Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 671 : The real threat, the outcome is unpredictable

Under the illusion that others could not see through, Nioh took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He is not at all bad now, he is in a bad mood!

The current situation is too bad!

"Nioh Phantom", its most basic and fundamental ability is to simulate the posture and tennis ability of other tennis players, so as to strike opponents in reality and mentally.

However, it slowly grows to become a powerful ability like it is now. If you want to play a real role, the only indispensable condition is that you can't be seen through by your opponent!

[Sure enough, you can’t underestimate the seniors]

Stabilizing his mind, Nioh did not answer Maori's question, but instead glanced at Atobe.

His doubles partner in this game is trying to compete head-on with NO.9.

So, so far, the worst situation has emerged.

--He has a big somersault on this doubles!

The original plan has long since become a cloud on the horizon.

Previously, the reason why Nioh seemed so serious but carelessly allowed Atobe to fall into the trap of "mental assassination" because he wanted Minister Hyotei to gain the "growth" he should have.

All he does is relying on his tennis strength.

After all, in this U17 training camp, Nioh Masaharu is really not afraid of any opponents!

But the doubles combination of Maori and Yue Zhi gave him a fatal head-on blow.

Maybe other people, in this case, would think that what Mōri Juzaburō said meant "the junior high school score is suppressed, Nioh, is your phantom weaker?" However, Nioh, who really faced all of this and stood on the court, knew what his Maori predecessor, No.10 of the First Army, the tennis genius of the high school student meant.

In fact, his "phantom" did not appear to be insufficient in strength.

On the contrary, the power shown by "Nioh Phantom" is already too much!

--Only a game that is completely controlled is a good game.

Like Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura, Nioh Masaharu is also a controlling teenager.

Unexpected situations that deviate from the foreseeable plan, of course, will give people the pleasure of derailment. Nioh Masaharu himself likes such "unexpected surprises".

However, if you can control everything by yourself, who is willing to leave your fate in the hands of others?

"Phantom" is different for Nioh.

There may be thousands of ball skills and tennis abilities in the world, but "Nioh Phantom" is unique.

At least in Nioh's mind, his "phantom" cannot be replaced by any ball skill.

Although he has been envious of his own minister Seiichi Yukimura's tennis ball skills for a long time, he really needs to change it.

Not even Yukimura!

"Phantom" is Nioh developed bit by bit, which is completely suitable for him, and only perfectly fits his own ball skills.

Because the "Phantom" fits so well, Nioh can fully use the "Phantom" even when his own strength is still weak-it's just that some of the derived moves cannot be used properly due to insufficient conditions.

However, the situation that makes Nioh can't help being frightened now is one-

His "phantom" is out of control!

The restless mood was completely uncontrollable.

If other moves were cracked, Nioh wouldn't care at all, it would only be more interesting.

But "Phantom" is different.

The out-of-control of "Nioh Phantom" has a different meaning for Nioh Masaharu.

This means that the doubles combination of high school students from the first army on the opposite side of the net, the combination of NO.9 and NO.10 of the first army, has been able to threaten him!

Although I don't know how the opponent made his true strength unconsciously used, no matter what the process is, the result is the same-the outcome of this game is really unpredictable!

Moreover, due to previous negligence, Nioh found that the situation he faces now is actually more (bhcj) miserable.

No. 9 of the First Army and No. 10 of the First Army did not even sweat much

But on his side

Needless to say, Nioh is anxiously trying to grab the brown-red curly senior to vent his anger in the singles game.

While Atobe

Atobe can't provide him with strong support in this situation!

--This is a doubles game!

Nioh dared to let Atobe fall into that situation because of his confidence in his tennis strength. He felt that under normal circumstances, for a while, or even a full set, it would be no problem to hold up this doubles scene.

It's not a normal situation anymore.



The sound of the tennis ball made Nioh more irritable.

In the auditorium outside the court, tennis players with a good sense of tennis looked at the expressionless and irritable "handman Kunimitsu" on the court. They almost noticed something wrong with the middle school player.

Even if they heard the referee's decision.

"3:2, Atobe, Nioh score!"

The score caught up with one point, but the overall situation is not good~

"Oh, it should be completely out of control now."

Seiichi Yukimura, Minister of Rikkai University, looked at the game with interest, and did not favor any player on the court.

After all, both Nioh and Maori are his "beloved tennis club members"!

--Even if Nioh is incumbent, Maori is in the past.

But Yukimura thinks that as a high-character Rikkai university student, he must uphold the excellent character of respecting his predecessors!

Therefore, Minister Rikkai showed a heartfelt smile under the subtle gaze of Minister Shitenhouji and the genius Seigaku.

