Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 676 :Partner filter, wrong and wrong

"Nioh", who has been silent and looks rather ugly, didn't successfully say a few words to the second grader of Rikkai during his three-minute precious break.

I don't know why the suddenly active "Atobe" forcibly grabbed the right to speak in this short communication.

However, people who are in a certain kind of negative and irritable mood and can barely maintain the slightest calmness are not in the mood to say anything.

The day before the game, that night, after Atobe took the initiative to invite Nioh to the 214 dormitory, the two of them also had some exchanges after that to make a general game plan.

Although the two men have full confidence in the results of the challenge, in their eyes, the process of the game is equally important.

So, that night, Nioh took the initiative to contact Minister Hyotei who went back to his dormitory after a dozen minutes of water in their U17 Rikkai-Junior High School.XX chat room.

Rikkai's fraudster proposed a "small plan" that was "very cold and vicious" for high school students.

Atobe Keigo, Minister of Hyotei, who was also very "cold" towards the game, readily agreed to the plan after realizing the feasibility of this plan.

Therefore, after the game started, Atobe had been thinking about their "small plan".

But this kind of "small plan" is just a rough framework, all kinds of "small details" outside the framework can be used freely.

Therefore, Atobe provoked Yue Zhi without hesitation;

And Nioh naturally chatted with his Maori predecessors at the beginning.

--Both of them fell into the trap set by the senior high school students.

One suffered a "spiritual assassination" with high intensity, and the other was targeted with high intensity and designed into a big pit of suspicion.

But fortunately

Even Atobe, who is in the 21 3 state of "mental assassination BUFF", has to admit that Nioh Masaharu is a very reliable teammate in the doubles game!

Even if Phantom Cheng's "Handy Kunimitsu" is disrupted, he can still make mistakes, set a trap, and let the senior high school students on the net relax their vigilance!

Atobe thought this way, thanks to the stimulation of his teammates "too capable and outstanding", he finally recovered a little bit of calmness.

He who had something in his heart was really affected by the "mental assassination" of Yue Zhi. That little calm is actually just a moment of struggle for him. If there is no external force or an accident occurs, it may become absent in the next second.

But Atobe once again had to admit that he had a TOP-level doubles partner on the doubles field in the doubles game where high school students dominated the opening game.

The weak but extremely high-quality mental power drawn by Nioh Masaharu really affected him-although the feeling of being stimulated by the mental power at that moment made his mind dizzy, like being struck by a wooden stick.

In Atobe's view, this change was also expected by Nioh.

He had a bad complexion, and thought that he was not gorgeous. Even if he made some mistakes, he could be pushed into the state of "assassinated by spirit and out of control of emotions".

Rikkai's fraudster should have considered all of this a long time ago, and in pursuit of excitement, he acted boldly and jumped left and right on the edge of being pitted by his seniors.

--This is the true thought in Atobe Keigo's heart after maintaining his final calm.

Explaining himself to his doubles partner and forcibly setting up an inscrutable and masterful personality, Atobe is certainly not reconciled to just "give up"!

He feels that he actually relied on Nioh's "waking up" to have the calmness he is now, but such a baseline level of calmness and the tennis prowess that can be exerted on this basis have no impact on the overall situation!

It's just a supporting role

Atobe felt an extreme unwillingness.

His unwillingness almost surpassed the shame and anger caused by the mistake of serve.

Therefore, when he felt the mental power fluctuations from Nioh, "Although the fluctuations are extremely small, it should be extremely secretive to high school students, but it is a great burden for him", he is stimulated. Too late to consider the consequences (or "cost").

Atobe accepted Nioh's mental power without hesitation.

Then, the "plan" was implemented extensively.

--Yes, under the phantom, Minister Hyotei, who was secretly provoked by the doubles partner, maintained the last calm and clear mind, and was not in the mood to act exactly according to their pre-match plan.

With such a strong self-esteem, he can endure this level.In fact, it is also thanks to his strong self-esteem that he is unwilling to be the first to show a loophole in front of the big Rikkai!

Atobe Keigo was able to suppress his strong desire to hit the two high school students across the net at this moment, and he had already reached the limit he could do at this time!

"Ah, is it time for the next set?"

Seeing his doubles partner and Rikkai's second-year junior in this doubles match said these words in a very familiar tone, they turned and left mercilessly, and Atobe followed silently.

This made Nioh relieved, and at the same time, his satisfaction with his current doubles partner in this game once again increased by another star.

--As expected of Atobe!

Be able to suppress the negative emotions that are provoked under such sensitive mental powers, maintain the calmness of the most basic baseline state, and act according to their pre-match plan

This way, think about it in another way, Nioh feels that if the person in Atobe's situation is himself at this time, it seems that he may not be able to bear it!

In the last game, under the guidance of his senior high school students step by step, he did not act.

