Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 755 Chao Wendao, the strength of the first army

No. 4 of the first army, after the game, he ran directly with Echizen Ryoma

On the side of the first army player seat, everyone subconsciously looked at the first army No.1.

Byōdōin Hōō didn't seem to be angry, but combined with the current "event background", the players on the scene felt that the situation was not good as they thought about it.

At this time, the First Army No. 3 Duke Watanabe came forward.

He probably also knew that Tanegashima Shuji, Oni Jujiro, and Omagari could not be counted on now.

And middle school students--especially the white-haired one, if they speak, they might add fuel to the fire.

So the No. 3 player in the first army stood up actively.

"Finally it's my turn to play.

Because I want to find out about these middle-aged players, the first team’s qualifying match is not the usual five-match (two doubles, three singles) three-win system, but seven four wins. The top ten players of the first army must play again.

"The most critical round came to me-this time I really have to play the game with my heart.

No. 3 of the first army was talking while walking, and there was serious emotion in his eyes.

Obviously, he is not just talking.

After watching the previous five qualifying matches, Duke and Watanabe no longer underestimate the middle school students.

"I very much hope to be able to fight against the U17 army's strongest lord.

In front of the net, Shitenhouji's Ishida Gin put his hands together and said "two seven zero".

Ishida Gin, who masters the 108 wave ball, is not the strongest tennis player among middle school students, but he is indeed the strongest middle school player.

Therefore, in this game, the second army will be on the field by him--


This is a duel of power.

Both players on the court are good at the same direction. When the two sides meet, the strong should have won, and when the strengths of the two players are in the same direction, the result is even more obvious.

--The gap between the third and third year of junior high school was very straightforwardly revealed in this game.

This is something that was not directly told to middle school students in the previous five games.

"A Yin, don't fight anymore!"

In the direction of the Second Army's auditorium, anxious shouts of teammates came.

Even Kintarou Tooyama, who was keen on the game and went to the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club many times to challenge the Minister of Rikkai, stood up and shouted and tried to make Ishida Gin abstain.

Although abstaining from the game is an act of disdain in most cases, it is even more unwise to continue playing if you know that you are defeated.

What's more, their current game is just a qualifying match for the U17 training camp!

Ishida Gin doesn't have to pay a heart-wrenching price for this qualifying match.


"One Hundred Eight Wave Ball--"

Shitenhouji's power tennis player didn't know that his winning percentage in this qualifying match was pitifully low and close to nothing, but he still played.

After watching the previous five games, Ishida Gin has actually realized that he has a premonition to face an invincible enemy.

But now he is standing on the net court, playing a 108 wave ball, feeling the pressure and pain on his arm, and he knows how naive he was before.

It's not that he is too weak, but that the top ten players in the first army are too strong!


"Duke homered--!"

The power showdown, this direct comparison of hard power is very shocking.

Just like the previous qualifying matches of Yukimura, KiteVS Junjima, and Tohno, this qualifying match of Ishida GinVS Duke-Watanabe also ended without being completed.

Because after Ishida Gin's racquet came into contact with the "Duke home run", the Shitenhouji player who had been forcibly supported was no longer able to support it.

He was already unconscious when he was blown out by that strong force.

"How could it be so strong?!"

"Duke home run" caused Ishida Gin, who had been unconscious, to be flown directly to the second army's audience.

Seigaku's Kawamura Takashi and Momoshiro Takeshi, the two of them joined forces to catch Ishida Gin.

In the national tournament, Seigaku, who has faced Shitenhouji's team, knows Shitenhouji's tennis prowess. They met Ishida Gin's younger brother Ishida Tetsu in the game against Fudomine long before the Kanto Contest.

Wave ball, Kawamura Takashi was unable to face this skill to bleed, and also used the power of this skill to contribute to Seigaku in the face of Hyotei.

But neither he nor Momoshiro Takeshi, they never thought about it

"How can there be such a terrifying power?!"

Looking at the protective wall netting on the court that was about to collapse, they took a breath.

"The power of silver is already at the top among middle school students.

"Even if he came to the U17 training camp, facing the high school students of the Second Army we saw before, his strength is not lagging behind.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke wiped his fist, then let go of his hand.

As Shitenhouji's minister, his control over the Shitenhouji team is not weak, so he knows that his own power tennis player Ishida Gin is willing to fight the First Army No.3.

--After hearing the Tao, you can die in the evening.

This is Ishida Gin's choice. He wants to see the peak strength of the first army, and he wants to try the peak strength of the U17 training camp.

Even if there is a price to pay for this, it will not hesitate!

"Just like me"

Shiraishi looked down and said.

"After reaching the national level, although I feel that I still have room for improvement, it is inevitable that there will be emptiness and confusion in my heart."

Shiraishi continued.

Beside him, Seigaku genius listened to this quietly.

