Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 780 Rhythm rises, start to reflect

"Best of three, Byōdōin Hōō VS Nioh Masaharu, the game begins!"

After Nioh Masaharu walked into the court, Tanegashima Shuji didn't talk nonsense, he directly announced the start of the game.

Nioh also didn't try to say anything to his opponent. After all, the person on the opposite side of the net is No. 1 in the first army, not his Maori predecessors in qualifying.


As a junior high student, Nioh has the right to serve.

This can be seen as the "humility" of senior high school students, or as the "contempt" of the strong-watching the game-people can think about it.


The tennis ball was swiped out quickly-and it made the wind.

As the referee, Tanegashima Shuji was able to see the game from close range and at the same time, he was able to see Nioh's ball clearly.

The tennis ball was swung out, and there was a meager air like white smoke around it--

But even so, this ball is just an ordinary serve.

Nioh didn't use the skill of scoring a goal, because he knew that, at the level of Byōdōin Hōō, it is actually difficult to say ace to score or score a goal.

He also doesn't expect to be able to score first with his skills. In a tennis match, the player who wins at the end is the winner.

Nioh really hopes that he can warm up in the first few games instead of having such a fierce situation at the beginning.


If it is the serve technique that is known as a lore, Byōdōin Hōō might be interested in taking a closer look, then finding loopholes and hitting the tennis back.

But Nioh is obviously seeking stability.

This ball may be very powerful in the eyes of others, and it is remarkable in the eyes of the referee's No.2, but if you want Byōdōin Hōō to evaluate--

"Huh, since you want to play the game you requested, don't hide it!"

First Army No. 1 was very dissatisfied with the start of the game.

Obviously, if the goal at the beginning of the game can come back, Byōdōin Hōō will choose to serve.

And the boss of the first army will not be gentle when facing challenges and facing opponents.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The pace of the game continued to accelerate, causing all the players and spectators in the audience outside the court to jump their eyelids.

"Hiss, really."

If someone hasn't finished speaking, it's like this in the hearts of others around--

First Army NO.1 Byōdōin Hōō is such a lunatic!

The middle school students obviously still can't adapt to Byōdōin Hōō's competition. Even as spectators, their scalp is numb.

Fast-paced games, they are not unheard of.

But like today, keep accelerating, accelerating and accelerating

Nioh and Byodoin, are the two competing to see who first has a loophole in the accelerating pace of the game and let the opponent seize the opportunity to score?

Such a fast pace is very expensive for the tennis player himself.

Not only will the physical strength accelerate the consumption, but the player's own mental strength will also be quickly consumed, and the spirit will become even more exhausted.

"Qian Ye, you should change the title!"

Hyotei player Oshitari Yuushi patted his cousin on the shoulder with sympathy.

Although his own "Hyotei genius" name is about to become a joke in this particular player circle, even so, Oshitari Yuushi also sympathizes with his family, known as "Naniwa Star".

"Look at yourself, you run and run on the court, and you run very fast. In the middle school tennis world, you are definitely worthy of the name of the'star of the wave'.

"But you are now in the third grade, you are about to graduate and enter a higher school, Qian Ye!"

Oshitari Yuushi said earnestly.

If he is not speaking to his cousin who is blood-related, then people who are in the audience will think that there is a deep hatred between these two people, and it will make Oshitari Yuushi so "sarcasm" Oshitari Kenya.

"If you become a high school

The tone of Hyotei's genius was very pitiful.

"Qianya, if you can't speed up anymore, just one--"

He himself is indeed very pessimistic.

After all, sadness is also a kind of romance, for Oshitari Yuushi.

But his cousin Oshitari Ken didn't want to bother him anymore--

"Shut up, Yuushi!"

Shitenhouji's Oshitari player lowered his voice and said.

He usually jokes and complains with Hyotei's cousin, he won't be really angry. Even if there is a quarrel, it is not really angry.

But now, watching the game on the court where you can hardly see the tennis and only see the ball, Oshitari Ken also has a ignited fire in his heart.

Speed, speed-people who don't understand "speed" just think that as long as they run fast enough, they are fast.

But tennis players are not so ignorant.

Oshitari Kenya is fast, not only because he runs fast, but because he is good at handling the fast pace of the game!

- Let the opponent struggle in the rhythm that can't keep up, get confused, and can only watch the tennis ball fall.

This is the mystery of "Naniwa Tennis".

………For flowers-

It is also something that Oshitari Kenya was proud of before.

"Not yet high school yet!"

Shitenhouji's Oshitari player said with a sullen face.

Although he can still talk back to Oshitari Yuushi, he has lost the interest he had before the game started.

[Just the first game, the first ball, there is such a fast pace]

[The rhythm has not stabilized yet, it continues to accelerate!]

Nioh and Byodoin, how fast can they be?

Oshitari Ken didn't know about it, he even refused to think about this answer.

Because this is too shocking!

The first set of the three-set system, or the first round, is already at this level, what will happen next?

Shitenhouji's Oshitari player felt a bit bitter in his heart, but he still endured his inner astringency and thought about it seriously.

- Nioh's thoughts before going on the court are correct.

Rikkai, the fraudster who played with the hearts of the people, got the "lifeblood" of these middle school students.

--Want to watch the game with great interest in the audience?

--When the game really starts, will you still have this interest?

Oshitari Ken no longer had the good mood to watch the excitement before.

Before the game and before Nioh walked on the court, he was also one of the "spectators" who clamored to call and cheer.

But as Nioh thought, the middle school students sitting in the audience have a strong sense of self-esteem in tennis.

- Oshitari Kenya's pride has been pierced.

Shitenhouji's "Naniwa Star" watched the game while reflecting on himself while silently making his mind.

The No.1 tennis strength of the first army is of course stronger than the others among high school students. Although Nioh Masaharu is a middle school student, his tennis strength is the default "unfathomable" of the middle school students--

Generally speaking, most of the players will not seek hardship on their own, and use their tennis skills to compare with these two men.

But these junior high school players in the auditorium of Court No. 1 are all selected from the entire junior high school tennis world in the U17 training camp!

Their self-esteem does not allow them to shrink!

[Wait, Oshitari Yuushi!]

[If you met on the field in high school, see if I will run away and destroy you!]

Shitenhouji's Oshitari player made up his mind.

ps, although it was a match between Nioh and Byodoin, the most serious injuries were the middle school students! Tu.

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