Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 691 : Two to one win, doubles win

Due to distance reasons, as well as some people's personal reasons, the audience outside the court is basically "affected".

Under this circumstance, the personal qualities of the "audience" of the game have also emerged.

There are only a few middle school students who can watch the game without blinking while trying to stabilize their mentality. Most of the other middle school students in Nioh couldn't help but distracted and closed their eyes when Nioh first used the mental disaster move. Are they self

My own "self-protection mechanism".

Of course, if they are on court

It is estimated that you will be forced to accept the impact of mental disaster and then faint?

--Of course, you might be able to escape for a minute or two if you try your best. Losing points just caused by distraction is inevitable.

So this trick is indeed a scoring weapon on the court!

And it's very dangerous!

Nioh used the legendary warrior's different-dimensional tricks as a reference, and worked hard to study the different-dimensional moves that seemed to be opposite sides.

--The moves of the legendary warrior come head-on, just like the bright sun, no room to evade;

And the move Nioh researched at first seems to give people a bad feeling; then this move is really "sinister"-the kind of "insidious" that will leave a psychological shadow on people if it is used too much!

However, the two are essentially the same.

--The love of tennis, the obsession with victory, the will to gather together, and the different-dimensional moves formed by ascending and condensing!

"It really gives me a headache, Nioh."

Coach Saito, who stood blatantly on the high platform with the two colleagues to watch the game, sighed.

"Originally, after the Byodoin classmates and the first army players came back, our workload was very heavy."

"As a result, junior high school students have to increase their workload--is it easy to analyze different dimensions?"

"Yukimura's different dimension has not analyzed the specific results yet, the head coach is still waiting for us to hand him the Yukimura player's strength analysis report.

"It's alright now, and here comes a new analysis task - what's the matter with this different dimension of Nioh-jun? The target, the scope of influence, the control ability, etc., the most important thing is whether there is a limit to the number of uses. , All of these must be analyzed!"

He has always been gentle and easy to get along with, he is now grumbling.

"By the way, and Atobe---atobe's eyesight has also improved, this is also to analyze and write a report! I don't know how far Atobe's eyesight is now."

"I can't write an analysis report. How should we plan the list in the U17 Youth World Cup 223!

Coach Saito, who had good hair quality and objective hair volume, thought about it this way, and felt that his soft hair was going to be tangled into knots!

"!! !"

But the mental coach's colleague Ryuji Takushoku has a different view.

"Do you really want to write out the'Analysis Report on Nioh Masaharu's Tennis Strength' for the head coach?"

"Can you write this report, Saito?"

Coach Tuo Zhi, who has always been very upright, questioned his colleagues.

Although I don’t know why my colleagues have "such naive ideas", Coach Takuchi reminded Saitoichi in the friendship of his colleagues-

"Wake up, you can't write a report before, but you still can't write it now-isn't it normal?"

"I thought the head coach had acquiesced in this matter."

Coach Tuo Zhi couldn't help but complain.

"Ahem, concentrate on watching the game."

Coach Kurobe's face is a bit dark.

"Don't mention the report while watching the game!"

#Concentrate on watching the game, Saito and Takuchi, how are your two livers now?#

#Is the liver not hurting, or the heart not tired? If you want to write a report, just write all of it silently, don't drag me to work overtime together!! #

Coach Kurobe now feels tired when he mentions the report.

He now has a very complicated psychology-

On the one hand, he can't wait for every tennis player to be "undetectable", then there is no need to report this kind of thing;

But on the other hand

If you don't need to write this kind of report, what do you want their coaches to do?!

The invention and use of modern precision instruments have expanded the scope of tennis-related staff a lot. The application of various sciences has made the road of training tennis players smoother. The German/national side has done a good job.

However, there are always some coaches who do not fully agree with the mainstream training method of the current tennis coaching circle-that is, this elite tennis training method, which is the world mainstream adopted by the U17 training camp (basically, training camps and clubs are the same. Do) approach.

Three Mifūne Nyudō's three coaches are one of those people who don't fully agree with.

The relatively young U17 training camp coaching staff certainly did not agree with this minority view at the beginning, but what they have seen and heard over the years has changed their views.

--How does the coach train tennis players?

--How should we position these tennis players personally in the team?

