Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 717 : Melting the wind, dispelling fire, breaking wood, and cracking soil!

The momentum of the doubles combination of this group of middle school students-the first round is brewing, and the second round is still rising at the beginning.

And now, it hasn't reached the peak yet!

The black air flow that has been seen by some interested people carefully, flows around Sanada's body, becoming thicker and thicker, giving people a deep and heavy feeling.

Suddenly it looked like the breath from the abyss

Can't hold it down, directly publicizing their own sense of existence, very overbearing.

However, at this moment, Sanada's doubles partner Akutsu Jin in this qualifying match, his sense of presence on the court has not diminished by half.

Junior high school tennis players with fierce beast-like atmosphere are also people with their own inviolable territory.

--Off-white airflow that can be ignored inadvertently.

Perhaps Ajujin himself didn't know this!

His strong body is his best weapon, and his beast-like intuition is the best bonus and assistance. And his character is destined. In the face of weaker opponents, he will not be merciful; in the face of opponents that are equal or even far ahead of him, he will quickly display the best strength and level he can play.

And facing a teammate like Sanada and a doubles partner like this

At least in this game, Sanada gave him "excitement" and "incentive" far better than his opponents of high school students!

Therefore, all aspects of the two middle school students on court are much more fierce than usual.

This kind of "cruel" is not only the appearance on the surface, but also the unspeakable momentum that can only be felt!

They really wanted to beat the two high school players on the opposite side of the net with all their heart.

[This will be a hugely rewarding game. ]

The coaching staff in the stands was very satisfied.

[This is a very valuable game. 】

The high school students in the main control room looked at the screen very satisfied.

[This is definitely a passionate match!]

The middle school students on the second army seat are also very satisfied with this game.

[Huh, it looks a little bit like this. 】

The No. 1 high school student on the bench of the first army "reluctantly" affirmed the game slightly in his heart.

Byōdōin Hōō saw the rising momentum of the two junior high school students on the court, and finally became really interested in this qualifying match.

[It's not easy, the younger generation finally "into the state"

The No. 2 players on the court are also very satisfied.

He was very pleased to watch the spirits of the two middle school students on the opposite side of the net gradually rise, and then he decided-when this spirit almost reached its peak, he would shoot it to the low end!

So he looked at Sanada Genichiro and Akutsu Jin quietly, feeling the collision and fusion of the two auras with a calm expression.

Tanegashima Shuji's expression is still so easy-going, and his expression is still calm.

Compared with before, there seems to be no difference.

--But for Omagari, Tanegashima Shuji's "usual" doubles partner, the difference is very big!

No.6 of the First Army, who seems to be very distressed, although his starting point is different from others, his true feelings are also "very satisfied".

With the cooperation of multiple doubles, Omagari was able to clarify Tanegashima Shuji's intentions and emotional changes on court.

If Tanegashima was really "not interested", Tanegashima Shuji would have yawned, waved his hand, and talked to each other a few words to show that he was "easy-going as a senior high school student."

No. 2 of the First Army has not changed from before, and No. 6 of the First Army seems to be the best "signal light"!


Tanegashima is finally going to hit the two guys opposite!

After Omagari thought of this, his spirits immediately refreshed.

He doesn't care if his doubles partner will perform too well in the next time to "snatch the limelight." On the contrary, he is very happy to give the "shiny points" of the entire qualifying match to his doubles partner Tanegashima Shuji!


It's a tennis with swift and violent wind.

Wherever the ball passes, there is a faint black air current that can distort the space.

I know that this ball is not only "it’s as fast as a storm" but also a tennis ball that can bend lanes--but I don’t know that the middle school student with a black hat on the opposite side can bend the tennis ball several times. . Omagari did not hesitate to decide to "let" the ball to his doubles partner Tanegashima Shuji to pick it up!

No. 6 of the first army is not afraid of hitting the ball at a high speed like a storm, even if he can't catch it once, he will surely be able to receive it a few more times. In fact, he is not afraid of the "black aura"-for high school students with double knife flow, the pure black aura and the bending of the tennis ball are just "too troublesome", and it is not a problem to come several times. .

