Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 835 Change court, central court

The "interaction" between Fudomine's two sophomores is just an episode.

But this is precisely because Akira Kamio's behavior and Itake Shinji's screams are too irritating, オ interrupted the fantasies of middle school students who were immersed in a sea of ​​emotions.

Imagining the future can improve morale and motivate players to a certain extent, but it is not a good thing to be too indulged in fantasy.

"They are still stupefied what they are doing there--"

Instructor Mifune pretended not to see the "little moves" of the junior high school students, and he shouted to the junior high school students.

"Will the next game go ahead!"

The head coach of the U17 training camp said impatiently.

Now, time is very precious, San Mifūne Nyudō San is not in the mood to accompany the middle school students to say something unnutritious here.

Although these players also need a combination of work and rest and training in order to better improve their tennis strength, the three boat coach and his old man feel that these middle school students are very energetic, and it is not an exaggeration to reduce their rest time. !

Young people should take advantage of the vitality now, drink and sweat more on court!

With this in mind, the coach of the three boats crossed out the "Follow-up Training Plan for Strengthening Representative Team Players" that he had set before returning from the back mountain.

He decided to add more training items and training volume to these energetic middle school students, and arrange the training time before the U17 Youth World Cup to be more compact!

As for high school students.

When this time comes, there is not much room for improvement for high school students.

But the middle school students have worked so hard, how can the high school students, as seniors, be 333 worse than the middle school students?

- Let's practice all together!

Without discussing with anyone, the three boat coach decided on the tone of the next training menu.

In short, as long as it does not hinder the players' physical health, mental health, and court status, just increase the training tasks!

[Lao Tzu is for your sake!]

Looking at the state of Nioh Masaharu in the game against Duke Watanabe just now, and looking at the powerless appearance of Nioh Masaharu after he left the field, the Micune coach became more determined.

Taking advantage of the U17 Youth World Cup official competition has not yet started, can increase a little bit of physical strength and work hard to increase.

Players can continue to show their strength on the court, and one or two more seconds can be used to reverse the outcome of the game!

"Then, next we"

Although the words of Coach Mifune were unpleasant and impatient, Seiichi Yukimura's eyes were bright after hearing it.

He spoke clearly.

"Don't hurry up and change the court, can this ruined place still be played now!"

Instructor Mifune very rudely referred to Court No. 1 as "Broken Place", and didn't give them the slightest face of Court No. 1 in U17 training camp.

Yukimura just wanted to ask the coaches courteously based on the principle of treating the coaches with respect and politeness.

Although Nioh and Byodoin and Watanabe were played without the permission of the coaches, the coaches did not stand up and were not in the game at the beginning of the two games. I stood in front of the contestants before (bhcj)!

Now the coaches are standing in front of them, and they have all had conversations with them.

Although the three boat coaches seem to have acquiesced to the "agreement" between him and Atobe, if you don't tell the coaches to play the game on your own, that would not put the coaches in their eyes.

The replacement of the No.1 player in the U17 training camp only involves tennis strength. After the comparison, it is enough to report to the coaches.

The captain of the U17 Youth World Cup representative team-even though he is only the captain of the middle school student team, he can't be so "arbitrary".

The position of "captain" already functions as a "bridge and bond".

--It is a bridge for communication between players and coaches, and a link for mediation and reconciliation between players.

If you can become the captain of the middle school student team, Seiichi Yukimura must report the situation of the players in the team to the coaches in a timely manner, so that the coach can understand that the status of the team players is suitable for the game.

This is the responsibility of the captain.

And the corresponding power

As long as they have a deep understanding of the players and a reasonable proposal for the U17 World Cup players' appearance arrangements, the coaches should also ask the captain for their opinions when discussing the roster.

This kind of right to speak, other ordinary players in the U17 representative team cannot enjoy it.

Among the high school students, only Byodoin’s anti-Phoenix has a certain right to speak before this level of competition. Although the coaches may not all adopt his opinions, the coaches will at least take his proposal as a reference.

And now, among middle school students--

Nioh, who defeated Byōdōin Hōō and became the veritable No.1 in the U17 training camp, is a player who can be sure to have the right to speak, even in events such as the U17 Youth World Cup.

If Nioh had suggestions on the game arrangement during the U17 World Cup, even a three-ship coach would have heard a word or two.

Tennis strength is the No. 1 player in the team, so it should be different from the others.

"Which court should I choose as the venue for Seiichi Yukimura and Atobe Keigo, head coach?"

Coach Kurobe asked the opinion of coach Mikaku.

III Mifūne Nyudō III, the head coach directly recognized the game between Yukimura and Atobe. As a member of the coaching staff, he would not speak out even if he had an opinion in his heart, and would dismantle the head coach in front of the players.

What's more, coach Kurobe is actually looking forward to the duel between Yukimura and Atobe.

Before the head coach came, the tactical coach had a discussion with his two other colleagues.

Although, because of Nioh's voluntary abstention, the captain of the U17 national middle school team is really not a good choice.

But after sinking my heart to observe the situation of the middle school students in the U17 training camp, in fact, the choice of team leader is not that difficult.

First of all, the selection range is almost determined

You can see the status and performance of junior high school students in qualifying.

Shitenhouji's minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke has voluntarily abstained, and Seigaku genius Fuji Syusuke has never had any idea about the position of captain.

Although Higa Middle Minister Kite Eishirou had ideas, Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura and Hyotei Minister Atobe Keigo were both "beads and jade ahead". He has been eliminated, and he was eliminated by Seiichi Yukimura without complaint.

The remaining junior high school ministers and the ace players in the junior high school tennis team

Many people abstained, for example, Rikkai had several.

And more players are simply not qualified to compete for the position of the captain of the U17 middle school team!

Some of them are not even sure that they will be elected to the 14-man rosters.

Besides, with Seiichi Yukimura and Atobe Keigo, two experienced, authoritative, and capable junior high school students in front, the coaches don’t have to go back and choose others.

"Huh, of course it's the central court!"

Said the three boat coach.

Other courts have players training inside.

Although the most important thing now is the U17 Youth World Cup, and the highest priority is the formation of the U17 representative team, but the other players are not unimportant.

The players of the Second Army are also the cornerstone of the U17 training camp.

So to choose a spare court, the central court is the best choice!

Today, because of his notice, the central court was directly vacated!


Today, he flew over from the back mountain in a helicopter and wanted to give these players a "surprise" in the central court. As a result, when he landed in the helicopter, he only saw the old face of Coach Saito when he went out.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three had a bad temper, and it was impossible for him to swallow his anger.

The U17 training camp prohibits unauthorised competitions among players in order to avoid "unnecessary injuries".

Although the match between Nioh and Byodoin was acquiesced, but...

The head coach personally sees a certain white-haired middle school student not pleasing to his eyes, what can that middle school student do?

The 16th court, known as the "central court", has another name because the court is very large.

Although the No. 1 court is ranked first, correspondingly, there are very few players in the court.

The 16th court is different. The 16th court is the court that can accommodate the most players. Coaches usually choose this court if they want to gather players from a few courts and announce something.

And for Nioh

The size difference between the No. 1 court and the central court is not a big deal.

For him now, from the No. 1 court to the central court, it means

He wants to use his current state of being almost tired, and quickly walk that long distance to reach the central court to watch the game between Yukimura and Atobe!

[Such a distance]

Nioh leaned against Marui, his hands holding the water glass stiffened in mid-air.

[Puff, can I go to senior Tanegashima to borrow his Segway balance bike?]

In this "life and death", Nioh player hopes that his senior high school students can come forward.

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