Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 757 : Eager to try, incomparable

One army here one by one

None of them expected that Byōdōin Hōō would fight Tokugawa Kazuya like this in the first set!

"The score is 6:6, they are going to start a tiebreak."

Tanegashima Shuji's tone is rather complicated.

Junior high school students don't know that He is the same age and same-level student with Byodo-In Temple, doesn't he still know?

Can beat Byōdōin Hōō to this score one-

Although saying this may poke the self-esteem of most people, I have to say that being able to score a tiebreak with Byōdōin Hōō is a proof of tennis prowess!

However, in the eyes of No. 2 of the First Army, the current game is different from the above thoughts.

Although I did not go out on an expedition and I don't know where the current No.1 tennis strength of the first army has reached, but "it is pushed by himself", Tanegashima Shuji inferred from his own tennis strength, and he can imagine the current strength of the army boss.

All in all, it is absolutely impossible to look like this on court.

Therefore, Tanegashima Shuji looked at the figure of Oni Jujirou not far away nervously watching the game, and felt that this colleague was really too nervous.

[If you think about it seriously, you can also know that the strength of Byodoin will never be defeated so easily, right?]

[Although it seems that Tokugawa Kazuya's tennis skills are not so simple. 】

Thinking about No.2 of the First Army, they have completely forgotten the "60% strength criterion" that these people should abide by-if that's the case, Tokugawa still has a chance of winning.

"Yes, the boss hasn't encountered a close match for a long time!

Duke Watanabe said seriously, as if what he said was not a lie.

Talking nonsense with your eyes open, this is probably a military-level speech ability.

"I didn't expect Tokugawa's tennis strength to be so strong. If the opponent is not No. 1, he will definitely sit on our side?"

Omagari also followed the words of his colleagues.

I don't know if they discussed it, they are all working together to praise Tokugawa Kazuya's tennis skills.

Of course, Byōdōin Hōō's tennis prowess, none of them dare to step down.

So to be able to say these words on both sides of "please", maybe they have been thinking about it for a long time in private!

Nioh listened to the words that were quite true, and his desire to vomit grew stronger.

how to say?

If the beginning of the qualifying match was Tokugawa Kazuya VS Byōdōin Hōō, then these people would not be able to tell the truth or not.

With the authority of a military player, everyone else will believe them.

However, after the previous six qualifying games...

"Can you believe that the No. 1 Army No. 1 is such tennis strength"|?"

Minister Hyotei couldn't help it anymore.

Atobe Keigo listened to the three first-team players with open eyes and talking nonsense. He felt that he had to emphasize the "discrimination ability" of middle school students--they are not so casually deceived. of!

The first few games have been so fierce, the people of Rikkai even used it in different dimensions.

Minister Hyotei doesn't believe that there is no "behind the spirit" behind No.1 of the First Army!

"We believe it doesn't matter at all."

Kite Eishirou wanted to say that he didn't believe it at all, but in the end he chose a euphemism rather than "debunk" the words of a few high school students.

"Yes, the important thing is whether the Tokugawa-senpai on the court believes this.

Seiichi Yukimura agreed with Minister Higa's words.

"It looks like he should

Nioh said, nodding.

If you just listen to what they say and watch what they do, Atobe and others will probably receive in their minds "it looks like he should believe it".

It's just that if you stay alert and listen--

"He didn't believe it."

Atobe glanced at Nioh, then came to a conclusion.

"Hey, in that case, the Byodo-In Temple might be uncomfortable!"

Behind him came the voice of No. 2 of the army.

Looking back, Tanegashima Shuji showed a suddenly realized expression, but at the same time there was a "gloating" emotion in his expression.

--It's really serious, Tanegashima-senpai.

Nioh looked back at the real look of the senior high school student. Once again, he felt that the No. 1 army might offend many people in the daily training and competition.

Although No. 3 of the First Army is biased toward Byodoin, smart people can hear the hidden teasing in his words.

The No. 6 of the First Army is even more impressive, as if it is "If the person on the court is the No. 2 Tanegashima Shuji of the First Army, then Tokugawa Kazuya will win."

……and many more.

Thinking about it this way, the person targeted by the Omagari player seems to be his Tanegashima senior?

"Maybe there is a possibility of winning."

There was a hidden excitement in Yukimura's eyes.

As Nioh's minister, he is very familiar with the strategy of "do everything you want".

If you can see the overconfidence of the First Army’s No. 1 "capture", then

"Impossible, Yukimura."

Nioh said.

"I don't want to say that, but the winner will be Byodoin!"

Tanegashima spoke almost at the same time as Nioh.

The answer of the two was less than one second after Yukimura spoke.

It sounded like they interrupted Yukimura at the same time.

"After all, it's the boss, the boss won't lose so simply."

Duke Watanabe also leaned in at this time.

He didn't say anything," he was "evenly matched", probably because he felt that the middle school students had seen it, so they didn't pretend, and the No. 3 of the first army simply stated his position directly.

--In fact, there is no need to show.

According to known information, Nioh had known for a long time--

No. 3 of the First Army is the hardcore supporter and supporter of Byōdōin Hōō.

"So firm?"

Yukimura froze for a moment, and then met Nioh's eyes.

Then Minister Rikkai found out that even though all the matches were won in his own tennis club, his fighting spirit was only ignited very rarely. At this time

It can't be said to be unprecedented, because at this moment, Nioh's fighting spirit is probably the same as when it was three times in a row.

--This analogy is because Seiichi Yukimura has only seen it as a contrast once and a half.

"Senior high school students' tennis strength improves the speed--"

"Think about how much progress we have made in tennis from National One to National Three, and we can calculate it."

Although not accurate, Nioh still thinks it is appropriate to say so.

But in order to allow his junior high school teammates to more accurately recognize the high school student's No.1 tennis strength, Ren (Zhao Hao) Wang called out the ghost who watched the game silently--

"Senior ghost."

"You who defeated the seniors of Byodoin in your first year of high school, if you fight against seniors of Byodoin now, what will be the result?"

This question made Atobe and Kite wide-eyed, who had no idea about "what happened when Byodoin and Onijujiro were in Koichi".

And Omagari's face changed when he knew what Nioh's "experience" meant.

Ps, Yukimura has been to U17. He learned about Nioh from Tanegashima. Then there is logical reasoning. It is known that "Oni Jujiro defeated Byōdōin Hōō, Tanegashima Shuji is the only high school student who has not defeated Oni Jujiro" and" Nioh defeated Oni and Tanegashima Shuji", Yukimura subconsciously felt that "Nioh can be defeated" Byodoin"--the reasoning

It is not advisable to ignore the development of the timeline. Nioh himself doesn't know if he can beat NO.1 (so Yukimura dug a hole for Nioh before), because he doesn't know the upper limit of the tennis strength of the high school.

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