Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 751 The difference of luminous balls, the style of Echizen Ryoga

"Unparalleled in ancient and modern times"

After watching the game for a while, the No. 1 army finally spoke.

Byōdōin Hōō had not joined Nioh, Tanegashima and others in the conversation before, but he did not turn his ears deaf with his arms.

On the contrary, the No. 1 high school student captured the intelligence in the conversation between junior high school students and high school students.

Combined with the two Echizen players on the court, he saw and analyzed something very valuable.

"My "luminous ball" contains the power of destruction.'

"Is the power contained in this guy's "luminous ball" "unparalleled in ancient and modern"?"

Although this inference was made, it is clear that Byodoin, who frowned and said this sentence, still has doubts.

When he said these two sentences, he was not only asking questions about himself, but also asking questions about the other players on the seat of the first army.

Although the boss of the first army is very domineering, he is also a leader.

A tennis player who was able to become a "Legend Minister" in middle school will not become a person without the concept of captain no matter how much excitement he has experienced now.

So he just asked this directly-although the tone is not very good, but at least it is a question.

Everyone turned their gazes again to the white-haired one among the four middle school students.

What these people don't know is why, knowing that Nioh might care about him or even say something that is useful but stimulating the human heart, they still looked at Nioh Masaharu for the first time, not obviously more. The talkative Seiichi Yukimura.

--Probably because of the trust brought by tennis strength?

--Or see through the deceiver's sloppy character but absolutely serious in business?

Looking at Nioh's No. 2 of the First Army with colleagues of high school students in the First Army, they have their own inferences.

[Little Nioh is so active in the first team!]

Yes, that's it.

In Tanegashima Shuji's view, Nioh Masaharu's active level on the players' bench has exceeded the active level of tennis players on the court!

So in other words the same can be said--

Nioh actually "has pitted myself" again~

"Senior Byodoin asked Echizen Ryoga's "Glow Ball, or Echizen Ryoma?"

The directivity of the eyes of the senior high school students is too obvious, Nioh wanted to pretend not to feel it, but the people sitting next to him are Atobe and Yukimura, and behind him is Tanegashima Shuji, the No. 2 army. High school students.

So he had no choice but to answer.

But unlike what others expected, Nioh looked at Byodoin and asked a rhetorical question--

Is it Echizen Ryoga or Echizen Ryoma?

- The two tennis players on the court all used "luminous balls".


When everyone can directly guess that Byōdōin Hōō is asking whether the power contained in Echizen Ryoga's "Glowing Ball" is "unparalleled in ancient and modern", Nioh's questioning obviously has another purpose.

"Huh, the'luminous ball' of that country's life is just an empty shell!"

Byodoin didn't even think about it, so he coldly snorted, and then said like an evaluation.

The vision of the boss of the First Army is really broad, and his vision is also very high.

The players on the seats of the Second Army seem to have a powerful "luminous ball", which is also "just an empty shell" in the evaluation of No.1 in the First Army.

No. 1 of the first army is valued, only the current No. 4 Echizen Ryoga "luminous ball".

Regardless of whether the Echizen Ryoga player is an enemy or a teammate in the future, the leader of the first army now knows how strong this player is, and he is absolutely right to do so.

Moreover, Byōdōin Hōō can directly ask about Echizen Ryoga's "Gu Jin Wu Shuang" related things -

His actions like this have already demonstrated to a large extent the degree of importance he attaches to Echizen Ryoga.

"Although it is an "empty shell" now, I will always add my own things in the future. "

Nioh is not willing to underestimate the first-year student Echizen Ryoma.

- Echizen Ryoma, who was originally only a brilliant player in the national competitions, he was able to single out a powerful general-level tennis player in the World Cup!

Although Nioh looked at Echizen Ryoma's "luminous ball", the evaluation of such "luminous ball" is not praised-now Echizen Ryoma's luminous ball, in Nioh Masaharu's view, is only "invisible".

