Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 794 Scarlet Killing Intent, Egyptian Phoenix

In the first game, Nioh really annoyed Byōdōin Hōō completely.

The mood of No.1 in the first army is simply shame!

Think about the thoughts he used in the first few rounds of the "Two-Way Mirage" move before--

He thought that the so-called "two-way phantom" was a move that allowed Nioh to influence the opponents of the "phantom" objects he chose, and he also felt that Nioh was really naive, so that he guessed it so easily~ .

Byōdōin Hōō almost spoke with mockery at the time. If it weren't for Nioh to win the next round with continuous use of his skills for scoring efficiency, the first army would be No. 1 estimate-he would have to mock him a few words.

Even in the end, when Nioh hadn't let his "different dimension-world pirates" directly "rebel", he still thought he had the winning ticket in the first set.

These thoughts of him, now want to come

The truly naive person is not the middle school student across the net, but himself!

Since it is a "two-way phantom", which is different from the "Nioh phantom", of course it will exert a "phantom" influence on the opponent. But no matter how much this trick can make a fuss about the opponent, no matter how brilliant it is, it can't completely ignore a fact!

"Two-way Phantom", this move is born out of "Nioh Phantom"!

Nioh Masaharu already understood very well what he introduced during the game--

"Two-way Phantom" is a derivative technique! It exists based on the proud technique of "Nioh Phantom"!

And does "Nioh Phantom" make Nioh "Phantom" other players?

"You are all deliberately biased by Nioh Masaharu!"

After watching the first game, the head coach Mifune took a sip of the wine in his own gourd and said.

"He introduced his skills, what he said was meant to induce you to think towards what he wanted. In this way, he can unexpectedly win the first set with minimal loss and consumption!"

Byōdōin Hōō’s different dimensions can’t be easily "captured" or even "controlled" by opponents. "Holding" also has "control", which is actually much harder than "defeating" and "crushing."

Of course Nioh knew this, but he chose another way to deal with Byōdōin Hōō's different dimensions-using his own "phantom" to complete a "fraud"!

This is why the three head coaches of Mifūne Nyudō admire him very much.

Almost everyone, including Byōdōin Hōō himself, focused their attention on the impact of the "Two-Way Phantom" on Byodoin Temple, but on Nioh's side, their vigilance and attention fell.

"Let your "phantom" influence Byodoin, and it is only the first level to use himself as the object of the "phantom".

"When Byōdōin Hōō thought he had broken free from the influence of the'Two-Way Phantom', his aura rose and his mental power followed, it was the best time Nioh Masaharu determined in advance.

"He has prepared the "Phantom" to become Byodo-in Temple, but he has not shown this intention. "

The head coach of Mifune gave the Kurobe coach what they saw in detail.

The U17 training camp still needs young people to work hard, and his old man wants to lie on the back mountain and enjoy the sun and drink! In order to realize this leisurely life as soon as possible, the coach of Mifune has the temper to give the Kurobe coach and they analyze the game. .

"But we didn't see Nioh's "Phantom"

Coach Tuo Zhi frowned and said his doubts, but just after he finished the first half of the sentence, he stopped.

"Don't see it?"

The head coach of Mifune gave him a straight look.

"At that moment, did you all think that you were wrong and dazzled?!"

Said the head coach hating iron but not steel.

After the fifth round, during rounds, when Nioh and Byodoin had a dialogue--

Many people suddenly saw a taller figure on Nioh.

But at that time, almost everyone thought it was their "psychological effect", it was their personal emotions and psychological influence.

-They are indeed "affected".

It's just that it's not their own thoughts, but Nioh's spiritual power radiated out and induced them to have this kind of thoughts.

"That kid is as cunning and cautious as a fox, how can he do something unsure?

Although the three boat coaches said this sentence with his personal subjective emotions, it was actually a bit biased, but he said that, but he was able to make the Kurobe coaches understand them.

The reason why "Nioh Phantom" was used in the past to allow others to see the "Phantom" image on Nioh's body was not because of the limitations of "Phantom". Nioh asked for this restriction now.

He still retains the image of "phantom", just because it is fun to do this-the opponent on the opposite side of the net saw him suddenly "become another familiar appearance", and the various reactions they showed made Nioh insist. Using his own "phantom" in a game.

Otherwise, there is no need for Nioh to use his triumphant skills in the middle school student level competition!

But for Byōdōin Hōō

In the face of No.1, an army that is unfamiliar with junior high school students, does Nioh want to "phantom" Chenggui Jujiro to stimulate Byōdōin Hōō?

If it's a one-set game, Nioh would be happy to let the No. 1 team experience what it feels like "1vs high school students all". But the three-set game

"There are two more sets next, are you ready, Ren-Wang-Ya-Zhi!"

Nioh is deeply distressed by the murderous army No.1.

--The difference of three years, the most basic physical difference is simply his "sacred spot"!

"The first set ended too soon. Senior Byodoin, your'Alternative Dimension-World Pirate' is really aggressive."

"I thought I would be able to experience more of the feeling of using the different dimensions mastered by the predecessors.

In order to "control" the time of a small game of "Different Dimension-World Pirates", No.1 of the First Army, Nioh did this.

But when he succeeded, everything he did before was worth it!

['Different Dimensions-Pirates of the World" is so easy to use!]

