching compared to the "distinctive characteristics" of other formal elections. But "genius" is "genius" in the end, Marui Bunta's shining point will not be concealed because of the excellence of his friends, nor will he be misunderstood because of his own appearance.

Let Kuwabara treat with Kirihara Akaya, eat cake with Akutakawa Jirou and spit out teammates

Marui gets along with these two teenagers, but it doesn't mean that he has the characteristics of each other.

The second-year boy of Rikkai was originally "really. Stupid, white and sweet", but Hyotei's avid fans are still "sweet, white and black".

However, Marui's "essence"-in Nioh's view, has always been the same.

Enthusiastic and indifferent, Marui has always been indifferent to "irrelevant matters", but he has always been dedicated to helping his "persons" or "people he cares about", just like Nioh has never forgotten in his memory. The first army VS second army qualifying match.

Unexpected appearance, doubles not planned at all..

Rikkai major player Marui Bunta impressed everyone except Rikkai major players.

Also, compare the mental training doubles in Nioh's memory to the singles game

The seemingly "double standard" behavior of red-haired players is actually no longer reasonable in the eyes of people who really know Marui!

A game is a game, and winning or losing is winning or losing-this will not change because of who the opponent is.

Even if this game is about "prospect", it will not be softened.

As a tennis player, you will never let your tennis surrender because of a weak emotion. This is the pride of the tennis player and the reserve of Rikkai's great genius.

However, tennis players are also human.

How can a teenager really not have any emotional ups and downs?

Victory has always been what Rikkai big players want, and this will not change.

And the teammates of their own tennis club

Never use any "win or lose" or profit to measure!

This is the baseline of the big Rikkai players, and it is also their common idea.

However, everyone is different in the end.

Just like Nioh and Sanada, they are so inferior that the teenagers outside school are well-known.

And Marui Bunta

Enthusiasm and indifference, integrity but also selfishness.

It’s enough for someone with an upright personality to have a Sanada! If it’s for Yukimura, Marui Bunta doesn’t mind doing what he can with his tennis, even if it’s very big and there is a very high risk.

Therefore, the "accident" in that game did not make the red-haired Rikkai big player lose his calmness.

Marui has given trust to the teammates he admits, even those who have to be teammates temporarily because of some kind of "bargaining chips".

Trust plus strength, plus the personal charm of Rikkai's great genius

The mood change of Higa's middle minister in that game really made it difficult for others to judge;

But after the analysis, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, Marui Bunta is Rikkai's genius!

Will a genius send it to the door to be beaten by himself?

Although he hurt himself, the one who got the badge of the First Army in the end was Marui!

From the result derivation process, Rikkai's great fraudster who has experienced the "vicissitudes of life" also had to admit that Rikkai's great genius took advantage of the powerful ability to seize opportunities.

[So let Kuwabara surrender directly!]

The "mental exercise-doubles scam" elaborately designed by spiritual coach Saitō Itaru, originally intended to let these teenagers immerse themselves in this indecisive and sad parting atmosphere and then stand up, but they hit a wall here in Rikkai's great genius.

Rikkai's genius has a romantic feeling, and his liberal character has never changed. Marui, who may seem "childish" sometimes, is actually "paranoid" in nature.

"Stubborn"-this word can be used to describe all Rikkai teenagers.

Seiichi Yukimura's "desire to control" is hidden under Rikkai Minister Rikkai's no dead ends, Sanada can get angry with his teammates when he gets a stick, and Liu Junshi can't hear any words when he is determined to go his own way.

As for Nioh...

Do it all over again, in fact, you shouldn't care about these "small fights" in your teenage years;

But in fact, compared to the U17 World Cup that middle school students and high school students are working hard for, Nioh values ​​the middle school summer competition (national competition) that has passed for several months!

………For flowers-

Of course, Nioh Masaharu still can't forget certain things about himself in the U17 training camp until now.

This is why he imitated the words of his own red-haired teammate.

Marui trusts Kuwana and wants to play with Kuwana as a teammate, but if there is a match

Sorry, now the two of them are not teammates!

Nioh is thinking the same now.

--Excuse me, two seniors!

Since you are no longer a teammate, then concentrate on being your opponent!

Especially the first army NO.10!

Once I was under the water and still played so much wolf and fox, now I have a chance to win back, of course, I must seize this opportunity!

As for the thoughts of the predecessors


It should be very gratifying!

Nioh is from himself to others, thinking about his feelings when he saw Kirihaya's strength improvement, and suddenly felt that he was really a unique and caring junior!

The reaction of middle school students to these two sentences is visible to the naked eye.

The No. 10 of the First Army is not embarrassed in the face of this kind of unnutritious trash talk that can be called "trick (crossed out) provocation" on the line, just like his immediate predecessor No. 2 of the First Army.

"If little Nioh said that, there is nothing he can do about it.

Maori showed a helpless expression.

Tsukimitsu Ochi, who was standing next to him, didn't know if it was because of psychological shadow or "prejudice." He just heard this sentence in a conniving tone.

And when No. 9 of the First Army quietly observes other colleagues in the First Army with his heavily highlighted bangs eyes, his "psychological shadows and prejudices" are getting heavier and heavier!

- It may be an illusion to have this kind of thought by myself, but others also have this kind of thought

Sure enough, it was Maori's fault!

It's Rikkai's big pot!

The silent Yuezhi, in fact, possesses a very bifacial EQ and eyesight. He can see the subtle mood of the real existence of his colleagues in the army.

"We can only see you at the game."

The high school student who showed a helpless expression was a little confused at this time.

However, the tone of this account made most of the people present feel the taste of myocardial infarction, as if they were choked after eating a bite of cake.

They were choked to their hearts--

Obviously it's time for both sides to talk ruthlessly, how can you behave Maori

It's indescribable!

At this moment, the subtle mood appeared in the hearts of most high school students at the same time. earth.

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