Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 804 High school students, Nioh’s misleading


Besides Echizen Nanjiro, who else can be called that way?!

Although theoretically and in fact, Echizen Ryoma and Echizen Ryoga can be referred to in this way after the qualifying match yesterday, but when talking about tennis, when talking about "Samurai", many people can only think of one person at the first time.

When I heard Kirihara Akaya mention the word "samurai", San Mifūne Nyudō felt vaguely in his heart.

And when he heard the conversation between Seiichi Yukimura and Yanagi Renji from the middle school student, the excitement of the head coach of the U17 training camp could not be concealed.

Coach Kurobe, Coach Saito, and Coach Takusik standing next to the head coach of Mifune can all feel the change of air pressure around the head coach-the low air pressure is swept away!

"Is it'Ancient Wushuang", or "Impermanence of all actions'?"

Now that the known conditions and options are in front of us, the problems that follow are very clear.

"Nioh's Phantom, it seems that there is still a lot of potential to be tapped.

Coach Kurobe looked at the game in the court and thought so.

It's nothing more than "choose one of two" multiple choice questions, but no matter which "correct answer" is announced next, their coaches, their U17 training camp, will be the biggest winners.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The game on the court did not stop due to the discussion outside the court.

The sound of discussions in the audience outside the court cannot be clearly heard by the players in the court. Unless the players in the audience shout at the venue of the game, Nioh Masaharu, who is focused on the game and focused on the tennis ball Neither Byōdōin Hōō17 would look up in the direction of the auditorium.

Hello one-

The "Different Dimensional-Bellflower" blooms there calmly, but it gives people a sense of burning life.

But this is different from before.

--I don't know when the last game started, but the "different dimensions-lisianthus" behind Nioh's "weak" feeling slowly became "sharp".

Of course, it still looks very beautiful, the flowers blooming are originally pleasing to the eye.

However, before a certain time, "Different Dimensional-Lisianthus" gave people more but attractiveness, not like now, people want to divert their attention subconsciously after a glance!

The blade of the "Samurai" has not become dull, this feeling."

Three Mifūne Nyudō is not young anymore. He has experienced the age of the "legendary samurai" where Japan and the tennis are together. He knows how sharp the racquet in Echizen Nanjiro's hands is on the court, and how it is directed towards Pimo. NS.

But now, Nioh's "Different Dimensions-Bellflower" gives him a bit of "the feeling of once"-the feeling of deja vu in his memory.


"15:0, Byodoin score!"

Said Tanegashima Shuji, the referee on the sidelines.

At this time, the conversation about "Nioh Masaharu and Seiichi Yukimura go to Echizen Nanjiro in the National Championships" has been spread word of mouth and spread to the audience where high school students gather.

Without knowing the reason for the uproar on the middle school students, although the high school students felt that the situation on the court was a bit confusing, they still did not realize how "serious" their doubts were.

And when I heard the "secret no information 鎲露" from junior high school students--


"That's right-is it really?"

There was an exclamation.

"Echizen Nanjiro?!!"

The high school student in the audience shouted directly.

Unbreakable Iron Man stared, the Mutsu brothers stared at each other, Mitsuya Akuto held his breath at this moment.

"Maori, your junior is very good."

The Date man looked shocked, he looked at Mōri Juzaburō and said.

Tsukimitsu Ochi also glanced faintly at Rikkai, who was sitting next to him. Perhaps it was because his bangs had covered his eyes. In the eyes of others, he was also a little emotional for a while.

"Didn't I say it a long time ago

However, the Mōri Juzaburō player, who was followed by many high school students and colleagues, did not seem to mean it, but was very confident.

"I have said it many times during the expedition, except for Yueguangsang, you don't believe me!

The innocent Hyotei high school student was mentioned by the Maori players and was shot by the high school students with "!!?"

[Isn’t it because you were too annoying at the time?!]

Yuan Zhe also had to be defeated by the words of his old opponents he could not wait to see in court competitions every day when he was in junior high school.

As a member of the expedition team of the First Army, he feels that he can speak on behalf of all expedition players (except Tsukimitsu Ochi).

"At that time, you were talking about Rikkai's third consecutive tyrant, so there is no mention of Echizen Nanjiro!"

Yuan Zhe said the same, and the other high school student player Ping Shanzhi next to him nodded in cooperation.

During the expedition, Maori really said "Rikkai", and before shutting up, he said "three in a row". People like them felt annoyed the first time they listened.Who can not only listen to it all, but also listen to it many times like Tsukimitsu Ochi?

"I didn't talk about the events after the Rikkai National Competition at that time, so you just left.

