Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 826 The soldiers are not tired of deceit, the sword goes slant


Byōdōin Hōō on the edge of the court watched the smoke billowing from the court again, and he raised his eyebrows.

"4:4, Nioh scored!"

It seems that this seven-ball match will never end quickly, probably for a long time.

Unless during this period, a player of one party suddenly broke out of the tennis strength that pressed the opponent player, or a player of one party made a mistake in the game first.

Duke and Watanabe played their strengths calmly, and he was very confident.

The high school student player believes that he will definitely not be the first to make a mistake!

And another possibility

Does Nioh Masaharu still have room to explode?

Phantom becoming Byōdōin Hōō is not that simple.

According to the records in the U17 database that is ready to be updated at any time--

Coach Kurobe commented that Byōdōin Hōō's muscle strength is above average. However, the power of the luminous ball he hits is far higher than that of Duke and Watanabe!

In other words, Byōdōin Hōō, the leader of the U17 training camp, can play his five-dimensional level several times, so that coach Kurobe cannot measure his trueness in the game.

[Slowly hit it like this, my patience is very high!]

Being repeatedly provoked by opponents, the reason why Duke and Watanabe didn't freak out was probably because of his thoughts.

Bang bang bang!

When the yellow ball was hit back and forth, it rushed out crosswinds in mid-air, making the atmosphere in the court intensified and urgent.

At this time, there were pits and bumps almost everywhere on the ball 330 court.

Nioh and Watanabe need to pay attention to their feet while playing games.

--If someone loses the game because of his inferior skills, that's normal.

--But if you accidentally step into the pit where the tennis ball was hit, and delay the time to pick up the serve, you will lose too much!

The high school contestant smiled on the surface, seemingly relaxed, but he always remembered the "Waterloo" before his boss, and always reminded himself to remain vigilant against Nioh.


"Glowing ball. Destroy one-"

This time, what appeared was the "Glowing Ball-Destruction" that was much more dangerous than before.

If the previous "Glowing Ball-Destroy" was only at the level of Byōdōin Hōō less than 50%, then this time "Glowing Ball-Destroy" can already be regarded as his full effort!


This is a shining ball of power that coaches all claim to be "far above the level of Duke Watanabe"!

Although this evaluation is only for Duke Watanabe, who has not used stunts and has no explosive strength, it is enough.

Because under normal circumstances, Duke Watanabe cannot receive such a ball in a sudden situation!


The cold light struck, like a pirate's western sword pierced straight and horizontally.

The breath of "destroy" is to oppress people, and the "luminous ball" is a powerful weapon in the game. The two are integrated, and "Byōdōin Hōō" taps its potential, develops and raises its level

"5:4, Nioh scored!"

Accompanied by the boom, the score again showed a slight reversal. Although it is only one point difference, it is also very critical in the seven-ball matchup.

[Before I played a three-set match with Byodoin-senpai, yes, but what does this have to do with my current match with Watanabe-senpai?]

【This is a seven-ball matchup, don’t forget this, Watanabe-senpai. )

In the face of "Phantom", Nioh's face was pale and sweaty, but he kept curling his mouth.

Moreover, the smile on his face grew thicker as the game progressed.

Seven-ball duel, get seven points, surpass the opponent by two goals, and you can declare the victory!

In this case, why should he choose a protracted battle that is beneficial to the opponent?

If you want to fight a protracted battle-why he didn't even sit and rest for a minute, and immediately ask Duke-Watanabe, a senior to invite the battle? Isn't that trouble for himself!

The No. 3 high school student of the first army, but he can't win smoothly in his current state.

It's just that if you use some "small tricks" to fight the seven goals, he can't win the opponent!

In the two options of explosive strength and waiting for the opponent to make a mistake first, Nioh does not choose either-

He decided to give play to his subjective initiative and make mistakes for the other party by himself!

For example, now one-

Where Duke Watanabe hadn't noticed, his mental power had already started to act.

--It's not Seiichi Yukimura's "Dreamland", which means that it will not be discovered. Once discovered, it will cause the opponent to be alert, and may even be backlashed.

It is not Tsukimitsu Ochi's "spiritual assassination" that infinitely amplifies the opponent's pressure to make the opponent's mentality unbalanced and make mistakes.

In the same way, it is not the type that Maori does not have any moves and simply uses its own extremely high mental power to carry out the game.

The mental force Nioh used was a derivative technique of the "two-way phantom" he had made great achievements in the previous game with Byōdōin Hōō.

Because this game is a derivative of the unpredictable "Nioh Phantom", it also has the characteristics of numerous changes, it is difficult to use a word to fully summarize its application in the game.

And, as Nioh can phantom more and more players, the extent that "Two-Way Phantom" can do is constantly expanding and deepening!

Mental force moves essentially act on the player's spirit. From a certain perspective, mental force moves involve the use of verbal actions and aura to give mental "cues" to their opponents.

If it is medical, this practice can be called "hypnosis" -

When Nioh Phantom Byōdōin Hōō, he can use the "Two-Way Phantom" to confront Duke. Watanabe conducts "hypnosis" tailored for him.


Pawns are not tired of deceit, who said that one move cannot be used in two consecutive games?


Where no one can hear, the spiritual power spreads out and vibrates silently.

"Forced homology" provides a further foundation for the "two-way phantom", and the research on the methods of "mistering the five senses" and "dreams" has pointed the way for the development of the "phantom" in the direction of mental power induction.

As for the "mental assassination" of Tsukimitsu Ochi, a high school student,

The smarter this proud skill, Nioh clearly understood a truth!

- When the opponent's attention is drawn to a point, he will naturally ignore other options!

After Atobe Keigo had a "spiritual assassination" in the qualifying match, he wholeheartedly wanted to continue playing Tang Huaise serve. He did this not only for his own self-esteem, but also because his attention was completely diverted.

In that situation, Minister Hyotei was initially unwilling to even take into account the score and the outcome of the game. However, he would fight for Hyotei to win Atobe Keigo of Kunimitsu! Without the influence of Tsukimitsu Ochi's mental moves, How could it be so headstrong in the game?

You know, it was a doubles game.

On the surface, Atobe is so exclusive, but he is not someone who doesn't take care of the mood of other people (especially teammates he recognizes)!

"Two-way phantom" is essentially control, which uses phantom and forced coherence to control the opponent. But after learning from various ball skills and slowly developing, this derivative technique has been widely used.

-Give up absolute control.

--Use it defensively!

The high school student thinks he is exerting his strength calmly, but the level he actually exerts has become more and more imbalanced.

Although there are still small holes and cracks on the court floor, but it is precisely because of this that it is difficult for Duke-Watanabe and others to find--

The tennis strength played by Watanabe is steadily weakening!

Ps, it seems that the competition is getting more and more intense, but in fact the players on both sides did not show the strength that others imagined~~ Masaharu is a BUG, ​​he wrote a plug-in for the game by himself.

It's not simply running to inherit the spirit of NO.1 (crossed out) [Destroy No. 1 court] This goal is to go, the environment is to cover! The court is to destroy the cover! (You believe me, that's it!!)

Ps, expected error, no holiday time QAQ.

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