Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 748 : Speak bluntly, duplicity

Speaking of this

If you continue to talk about it, I am like a villain who is too suspicious or even deliberately provoking, but this kind of character seems to be very emotional~

Nioh just worried for less than a second, then decided to continue speaking.

"Does our current army No. 4 really want to join here?"

"How do I feel"

"He came here to abduct Echizen Ryoma."

It's almost like this.

It's rare to experience this kind of bluntness once, and Nioh thinks he can experience this a few more times in the future.

However, Rikkai Taisho selected this kind of thing as "straight-talked", and other people's reactions to this were somewhat complicated.

Of course Byōdōin Hōō is still the same.

The boss of the first army was purely dismissive, perhaps because he had the idea of ​​"disposable" when he picked up Echizen Ryoga.

No. 3 of the First Army followed the position of No. 1 of the First Army. Although his eyes widened after hearing this, he wisely remained silent.

Tanegashima Shuji was mentally prepared to "have this problem" because of the "changes" of his younger generations and the previous conversations.

Now that Nioh asks like this, there is a kind of No.2 in the first army--

【finally come!】

This feeling made him very gratified that he and his younger generation "have a clear heart."

At present, No. 5 Oni Jujiro of the army is not a weak person. Although he loves the young heart, he is able to calm down in the face of "some No. 4 may have come to dig the foot of the wall". .

Because this kind of thing can't move Oni Jujirou.

Echizen Ryoga may be poaching junior high school students from U17 training camp-this news is replaced by "a player is coming to steal his cute pet hamster" is almost the same!

Of course, if the target is Kintarou Tooyama, Oni Jujiro will also not be the calm attitude it is now.

Therefore, among the first army high school students, the only one who feels tired is the first army NO.6 Omagari.

Daqu is really unlucky.

He obviously won the game, but he still has to accept this kind of "inhuman" psychological impact here.

Although this psychological shock will not cause Omagari to faint in the infirmary like some two unlucky high school players, but the psychological fatigue caused by this wave of psychological shocks to the No.6 players in the army is tennis. The mental power tricks in the game are unattainable.

At a certain moment, Omagari really wanted to change places to watch the game.

But he still wants to listen!

Because some information is really useful, and it makes him very interested.

If, if one-

It would be better if Tanegashima Shuji, a junior high school student with white hair, could not say something choking like he does now!

First Army No.6 thought angrily in my heart.

"Speaking of which, Echizen was born in the United States, right?"

Yukimura froze for a moment, and then said.

"He has U.S. nationality?"

Atobe frowned.

Unlike Rikkai Taisho election and Minister Rikkai who only advanced this topic out of some unspeakable interest, Minister Hyotei definitely wanted Echizen Ryoma to stay.

"Nationality should have no effect--"

"Isn't the hand house already gone?"

Kite said frankly.

Although nationality does have a great influence on the attribution of players, it is not decisive.

U17 World Cup-This is just a youth World Cup in tennis, not a national battle.

On their U17 training camp, isn't there also the No. 3 player that France joined?

"But it seems to the outside world that the United States has a more promising future."

Saying this in the U17 training camp in Japan, speaking in front of a military player, Nioh walked on the "road to death" under the admiration of Minister Higa.

--Although this sentence is really true, as long as you understand the international community, you will know the weakness of Japanese tennis.

- Even if you don't know how lagging behind the U17 World Cup rankings, when looking for your own team's ranking, you will directly focus on double digits.

"Brother wants to see his younger brother, what's wrong with taking him away easily during this period?"

He spread his hands, looked at the crowd and said.

The deliberate "death" stimulation made Nioh's adrenaline secrete quickly. Although his breathing did not speed up, the feeling of excitement was already in place.

--I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time, poof~

--I'm only a teenager now, there is still a long time before the old man's age~


A palm fell on Nioh's shoulder.

Then in an instant, there was a hand rubbing white hair on Nioh's head.

"Little Nioh is so sweet."

"--Thinking of so many things for our U17 training camp!"

Tanegashima Shuji rubbed the white hair of the younger generation with emotion.

He is now sitting behind Nioh, leaning forward slightly and can "do something" to the younger generation sitting in front of him.

For example, pat the shoulder.

Such as rubbing your head.

All in all, the younger generation's desire to make trouble is too prominent, and he needs to appease such a younger generation.

"But it's okay~"

No. 2 of the First Army said with a smile.

As he spoke, he glanced at Byōdōin Hōō.

"Doesn't this kind of thing need to be considered for the 267 team?"

"The people brought back by No.1 of the First Army, of course, have to be handed over to him to talk."

"Or leave it to the coaches to talk about it.

But it's just "talking".

It is now an era of peace and development, and the "force" set can no longer be used.

U17 training camp can not restrict the free choice of players.

"Just like you said--"

"We saw this game and we have already earned it!"

Aggressively wanting to challenge the TOP4 status, the U.S. team is naturally one of the imaginary enemies of the U17 training camp coaching staff.

It is also one of the opponents that tennis players like them may encounter.

Familiar opponents are better than unfamiliar opponents-the military NO.2 mentality has always been very good.

[So we just watched the game like this, waiting to take two Echizen players carrying tennis bags?]

Nioh turned his head and conveyed his question with his eyes.

[Don't worry, seniors, I think you actually want to be against them, right?]

No.2 of the First Army gave a look back, indicating that he had seen through the careful thoughts of the younger generation.

Ps, Nioh just wants to be against them, but his heart of doing things is already excited, and it is probably duplicity?? Masaharu is telling the truth, but what he thinks is not this~.

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