Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 861 Harmony in Space, Doubles Guide

In order to complete the task entrusted to him by the three ships coach, Nioh readily accepted the "cooperation" of the Byodoin seniors. He did not choose to directly stand on the edge of the court to perform "forced homology" to the players in the court.

He insisted on holding up the face of "instructing the coach", and he was the only one who suffered in the end.

Nioh gave up the position of captain of the U17 team that he could obtain for the comfort of his U17 World Cup trip. How could he cause trouble to himself?

Therefore, he naturally accepted Byodoin’s "good advice" against Phoenix.

--The two of them found an open space for tennis next to the court where Marui, Daqu, Kite, and Date were located. Although this open space does not even have a net, it does not affect Nioh's slap fight with Byodoin.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Although Nioh was swinging a pat, his attention was only partly on the Byodoin Temple.

Most of his attention was focused on the two people, Kite Eishirou and Date Man.


Nioh said softly in his heart.

"Phantom" flashed quickly, and then disappeared.

He, Kite Eishirou and Date are not familiar with each other. If you want to "force homology", you can only take the path of "Phantom".

A bright silver-white light illuminates from him, and then quickly softens.

A band of light emitting a little bit of light extended from him, and was divided into two on the way, and landed on the two targets selected by Nioh.

Bang one-

Nioh did not focus on the rally, and Byōdōin Hōō did not focus on the rally.

The captain of the U17 high school student team watched Nioh while swinging, watching the "coherent light" extend from Nioh17 and land on both Kite and Date.


The yellow tennis ball flew between the players.

It's not just for Nioh and Byodoin, but also for other games.

It's just that Kite and Date, the two players, after "accepting" Nioh's "homology", became particularly eye-catching and eye-catching.

Bang! Bang!

To what extent can Nioh Masaharu "coordinate" other people off the court?

Is this what the three boat coach wants to see?

Byōdōin Hōō waved the racquet unhurriedly, and the tennis he played was not as threatening as he usually played. He was almost "sending the ball" to Nioh.


The nearby court is the court where Kite and Date are located.

The sound of the tennis ball hitting the ground quickly caused Byōdōin Hōō's attention.

Omagari plus Marui Bunta, its comprehensive strength in the eyes of Byōdōin Hōō is not weaker than that of Dateman and Kite Eishirou.

After all, Omagari was one of the top ten players in the First Army before, and the Date Man was only one of the bottom ten players in the First Army.

The captain of the U17 high school student representative team has seen the strength evaluation reports of all the players, and he knows the five-dimensional data measured by the U17 training camp for the players. Marui Bunta's five dimensions are not as good as Kite Eishirou, but if it is the ability to cooperate with doubles, Marui Bunta is undoubtedly the stronger player.

Speaking of "the cooperation of doubles", the combination of Daqu and Marui should be stronger in comparison!

-Once this conclusion is just a summary of the "before".

Nioh's "compulsory synchronization" between Kite and Date outside the court directly changed the situation on that court.

There are still no major mistakes in the cooperation between Marui and Daqu. Compared with before, there is no retrogression.

But the direct "cooperation" between Kite and Date has improved a lot


Kite Eishirou, who quickly cooperated with the senior high school students in this doubles training, "cooperated with great progress", the mood at this time was not excitement and excitement, but frightened and heavy.

【Go forward


The "cooperation" with Senior Date just now was not so much his credit, as it was Nioh's "proper command". The thoughts that flashed in his mind and the thoughts that emerged in his mind were not as fast as the "spontaneous action" of his body!

There is no doubt that this is the effect of "forced homology".

Even the "unilateral coherence" carried out in the space outside the court brought the doubles of Kite and Date to a big step.

[It's terrible, terrible'doubles coach'!]

Although knowing that Nioh might perceive his thoughts at this time, Kite couldn't help but think so.

Before the start of the doubles training, when he heard that the coaches asked Nioh to serve as the "temporary coach" to give them doubles guidance, he was actually not very convinced.

Although Nioh is indeed very strong, so strong that no one in the U17 representative team can hold him down in tennis strength, but that does not mean that Nioh is qualified as a "coach".

Just like in the usual school classes, top students are sometimes asked by teachers to help students with poor grades. Kite acknowledged Nioh's advantages and talents on doubles, and he is also willing to accept Nioh's guidance on doubles, but he is not willing to have an extra "teacher" on doubles!

Although the title of "temporary coach" has "temporary" as the prefix, although it is limited to "doubles running-in training", it is too heavy to make people feel dissatisfied.



It was another ball, and it landed on the clearing quickly after it bounced.

Kite is no longer dissatisfied with the coaches' arrangements at this time.