Nioh Masaharu really panicked his heart completely at that moment.

Questioning his own tennis is extremely ridiculous to Nioh, but it is indeed "real feeling".

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Things happened only zero and countless times.

After Nioh felt that "the phantom had a problem" this "fact", he almost performed a "spiritual riot" to the U17 training camp spectators and coaches on the spot!


He controlled himself at the last moment, and failed to make some people on the scene dizzy.

However, the most fortunate thing is that Atobe actually got rid of the influence of "mental assassination"!

What a keen sense of mental power is this

Rao (bhcj) is Nioh, and he had to be shocked, and then he sincerely praised Minister Hyotei's talent and ability in this regard.

Nioh, who was motivated by the action of his teammate and his doubles partner at the same time, also lifted his spirits from the shadow of "Out of Control Phantom".

Nioh Masaharu, who recovered a little mood, turned his mind and started his road of "no hypothesis, bold experiment"!

The doubles combination formed by two players who didn't have a tacit understanding, the cooperation between the two is the same as the same, and there are many mistakes and omissions. So Nioh decided to unilaterally "contact" his teammate, Minister Hyotei.

--As for his "sequelae of mental power exertion" caused by the almost riot caused by mental power, Atobe may be able to understand it?

With a high degree of trust in Minister Hyotei, Nioh Masaharu simply, rudely, and tentatively used his own mental power to "connect" to Atobe Keigo.

The odd-numbered rounds need to be swapped half-time, and there will also be moments when people are staggered when running.

--It's a good time during the change.

Because of the subtle self-doubt that remains in his heart, Nioh certainly cannot use "homology".

The burden of "coherence" is actually very large. In this state, let's not talk about the question of whether it can be used. The two senior high school students on the opposite side of the net are a big obstacle!

The fragile "homology" is easy to be used by opponents, especially masters of mental power, such as Tsukimitsu Ochi.

But if Nioh is asked to give in, he won't be reconciled without "Phantom"!

The "struggle" of "Shoujia Kunimitsu" in the previous game is enough to explain the true degree of irritation in his heart.

So, since partner Atobe can afford "side effects and sequelae", why not try it again?

Mōri Juzaburō was very successful in calculating to the beginning, but failed to calculate the process and the end.

He underestimated the "self-defeating mentality" of his white-haired junior.

Because of the deep filter for the younger generation, and because of Nioh's perfect performance in the first two years of the country, Maori did not realize that Rikkai's fraudster is a tennis player who has the courage to challenge the baseline.

#As long as the game is not over, you can continue to play#

#"作死" is a variable factor that can bring infinite possibilities to players! #

Nioh, who was stubborn, hit the south wall and never looked back.

He decided to continue to use "Phantom"-anyway, Atobe's belly is so big, he will definitely be able to forgive him and forgive him.

Therefore, the "two-way phantom" of Tanegashima Shuji Waterloo was reproduced in court.

The target is no longer the opponent, but Nioh's own doubles teammate Atobe Keigo!

Nioh originally planned to "try it", but what he didn't expect was that this practice, which he didn't even hope for, would actually succeed!

[Puff, Atobe is really a good partner!]

- Minister Hyotei, he is really a good person!

Unexpectedly, Atobe trusted him so much--he accepted the attack of mental power without any resistance. While Nioh controlled the "Phantom" with his heart, he relieved his negative and gloomy mood.

If his teammates understand him and support him so much, he can't just go down so negatively!

With fighting spirit, Nioh decisively started to grab the ball!

--Since you are already impulsive, just make the mistake and let it vent!

This defeat is set, and it is not worth struggling. Then prepare for the next set of play!

Nioh thought about it this way. He didn't greet Atobe or cryptic, so he started to grab the ball.

He held the "phantom" shell of his teammates, and under the watchful eyes of the players and coaches in the bench, he and his teammates started the "Neijiang" in an objective perspective.

Atobe very cooperatively competed with him "Neijiang", he radiated anger very happily and raised his mood index.

[Atobe is so good as a teammate!]

Nioh feels that Atobe can perfectly understand his intentions without "homology" at all.

Such a tacit partner made him feel better.

After the defeat, Nioh was even in the mood to chat with his second-year juniors in a tone that fits Atobe's personality.

PS, Nioh (very headstrong): Atobe is a good teammate! Then give up the first set and start the "plan" in the next set!

Atobe (suddenly realized): Ahhhhhhhhhhh, we must cooperate with Nioh's plan! You want to catch it, right? My uncle knows how to cooperate with him!

The author (struggling to laugh): Ahem, this is actually a beautiful misunderstanding. I hinted and reminded you directly~~ The best in this game is the "teammate filter", thank you for shooting it! (Four people on court, He played with the "100% filter to beautify partner behavior".

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