He was considerate of the members he had recruited, and he just smiled more sincerely.

In this regard, Army Master Liu of Rikkai can do better than the Minister-at this point, Rikkai First Deputy Minister, who is frowning and expressing his dissatisfaction, seems to be about to beat people, must retreat. point.

"Sadaji, look at--"

Yanagi Renji, who had already seen everything through, said to his friend with complete superiority.

"Someone's moves have been used too many times when facing Maori seniors. I still use them now

Liu's "Poison Tongue" attribute is turned on.

Annoyed for nearly three years by the miscellaneous things in the tennis club and teammates with different personalities who share a common feature called "Uneasy", Yanagi Renji is no longer the sister of the past-hard work and no complaints-silly and sweet.

"Tennis is too strong, not a good thing, right Sadaji?"

Junshi Liu hated a certain Rikkai big white-haired teammate who took doubles and did not work hard for a long time.

"Always saying that he loves doubles, he probably has forgotten the sequelae of'homology'!"

オIsn't there a little bit of "envious and jealous", the data tennis player Yanagi Renji, who was also an excellent doubles player at the beginning, is really gloating now.

According to the intelligence he has investigated and explored, it is known that the effect or sequelae of the "resonance" between the two of them is that the two players' skills are "common."

And this is the "homology" of the well-justified doubles magical skill

In the eyes of most people, "sequelae" is not as good as "resonance."

But for Nioh, especially for gross profit, it couldn't be better!

--The sequelae of "homology" are on the mental power.

It left a "trace" on the mental power of the doubles players.

If the "homology" is actually the same as the mental power frequency modulation of the doubles partner, then the "sequence of coherence" is to let the mental power of the two people record this "frequency"!

"Some things, if you do too much, you will get retribution."

For others, this is to lay the foundation for the next "homology".

However, this is different for Mōri Juzaburō, who has played many practice matches with Nioh, and has been a "trying target" for many, many times.

Maori didn't regard this as a "doubles testimony" or "the advantage of being in the same tune with Nioh again."

After the real "homology" with my younger generation, I was very touched by the trust of the younger generation and the tacit understanding of the doubles between them on the court, and he started his research under the court.

His so-called "research" was originally directed at Nioh Masaharu.

Maori didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Perhaps his more upright Yueguang Sang would look at him with hesitant eyes, but Mōri Juzaburō thinks that what he did is absolutely righteous!

Senior Style

Can you eat or can you win the game?

All of Rikkai's younger generations are aiming to "beat the elders".

Maori felt that if he acted a little weaker, he might be overly "oppressed" by those black-hearted juniors!

Others may value "homology" so much that they won't find loopholes to attack their doubles partners from this place.

But gross profit is different from Nioh.

Nioh will use unidirectional homology to deal with opponents from the beginning;

So why can't his Mōri Juzaburō use that "homology" and too many practice matches to deal with Nioh Masaharu?

"I have to say that the Maori predecessors are real geniuses."

Listening to Yanagi Renji's words, Inui Sadaharu's face changed.

Seigaku's Doctor of Data has never felt that his baby is so terrible!

"The predecessors can find weaknesses in the homologies of the past, and use the experience they have accumulated before."

"It really deserves to be the No. 10 of the first army!"

Liu directly praised the senior high school students.

As Liu Junshi said this, he didn't feel any excess in his own behavior.

He didn't care about the younger Kirihaya who was trembling subconsciously next to him--

Kirihara Akaya can't laugh at all now!

When he realized that his senior Nioh "has a little problem, it looks like the waves have turned over", he wanted to laugh at the seniors kindly.

However, he feels that he is still too young now!

The scariest person is really his predecessors

Whether it's his senior Nioh, his black-faced deputy minister, or his minister, senior Liu--he can't afford it!

PS, now it is the two authors' beloved explosive VS two seniors~ (the irritable Nioh and the irritable AtobeVS a team of doubles big brother high school seniors) The author is professionally dragging Masaharu back x, the Maori seniors have worked hard for a long time and devoted themselves to research, Committed to killing his descendants, he has achieved satisfactory results so far today o((= ▽ so)!!

PPS raises his hand quietly! The author said: I am still there, not missing. As for the exam, the selection is over and the report is finished, but of course the exam is still not finished. Most of the compulsory subjects are the final exam! The subjects of tomorrow are right, and they are bald maths again. This time I will test statistics tomorrow (I find that I will update every time before I take math subjects

, It’s half venting, half saving character, cover your face) The holiday will be on July 8th, and then go to social practice, have a good holiday, and go to group travel~ (Social practice should not delay the update. If you travel, group travel , Friends and relatives must go together in double digits. So if I can’t save enough, I will ask for leave in the article!)

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