Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 778 The decision of the coaching staff, No. 1 court

The second day was the day after the second army challenged the first army's qualifying match.

The three coaches of the U17 training camp are going to be angry!

"Follow the rules of U17 training camp"

"Heh, do you still want to act according to the'rules" now?"

Coach Tuo Zhi rarely spoke to his two colleagues in a mocking tone.

As a U17 training camp mixed practice coach, Takushoku Ryuuji, after coming to the U17 training camp, although he gets along well with his two colleagues, it does not mean that there is no difference between them. Views".

Earlier, he didn't quite agree with the words of spiritual coach Saitō Itaru.

But the mental coach of the U17 training camp is not in vain. Saitō Itaru has a deep research on human psychology, and can often change the minds of colleagues in a few words. But this way, if things go on like this, the coaching staff of the U17 training camp headquarters will run very well-this should be the "credit" of Coach Saito.

[Should I be hypnotized?]

Coach Takushoku Ryuuji glanced at his colleague in a white coat and couldn't help but think so.

Of course, in fact, he himself knows that he agrees with some of the views of Coach Saito in his heart, otherwise he will not work happily with this colleague.

17 But what is going to happen today--

Byōdōin Hōō unexpectedly made an appointment with Nioh Masaharu for the game at Court 1, and also invited junior high school students and high school students to be the audience!

Nioh Masaharu is a middle school student. I don't know what will happen today (announcing the list). I don't know that the head coach of the U17 training camp will appear in the central court.

Byōdōin Hōō is No.1 in the first army, he is a third-year senior, don't you know this yet?

Even if it was the middle school student who made an appointment first, wouldn't he refuse it, or change the time!

"The head coach should be here soon!"

Coach Tuo Zhi is really grumpy now.

Because according to the rules of the U17 training camp, Byōdōin Hōō's actions are not actually considered "violations."

"There is no prohibition in the law." The U17 training camp originally gave the first army players a lot of freedom, and the first army's No.1 team has great power as the leader.

So when Byodoin Fenghuang led an army of players back from an expedition, he didn't even need to discuss with the coaches to decide the qualifying in one word.

Therefore, he can decide for himself in the match against Nioh on the first court today.

But for the coaches, the behavior of No.1 in the First Army is quite bad!

"By doing that by the Byodo-In Temple, it actually complies with the training camp regulations.

Saitō Itaru, the spiritual coach of the U17 training camp, has a soft voice and a gentle temperament. What he says can always be heard in his heart.

But at present, the two coaches who are "audience" not only did not feel comforted by Coach Saito's words, but their faces became darker.

Only the mental coach is still gentle and unchanging.

The spiritual coach of the U17 training camp seems to have his own consideration.

"Nioh-san has already entered the first army."

"Byodoin is No. 1 of the First Army, and it does not violate the rules for arranging the internal qualifying matches of the First Army."

Yesterday the second army challenged the first army's qualifying match, and Nioh has already won the first army's No.10 badge.

Although he is definitely going to be handed over later-because the middle school student team to be organized is the team he should join, but before the U17 team list is announced, Nioh Masaharu is indeed a military team. A member of it.

He himself proposed to the first army No.1 to change the position, which seems to be understandable.

--Although Coach Saito did not express his thoughts, Coach Kurobe and Coach Takuse have been partnering with Coach Saito for so long, how could they not understand Coach Saito's subtext.

[You actually support this, right]

Coach Kurobe felt that this practice of Byodoin and Nioh actually suits his colleague's wishes.

After watching the qualifying match yesterday, they all felt really shocked. The players also performed very well.

But Coach Saito obviously still has some unfinished meaning.

"So, it's better to stay in the central court and wait for the arrival of the head coach of Mifune, and Tuo Zhi and I will go to the No. 1 court to watch the game."

Coach Kurobe said lightly.

Although the three of them are indeed a little angry now, this does not affect their secret care about "who will stay here to greet the head coach and who will go to the No. 1 court to watch the game".

"Stay in the central court to welcome the head coach returning from the back mountain"-this is really a chore.

Don't talk about the departure of the two players, Echizen Ryoma and Echizen Ryoga, just talk about today's "court No. 1 game", the head coach is probably going to sink his face!

--When almost everyone went to court No. 1 to watch the game as much as possible, the central court was absolutely empty.

3. Although the three head coaches of Mifūne Nyudō don't care if there are players lined up to welcome this kind of welcoming job, the central court "cannot keep people". This is indeed the "dereliction of duty" of their coaches.

"That's it, you leave here to explain to the head coach.

"--Report to the head coach about the recent situation of the training camp, as well as the preliminary draft team list!"

Coach Kurobe believes that the mental coach of their U17 training camp definitely has a high degree of stress resistance and psychological endurance.

So after he just said so smoothly, he immediately decided like this--

Leave Coach Saito here to take on the job of "welcoming the head coach". He and Tuo Zhi go to court No. 1 to watch the game!

As for Coach Saito’s personal opinion

Now is the collective decision time of the coaching staff, two to one, the mental coach is alone and lonely, and has no right to speak for the time being!

And at this moment, 287, court No. 1 over there--

Although the time has not yet reached the set eight o'clock, the auditorium at Court No. 1 is already overcrowded.

As long as there are players who can come over, no one wants to miss watching this game!

"Is this game still playing three sets?"

"The second army's challenge to the first army's qualifying match is over, so today's game-is now the first army's internal shift match?

"Oh my god, that middle school student really has the courage!"

The high school students in the auditorium of Court No. 1 whispered and talked a lot.

But overall, they still have a positive attitude towards this game.

"Yesterday my junior high school students played in the doubles game, sure enough."

"The Maori descendants are really amazing!"

"Yuezhi is involved? Absolutely! Otherwise, a middle school student who can challenge the boss, how could he play doubles!"

"What's wrong with doubles, that middle school student is also very good at "homology"!

The high school students were still very unified at first, but as they talked, they quarreled based on their respective positions and opinions.

--Yes, these high school students are some of the "former first army players".

Only they can selectively ignore today's training menu and training plan, and come to court No. 1 to watch the game of the leader of the army.

Unlike them, the high school students of the Second Army have the "time and capital" to watch the game. .

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