Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 679 : The so-called generation gap, a magical one

The sudden shouts of the Hyotei middle school students caused many people to have subtle emotions in their hearts, and it also made the middle school students of other schools feel a little embarrassed.

- Oshitari, don't you really feel embarrassed to shout like this?!

- I didn't think so on the court before, but now it's really embarrassing for us to sit together!

Teenagers in adolescence are probably such "dual-face", and they will have a "double standard" viewpoint when dealing with certain things. Before, no matter what Hyotei, they (accustomed to) people had the embarrassing emotions they are now.

but now

The minister in Higa raised his eyes and glanced at the army of high school students sitting in the far auditorium on the other side, inexplicably trying to find some shelter to hide him.

#Absolutely not because of any shame, this is what an "assassin" should be!#

- The high school students of the First Army with serious expressions (actually blank faces) and majestic aura (actually they have nothing to say with their colleagues and don't want to talk to their colleagues in the army), although they did not challenge the middle school students His courage retreated, but they have already caused a lot of psychological pressure and influence on the middle school students!


The person who saved some junior high school students who felt embarrassed unconsciously, and Rikkai's sophomore ace with tears in his eyes and almost desperate in his heart, was Minister Hyotei standing on the court. ).

"My uncle's aesthetics shines with gorgeous light every day!"

Atobe unexpectedly followed "Hyoteicall" without hesitation!

-Obviously, Minister Hyotei, who feels that he fits perfectly with his partner's 17 plan in the game (which has not actually started) and has shown his strength in a magnificent manner, thinks that he is worthy of the truthful praise of his teammates.

Atobe, who is accustomed to "Hyoteicall", takes it for granted.

Naturally, it was the "no hesitation" appearance seen by the Hyotei high school student on the other side of the net.

Ochi, Hyotei High School Student-Moonlight:..

[What happened to Hyotei in the past three years?]

Bad words (spit) speech (slot) No. 9 is expressionless, but there are countless question marks in his mind.

--Is he out of date?

Is this the legendary "generation gap in three years"?!

Why did his juniors accept that "Hyoteicall" on this occasion and behave as they should?!

This is not the summer competition for junior high school students, right?

Although he knows and understands his Hyotei junior high school student Atobe Keigo, what kind of style the Hyotei tennis team is in the national competition, but Tsukimitsu Ochi really did not expect that he could be like this in qualifying. Occasion to experience "Hyoteicall" firsthand!

After wiping his hair, Atobe, after replying to the support of his friends, did not notice any special emotions of the blue-haired senior across the net.

He glanced at his doubles partner Nioh.

"Of course the winner is me!"

Atobe, who frustrated the entire game, said he couldn't help it and didn't want to endure it anymore.

It is great that Nioh Masaharu, the doubles partner who has been worried for a long time, can keep the chain in the doubles of this qualifying match.

In essence, Atobe, who is still very rigorous and careful about tennis matches, is really too worried about the "big surprise of Rikkai".

After all, in his more than ten years of life experience, the tennis team that brought him the most "unexpected" is Rikkai University. From the first to the third, Hyotei has lost every time..

And Rikkai University, excluding Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura who is "inconsistent", and the person with the most "surprise" is Nioh Masaharu.

Atobe believes in his own eyesight, he has always been 100% confident in himself.

Therefore, he is now completely relieved.

--Although he didn't know that his doubles partner, Rikkai, the great white-haired player, he was secretly relieved after taking a look at him just now.

Nioh Masaharu is a very contradictory person.

Nioh also knows that his own personality is very contradictory.

This kind of character contradiction is reflected in--

Let's think about the trap set by Mōri Juzaburō.

This trap, this is a conspiracy!

This is a tailor-made strategy for Nioh!

If it's just singles, Nioh thinks he might really be planted on it. Because he does have his own "visual blind zone" in this regard, he has hesitancy that he has never thought of, or deliberately never thought of it.

But this is a doubles game.

Again, this is a doubles game, and he has his chosen doubles partner [the most suitable for this doubles game].

Atobe is not his best doubles partner, of course it is not the best doubles partner for him, nor the most tacit doubles partner.

However, Minister Hyotei is indeed his most suitable doubles partner for this game! No one!!

There is a saying that "knowledge is a curse". The more you know, the more painful you will be.

Most of the mentally capable players actually have no worries in this regard-such as Tohno Atsukyo, who goes his own way.

But if it’s a mental player who likes to think too much,

His "thinking too much" is an obvious weakness!

With Nioh's current mental power and willpower, he would not be easily attacked or shaken at all. But there are surprises in everything - Mōri Juzaburō, a senior, is different for Nioh.

This doubles game actually means something different for Nioh.

In other words, the "match" that Nioh himself perceives is different from what other people see!

This gives gross profit an opportunity.


Nioh's mental power had calmed down his restlessness at this time.

Like a tamed beast, although "has a strong appetite" and is eager to move, but it follows the master's will and dormant for the time being.