"When we were dining together, didn't you ask for it like this, Yuanzhe?"

Mōri Juzaburō looked at Hara Tetsuya and opened his eyes wide.

"Only Yueguangsang has listened to everything, so you don't know this if you haven't finished listening!"

The Maori players feel that they are full of confidence.

Because the Hyotei high school student sitting next to him did listen to all of his words, and not only listened to it once.

During the expedition, Tsukimitsu Ochi, who was forced to tie the Bond doubles partner to act together:

"Keep watching the game."

Because of the Maori player's words, he was baptized by the eyes of his fellow high school students. Tsukimitsu Ochi was silent for a while, and he felt that he could no longer be silent on his own.

If he doesn't speak anymore, what Maori will say in the next sentence, Tsukimitsu Ochi feels that he is unimaginable--perhaps, he and Maori cannot achieve "homology" for this reason.

He also couldn't imagine what his fellow high school students would do after the game.

Therefore, for the safety of Rikkai's life, in order not to be "implicated", Yue Zhi tried to bring these people's attention back to the game.

Ever since Date Guy, Unbreakable Iron Man and others called out the name "Echizen Nanjiro!", the atmosphere in the court and the court side changed immediately!


Tanegashima Shuji at the court blinked as he listened to the shouts of fellow high school students resounding through the sky.

"Although off-site reminders are not prohibited, it is best not to use them."

Noting the sight Mitsuya Akuto looked over, Tanegashima Shuji, the referee of the match, said so.

-He didn't even watch the game and turned to look at the auditorium where the high school students gathered!

--At this "critical moment", Tanegashima Shuji actually dare to do this?!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Feeling that things exceeded his own data again, Mitsuya Akuto looked at the two players in the field with shock and confusion.

Then he discovered that he had something that no one else had studied before--

When did Nioh Masaharu's "different dimensions, lisianthus flower" "change its temperament"?!

Originally, they didn't pay much attention to the different dimensions of Nioh and Byodoin, because they looked at the different dimensions off the court, which really affected the watching of the game.

The different dimension of Nioh Masaharu will inexplicably make you ignore that you are watching the game, not the lisianthus blooming. The different dimension of Byōdōin Hōō makes people look frightened and chills behind, as if they are about to be stabbed.

So when Mitsuya Akuto watched the game, although he would pay attention to the different dimensions of the two players, he did not devote himself to the different dimensions. Therefore, he did not pay attention to the changes in "different dimensions. Bellflower".

Looking at it will not make people want to sink into it, although it is still the same, but the feeling that makes people look cold behind the back--

Is Nioh Masaharu's "Phantom" the object of Echizen Nanjiro? Why does it look like Byōdōin Hōō's "Different Dimension-World Pirate"?!

Mitsuya Akuto thought back.

Previously, "Different Dimension-World 303 Pirates" confronted "Different Dimension-Bellflower" at the net.

[Wait, is this Nioh's "misleading"?!]

It is worthy of being a clear-cut data tennis player. Once he was given a key clue, he would immediately push away the clouds and see the sun and gain a lot of "facts" that he had overlooked.

Let his different-dimensional phantom, who is not good at attacking, head-on with the fierce "different-dimensional world pirates", Nioh took advantage of this opportunity to do a lot in private!

Now, it's time to harvest--


"15:15, Nioh scores!"

Tanegashima Shuji looked back in time to announce the score as expected.

He looks calm as usual, but this is already the biggest abnormality, because shouldn't he laugh at this time?

--At this time, there was already a cold sweat behind the No.2 of the First Army.

"Senior Echizen Nanjiro's triumphant skills. Before he took a shot, his aura was about to overwhelm me."

Seiichi Yukimura said of the two tricks he and Nioh experienced together, because he truly felt that he was really "ignorance is blessing".

He knows that when he and Liu told the middle school teammates about challenging Echizen Nanjiro, many middle school students didn't say it, but their emotions and thoughts were all written on their faces--

[Too courageous)

After playing Seigaku, I went to challenge Echizen Nanjiro, Seiichi Yukimura thinks about it now, and he thinks so.

Nioh and him were really "too courageous" at that time!

A player who has not personally experienced "Unparalleled in Ancient and Modern" and "Impermanence", it is hard to imagine that kind of feeling.

If it weren't for "homology" plus "resonance", if Echizen Nanjiro didn't mean to point to the younger generation, at that time, he would almost hold his breath and couldn't afford to racquet!

ps, there are still three thousand, please don't vote for the reminder! Thank you, let's be simple, vote for the flower evaluation and monthly ticket!

pps, the author is working hard to write the next 195 chapters with three thousand words.

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