Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 656 : Rikkai Hyotei, two generations

The sound of the helicopter is undoubtedly a surprise to the junior high school students. The school tennis uniforms in the dropped big parcel made the teenagers in the back mountain smile.

"Awesome, the uniform is back!"

"The head coach is a good guy!"

Some kind-hearted middle school students were so moved that they almost cried bitterly in their uniforms.

"Are you guilty of Stockholm syndrome? He tortured us so much in the back mountain that he actually said he was a good man

Some middle school students who are grumpy gnash their teeth.

Being hung in a tree with bloodshot brains, being chased by eagles and running wildly, and then carrying water up and down the cliff... Those trainings on the back mountain are definitely the black spots of their life!

"It turns out that our team uniforms weren't put in the pit!"

However, most of the junior high school students who came back from the back mountain were just excited and relieved.

This kind of excitement even infected the entire group of middle school students, so that when the two sides of the qualifying match arrived, the top ten players of the first army high school students and the second army high school students saw their unique and conspicuous styles. Junior High School Tennis Team!

It is marked by the team uniform, which is very prominent and easy to recognize.

No. 9 of the 17th Army, Tsukimitsu Ochi immediately focused his attention on the prime candidates of the Hyotei Junior High Tennis Club. He gave the second army player seat a look, his expression was faint, and he didn't speak.

The off-white Hyotei tennis uniform, Otsuchi was particularly familiar with this, which made his calm and unwavering mood a little more rippling.

Minister Hyotei, who is now a senior in high school, cast his eyes down slightly. He should have fallen into deep thought with the feelings just now, but the doubles partner standing next to him evoked his calmness with a brisk voice.

- Yue Zhi listened to Maori's speech very calmly!

"Wow, Moonlight Sang--"

First Army NO.10 Mōri Juzaburō said in an extremely exaggerated tone.

He opened his eyes wide and bright, and his eyes were so bright that Yue Zhi couldn't bear to look directly at the junior high school students in a certain tennis club who "written opponents, read as juniors."

However, even though Maori's voice is a very clear and clear juvenile voice, his next words also give Yue Zhi a desire to beat others.

"They all have their own team uniforms, so I'm so envious!"

Are we not wearing team uniforms? The coaches at U17 training camp know that your thoughts will be distorted, Kosaburo!

The No. 10 of the First Army has already had the idea and signs of surrendering to the enemy. Tsukimitsu Ochi has no doubts about his judgment and the magical idea of ​​his doubles partner.

"Hey, I knew they were wearing this way, Yueguangsang--we can also wear team uniforms!

"It's too late to go back and change it now."

The high school student from Rikkai sighed and said with regret.

The No. 10 Mōri Juzaburō player in the first army thinks this way-99% of his opponents and No. 9 opponents will be a combination like Rikkai Hyotei, and he and Otsuchi belong to the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club and Hyotei respectively. High school player in the tennis club. The middle school students originally came here for "his own predecessors." So, if everyone wears school uniforms together

The scene of the game must be very beautiful!

So Maori, did you bring Rikkai's tennis uniform to the dormitory of the U17 training camp?

Tsukimitsu Ochi has no expression on his face, he feels that if he indulges Maori to realize that idea-no need to compete, the two of them will be carried directly to the infirmary!

A colleague has entered the infirmary this morning. Taking into account the factors of Kaji Kazena's poor temper and personality, Yue Zhi didn't want to have such a "roommate".

Then, he considered a very important question very seriously-if he and Maori can stay in the first army after this qualifying match, what is the probability that the two of them will be beaten 90% of the time. ?

This probability question may be asked about Mitsuya Akuto, who is still in a dangerous state and the red alert has not been lifted. Believe that they are both in a state of life crisis, Mitsuya will calculate the probability of surviving for them based on the friendship of the plastic flower colleagues in the U17 training camp!

"I have always been very looking forward to playing a tennis match with little Nioh again. So this time in qualifying, Yueguangsang, you must help me!"

Thankfully, the NO.8 at the side looked more fierce and the farther NO,1 stared at this side for several times, and the No.10 of the First Army finally stopped its losses in time.

Maori very seriously asked his doubles partner to correct the attitude of the game and stay away from the state of release.

He was probably overshadowed by his experience in the middle of the country, and he always felt that his doubles partner would perform "sudden paddling operations."

However, since Maori is no longer conducting the "team uniform topic", Yue Zhi nodded very cooperatively.

The interaction between the two of them is very harmonious from the perspective of the middle school students of the Second Army. It seems that they have a good relationship and a tacit understanding of the doubles partner.

On the other hand, the doubles on the junior high school side-


Atobe hesitantly glanced at Rikkai's big white hair, and the mood of "distrust" in the sea-blue eyes was very obvious.

"Well, what's the matter Atobe?"

Nioh tilted his head to look at Minister Hyotei carelessly, and asked in a perfunctory manner.

"Do you know we are going to play the first game?"

Atobe held his arms, confirming basic information.

"Puff, of course I know.

So when you ask what this sentence means, Rikkai raised his eyebrows.

"It's good to know, so you are not allowed to run away in the first game!'

Minister Hyotei has very low requirements for his doubles partner, and his requirements are too low.

However, Nioh was not relieved. Instead, he felt that his character was questioned by Minister Hyotei!

It's just a doubles qualifying match--why does 197 Atobe think he will run away?!

"Atobe, why do you think so?"

The competition is coming soon, and the cooperation between the doubles players is very important. Therefore, as a qualified doubles player, Nioh feels that in the final analysis, we must ask Atobe why.

"Of course it's because my uncle needs a doubles partner!'

When Atobe was asked this way, the mouth addiction that he hadn't seen for a long time appeared.

"To be honest, I can't believe you one-yes, you're referring to the official election of Rikkai. And compared to the other people in the Rikkai Tennis Club, I can't believe you in particular, Nioh Masaharu!"

Atobe simply gritted his teeth and said these words.

"Do you know what I mean, Nioh?"

Atobe raised his hand and held his forehead.

What he said "fleeing" never meant literally abstaining from the game, but meant fighting spirit and spirit!

--In case you two generations of Rikkai had a great exchange before qualifying

Let's not talk about abstaining, which is not gorgeous and impossible to belong to Rikkai's big players, just talk about attitude issues-Minister Hyotei hopes his doubles partner can figure out who is his teammate and who is his opponent!

ps, exam warning. Wish me a good weekend, and see you next month if it doesn’t go well! The number of words is less, and if it goes well, the Dragon Boat Festival will increase it. (Yes, due to too many holidays in the first half of this year, this time I decided not to go home for vacation .).

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