However, Sanada's ball is the same as before. It is not a simple high-speed hit like a storm, nor is it a pure black airflow bending, but a ball of the two!

Just like doubles, "one plus one" is "greater than two"!

So even if Omagari responds carefully and goes all out, there is no complete certainty that he can catch such a ball.


Because he was not sure enough, Omagari was very "|sexual" and decided not to catch the ball.

He ran two steps with a little bit of excitement-anyway, the stamina of the double-swordsman was very strong, and running two steps would not consume his energy.

The No. 6 of the First Army was very deliberate and gave the opportunity to "show the limelight" to the No. 2 of the First Army that had been paddling before.

For those skilled balls, especially those from "Killer Copper", Tanegashima Shuji is their "nemesis"!

Whoosh~ whoosh~~

The racquet, which stretched across, stopped the tennis ball, and the tennis ball was spinning on the surface of the racquet net with extreme speed.

"Is it just this level?"

No. 2 of the First Army raised the corners of his mouth, and he said with a chuckle.


Preventing the tennis ball from advancing and landing, the first army No. 2 swung back.

His attitude is natural and casual, and he looks extremely relaxed-what a shocking and annoying posture!

[Tanegashima Shuji can turn all the kill shots into ‘no’ back and forth!]

[There have been rumors in the U17 training camp-there is no ball he can't catch!]

Akutsu Jin doesn't know whether this rumor is true or false, but now he finally knows and understands

He finally understood why Sanada Xianichiro repeatedly spoke of the No. 2 high school student in the army with fear many times before the start of the game!

It's not because "that is Rikkai's senior with a deep connection", but because - Tanegashima Shuji is their strongest and most difficult opponent to win in this qualifying match!

Sanada possesses the "Blood Forest Flame Peak", the "Black Aura", and the ball turning skills he named "Black Dragon X Recut"-these skills are for most people. "Killer copper" is a "nirvana", enough to make most people have a headache.

But to Tanegashima Shuji, who has the ability to "turn all skills into nothingness" and have the ability to "turn nothingness", these things are nothing at all.

"Transforming nothing", there is almost no weakness in terms of "frontal destruction", unless you have absolute skills and strength!

This is something that Sanada Genichiro cannot do.

--At least there is no way now.

Akutsu Jin's heart sank, his original high and fiery fighting spirit also calmed down a little at this time.

Facing such an opponent of high school students, Sanada's original advantage was greatly restrained.

The possibility of "frontal blow" is close to zero-what "transforms nothing" resolves is not just the ball skills with various abilities. Even if he blessed his strength on tennis and increased his strong spin, he would be dispelled by the high school student with dexterous wrists on the opposite side!

"At 15:30, Tanegashima, score the score!"

It is still the doubles combination of the second-military junior high school students leading the score, but the atmosphere on the court is far less than before.

"Destroyed Nothing"--

Tanegashima Shuji's "Nothing" shot not only resolves the skill of the ball, but also the momentum of Sanada and Akutsu approaching the peak after serving!

Anyone with eyesight can see one thing--

No. 2 of the First Army successfully grasped his "match point", and the combat intention of the middle school doubles combination "frontal break" is now completely useless!

--Sanada Genichiro and Akutsu Jin want to score?

Probably, we need to change our thinking and deal with twists and turns.

Bang bang!

"It's as fast as a storm-"

With Sanada's character, he would not be reconciled if he didn't try and persist.




Lightly, such a super high-speed ball was caught.

"Aggression is like flames--"

Aggression is like a further realm of fire, a violent smash like the fire of raging waves.

Sanada made a real fire, and he was full of anger with this shot.

Therefore, Omagari understandably gave the ball to Tanegashima again.


"Dispel the fire!!

The raging tennis ball that was burning like flames suddenly subsided.

