Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 840 Nioh: This wind cannot grow!

"I want to use me to get familiar with using your new moves."

"Atobe, are you ready for defeat?"

When Seiichi Yukimura said this, his aura was gradually rising, and at the same time, he smiled softly.

His gentle smile at this moment ~ meaning

I was seen by the middle school students in the audience from a distance, and they all had a "thrilling" feeling.

"It turns out that Atobe still-has such a plan.

In the audience, Irie Kanata, who was standing with the high school students, suddenly realized.


The high school students currently watching the game in the central court are not just the first army, or the original army.

In the Second Army, there are also some players with very good tennis skills.

It's just that, don't know why, they didn't have a choice to add yesterday's second army to challenge the top ten of the first army's qualifying.

"Don't pretend, Irie!"

Zhonghe Neiwai Dao snorted coldly, and then said loudly.

"Aren't you optimistic about that kid very early?"

Previously, Irie and Irie were both in the third court, but because the team shifting game was reduced to the "tennis robot" on the fifth court, I was very dissatisfied with Irie Kanata's pretentious posture, which is always playing skills.

"You still pretended to be in the team change game. Now we all know, what else do you pretend to be!"

Zhonghe internal and external roads really left no room for Irie Kanata to hide.

He directly identified Irie's importance to Atobe, a junior high school student, from the group of high school students currently located in the central court.

"Yeah, that's right. I am really optimistic about Mr. Atobe."

Irie Kanata admitted generously.

"After all, we are the same type of players."

Although there are deviations in the details of genre development, both Irie Kanata and Atobe Keigo are indeed tennis players who have developed their eyesight to the extreme.

It's just that Irie Kanata is more inclined to understanding, he uses eyesight as an aid to "understand" opponents.

"Aren't all of us very optimistic about these middle school students, that's why we came to watch this game?"

Although Kimijima sent a message in the group chat to inform the high school students under the "commission" of Nioh and Byodoin, but these high school students also have the right not to watch the game.

For example, Tohno Atsukyo, and Kaji Kazena. Both of them have reasons to stay in the infirmary.

Even if you don’t want to stay in the infirmary, even if you are temporarily prohibited from going to court to practice tennis, you can also choose to go to the gym or other places to exercise.

But the high school students still came.

Zhonghe Neiwaidao, a high school student who was theoretically not within the scope of notification, also ran to watch the junior high school game by himself.

"Am I right?"

Irie Kanata looked at Zhonghe Inner and Outer Dao's eyes.

He was speaking, with insight into and clarity of the other person's heart in his tone.

"Also, you ran here by yourself, Zhonghe internal and external Dao."

"This really makes me sad. Although we are in court No. 5, we can't blame ourselves for escaping training!"

It's endless.

This acting addicted high school student, he started acting again.

"Hey, Irie!

The tall and strong high school players are like being stepped on the tail, they are almost jumping angrily.

"Having a fierce appearance of the crying underworld boss" Zhonghe Inner and Outer Road, he is inferior to Irie Kanata in terms of babbling.


The sound of broken glass still echoed on the court.

And it got worse and worse.

Even now, there is a harsh sound similar to using nails to draw a blackboard, and it sounds like a tingling scalp.



Such harsh "environmental noise" is really a big trouble for Yukimura, who currently needs to use mental power to perceive it carefully.

-Yes, for Yukimura, everything about the "Ice King" trick is just trouble.

--At best, it's just a "big trouble".

"What a terrifying "Ice King""

"How does Yukimura deal with this trick?"

"I just can't do it anyway, I don't know how to solve this kind of serve."

The junior high school players who have been slowed down have seriously discussed Atobe's "Ice King" with the people around them.

"time is too short."

"In a short period of time, there is not enough information and no way to crack it."

Inui Sadaharu approached Yanagi Renji and said to his friend.

"Well, this is Atobe's new game.

Yanagi Renji almost agreed with Inui Sadaharu's opinion.

"We need more intelligence to find out..."

If Yoo met Atobe's "Ice King" in the game, he would probably "let go" this round and exchange time and points for the opportunity to gather intelligence.

Their data-type players, unless they are prepared in advance, or their opponents are "expected", under normal circumstances will be late.

………Please ask for flowers……

It's the same in the score, coming from behind.

"What? Isn't this using our minister to practice new skills?"

Others are discussing the game, and no matter how bad it is, it is also game-related.

Only Kirihara Akaya, after grasping the core meaning of the two sentences of his own minister, said angrily.

"And it doesn't seem to be the first time."

Nioh added casually.

After he was exhausted from the game and rested for a short period of time, he changed his listless appearance when he was just off the court, and instead became energetic.

So when Kirihaya talked about Atobe's "new skills", Nioh couldn't help but think of another "new skills" that Atobe had practiced one day.

"Nioh, you were talking about that time!"

Marui Bunta suddenly realized.

"I remember, it was the'World of Ice' that time, right?"

It's so alike.

After Marui Bunta glanced at Sanada, he sighed as he watched the game on court.

"Oh, no wonder Yukimura smiled so much just now."

Rikkai's genius said, and couldn't help sighing.

It turns out that Yukimura was because Atobe used his opponent to practice new skills. I remembered that Atobe went to Rikkai alone to challenge Sanada and became the "Ice World"!

"This ethos must not be fostered!"

As soon as there are new achievements and new skills, find a promising opponent to challenge

This atmosphere must be suppressed!

"Sanada, you left a very bad impression on Atobe." "

Nioh spoke with a heavy tone, and spoke to Deputy Minister Rikkai.

" what?!"

Sanada didn't understand, why did the topic suddenly turn to him?

"As soon as Atobe had new skills, he came to Yukimura to play. This is the'bad impression' you left Atobe at that time.

Nioh kindly reminded him.

""The World of Ice.

He prompts keywords.

"Do you remember the time Atobe came to the door alone?

The kind Nioh Masaharu asked them with concern, the Deputy Minister of Rikkai University.

There is nothing to say.

After thinking about it, Sanada fell silent.

ps, this is the time that echoed the "Ice World", Atobe went to the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club alone, and then he successfully challenged Sanada to the court and completed the "Ice World". (So ​​Atobe is now playing against Yukimura, not just because of the competition for the captain of the representative team.)

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