Although the three coaches have already mastered the "power" in the U17 training camp, it is clear (bhcj) that they have a long, long way to go.

"Don't keep staring at the screen after watching the qualifying match. The report that should be written must be completed before the head coach returns!"

After the three boat coach came back down the mountain, he had to read the report.

The Kurobe coach, who has been graduating for a long time, said, he didn't notice that his current mood was extremely worried about "I'm about to finish the assessment, will my tutor pass my thesis?"

Although his two colleagues are older than him, they share the same psychological sentiment.

You know, every report is the work of the coaches--

It means that every word in every report that needs the attention of the coaching staff and personally writes is derived from their frowning day and night and through various data research!

The energy required to write a report (especially the report of certain tennis players that need to be focused on) is no less than the energy used to write a graduation thesis! There is even a lot more!

Therefore, when the three coaches had a headache (I don't know how to write a report to report to the head coach on their'achievements'), when the three coaches talked about this big problem, they couldn't keep calm at all! Not to mention they watched. During the game, my mood was not so peaceful!


Atobe is now getting better and better.

The cooperation Nioh gave him was very intimate, and now it was their "time to harvest score." Under the emotional stimulation of psychological satisfaction, he was naturally refreshed and temporarily forgot the previous fatigue.

"5:1, Atobe and Nioh score!"

Yuezhi and Maori can no longer break free now.

In fact, at the beginning, Tsukimitsu Ochi still had a little chance to break free.

But No. 9 of the first army hesitated

Even if his mental power is used up, it is strong enough to cut off part of the mental chaos from the opposite side, but what about after?

Excessive consumption of one's mental power is actually second in Tsukimitsu Ochi's heart.

No. 9 of the first army is mainly considered by his own Rikkai junior partner--

Although Maori can survive his "full moon" state now, Maori cannot protect himself undefended under his full attack state!

Nioh's mental disturbance is like the flurry of branches projected behind him.

It doesn't seem to be too many, and there are no rules; but frantically dancing, blocking all possibilities!

If the more wisdom wants to "dead fish and break the net", it should not be the "net" who is stabbed first by the mental knife, but Tsukimitsu Ochi's own doubles partner Mōri Juzaburō!

Therefore, the calm and decisive Hyotei high school student had to hesitate and hesitate, unable to make a decision for a long time.

-He is actually the result of Nioh's mental turmoil.

The cold-hardened army NO.9, although the heart is soft and kind, but on the Internet court has always been calm and courageous, and break when it is broken!

But now Yuezhi has lost even the opportunity to think

When he started to hesitate at first, he had already lost the last opportunity that was extremely weak.

"Spray, get ready for the next game."

Although the tone sounded rather unpleasant, the expression was unexpectedly gentle-there was even a trace of satisfaction. The leader of the army, Byōdōin Hōō, who was watching the game with his arms folded, did not seem to be in a bad mood.

The second army challenged the first army's qualifying match, although the result of the first game made the first army a little embarrassing--

Although the game is not over yet, anyone with eyes can tell that the game is about to end and the ending has been determined!

But this game did not actually lose face to the army.

--Maori and Yue Zhi have already shown the "audience" the strength of the army.

Players who can enter the U17 training camp, no matter how bad they are, they are not completely parallel imports, they can still see something. Therefore, many of the high school students of the Second Army have left silently.

- After being stimulated, they can find a place to train for a while.

"Let me play with Tohno in the next game.

Kimijima's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile.

"Tohno and I are still very confident about doubles."

He was talking Tanegashima Shuji ー words that sounded insincere.

Tanegashima, who was watching the game seriously, couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Kimijima's words--

With Tanegashima Shuji's eyesight and observation ability, the problem between these two people has long been seen. After returning from this expedition, although Junjima was still the same as Tohno on the surface, Tanegashima Shuji was sensitive to some differences.

Of course, at this time, No. 2 of the first army does not know his friend (No. 2 of the army has made a lot of friends in the U17 training camp, and Jundao is in the first army. It is better to communicate and is willing to communicate and maintain relations. One of them, so the two of them are also friends) Now the true thoughts of NO0.7 in the army!

Tanegashima Shuji has never thought about what he can do if a doubles player wants to change partners!

--Although the coaching staff sometimes has unfounded worries and manages a bit more leniently, their plans for the training camp and the first army have always been the best solutions that can be reached under the existing conditions.

