Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 831 Teammate friendship, Oolong incident

"The ownership of NO.1 does not mean that the'leader' is settled.

"Moreover, Nioh did not express his desire to become the captain of the representative team."

Liu said calmly.

Against the "admiration" of a group of people around ~ eyes.

"Yes, that guy Nioh has always had a fresh-bright attitude."

Marui agreed with Liu.

"If it weren't for Byodoin seniors who offered him the initiative, he wouldn't want it at all!"

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho Xuan said, his heart is a little bit Jiang Mu for his teammates.

"Is that information? Ah, it turns out that Nioh has this kind of personality."

Inui Sadaharu was holding his notebook and struggling to write.

In line with the principle of collecting as much information as possible in the U17 training camp, Qian brought a brand new notebook with him today.

With the same notebook like this, after coming to the U17 training camp, Seigaku's data for tennis players has been written in eight books.

--This is the ninth book today.

"However, the authenticity of the data cannot be guaranteed."

After recording the "intelligence" that I had just received, Qian became worried again.

"Should you wait for Nioh to come back and ask him if he wants to be the captain?"

When Inui Sadaharu uttered this sentence almost to himself out of the mentality of "collecting intelligence", he received unprecedented attention.

Yukimura, Fuji, and Shiraishi, each of them smiled and looked at him--

The smiles of Fuji and Shiraishi are good. One of these two people is Inui Sadaharu's Seigaku teammate. Let one is that I haven't realized its terrible yet, so I don't fear it much.

Only Seiichi Yukimura

Minister Rikkai's smile made Gan subconsciously stop.

"Huh, my uncle hopes he can participate."

Atobe glanced dry, then snorted coldly.

Minister Hyotei thought that if Nioh wanted to be the captain of the junior high school team, then he and Yukimura would not have to play, and the coaches would be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the high school students, their No.1, Byōdōin Hōō has already set out his own attitude.

Obviously, Byōdōin Hōō is optimistic about Nioh, otherwise he would not give Nioh the badge after the game.

In fact, Atobe knew very well--

He and Yukimura can have this "middle school student team captain battle", and the two of them can use the game to decide who the captain is, to a large extent because of the coaches' hesitation.

Because in the past, the captain of the U17 representative team will be the No. 1 in the team, and the person with the strongest tennis ability on the representative team.

But Nioh had expressed his wishes explicitly or implicitly a long time ago.

Nioh Masaharu didn't want to be the captain at all.

The coaches must have done some work. They have given some hints or persuaded Nioh. Some senior high school students probably have talked to Nioh.

--The results are useless.

So far, Nioh has not changed his attitude.

Therefore, the candidate for the captain of the middle school student representative team has been in a state of "hesitating"!

Atobe directly approached Yukimura and agreed to the seemingly absurd "gambling game" of "playing with Yukimura and determining the captain by winning or losing," because he understood this.

[Since the No.1 for junior high school students has been set and cannot be changed, let's change the others. 】

[Separate the two identities of No.1 and the captain. In this case, the choice of "captain" is more comprehensive and wider.

In the observation of the coaching staff, Atobe Keigo keenly grasped the ideas of the coaches.

And what happened today directly verified his guess--

The coaches are obviously aware of the game to be played on the No. 1 court today, but they all adopted a tacit and laissez-faire attitude, neither preventing nor encouraging.

Not to prevent it is to let their players "run in" and reach agreement on their own. So the coaches came to court No. 1 in silence and watched the game just now.

The expression of discouragement is very simple--

There is not even a formal professional referee on the side of the court, which shows that the coaches "pretend not to see" the game.

[Although the chance is very small, how can I be reconciled if I don’t try!]

Atobe's current idea is very simple.

He doesn't have to be the captain of the representative team, he just wants to try his best to win.

If he loses to Seiichi Yukimura, he won't quit.

It's just that in this situation, he is not without a chance--

Always let him compete, right?

Just giving up like Shiraishi is not the style of Atobe Keigo.

ー Director Hyotei's Atobe Keigo's style is gorgeous and ostentatious, not timid and evasive!

