Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 753 :Brothers and sisters, the dilemma of the Second Army

The First Army won again, plus the two previous wins, they have won three qualifying matches.

There are only seven qualifying matches for the second army to challenge the first army!

In seven games, the side that has won four or more than four games is the final winner of the qualifying.

The situation facing the Second Army is already quite dangerous.

Qualifying has come to the "match point"-

If the first army still wins the next qualifying match, then the second army will lose.

Faced with such a "crisis", the players in the Second Army seats should have been worried.


They really can't get worried now!

On the Second Army seat, whether it is a junior high school student or a high school student, they are looking at Echizen Ryoga who is walking step by step behind Echizen Ryoma with a very complicated look!

--This First Army No. 4 player, what do you mean by coming here?

Isn't it enough to just hug once in front of the net?!

Fuji Syusuke squinted at the dark green hair color of the army players, thinking about their small pillar of Seigaku and the hug when they were hugged, their ear tips were actually red, and it was already a little clear in my heart. .

The Seigaku genius is someone with a biological brother!

Fuji Syusuke pushes himself up to others, he can understand Echizen Ryoga.

However, not every tennis player has a younger brother!

Therefore, looking at this uninvited First Army No. 4, the atmosphere of the Second Army suddenly became embarrassing.

They are also embarrassed to keep staring at Echizen Ryoga, but if they don't look at the No. 4 of the First Army anymore, who would say something first!

--Too embarrassing.

--Why no one speaks??

- Didn't the First Army stop NO.4?!!

This embarrassing situation should be resolved as long as one person is willing to speak out. But no matter what, I don't know why, it is rare for everyone to unite untimely at this time.

In this way, they could only watch the Echizen brothers step by step into the second army's auditorium field.

"You may not have experienced the feelings between brothers."

Seigaku's genius saw the first army No.4 enter the second army's auditorium, and he spoke meaningfully.

As everyone knows, Fuji Syusuke's younger brother is of course Fuji Yuta of Saint Rudolph.

Therefore, when Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou reflexively looked at the manager of the Saint Rudolph Tennis Club to watch the moon, they expected to see the moon, and they could not wait to immediately take out racquet and Fuji to start playing. Exploded look.

Since Seigaku played against St. Rudolf’s tennis club, they have seen the look of St. Rudolph’s manager many times.

In the beginning, Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou were still a bit tangled. As the deputy minister, Oishi even wanted to kindly dissuade him, but then they got used to it.

--Fuji, after all, Fuji has a sense of measure.

--Fuji's younger brother is persuading him, maybe this is how they get along.

Therefore, the Seigaku players watched their genius continue to work hard, work tirelessly, and seize every opportunity in the U17 training camp-just like now.

While Fuji Syusuke empathized with Echizen Ryoga's actions, he provoked Saint Rudolf's manager in the air.

"Don't say that, Fuji."

Shiraishi said with a smile.

"Since everyone is playing tennis here, it is like brotherhood!"

The Minister of Shitenhouji didn't know whether it was intentional or intentional. He kept silent before, but now he said very heartily.

However, his next sentence directly exposed him.

"My sister-Yurixiang is super cute"|!

Although it has always been difficult to get along with active girls, Shiraishi has never felt that way in the face of his lively and lovely sister.

On the contrary, he has always taken the initiative to take care of Shiraishi Yurika.

The Shitenhouji players know that their minister was called "ku~ sauce" by the minister's sister!

- Doesn't it mean that Yurika is cute enough to be called such an intimate name?

After hearing this one time, Golden Koharu used "ku~jang" to call their Minister Shitenhouji many times during that period of time in a deliberately soft tone.

But even when called that way, Shiraishi Kuranosuke didn't feel offended and angry. The minister of Shitenhouji has never been afraid of a series of problems caused by the "funny" school spirit!

Even if he made the super tactics of the entire women's tennis club in order to win the cultural festival, he would not deliberately escape!

"It sounds like a good relationship~"

Fuji Syusuke bends the corner of his mouth.

"Of course--"

"In the beginning, when I wanted to raise a unicorn at home, it was Yu Lixiang who helped me find the information!

Unlike the genius Seigaku who has excellent interpersonal skills but only got awkward with his younger brother until the third grade, the relationship between Minister Shitenhouji and his younger sister has always been very good.

"Because of the experience accumulated at that time, the current Cabrielle can be so glorious!!

"Ah, I'm still a little worried when it comes to this."

Shiraishi's mood suddenly fell a little bit.

"Recently, the black luster on Kabrielle seems to have dimmed a lot, so worried.

As Minister Shitenhouji said, his worried look caused the Seigaku genius next to him and the other players who were watching their conversation choked.

[Is it a show off for a winner in life, Shiraishi?]

Fuji squinted his eyes and kept smiling.

Although they are roommates, and as members of a dormitory, they are feared by everyone as a well-known collective, but Fuji Syusuke really feels that sometimes he can't keep up with Minister Shitenhouji's brain circuit.

And for some time, I don’t know if certain two ministers deliberately

The genius Seigaku always chatted with his roommates and got choked.

But as it is now--

Minister Shitenhouji's words are so sincere and natural, there is no intention at all!

Unable to find any obvious flaws, Seigaku Tianyu had to secretly swallow the choked breath.

"Hey Hey hey--"

"No. 4 of the First Army, why are you here?"

"It's a brother, so we have to stand together? Puff one-"

"What a cold joke, Tiangen!!"

"Ahead! You are getting better, let's have a match!"

"Damn it, I'm about to lose, you guys are serious and don't laugh anymore!"