It was originally a black fire entangled, and it would bend at the right time, but now it honestly seems to be stuck to Tanegashima Shuji's net racquet, just waiting for Tanegashima's return.


The menacing return of the ball, with a strong and powerful spin, is not easy to provoke before it arrives.

"Its Xu is like a forest--"

Sanada also has a ball skill that can resolve spins. Although it is far from being compared with Tanegashima Shuji's "Destroyed Nothing", it is more than enough to deal with spins for defense under normal circumstances.

"--Broken Wood!"

Most of the people in the audience were already watching.

Especially middle school students!

Most of the middle school students know one thing-Sanada has developed two powerful ball skills, "Difficult to Know Like Yin" and "Moving Like Thunder" in order to target his hand. In order to target a certain person-even if it is for this person to have the development direction of football skills, it is something that makes people have to take a breath.

--How targeted!

In the final of the national competition, the middle school students who watched the game once sighed like this.

And now, looking at Tanegashima Shuji's actions, he used it to deal with Sanada's return

Is this a deliberate target?!!

Is it to be used casually, or is it prepared?

With just a few returns, No. 2 of the First Army made a lot of middle school students who originally thought he was a "good-tempered, good-looking and easy-going senior" in their hearts and chills behind their backs.


"30:30, Tanegashima, score for the big song!"


[As expected, it's the high school student who came out of'Rikkai Da'!]

In the past three years, facing the junior high school students who have died in the summer competitions of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team, unable to advance, and unable to touch the championship trophy, the mood at this moment is the same gloomy.

"Not moving like a mountain--"

Sanada was completely unaffected by Tanegashima Shuji's action that seemed to be a targeted return.

Regardless of his bad face, his current psychological endurance has become very strong after several "exercises" by some people in the tennis club.

--Regardless of whether the opponent is targeting him or not, he will continue to fight!

- Never admit defeat!

Even if his heart is already full of anger, the swing movements and the display of ball skills must be kept in mind. It has been engraved in the depths of the body, which has already become his instinctive reaction ability.

Defense like an iron wall

The offense is not good, try the defense!

Sanada thought this way, remaining calm deep in his anger in his anger. The more you are in this kind of anger, the more you have to calm down-this is what Sanada has understood after encountering Nioh many times in the internal practice matches of the tennis club.

If you can't work hard, then try to stabilize the situation and wait for the moment!


Tanegashima is very satisfied with the younger generation's "intelligence".

He is willing to play this doubles game, just want to see Sanada's "new thing"-this is a "new thing" that Nioh doesn't know for the time being!

Sanada is so "interested" and directly "shows" the "Blamed Forest" one by one, so that the No. 2 army who originally thought it would take several rounds of "water milling time" to see these is greatly excited.

- Tanegashima originally thought that Sanada would use his black aura and use his air to bend and smash him!

He didn't expect the younger generation to do this. It seems that his black-faced younger generation is not so rigid!

"Crack the soil!"

No. 2 of the first army who feels that the younger generation is so "sensible", feels good and enjoys it together. He simply did what some people outside the court wanted.

Targetedly, after "transforming nothing", the method is extended one-the wrist rotates in an instant and gently drives the racquet to vibrate, breaking Sanada's defense with his unique ability!


The tennis ball rushed over and made a clear goal straight to the spot that Tanegashima liked.

The insight of No. 2 of the First Army is the greatest boost to the ability to cooperate with him and to "dissolve nothing." Tanegashima Shuji, who has played tennis for so many years, also has ample experience in doubles, far surpassing Sanada and Akutsu.

He can see at a glance the "holes" between the two that allow him to score-

Sanada played too hard and ran too fast.

Even if Akutsu Jin's reaction ability seemed to him to admire a few words, but no matter how eager Akutsu Jin reacted, the loopholes between the two still exist, and in his opinion, it is more conspicuous!


"40:30, Tanegashima, score the score!"

"Baosen Yanfeng", in this case, was shown by the dark-faced Sanada.

