Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 764 : Tomorrow's promise, active invitation

There was originally a discussion in the restaurant, but when the first army No.1 showed up, the discussion stopped abruptly.

When Duke-Watanabe walked in with Byōdōin Hōō, his expression was very gentle, not at all like the "relentless home run swing" on the court. It's just that he feels a little helpless in his heart

[Boss, what are you doing? The middle school students will be terrified by you. 】

No. 3 of the first army, I think what my boss is doing is really exhausting~ good.

Because just look at the expressions of the middle-aged students around you know that these middle-school students are still in "emotional engagement" and are still immersed in the "second army camp"-the state is not extricating themselves.

--However, things cannot be generalized in this way.

Most of the middle school students have not yet reacted to the "change of identity"-military players are their challenge objects, but the high school students of the First Army are not their "enemy".

Although I feel that some things can be solved with "relatively gentle means", the No. 3 of the First Army has no objection to the way of No. 1 of the First Army. Because he knows that if he changes his beliefs because of other people's arguments, Byōdōin Hōō will no longer be the "pirate king" who rides the wind and waves on the court.

The "King of Destruction" from France ignored his high position in the national team and came to the U17 training camp in Japan, but it was not because of any promises and wins.

Although Duke Watanabe is also very optimistic about the upcoming U17 team, he initially just wanted to follow Byōdōin Hōō.

Rarely thinking of the past, Duke Watanabe followed Byōdōin Hōō directly to the dining table somewhere.

When he first came in, No. 3 of the First Army also heard some small comments from middle school students.

Whether it was the previous "campaign bias" or those shown by Tokugawa Kazuya in qualifying, these middle school students were fascinated.

--Is this the power of "benevolence and justice"?

Duke Watanabe couldn't help asking himself.

However, he had carefully recalled the qualifying match between Byōdōin Hōō and Tokugawa Kazuya. In those two or more matches, from start to finish, the black-haired high school student in court No. 1 seemed to be too immersed in the game, and he never said his "benevolence and righteousness-conviction" at all.

[Interesting, it seems that Tokugawa did not waste his time in the training camp. He has realized

What is the "belief" of a tennis player?

What is "benevolence and justice"?

--This is a question for which there is no accurate answer at all.

In the eyes of the "King of Destruction" tennis players who have experienced World Cup matches, those former opponents and these current teammates, who has no such thing as "belief"?

And "benevolence and justice"--

For Byōdōin Hōō and Duke Watanabe, this is really not a "complete memory".

But No. 3 of the First Army is still grateful.

Although it may be a bit bad to say that, No. 3 of the First Army really recognizes the "belief of benevolence and righteousness" in my heart.

Because without Byōdōin Hōō's benevolent behavior back then, his sister would be really bad.

With this alone, it is impossible for Duke-Watanabe to deny "benevolence and justice."

But unlike most middle school students who have not yet "breaked free" from the aftermath of qualifying, the No. 3 of the first army does not feel that there is any problem with the game process of the first army leader.

He appreciates "benevolence and justice", but it does not mean that he is inclined to a certain player.

If he is someone who acts impulsively on court because he appreciates "benevolence and justice", then he shouldn't have done that in the World Cup match.

Although he didn't actually feel guilty for this, he did have another idea in his heart.

This idea has taken root in my heart and has become a "obsession"-the French team Camus, there must be a battle!

Duke Watanabe thought a lot, but Byodoin’s anti-Phoenix actually walked very fast.

They soon came to Nioh's table.

--The middle school students sitting around this table happen to be the "minority" of the middle school students!

- Junior high school students who want to understand something and consider the problem from another height!

"Senior of Byodoin Temple.

No matter how unwilling he is, Nioh also knows that the No. 1 army came here to look for him.

So he didn't pretend not to know, but adjusted his emotions and spoke.

He no longer wanted to leave some "weight that should have been on his shoulders" lightly.

Rikkai's deceiver, a casual person in the eyes of others, now wants to take on more things.

--Not only the current Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, but also the U17 representative team!

"Senior will have a match with me now?"

Nioh took the initiative.

He didn't go around the corner, but took the initiative to talk about the "match".

Compared to Tokugawa Kazuya, he can feel more of the mood of No. 1 Army.

With the idea of ​​"want to take on more", Nioh Masaharu is not afraid of any challenges on court!


Regardless of other people's sights, the army NO.1 who walked to Nioh and their side was a little surprised.

No. 1 of the first army came here, of course, thinking of "reminding" the white-haired junior high school student from Rikkai to be "compete ready".

