Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 796 Purification vs. Pollution

"Senior, Don't forget, Byodoin, this is a three-set game."

Nioh curled his lips at the high school player across from the net, and said with a smirk.

Since Byōdōin Hōō has played so hard and carelessly, he, as a "sensible junior in junior high school", of course can't let the No.1 army feel "disappointed"!

[Puff, I can’t disappoint seniors, but I will disappoint seniors in Byodoin. 】

The second set of No.1 of the First Army was a blatant and blatant "scheming", and it was also the kind of "scheming" that Nioh could not refuse and had to accept according to the other party's will. Nioh had to follow the meaning of the high school students and try to score a few rounds in the next time of the second set, so that the score in the second set would not be difficult to see that he was defeated by the army after the game.

0.1 to the point of ridicule.

If he does not try to "resist" in the remaining time of the second set, even if he wins the third set later, there will be no "extra points" in Byōdōin Hōō. Even if he wins in the end, he won't get much appreciation for No.1 in the first army.

-No senior will appreciate a junior who has no courage and courage, especially this junior who can see the meaning of the senior's investigation but deliberately pretends to be stupid.

Nioh didn't intend to cooperate with senior high school students to achieve the title of "caring and good junior", but he would not want to unscrupulously mess up the relationship between himself and senior high school students. In the next U17 World Cup, everyone has to work hard together. Nioh doesn't want to choke and spend the whole process coldly.

So he decided to "take the move".

Even if you know it well, Byōdōin Hōō's "yangmou" seems to be upright, but it is actually very sinister inside. He does not accept the move, deliberately ignores these, will be cold-eyed after the game. And if he accepts...300, this also fits the meaning of Byōdōin Hōō.

Although Nioh ended with an advantage in the first set, the first set was a lot of consumption for both of them. Byōdōin Hōō was designed by Nioh in the first set and became the one who consumed the most, but he already had the advantage in physical endurance. Even if some are consumed by the target, it is okay to continue playing two sets.

The problem is that Byodoin Fenghuang himself is not willing to play the second set in such a "normal" game.

Not only did he have to take the final set regardless of consumption, he also used the opportunity to force Nioh to "cooperate" with him to consume, so that in the third set, he was "imperfect" to decide the victory.

All in all, Byodoin is determined to win the second game.

Nioh actually thought about the possibility of ending the game directly in the first two sets yesterday. At the beginning of today's game, although he had the consciousness to play three sets, he also held the idea of ​​"It would be great if two sets can be ended". idea. It's just that, until the game has progressed, his thoughts are completely gone.


No. 1 of the First Army has played tennis for so many years. He knows that the best way to solve things on the court is never to talk nonsense to each other. It is the most refreshing way to directly swing the tennis ball into the opposite half of the court!

【Egyptian Phoenix--】

The red streamer glowed with golden brilliance.

The tennis ball seems to be like a starlight stream pulling the tail feathers of a phoenix--

The more Nioh looked, the more he felt that this was like "Star Spark" after upgrading N versions. Although he knows that this is estimated to be a "prejudice" caused by his personal emotion (bhcj), he has to say that in the face of the "flowing fire" that keeps flying from the opposite side, Nioh is emotionally a little overwhelmed. Really thought of a good solution.

- And this method can just add to the obstacles to one's opponent!

"Since the seniors don't count consumption, let's try this trick!"

Nioh waved racquet down, he curled his lips and said.

Isn't it about spending?

It's not that he can't afford to "consume"--

More than mental energy, which tennis player in the U17 training camp has consumed him?

Boom one-

"Hetero-Dimensional-Campanulaceae" finally had a strong move in the second set.

The rhizome seemed to be inserted into an ink bottle, and the pure white petals were soaked in layers.

Originally, Nioh's different dimensions have always given a sense of holiness.

Although sane players think it is "fraud", Nioh himself knows that he has a different dimension-the initial form of "Different Dimension-Bellflower" is like that, that's true!

His "different dimension-platycodon" has experienced "despair" and "despair", which is the cohesion of his own spiritual strength and will. However, Nioh was also a little caught off guard, but it was "reasonable" that his initial state in this different dimension was so unabashedly pure white!