"Puff, Atobe, you look at me so much~"

Nioh returned from the court and brought back the "No. 1 badge that returned".

After Byōdōin Hōō heard Watanabe's words on the way out of the court, he turned around and returned quickly and gave him the NO.1 badge.

This time, the senior high school student with blond hair did not "throw" the badge to him, but chose the method of holding the badge in person at close range and handing it over. This made Nioh's mood a bit subtle.

He suddenly had an "illusion"--

It turns out that Byodoin's elders have a pretty good temper.

--The duration of this "illusion" is less than one second.

The mere contrast is not enough for Nioh to bring a filter for senior high school students.

Walking on the way back to the double auditorium where the junior high school students gathered to watch the game, feeling the soreness and fatigue of the body and the fatigue of the spirit, Nioh quickly strengthened his heart.

And when he returned to the middle school student side, what he heard and saw gave him a more subtle emotion.

[Do all data tennis players like to write notes to record information?]

[I remember that Liu used to write "Secret Passage Scroll" specifically-I don't know if he continues to write it now. 】

When Nioh approached the place where middle school students gathered together, he looked at Inui Sadaharu, who was struggling with writing, and he thought of Liu.

[At the first meeting in the ministry, Liu seemed to have mentioned that he had written one hundred and forty-two books for the job.

[If it is for me, how many notes can I write?]

That's it, Nioh hadn't finished thinking about this extremely divergent question before he heard Atobe's cold snort.

--"Huh, my uncle hopes that he can participate."

Nioh knew that since Minister Hyotei said so on this occasion, he would not say anything against his heart.

Atobe really thought that. Although his tone was a bit cool, Minister Hyotei was not ironic.

"Wow, Nioh, you are finally back!"

Marui Bunta looked exaggerated when he saw Nioh.

"Why is your face so white? It's almost transparent. Are you dizzy?"

"If it's low blood sugar, I brought chocolate here and I can share it with you."

"If I don't eat chocolate, I still have lollipops and chewing gum""

The red-haired teammate pulled Nioh down with concern, and then patted Nioh on the shoulder.

"And chewing gum has a lot of flavors, do you want to choose?"

With that, Marui blew a bubble in front of Nioh.

The care of his teammates is still very gratifying to Nioh, who sat down with the strength of his teammates.

But one-

[Wen Tai, are you watching the game with snacks?]

Chocolate, lollipops, and many flavors of chewing gum

I'm afraid this is filling up the pockets of sportswear!

- With a drink, this is basically the attitude of watching a movie!

"Wen Tai, put your hands down first!"

Nioh, who was physically exhausted, was able to walk back to the players' bench after the game.

He is now on the verge of overdraft, and he usually feels little weight. He only feels "dead" now!

It's so heavy, it's too heavy!

Marui just patted him on the shoulder, that's all. But the key is that after the shooting, Marui put his hand directly on his shoulder-

This is really a heavy burden for Nioh, who is physically exhausted and tired!

"Wentai, didn't you lose twenty catties in the U17 training camp? Why are you still so heavy now."

Nioh said smoothly.

Before, his teammates just slid on his shoulders without leaning against him. But after he finished saying this indifferent sentence, Marui Bunta directly exploded.

"You better eat something to stop your mouth!"

- This time Nioh was pressed directly on his shoulder.

While talking with a dark face, Marui pushed the half-peeled chocolate bar into Nioh's mouth.

"What is twenty catties?"

Coach Saito, in a white coat, blinked and joined the conversation.

After watching the scene of "No. 1 badge finally belongs", Nioh, Byodoin and Watanabe played a "good show", they also talked and walked towards today's No. 1 court's biggest winner. Come.

They are so close

"We have never abused any players in the U17 training camp.

Coach Saito said in surprise.

He came with his colleagues and the head coach to take the opportunity to determine the next "constitution."

The battle between Seiichi Yukimura and Atobe Keigo for the captain of the U17 middle school student team is currently the most important.

………Please ask for flowers……

There are also training arrangements before the start of the U17 Youth World Cup, and we should also ventilate with the middle school students and show their breath.