Knowing that Nioh Masaharu has a general level of tennis prowess, Byōdōin Hōō can't let go of what they said during the qualifying match as if they were "joking".

So he brought Duke over, just to remind Nioh-don't forget tomorrow's game!

However, when the No. 1 army came, he found that he was superfluous.

The middle school kid from Rikkai

[Huh, it's still a bit like Tanegashima Shuji doesn't take things to heart!]

First Army No.1 I thought, Tanegashima Shuji is the kind of guy who "everything happens" makes others lose sight of his thoughts. The younger generations of No. 2 of the First Army are also like this now.

--Perhaps Xinxing is qualified?

A ball smashed the water tower to make most junior high school students who dare not speak to think to themselves.

But just like the surprised emotion that arose from Nioh's words just now, Byodoin felt that he still didn't understand Nioh Masaharu.

So we still need to fight!

"I said before, give you one day to prepare."

No. 1 of the first army said with Nioh's eyes.

If you are a timid person, you will probably be frightened by Byōdōin Hōō's "threatening" way of speaking and aura.

But Nioh looked straight into Byōdōin Hōō's eyes without fear.

"Okay, Senior Byodoin.

He curled up his mouth, smiled and agreed.

No matter how depressing it was before, now that it is already "a boat done", why bother to worry about it?

Playing against Byōdōin Hōō, although judging from the case of Tokugawa San, it is by no means a good thing.

But looking at it from another angle, for him, is it not an excellent opportunity to show off his strength?

"Then the specific time and place of the game?"

………For flowers………

Under the shocked eyes of Inui Sadaharu and Inui Sadaharu at the beginning of the month, Nioh asked naturally.

--Of course, there is still some difference between playing the game with No.1 of the First Army.

--This is not a "sneaky" game with only a few spectators like before!

Byōdōin Hōō wants to play a game with him, and he will definitely not deliberately hide it!

Even a coach

[Even the head coach can't stop this game!]

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock, court number one!"

After saying this, Byōdōin Hōō turned around and left.

The No. 3 of the First Army who came with him was like a background board. When the leader of the First Army turned and left, he also left.

"Puff, this is a good time and a good place!"

The better the time and place with No.1 of the First Army, Nioh couldn't help but laugh out loud now.

"The game will start at eight o'clock tomorrow. Unless it is a last resort, it is impossible to be interrupted."

"Moreover, I and Byodoin seniors occupy the No. 1 court as the venue for the competition, and it will not delay the Central Court (No. 16 court)!"

Noting the doubts of the people sitting around the dining table, Nioh explained to them kindly.

He said this directly, in fact, he mainly gave some hints to the "intentional friends"!

Because it's tomorrow one-

The three Mifūne Nyudō three head coaches on the back mountain are coming!

Byōdōin Hōō, as the No. 1 army, must also know or be able to guess this, so he set the time as "eight o'clock." Because it is often this time, all the players are still in the central court for collective training projects.

Choosing the No. 1 court as the "competition venue" is not a contempt for Tokugawa Kazuya!

The boss of the First Army has kindly handed over the central court to the coach as a speaking venue.

He just randomly selected a court as the playing field from several other courts, and 80% just said it casually.

After all, in the second military field of the U17 training camp, the No. 1 court is the top court.

and many more

"Senior of Byodoin Temple doesn't say I will forget it."

Nioh suddenly remembered something.

When he thought about it this way, he suddenly felt that No. 1 of the First Army was a very careful senior.

"I'm in the Second Army, I'm actually a tennis player on the No. 1 court!"

Therefore, the first court to face the first army NO.1, this is also a home game, right?

"Yukimura, Atobe, are you coming to cheer for me?'

"If I play at home, it will definitely make me feel my'home advantage'-otherwise it would be a waste of the "kindness" of the Byodo-Inn seniors.

Looking at the people sitting on both sides of him, Nioh decisively issued an invitation to watch the game to Minister Rikkai and Minister Hyotei.

ps, don’t forget that Nioh also has the setting of "No. 1 court tennis player"! Nioh himself forgot. Byodoin, who read his information and information, remembers it! And the No. 1 army has a good plan. Even if he directly tells the time and place of the game here, the coaches can't help him. When the head coach arrived, he had already started the fight.

pps, the most important thing is that the leader of the first army is to accept a large number of spectators. The time and place have been disclosed. Inui Sadaharu of the data group and the beginning of the month are still there. Minister Hyotei and Minister Higa have listened to everything, you guessed it. How many middle school students will be left in the central court tomorrow at eight o'clock?

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