Fuji Syusuke knew that at this time, he didn't need to say anything to comfort the other party. Shiraishi now just needs a listener.

"A Yin is already the strongest tennis player among middle school students. I can't stop him from pursuing further opportunities.

Watching teammates bleeding and being beaten up is much more difficult than sticking with blood on the court.

But Shiraishi knew well that he had no reason or excuse to stop his teammates from pursuing the "extreme strength".

Moreover, arbitrarily intervening in the game is not only a distrust and disrespect for teammates, but also a provocation to the rules of the game.

"The top ten in the First Army!

"This is the tennis strength of a military player!"

Kirihara Akaya was very excited.

Finally, the style of Shitenhouji's team finally matched that of other school tennis teams, but Rikkai's great style of painting became "out of the ordinary" in the two shouts of Kirihara Akaya.

"At this level of power"

The sophomores gathered together watching the game.

Hiyoshi Wakashi of Hyotei looked at the traces left on the court, and the fear and solemnity in his dark golden eyes became more solemn.

In martial arts, skills can be used to effectively attack the opponent. But a more efficient approach is called "One Force Drop Ten Meetings"!

The ultimate strength can completely disable the opponent's ability to play with one goal.

After playing this game, many people in No. 3 of the First Army were marked with key symbols in their hearts.

"Can't hardwire!"

Hikaru Zaizen glanced worriedly at Ishida Gin who was unconscious, and then responded to Hiyoshi Wakashi's words.

"His--but if we meet such an opponent in the game,

Kaidoh Kaoru of Seigaku posed an unavoidable question.

"Then don't compare strength with him!"

Rikkai's second-year ace came up with a simple and crude but effective method.

Although this "method", in the eyes of his second-year roommates, is equivalent to no...

"Tennis matches are not about wrists."

Faced with the obvious disapproval of the sophomore partner, Kirihaya retorted.

"Furthermore, even if it is more powerful than the wrist, it is not without skill!"

He said frankly.

For example, make a prank, make the opponent laugh suddenly and lose strength. Isn't it easy to win?


The ellipsis that had nothing to say or didn't want to talk to the other party existed in the hearts of the second graders except Kirihaya at this moment.

To be honest, the first two victories really "dazzled their heads." Because watching the game in the audience, they can't appreciate the court strength of the first army players.

Although from the next three consecutive defeats, they already knew that "the top ten players in the first army are not easy", but there is no clear concept in the end.

Until now, they saw Ishida Gin in a bloody coma.

They finally know that the top ten of the current army is for them invincible tennis players like natural disasters!

So I understand the gap between Rikkai's big players and them.

In the usual impression, no matter how strong the Rikkai players are, they did not feel that they were "unrecognizable". Because everyone is a middle school student after all, although they think "maybe the gap is big", none of the people in Closed Eye think that the opponent is invincible.

But now, Ishida GinVS No. 3 match of the first army is like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, giving them the feeling of "initiation".

Hiyoshi Wakashi glanced deeply at Kirihara Akaya who was saying that nonchalantly and still full of excitement. Hyotei's future has an unprecedented headache at this moment-next year, I will compete with this guy for the championship in the Kanto Championship, but now it seems that the opponent is getting more and more difficult to deal with, what should I do?

"Isn't it good to use only 60% of the power?"

On the side of the First Army, Oni Jujiro looked at the smiling Mimi's NO.3 colleague and said.

Nioh, who saw this scene for the first time in his life, suddenly had a toothache.

I was always complained or complained by Rikkai teammates and opponents outside the school, "I can’t understand you", but I never felt that I had any bad cheaters. At this moment, I can finally realize that others face it at some point. How he feels.

- Senior Ghost 2.9, how can you say such a thing when you used it on the court "seamlessly"?

--The Maori predecessors have long put this "60% strength criterion" aside!

Although people with intelligence channels know the "sixty percent strength-unspoken rules", can you tell everyone in a tactful way?

Say it directly like this

Nioh looked at the three middle school teammates around him--

Minister Rikkai had known for a long time, and he was still smiling.

Minister Hyotei and Minister Higa were both calm and unchanged.

The middle school students who can sit on the side of the First Army are very calm. Even if they didn't know a certain news before, they can still stay calm and keep themselves calm.

But on the second army side, because of the words of Oni Jujiro, the middle school students who could not be calm at first have now exploded with a "boom" mood!

--According to Yanagi Renji's post-match reveal, if it wasn't for their trust in the tennis strength of their major Rikkai players, and felt that the first three players in the first three games definitely played hard and hard, many people would probably be for a long time. I fell into the state of "Who am I where and why should I come to this ghost place".

As for the victorious returning army NO.3's answer to ghosts--

"If you don't use your full strength, maybe the person lying down will be me!"

In this case, the middle school students of the Second Army pretended that they didn't hear it.

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