Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 695 : Know how to appreciate, stay indifferent

Kite Eishirou, who is ready in the position he should stand, is not as "unthinking" as his Higa squadmates thought.

Kite has always been a young man with a clear goal. From the moment he joined the tennis club of Higa, he knew what he should do in the next time and what he should do to achieve his goals and realize his ambitions.

He always knew what he wanted, and he had the determination and perseverance to pay the price to do things.

"You are also very courageous--you dare to come and die!"

During the routine pre-match etiquette in front of the net, the first army No. 8 Tohno Atsukyo approached his auricle and said this with a little threatening contempt.

"The next time, both of you will be executed!"

But the vicious voice of the high school student couldn't let Kite Eishirou be moved by it.

"You should be the person to be sentenced?"

This is the last word I said to Tohno Atsukyo, a senior high school student, before the Kite game.

It was also his last "conscience reminder".

"U17 representative team qualifying match, the first army VS the second army, the second doubles match--"

"Best of three, Junjima, TohnoVS Yukimura, Kite, start now!"

Perhaps it was because the "pre-match etiquette" of this doubles game went very smoothly. The voice and words announcing the start of the game were also a bit more calm than the previous doubles game, instead of "quick resolution". Speechless.

The first game was the serve game of the First Army.

Seiichi Yukimura wore Rikkai's big team uniform jacket. Although standing on the front court, although his movements were unhappy, his expression was as indifferently as if he was sitting on the players' bench and watching a winning game.

Kite is just like before the game, his expression has not changed, his expression is still.

-On the Second Army side and the junior high school students side, they don’t seem to feel that the high school students’ serve bureau in front of them will cause them any trouble.

--This is Rikkai's usual practice and attitude.

Quickly walked a few steps, after walking to the side of the first army, Nioh directly sat next to Tanegashima Shuji, and then waved his hand uninhibitedly, indicating that Atobe, who was holding the ninth 227th badge of the first army, would also sit over.

Minister Hyotei was the first to leave, but he actually had the idea of ​​"finding a clean place to watch the game." But his teammate is Rikkai Taisho Election, Nioh Masaharu

So, after a pause, Atobe sat down anyway.

He sat next to Nioh.

After all, with Minister Hyotei's self-confidence, he has nothing to fear, and nothing to avoid!

So now, looking at the posture and aura on the court, the Minister of Junior High School Hyotei, who has met Rikkai several times in the Kanto Championship and the national competition, shows a subtle expression.

--This is probably the first time Atobe's emotional change has been revealed since he is sitting here.

When Nioh and him just sat down, Byodoin was very generous on behalf of the U17-military team to welcome them--

"Welcome to join the army!"

It's really the first time I heard the welcome speech of Byōdōin Hōō, the leader of the army, Nioh almost couldn't hold his expression!

The person who was calm and accepted was Atobe instead.

Because he came early (to leave the field first), Atobe was stopped by Byodoin in the aisle and patted his shoulder one by one. This made Nioh very grateful for his "coming late".

Although he is not afraid of the No.1 army, Nioh still wants to stay away from the boss of the army temporarily because of certain "shadows" passed by Tokugawa.

After all, it was too miserable and pitiful to enter the infirmary in a game. And this is still an unwashed "black history" of adolescence, isn't it? Thinking about it later, I'm afraid I want to "kill people"!

However, because Byodoin’s welcome stopped Atobe’s footsteps, Nioh was given the opportunity to "come from behind" to find a seat first and then call Minister Hyotei to sit here!

Nioh knew that even if Atobe was a bit "small emotion", he wouldn't just ignore him sitting on the side at this moment. After all, they are all middle school students, no matter what, they all want to unite together when they come to the "new team" of the First Army!

But if Nioh knew Atobe again, he wouldn't think of what the Minister Hyotei sitting next to him was thinking at this moment.

In the game, Yukimura and Kite didn't say a word, and silently waited for the high school opponents to serve. Atobe's "high-cold temperament" almost couldn't help but create a little bit of envy in his heart like an illusion!

--Look, that's great.

Yukimura just said a few words in a very flat routine. It was just a copy and paste of certain words from the Kanto Contest and the National Contest.

Junjima, who is good at talking, is also "very well-mannered" and didn't say a few more words.

The conversation between these two people didn't even have a "smell of gunpowder"!

--The politeness is nothing short of courtesy among strangers!

Minister Hyotei, who once did not appreciate or disagree with the attitude of Rikkai's "coldness" facing all other tennis teams, now finally has the feeling of cherishment and appreciation for the "coldness of Rikkai" in the past.

After experiencing the low-cold Rikkai pre-match etiquette and post-match conversations, Atobe felt that the “cold and low-talking arrogant Rikkai Grand Tennis Team” was better!


The people outside the court thought so much, but only a few seconds passed.

The tennis ball was swung out by Tohno very skillfully, accompanied by Kimijima's sighing sigh on the front court.

The sigh was mixed into the wind, almost inaudible.

The voice heard by Yukimura was a tyrannical and excited shout of the First Army No. 8--

"It's time for public execution!"