Byōdōin Hōō injected the soul of "destruction" into his "luminous ball".

The "luminous ball" of the leader of the army can no longer be simply called the "luminous ball". Because every luminous ball he hits is filled with the power of "destruction".

Echizen Ryoga's glowing ball is similar.

In this unfinished qualifying match, Echizen Ryoga poured the essence of "unparalleled in ancient and modern" in his "luminous ball".

"But if the Byodoin-senior asked the No. 4 luminous ball of the first army?"

"Now it contains the power of "unparalleled in ancient and modern", but it is only the shining ball of Echizen Ryoga now."

Nioh said something awkward and awkward.

If it's someone else who doesn't know much about tennis, they might feel confused and guess what.

Even if it was just a tennis player with average tennis strength and average vision, they would not have heard anything from it.

But on the seat of the First Army, Nioh's answer--

That's enough!

The "luminous ball" is actually the same in the initial state, because at this time the player himself did not pour the power he felt into it.

The "luminous ball" that is poured into the power that I feel, although it is still a "luminous ball", it can actually be called "luminous ball lv.2"-it is an upgraded version of the luminous ball!

But there are exceptions to everything, and there is room for accommodation.

Nioh, after all, are playing tennis in their real world, not a completely digital game.

So the "luminous ball" cannot be as rigid as the game panel.

And, there is one thing to know--

If some skills in the game panel need to be upgraded, the experience bar will still be displayed!

Is there only an "initial version" and an "upgraded version" for "Glowing Ball"?

In many games, the "varied version" that you love and hear is indispensable

Echizen Ryoga, his glowing ball is actually a "varied version".

"He can freely inject the various powers he has felt into it?"

First Army No.1 frowned while being very satisfied with the answer I got.

The reason for satisfaction is that the message implicit in Nioh's answer is not just the "luminous ball" he asked.

From Nioh's answer, Byōdōin Hōō can think of the essence of their current No. 4 tennis team.

Thinking about where I met the No. 4 of the First Army, and thinking about the conversation with Echizen Ryoga at that time, the No. 1 of the First Army has a bottom.

--He might guess wrong, but it shouldn't be far off to guess this way.

Traveling outside for a long time. This kind of thing Byōdōin Hōō himself has done.

Because he saw a lot of scenery, he got a lot of insights and realized a lot of useful skills.

But Echizen Ryoga is different from him.

He is to improve his tennis strength, but Echizen Ryoga is just to "travel the world" and "travel the world".

"Process" is "goal"?

What about tennis?

Thinking this way, Byodoin's thinking gradually became clear.


Nioh continued with the words of No.1 of the army.

It sounds like his tone is very casual, and he has no consciousness of answering questions seriously.

But with this answer, Nioh has already told the First Army No. 1 the most critical thing he knows.

""Freedom" means "unfettered and unrestrained", senior of Byodoin Temple?"

That's it-

The style of Echizen Ryoga, the tennis player, and the core of his strength after his tennis prowess has been sublimated to a different dimension!

Take the example of a high school student in the First Army--

Byodoin’s "destroy" without concealment.

Tanegashima Shuji hides the "anti-injury" until now.

--These are the unique characteristics of the tennis player himself.

It is not impossible for other people to use it, but if it is used by people of the same level, the "trait" is of course the best when used by the player himself.

The reason why Nioh remembered Echizen Ryoga's "luminous ball" in the skill of a vast sea of ​​tennis players is precisely because of the deep impression left by Echizen Ryoga's "luminous ball".

What can be similar to the "Phantom" is generally only a rare "imitation"-in professional-level competitions, the "imitation" that can be achieved is quite rare.


Echizen Ryoga who can play such a free style, his power injection is simply "unfettered" "luminous ball", how can he not impress Nioh so far?

Ps, my private Ryoga. Otherwise, it would be too aesthetically fatigued to write down in accordance with Echizen Nanjiro's Junior Upgrade Template. If that were the case, I would not even have the motivation to code words. earth,

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