The coaches' decision to let Kimijima and Tohno Atsukyo be doubles partners is not entirely based on the analysis of tennis strength. The coaches who have written a lot of "Analysis Report on XXXX", the "optimal solution" that they strive to reach is the optimal solution of the tennis player's analysis-not only the tennis strength, but also the style of the game, the personality of the player, etc. Consider!

However, the coaches who made this decision are still on the road of "studying hard and writing reports for the head coach to see". They also have insufficient consideration.

The human mind is incalculable by machine data.

Even coaches can't grasp the psychology of every player! Kimijima is good at hiding his own thoughts.

Even if Tanegashima Shuji felt something, he would not think that his fellow military colleagues and friends would make such "freakish" negotiations to change partners!


Kimishima's words were like a switch key, turning on a certain "strange switch."

Tohno Atsukyo, who had been staring at the game, twisted with a murderous smile. In fact, his face is absolutely beautiful, if dressed properly, it is simply elegant and beautiful!

However, he is obviously keen on fashion matching, but he doesn't like the style of "Qingxiu no Beautiful" at all.

The favorite color of No. 8 of the First Army is red purple, an excellent stimulating color.

Warm burning red, calm and hard blue, together is purple.

In common sense, purple represents mysterious romance, as well as sensitive and introverted. But Tohno Atsukyo behaved just the opposite! His style of play is not elegant or noble, but frantic and bloody, and he can't see the sensitivity he should have at all-it really was a waste of the high-standard and high-quality he had that day. Aesthetic quality!

--Yes, Tohno is all over his body, that is, his aesthetic quality (not an aesthetic hobby!!) is worth learning from the U17 training camp players (especially No.1 of the first army and NO.5 of the current army) .

"The more wisdom and Maori!

No. 8 of the First Army gritted their teeth, wishing to bite the names of these two men into small biscuits directly into fragments.

"Unexpectedly behaved like that with middle school students, they--"

Although Tohno Atsukyo sitting on the sidelines felt the pressure from the court, he himself has a strong mental power that is extremely resistant to pressure.

"This scene is special! Special!"

No. 2 emphasized that the first army attracted attention by the voice of colleagues.

--Although the middle school students who will play in the next game may still be "special", what should be emphasized is still to be emphasized!

Tanegashima Shuji actually has a good relationship with Tohno. Although Jun No. 8 does have a bad temper and a bad personality, it is always possible to communicate.

And Tohno also has the characteristics of uprightness and simplicity-although it also has the shortcoming of extreme violence.

All in all, Tanegashima's first army social flower-Shuji, and most of his colleagues have maintained a two-way friendly relationship-except for the leader of the first army Byōdōin Hōō.

#One-sided, peaceful relationship that often breaks over time, understand! #

"Huh, in the next game, Jundao and I can use 60% of our strength to get those middle school students off the court!"

Tohno said with a bad face, but didn't care too much about Tanegashima's words.

--It can be seen that the current No.8 army can still communicate and can be persuaded by strength.

--As long as the communication method is proper, and there is a strong foundation for communication.

"Or else one-"

"Just kill them in the first game, Junjima!"

Tohno said so, with a murderous look that was still very calm.

Players from the first army, represented by Daqu, habitually collectively "ignore" Tohno's speech.

Tohno Atsukyo's doubles partner Kimijima kept smiling while listening to these words, not knowing what was thinking.


The last ball has landed!

The third set ended with a score of "6:1".

This also means one-

"Game, 2-1, Second Army, Atobe, Nioh win!"

The first match was won by the Second Army!

"Hey, is it over so soon? I still want to take a closer look!"

"We shouldn't be chatting, Ryuuji, right?"

Tanegashima Shuji was very melancholy.

He was talking to No.6 of the First Army, but his eyes turned to No.10 of the First Army on court.

Tanegashima Shuji noticed that in the last game just now, Maori, his junior high school student, was finally able to resist the pressure of his mental strength to the extreme and broke away from the "sleeping" state.

So after the end of the game, the current state and image of the Maori looks like "the worst in the audience"!

" forgive me.,

"You can go to the coach to watch the game replay!"

Omagari calmed down and tried to kill Tanegashima Shuji for the Nth time.

But he finally stabilized his emotions with his good cultivation and endurance.

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