"Thirteen-style punishment law--"


It's almost exactly the same as the serve posture on the court before, it's a tennis ball coming towards the player's head! Punishment!

"The Minister of Junior High School of Rikkai University?"

"Send you to the guillotine--hahaha!"

Cruel football skills are rarely seen when there is no blood.

Tohno Atsukyo is a 100% violent tennis player, so no wonder Kimishima hasn't used his style of playing for so long.

If ordinary people encounter this trick--

Tohno Atsukyo's serve speed on the court is different from the speed and strength of his serve outside the court just now. Even if it is an excellent junior player from the second military junior high school, it is estimated that the first time you see such a tyrannical tennis ball, you will not be able to escape, let alone score a counterattack.

However, how can Seiichi Yukimura simply call it "excellent" among junior high students?

He has long been praised as the "Son of God", Minister Rikkai has cut a distance from those "excellent middle school tennis players" long ago.

Now, this distance is like a chasm, too deep and too far!


It's like a thunder in a rainstorm.

Yukimura's net racquet was accurate, but (bhcj) received the tennis very calmly, and then, with the strength of the owner, he played back cleanly!

"15:0, Yukimura, Kite score!

Tohno's laughter stopped immediately.

No. 8 of the First Army did not expect that the first target he aimed at-the "culprit" who undermined his execution of the two men, Maori Yuezhi, could actually destroy his "execution" again in the game!

Frowning and squinting his eyes, Tohno Atsukyo's aura sank, just as he felt.

You know, although on the surface he is clamoring for "execution", there is no luck and carelessness in his heart now!

After watching the doubles match between Ochi, Maori and Atobe and Nioh, Tohno Atsukyo decided to abandon the "60% strength rule" when he left the game-when he saw Rikkai's junior high school student next game, this idea It's more determined.

Although he didn't talk to Kimishima about his "new decision", Tohno Atsukyo wants to "do it his own way", what can Kimijima do?

"Character stubbornness" is roughly equivalent to "being willful", Tohno didn't care what other people thought of him.

What's more, in his opinion, Jundao, as his doubles partner, should have maintained a consistent position with him!

So, for the first goal, Tohno used his "80% strength" without even thinking about it.

- This is enough to reflect the importance he attaches to the opponents of middle school students, because on the online court, no matter who it is, it is impossible to deal with his opponent with 100% strength from beginning to end!

Coupled with the three-set court deciding rule for high school student competitions, competition players usually have the first set of tentative practices

Tohno's first goal was so powerful, which has already exceeded many people's expectations.


The low-pressure First Army N0.8 did not speak without saying bad words. This situation is really rare.

Violent tennis always pays attention to decisiveness, and can not tolerate indecision and muddy!

Therefore, no matter what the mood is and who the opponent is, Tohno Atsukyo uses different strength at the beginning of each game, but he is 100% excited.

The specific performance is that he yelled "execution" and then wounded his opponent mercilessly to end the game, even making the opponent unable to bear to faint or concede defeat.

--This is the No. 8 tennis spirit of the current army. It is Tohno Atsukyo's unique and stubborn serious attitude.

"Senior, do you have a problem?"

The voice of the boy with the khaki uniform on his shoulders said gently.

Seiichi Yukimura was really disturbed by either of the two high school students on the opposite side of the net.

Neither Kimishima's induced negotiations nor Tohno's violent tennis have affected his own judgment in his heart.

The shots and openings before the game are all from his own wishes. The swing that solved that ball just now was just a goal he took for granted in the game.

It's just that he thinks so, what about the others?

Minister Rikkai smiled slightly.

--I don't know what the two senior high school students will think about because of this!

"There really is someone who plays like this--"

Violent tennis, this style of play is basically not seen in the competitions of junior high schools.

Yukimura didn't panic, and Kite in the backcourt reacted very plainly to this.

The courageous middle minister Higa simply sighed, and it can be said that the uproar at the second army player seat outside the court is completely the opposite reaction.

"Ah, be careful-"

"This game is not easy to play, this style of play."

"Damn it, playing tennis like this!'

The reaction of the foreign middle school students fully demonstrated their "immature".

Shiraishi, who always talks and smiles, smiles when he sees the ball, with caution in his eyes. Fuji's reaction was even greater-Seigaku's genius probably hated this kind of tennis the most.

"The next game time should be fine, right? The man on court is Yukimura!

"Yukimura and Kite team up, we have to trust them!!

According to the data, people who say "believe" are actually the most worried in their hearts.

Yanagi Renji quietly listened to the panic and said nothing.

And his Rikkai teammates

Sanada was calm, and Marui, Kuwana and Yanagyu were calm.

Kirihaya, who is always the most active, is also very calm at this time.

--Because they really have nothing to say.

Rikkai didn't need to speak at this time.

Isn't Seiichi Yukimura playing back enough tennis all these years?

Is the number of games that Minister Rikkai has won over the years?

--They are never the ones who should worry about it!

Violent tennis won't hurt Yukimura at all.

Rather than thinking about this impossible problem, it is better to look forward to the next qualifying match after the end of this game!

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