But Coach Saito didn't expect that they had heard such "smashing" news before they got too close!

- Is the head coach so cruel in the back mountain?

- After Marui-kun came back from Houshan, he lost 20 jin in weight?

Coach Saito was helping the U17 training camp to "wash his fame" while looking at his colleague Ryuuji Takushoku with hints of eyes.

Coach Tuo Zhi is a mixed practice coach, responsible for the physical strengthening of the players and the corresponding basic exercises.

It stands to reason that this coach will be the one who gets and sees the physical examination reports of all tennis players at the first time.

Coach Saito focuses on psychology. Although he has an understanding of the five dimensions of the players, he certainly does not always pay attention to the weight of the players.

It's just twenty catties, it's still a reduced weight, this is not a small number!

This kind of thing happened when joining the training camp.As a member of the coaching staff, it is impossible that he has not heard of it?

Coach Tuo Zhi has always done his best. He must have seen Marui Bunta's body test report.

So, what is going on with this "20 catties weight loss"?!

Saitō Itaru, a mental coach who has studied psychology, found that his colleague was silent and did not speak even after being hinted by him... After excluding some possibilities, Coach Saito thought about the Rikkai he had known. The situation in the tennis club.

He had a guess that he wanted to make himself laugh out loud.

In fact, it was the first to speak with Nioh who was off court, but Yanagyu, who had been ignored, silently raised his hand to support his glasses.

As the Rikkai Taisho Election who has "shared joys and sorrows" in Houshan, Marui and others, Yagyu Hiroshi believes that--

This time, Mr. Nioh was absolutely stunned by the sun on court, so he just said this directly!

[Nioh-san, have you forgotten that we usually carry heavy loads?]

The reason for this "20 catties weight loss" event is simple.

It's not that the U17 training camp is deprived of food, and it's not that the training in the back mountain is so heavy that Marui has lost so much.

--This is actually Marui Bunta's own mistake!

Before receiving the invitation letter and entering the U17 training camp, Rikkai University's last medical examination, Marui was negligent and forgot to take off his weight!

However, he was sent directly to the back mountain by the school bus, and he did not update his weight information in the U17 training camp in the first time. This caused the news that "Marui Bunta came back from the back mountain and lost twenty catties suddenly". Appeared!!

Yanagi was sure that Nioh heard the news from Kuwana.

He knew it after a little reasoning, because Kuwabara was about to burst into tears when he knew the news of his partner's weight drop.

Liu Sheng thought to himself that Coach Takuchi was a kind coach and helped Marui conceal his own weight data.

But one-

[Mr. Nioh, the kindness of coach Tuo Zhi was all wasted!]

Although after this incident broke out, the most unlucky person must be Marui.

But Liu Sheng looked at Nioh's now pale and physically exhausted appearance-even when he was put on his shoulders, he wanted to shout hard-Isn't this sent to the door to calm down his teammates?

"It should be Nioh's memory that was wrong.

"I remember it was two catties."

Judging from the fact that his partner is really miserable now, Yanagi said to Nioh and Marui to relieve the siege.

"Mr. Nioh, he consumes too much energy after the game. He may have symptoms of hypoglycemia."

Symptoms of hypoglycemia after exercise, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, cold sweats

- Nioh at least on the surface seems to be an example of the difference, dizziness (otherwise, why would it be uncomfortable to be patted on the shoulder?) and cold sweat (whether it is hot or cold, it is true that Nioh keeps a lot of sweat of).

Rikkai's Discipline Committee has a flat tone and awe-inspiring temperament, and he seems to be a teenager who can't tell lies.

"Oh, I see.

Coach Saito nodded and said.

"No wonder Marui-san gave Nioh chocolate to eat. You should add sugar when you have low blood sugar."

The mental coach's tone is softer, and his eyes are gentle.

He looked at his face without changing his face and said the words just now, and he handed the water glass to Nioh, who was about to choke to death by the chocolate bar Marui put in his mouth.

[Keep on asking, these children will become angry from embarrassment. 】

Coach Saito, who thought this way, regretted "getting it right" and didn't continue to ask questions and get to the bottom. earth.

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