Once the awkward situation was broken, it immediately fell into chaos, and the noisy voices sounded indistinguishable.

But if you listen carefully, you can still hear familiar sounds.

Fuji Syusuke gave up the conversation with the Shitenhouji minister next to him. He didn't want to join Shitenhouji's conversation channel anymore, so Seigaku's genius let his Shitenhouji roommate and Shitenhouji regular candidates continue their conversation together.

Seigaku's genius turned to care about his younger brother--

"Don't forget Yuta, sister Yumiko is a fortuneteller."

Facing the direction where the second graders gathered, Fuji Syusuke raised his voice and said.

"When we left, the fortune we got from the divination was pretty good~"

Although the situation of the Second Army is indeed at a "critical juncture," this is only the appearance of the situation.

Even if they can defeat the team of the first army, they cannot occupy the name of the high school student team.

And if you want to participate in the World Cup together, high school students and middle school students are teammates. Since it is a teammate, Fuji Syusuke still believes that the stronger the teammate, the better!

"But !!"

However, Fuji Yuta didn't know these twists and turns.

The second-year students of St. Rudolph at this time really thought that their Second Army would fight a battle against the First Army to determine the very honorable ownership.

Anxious emotions were revealed in his eyebrows, which made Kan Yuechu's face, who was already in a bad mood, looked a little worse.

"Papa Papa--"

Irie Kanata, who has been watching all this with a gentle smile, should have seen enough. He clapped his hands, trying to attract the attention of these teenagers and the two Echizen players.

"Don't worry, don't we still have two games?

The orange-brown curly high school student said warmly.

His voice is very comforting, so that some of the irritable players are slightly calmed down.

"Then, now let me do a post-match physical examination for Echizen Ryoma players!

Seeing that he seemed to have gained trust, Irie turned his gaze to Echizen Ryoma.

He didn't care what Echizen Ryoma and Echizen Ryoga were following, so he quickly walked over--

"Oh, this"

The tone was trembling, and his hands were trembling.

No. 4 of the army closer to Echizen Ryoma can see the fine beads of sweat on the forehead of this high school student.

"What, what's wrong?"

Seigaku's small pillar was startled by the senior high school student who suddenly came forward.

His third-year predecessor, Fuji Syusuke, suddenly thought that the black jacket group who came back from the mountain hadn't learned the "good skills" of this Irie Kanata player!

So is this acting?

Fuji Syusuke hesitated, but the emotion of caring about Echizen Ryoma prevailed--

Senior high school students, shouldn't they deliberately lie at this time?

So Echizen

"."how so?!!"

"This is for playing luminous balls--"

Irie Kanata's eyes widened, so startled that she couldn't even speak the whole word.

This kind of performance made Echizen Ryoga, who was still surprised, also a little nervous.

--No way, something really went wrong, right?!

"What's the matter, Irie?"

The black-haired high school student who originally stood with Irie Kanata watching the game also frowned and walked over.

"Does Echizen put too much pressure on the body using the glow ball?"

He looked at Echizen Ryoma worriedly.

"actually "

Irie Kanata looked worried, but hesitated.

"--I lied to you~"

The orange-brown curly high school student said, and also stuck out his tongue mischievously.

Echizen Ryoma, who was worried, and Echizen Ryoga, who was worried about his younger brother, stared at the same time. At this moment, the two brothers have a common idea-is this high school student wanting someone?!


As soon as Echizen Ryoma pressed the brim of his hat, he turned around sternly.

He just lost to Echizen Ryoga in the game and he is not so angry now!

And Tokugawa Kazuya, who was worried because of Irie's words, followed by, was habitually tired and speechless.

This scene--

He has already experienced it once!

As a result, the scene reappeared again, and he was actually deceived as a bystander.

"Puff, does Tokugawa's expression remind me of that year?"

A certain high school student who deceived others with his acting skills began to give Tokugawa "reverse psychological counseling" again.

Tokugawa Kazuya feels that if he really accepts Irie Kanata's psychological counseling, I am afraid he will be directly depressed without having to play against Byōdōin Hōō!

When (Zhao's), the "protagonist" who was played by Irie back then was him!

At that time, he was beaten badly by Byodoin Temple and injured his body.

Irie volunteered to bandage and treat him-in fact, it was a simple medicine.

But it’s such a simple operation

Oni Jujiro who was watching at the time was fooled into thinking that he was seriously injured and could not continue playing tennis!

"You have to trust my level, Tokugawa!"

Irie was still talking next to him.

"I have a family background--"

"My family is a doctor you can trust!"

Irie continued to add, trying to convince Tokugawa and the people around him.


Absolutely not. Believe!

This high school student contestant, are you from an acting family?

Or maybe your family has played the role of a "doctor" who is actually a spy or an undercover agent?!

At this moment, everyone in the Second Army except Irie Kanata had the same ideas as Tokugawa before.

--This high school player, are you really here to lower our morale?

-Are you really a spy or undercover from the other party?

Considering that Oni Jujiro-senpai, who had been friends with Irie Kanata, a senior high school student, is now standing on the opposite side of the army, Oshitari Yuushi in the Hyotei camp is thinking about this very seriously.

Ps, don’t ask, I don’t know if I should believe what Irie Kanata said. For Shiraishi’s Kabrielle, I searched for pictures of unicorns. I was mentally prepared, but I really couldn’t describe it! The author is afraid of all kinds of insects, even Kabrielle, which Shiraishi likes. , My scalp feels numb when I look at the pictures that are not very detailed. ,

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