It's like a piece of white paper that hasn't touched any paint or paint. It's pure white and nothing. The "white" just gives others a sense of holiness.

However, on the current court, Nioh's "Different Dimensional-Platycodon grandiflorum" has been greatly changed.

It's not just a change in the shape and color of different dimensions, but a change in temperament and aura!

From "pure white" to "dense black", only at the moment of swinging--

[Different dimensions, live to death!]

There is no need to perform too fine control, what Nioh Masaharu wants now is not to use different-dimensional secrets.

He just wanted to fight against the senior high school student opposite the net to "consume" it.

- Insufficient physical strength and other aspects, mental strength come together!

What he wants is not "quality", but "quantity"!

Accumulate less into more, more to a certain extent, and quantitative changes can naturally lead to qualitative changes!

Hello one-

Tennis is like a black hole, it has a powerful attraction inexplicably. Let the players outside the court involuntarily divide more attention to tennis -

Of course, most people didn't see the body of the tennis ball in time, they only captured the afterimage of the trajectory of the ball!


Byōdōin Hōō had never seen Nioh's goal. He didn't see such a move in the video of the junior high school summer contest.

I have never seen it before, it looks like it should be a different dimension

In an instant, Byōdōin Hōō only had time to think so much, so he used racquet to meet tennis.

Although he is wary of Nioh's different-dimensional moves, as a tennis player, he is not too careful to be too careful not to catch the ball.

So Nioh's "positive plot" also succeeded.


Byōdōin Hōō's "Different Dimensions-Pirates of the World" bears the brunt and is directly affected.

After the end of the first set, the feeling of sequelae of being recruited came again!

Although the nuances are different, the sequelae of mental power moves are in several categories!

All in all, the body is affected by the mind, dizziness, loss of emotional control, loss of fighting spirit, negative mood, and distraction are almost all these negative feelings.

What Nioh wants this time is also the "negative effect" brought by mental power moves to his opponent. He doesn't even care about how the Byodoin Temple feels. He directly uses "spiritual induction" and "spiritual hints" together, and doesn't care about his own spiritual power. For the consumption, he used his own different-dimensional moves.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The "Egyptian Phoenix" can wash the players' minds to a certain extent, allowing Byodoin to get rid of the negative influence they had previously received when swinging.

Although his move is an offensive, world-class move, the accompanying "purification" effect is very good. And there is a miraculous effect of "automatic update".

However, if the "purification" continues to be "polluted" with perseverance, what will the final result be?

It is impossible to get stronger and stronger, and can only maintain a state of "confrontation."

"15:0, Byodoin score!"

When Nioh kept using different dimensions regardless of his own mental energy consumption, the efficiency of Byōdōin Hōō's scoring dropped directly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Nioh's metaphysical meaning of "living to death" also restrains the "Egyptian phoenix" with the attribute of "purification" in some respects.


"15:15, Nioh scores!"

Even if it is used crudely, no matter how bad Nioh's metaphysical meaning is, it can slightly affect Byōdōin Hōō for a moment.

A moment's time is enough for the players to complete the swing on the online court!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"30:15, Nioh scored!"

And the most important thing is that for Nioh, the "auto-renewal" ball skill of "Egypt Phoenix" can be solved as long as he is willing to pay!

There is no completely unsolvable move at all, and it can only be said that the player's personal tennis strength is not enough to solve a certain skill move!

Nioh has even received Echizen Nanjiro's "Unparalleled in Ancient and Modern" and "Impermanence" that Echizen Nanjiro tried to play after seeing the hunt. If he is really willing to make up his mind, how can the "Egyptian Phoenix" bother him?


The vibrating sound that the audience outside the court and the camera couldn't catch at all was accelerating and echoing on the court.

"Different Dimension-World Pirates" attacked while standing on the deck of the pirate fleet with a Western sword in hand, but Nioh's mental power directly obstructed the "ocean" that pirate ships rely on to navigate!

Layers on top of each other, the thousand-layer waves push the pirate fleet in reverse

This is the negative impact of "Different Dimensional Profound Meaning-Living Towards Death" on Byōdōin Hōō after being fully activated.

ps, one more.

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