Because he can feel the power of this "unilateral homology", even the incomplete "homology" has greatly improved the "tacit understanding" between him and Senior Date.

--Of course, they can play so smoothly, and there are reasons why their opponents didn't really put the victory or defeat in their minds.

Except for Nioh, Kirihaya and Tohno who were challenged by Maori at the beginning, the other players did not take the doubles practice score in mind.

- Kintarou Tooyama and Akutsu Jin were so competitive before, and they were only obsessed with their opponents, instead of putting doubles in their hearts.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Marui jumped up, his face was sullen when he volley in front of the net.

[It’s troublesome, if Jack is here]

The red-haired Rikkai big player misses his doubles partner who can co-tune with him.


The power and speed of the opponent's swing hit the ball, and the rhythm of the tennis ball hitting the ground was just right.

Omagari wanted to save the ball, but couldn't do anything.

Unconsciously, this high school player has already used most of his strength in doubles practice. But his performance did not allow their doubles to overwhelm the two players on the opposite side of the net.

Because the opposing two are slowly "liberating" their tennis skills, and the "tacit understanding" between the two makes Omagari want to sigh more and more.

[How can there be such a way to improve tacit understanding?

[The head coach thought of a great idea. After today, Tanegashima Shuji is going to be proud again!]

That's right.

Although Nioh Masaharu is the one who is in the limelight, but for Omagari, Tanegashima Shuji is the most proud one.

Bang! Bang!


Nioh hasn't been "forced homology" with Kite and Date all the time.

Although his own mental power is much, it is also limited. Moreover, the coaches prefer him as a "temporary coach", naturally not let him coach only one or two players doubles.

Therefore, after watching the doubles between Kite Eishirou and Date boy get better, Nioh immediately decided to change to a group of "doubles".


He slowly withdrew his mental power.

After half a minute, the fading "forced homology" was also completely cancelled.


"Senior Byodoin, let's change to another place and continue fighting."

Nioh naturally turned his wrist after catching the tennis ball. He withdrew his racquet, and at the same time forced an end to his unconcerned rally.

He was originally thinking about "helping" Kite and Senior Date to improve the tacit understanding, and then "helping" Marui and Senior Daqu to improve the doubles tacit understanding.

But his Rikkai partner Marui Bunta's refusal is too obvious!

Whenever he put his gaze on Marui, Marui Bunta would stare at him very directly. Even when he first looked over, Marui almost missed a tennis ball that he could have caught in order to stare at him!

A very familiar friend is so resistant to "forced homology", which makes Nioh very regretful.

[My'forced homology' has some sequelae, but it has been improved a lot now!]

Nioh thought.

Unless he is malicious in mind, the dizziness left to the players after being "coordinated" has been greatly delayed by 357.

Kite and Date Senior His "forced homology" will not affect their doubles training tonight.

The sequelae of that "a little bit" dizziness will probably be felt by them after the doubles training is over tonight.

"Wen Tai and Da Qu predecessors have worked well together, I don't need to be icing on the cake."

Not "helping" Marui and Otari to "improve the tacit understanding" is not just out of Nioh's selfish intentions.

The fact is there, the doubles of Marui and Daqu are gradually improving over time. Although the tacit improvement of the two of them is not as good as that of Kite and Date, the two of them do not have Nioh's "forced homology" as a step for tacit improvement!

Nioh's "compulsory homology" can only leave some insights for the two players after taking it back.

--What the players get and what they gain depends mainly on how much they can understand from this short period of "being co-tuned".

If there is a doubles combination that can smoothly and naturally improve the tacit understanding between each other, Nioh will not use his "forced homology" to this group of doubles players.

Although the improvement brought about by "forced coherence" is more obvious, it is after all a "sword to the front" with some sacrifices. Long-term consideration, it will hinder the further improvement of the doubles tacit understanding between the players, rather than the "long flow" of the tacit understanding that cannot be naturally improved.

However, in the case that more temporary doubles combinations are tacitly common, using "forced homology" to help them find the doubles to cooperate, this is indeed a coup that is beneficial to the U17 team.

ps, (Small Theater) Known from the above one

Marui: Nioh, hurry up, I am a professional doubles player!!

Maori: I am also very professional. I am a "player who is good at doubles" stamped by the coaches!

Yukimuraand Tokugawa: Thanks for the invitation, we can resonate after practicing, and we don't need to be co-tuned!

Yanagi Renji: No need either. I have research on doubles and can count tennis.

Senior Tanegashima: Do you want me to recommend a group?

Sanada (who is doing doubles practice seriously, suddenly got cold behind her back): Aye--!.

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