"Transforming nothing-melting wind, dispelling fire, breaking wood, cracking soldiers", Sanada's moves have also been targeted by Tanegashima!

"Destroyed Nothing" inherently has great flexibility, and its ability to "transmit nothing" can have countless kinds of extensions if needed.

It is precisely because of this that, among the top ten players in the first army, Oni Jujiro is so afraid of No.2 Tanegashima Shuji.

No. 2 of the First Army is the "accidental number one" player among the high school students of the First Army-as long as Tanegashima gives his all, no one can predict what he will do next.

Tanegashima Shuji's flexible mind, in his tennis, is no weaker than his "destroyed incapable" power!

Bang bang bang!

"1:1, Tanegashima, the big song score!"

There is nothing more bleak than climbing a mountain and then falling back to the bottom.

Sanada and Akutsu's original unstoppable aura was completely suppressed by this round.

The atmosphere on the court has changed from being fiery and fierce to being stagnant and heavy now.

Although, the two middle school students have not lost their fighting spirit--

After Sanada tried the "Baosen Yanfeng" all over, and after letting the senior high school students take a look at his "new things", he became obsessed with his black aura-derived technique "Black Dragon X Heavy Slash".

Second bend, "Black Dragon Double Slash" is not possible, so what about "Black Dragon Triple Slash"?

After he has gone through the back mountain, he can now make the tennis ball bend again!


"Black Dragon Triple Slash!"

"Destroyed Nothing" wants to turn the ball into "nothing", but it also needs to touch the tennis ball, right?

In this case, he must try to keep the opponent out of the tennis ball!


Sanada's idea is actually correct, but the two high school students he faced are now in a competitive state-not a qualifying state of 60% strength, but a "competitive state"!

Moreover, this qualifying match is still doubles!

Omagari I (Are you alright) at this time must not be able to catch the "Black Dragon Triple Slash", and Tanegashima Shuji's "Kanwu" of course also has limitations.

However, the two high school students who didn't need to suppress their tennis strength in the "game state" cooperated tacitly, but they were able to hit the ball back!

"15:0, Tanegashima, score the score!"

Even if, even if there are occasional mistakes, the tennis ball that bends again "escapes", it is only a "very few"!

Bang bang bang--

Sanada was working hard with his black aura and "Black Dragon Triple Slash".

Akutsu Jin did not give up either. He used his incredible reflexes to hit back tennis several times.

However, the winning scale of qualifying has slowly moved to the high school students.

"2:1, Tanegashima, the big song score!'

High school students..

Tanegashima Shuji is like a set director of a qualifying game. After being "out-of-court"-very patiently let Sanada use his "new moves" all the time, he returned to his "beyond things". realm.

He didn't sit on the sidelines coldly, but in the end he was a bit less motivated than the middle school students. Although it is indeed a lot of effort, but it only firmly suppressed Sanada and Akutsu, and did not put the two middle school students into the "pit of defeat".

Because of this, the scoring efficiency of the first army high school students is actually not very high-compared with Yukimura's doubles in the previous game.

However, Tanegashima Shuji's own doubles partner Omagari is very patient and he is not in a hurry.

No. 6 of the first army, following Tanegashima's sense of rhythm, used his double-knife flow to hit the tennis ball to a place where the two middle school students would not care about it.

Bang bang bang!

The pattern on the court is very clear, and there is only one "controller"-Tanegashima Shuji already has control of the overall rhythm.

Although, after that small game, the main scoring force of the First Army became Omagari again.

No. 2 of the first army is like the evil predecessor holding a funny cat stick, poking and teasing the two middle school students, letting them jump up a few blue veins on their foreheads, and then they restrain themselves and stop here.

He is now just doing "defense" things in qualifying.

However, like a void in the universe, no matter what kind of hit the ball will be "swallowed" by the void.

Standing on the opposite side of the net, No. 2 of the first army brought an irresistible pressure to the two middle school students.

Ps, the maintenance is finally over, and it's finally back!.

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