Nioh's own "different dimension. Bellflower" is actually not too strong and direct aggressiveness, his different dimension is actually "partial family", biased towards mental power. "Different dimensions. Bellflower" was able to show strong offensive capabilities in previous games because Nioh has worked hard to develop a variety of targeted different dimensions.

However, the No. 1 "different dimension-world pirate" of the First Army, its different dimension of offensiveness acts on every ball. When Byōdōin Hōō opens the different dimensions, even ordinary serving can produce an effect similar to "destroying" a glowing ball.

"It's a pity, seniors probably won't give me another chance."

Byōdōin Hōō ignored him, and Nioh was able to continue speaking on his own.

He can foresee the difficulty of the second set. However, he had made such preparations at the beginning.

--Preparation to hit this game to the third set!

"The second set begins, Byōdōin Hōō VS Nioh Masaharu--"

"Byōdōin Hōō serve!"

As the referee, Tanegashima Shuji announced the start of the second set.

The time for players to take a short break is very short. For tired players, it is almost nothing. It just allows them to breathe slowly, and it does not have much effect on the recovery of physical strength.

Byōdōin Hōō used two of his world-class skills in the first set, but he still has a lot of energy, and he can sustain it in two more games.

-One this is Nioh doing his best, using himself to control the "different dimensions-world pirates" in the late stage of the first set, trying to consume the state after Byōdōin Hōō.


Byōdōin Hōō tossed the tennis ball, then slammed it out.

After playing a whole game, he is now fully active--

"Different Dimension-World Pirates" returned to his control, dominated by his own will, and swung his sword to the opposite side of the net.

Obviously, No. 1 of the First Army is the most powerful opponent Nioh has encountered in this lifetime, except for Echizen Nanjiro.

Affected by the "phantom", the different dimensions are forcibly seized of control

This is no less than Seiichi Yukimura's mental attack.

But Byodoin was able to continue the game nonchalantly, as if he had never played the previous game.


With the anger of the No.1 army, the tennis ball came in.

At the moment Byōdōin Hōō serve, Nioh has already acted.

When it comes to their level of competition, it is necessary to seize every millisecond, otherwise it will become inevitable to miss tennis.

………Look for flowers…

Nioh had some knowledge of Byōdōin Hōō's playing style and style before. He can be said to be the person who knows No. 1 of the first army best among middle school students. After playing the first set just now, even compared with other high school students, he is now one of those people who know Byōdōin Hōō best.

Although Nioh Masaharu is not playing statistical tennis, knowing the opponent's course and style is something every tennis player must try to do!


There is no great advantage, no bonus to skills, it is very difficult to score a goal with ACE.

Although the ball from Byodoin was aggressive and murderous, it was not so high that Nioh could not catch it.

The next goal is the difficulty given by No.1 of the first army-


The crimson, golden brilliance appeared on the court.

"Different Dimension-Pirates of the World" skull-like eye sockets already had a bloody flame burning like a ghost fire. But this was because of the influence of Byōdōin Hōō's personal anger, which is a manifestation of the full strength of the "different dimensions-world pirates".

"Red" now appearing on court--

Red as blood!

It's like a big fire, and it's red in the sky!

At this moment, in Nioh's eyes, tennis is no longer just a small yellow ball, but a phoenix fluttering into the sky, soaring into the sky!

Flying with its feathers, the flames are beating, and the flames are burning.

Flying in this way, it brought an overwhelming sea of ​​fire--


"15:0, Byodoin score!"

No. 1 of the first army is really angered to the extreme.

His killing intent affected the display of his football skills, making the glowing "flame" almost the color of blood.

【World-class football skills-Egyptian Phoenix--】

Nioh listened to Tanegashima Shuji's judgment, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The "Egyptian Phoenix" skill is different from the previous "Indian snake charmer" and "Spanish bullfighting".

This trick brought him a heavy sense of threat!

"Even if tennis players master the same skills, there will be differences in their use of skills.

"'Egyptian Phoenix'-this world-class skill fits deeply with Byōdōin Hōō!"

"Byodoin was used in the second set. "Egyptian Phoenix Humph, it's just that the kid Nioh is asking for hardship. He completely annoys Byodoin!"

San Mifūne Nyudō San looked at the game and laughed.

"Nioh, the little fox still has too little experience. He underestimated the negative mental power he left on Byodoin in the first set. This is nothing. It is better to be humble than arrogant. But at the same time, he is underestimating. While the influence of his own moves, he also subconsciously underestimated the true advantage of Byodoin Fenghuang!"

"He and Tanegashima Shuji have been together for a long time, thinking that high school players only have one or two skills that can be achieved?"

"Byōdōin Hōō has more than one proud skill!"

"The reason why Byodoin is still in this game, as if it has not been affected by the previous game, is because he has this trick "Egyptian Phoenix!!"

"--Incorporate the remnants of the negative influence you have received into your swing and go with the tennis.

"Nioh Masaharu miscalculated!"

Although the head coach of the U17 training camp has improved a lot after watching the wonderful small games just now, he still feels a little upset about Nioh and Byodoin.

Byōdōin Hōō's different dimension was "abducted" by Nioh, and the three boat coaches were happy to drink and celebrate.

Now Nioh is facing this world-class killer move of Byodoin "Egyptian Phoenix", the head coach is also gloating.

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