--For a more delicious "prey"!

Yukimura's moves are really sharp and easy to use.

Nioh tried his best to make his mental power fluctuations close to nothing.

He knows how sensitive his Maori predecessors are to his mental powers. However, there is no such thing as "satisfaction"!

Atobe approached him before the game because he thought that Nioh Masaharu would be the most suitable teammate for this doubles qualifying match.

Nioh agreed to Atobe not out of a completely indifferent mentality.

The fox is the most shrewd creature.

Knowing exactly what kind of tennis player Minister Hyotei is, Nioh knows what kind of chemical reaction the person Atobe Keigo will have when standing on the same side of the arena.

--Self-confidence bonus max

- Willpower bonus max

Do everything!!! The idea of ​​winning one point even if you lose everything else get~

The emperor who heads the Hyotei tennis club has "a powerful magic power to incite people." Atobe, with max leadership ability, can make Nioh ignore his messy thoughts and face the strongest heart in his heart!

Reasonable or calm

Nioh Masaharu was once under the influence of Atobe-under the blessing of the "last straw" for him, he abandoned his calmness and reason, and forgot the optimal solution that he wanted to find in his heart. ", using the most primitive intuition to go crazy.

--Although it turned out to be in the infirmary, but that feeling is not bad?

Under normal circumstances, Nioh is definitely not "crazy". No matter how careless he looks, and no matter how much he likes to "play," he is essentially a sane player who plays tennis carefully.

But in a special situation that is completely dominated by emotions--

National competition is one thing;

Doubles with Atobe is another feeling.


Squinting at the senior across from the net, Nioh decided to be bolder.

Mental power is no longer a tentative auxiliary deployment, but an active and large-scale attack!


"Dreamland" is illusory, confusing the opponent's perception.

Nioh tried his best to make everything in the "dreamland" fit the "reality".

after all

With the tennis level of him and Atobe, as long as the two senior high school students who are opponents have a little error, the score will be won!

"15:0, Atobe, Nioh score!"

Again, Atobe is a very trustworthy teammate and a trustworthy doubles partner!

Even though Nioh absolutely believes that he will win this game, he still talks to Atobe about the so-called "plans"-aren't these behaviors just for the present?!

- Minister Hyotei, who will only be confused for a while, but never lost, is Nioh Masaharu's most suitable doubles partner in this psychological battle!


The effect of increasing the intensity of "Dreamland" is obvious.

Although the senior high school students on the opposite side of the net are still in a tacit understanding, the corners and corners have already revealed loopholes.

Concerned about the tacit understanding of the doubles between Maori and Yuezhi, Nioh did not choose a time-saving approach, but took pains to set up the current "dream".

Therefore, Maori and Yuezhi see exactly the same scenes in their "dreamland".

- Nioh not only gave them an illusory "dreamland", but also updated the "dreamland" in real time!

And the deviation between "dream state" and reality is probably the subtle difference in the angle and strength of the serve? 217

"30:0, Atobe, Nioh score!"

Bang bang--

"45:0, Atobe, Nioh score!"

The horrible score of this game made the first military high school student players' seats look down.

"Has Yuezhi and Maori not noticed anything?!"

I have lost so many points, why haven't I noticed that the middle school student has made a move!

Omagari frowned.

"Huh, do you want to play more with junior high school students?

This is the same "dangerous" (crow's mouth) speech as before.

Tanegashima Shuji looked at the words Tohno Atsukyo said, and sighed inside.

His colleague really can't read Air One-even if he doesn't understand the face of his partner Junjima, he should be able to hear the caution in Omagari's tone?!

Nioh's junior high school students are not as easy to understand as Maori.

No. 2 of the first army, who keeps up with the situation of junior high school tennis (tide), reports (stream) and tracks the intelligence of juniors (for showing off), said that once his white-haired juniors make up their minds to use moves, there will be no unexpected endings. of.

Even if there are twists and turns in the process

But, who knows if the younger generation has other preparations?

This junior of his own, Nioh Masaharu's "unpredictable" label written in capital, is actually because "the hole cards are endless, and the tortuous process will not affect the result, so that people think this is Nioh's premeditated"!

Tanegashima, who is old and has a good eye for seeing younger generations, said that his younger generations are actually very easy to understand-as long as you watch his performance by yourself, don't make too much of your own brains.

But unfortunately--

Obviously, Nioh Masaharu is never the only one who "thinks too much".

Except for Tohno Atsukyo who "never thought about anything", the high school students thought a lot of things in their hearts, so that their expressions were quite solemn.

And the middle school students

"So, did Nioh-senpai get a trap before?!!"

Kirihara Akaya, a second-year student, watched the smooth score on the court, desperately wanting to shout and grab the ground with his head.

Ps, I'm sorry, I was fascinated by reading the article before, so I forgot to publish it regularly!

The next update, the sun will compensate you with a million (I mean "next update", the time is about tomorrow night)

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