Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 884 The rules of building a mountain, the focus of victory and defeat

In order to "inspire the fighting spirit of the players, warm up before the game"--

The coach of Mifune announced that the U17 representative team high school student VS junior high student player's beach pick-up contest has begun!

"The goal of conquering the world is too far away for you."

"The first thing you need to do now is to conquer this beach!"

"Want to win the U17 World Cup?"

"Just start from now, and work hard in the direction of victory!!"

The head coach said so, his words were full of "bewitching" tone.

However, his words did not convince the players present.

"What does this have to do with the beach chat contest?!"

"Mitsuya, what did you guys get!"

"I'm here to do it, is he going to assist us in today's training as a player in the data group?"

Although they feel that something is wrong, some players who don't know what kind of danger they are facing are still wondering.

But other insiders are different.

"Senior Liu, Liu, what you got

Kirihara Akaya pointed at Willow tremblingly, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Unlike Fuji Syusuke, who knows what kind of "anti-human taste weapon "Three Seven Three" is on the tray in Inui Sadaharu's hand, but is still interested in Fuji Syusuke, the second grader of Rikkai University now only feels cold behind his back, and The voice is dry.

"Is this? Is it?"

Marui Bunta also looked solemn at this time.

Speaking of it, Rikkai's genius didn't have any predictions about Yanagi Renji's "style of playing". He guessed something yesterday, but didn't say it directly.

Now it seems that the imminent fact may be the "worst" situation--

[Never lose!]

- Definitely win!

As the king of Rikkai's big positive election, Marui Bunta burst into a strong desire to win from the bottom of his heart at this time.

"I see.

Those who "lost the "hit-up match" will eat and drink the "things you prepared." "

Yukimura's breath was very peaceful, and there was not even a momentary disorder.

His calm reaction formed a sharp contrast with the frowning, dark face, and low pressure Sanada near him.

"Now, everyone-let the seniors see the spirit of our middle school students!"

"Even in the'Mountain Tournament', there are no dead ends!"

The captain of the middle school student of the U17 representative team said so, and he naturally gave a verbal call to the high school students.


Yukimura, why can you say the word "hit-up contest" so naturally?

Although according to the current situation, the probability of falling because of "taste destroyed" is not 100% unsolvable, but your current self-confidence is too much.

Nioh looked at his minister with mixed feelings.

He thought to himself, it turned out that there was no reason why I acted against Yukimura on the beach in my "last life".

However, the "hit-up contest" this time seemed to be different from the "fuzzy impression" in his memory.

Although Nioh does not remember the detailed process now, he can analyze some "unannounced information" only from the current performance of the three boats coach and the data group players-that is, the "strange".

This time the "hit-up contest" should be divided into "wins and loses"?

[There is a "win or lose" point?]

Nioh thought so, his expression on the surface did not change, but he was alert in his heart.

Because he knows that if he wants to compete with the senior high school students on the representative team

Some senior high school students are actually very simple and easy to deal with, but some seniors are very tricky!

"The specific rules, three ships coach.

Who knows what weird rules will be in this "hit-up contest", Nioh made up his mind to ask before the "hit-up contest" officially starts.

If you fail because you misunderstood the rules, that would be really stupid!

"The rules are simple."

Said the three boat coach.

I don't know if Nioh got it wrong, he seems to see the appreciation of him in the eyes of the coach of the Three Boats.

"You have to" conquer the beaches of this resort and conduct a'hit-up contest, so the object of the hit-up can't be decided at will!"

This is a resort, not a semi-abandoned beach where tennis players in Higa often conduct "coastal trips" and "diving training".

The place called "Little Hawaii" even has a "U.S. Village".

There are a lot of tourists here-if there is no restriction on the "talking-up object", I am afraid that the representative team players will be able to complete this "take-up task" easily.

Therefore, Mifune coaches and other coaches have "thought carefully" (mainly coach Saito's enthusiastic speeches), and finally set the "limits"!

"You can only talk to the blonde beauty on this beach!"

The restriction on the "blonde" ruled out the majority of Japanese people and directly raised the difficulty of mountain climbing by one level.

Although, this restriction seems to have "a little bit of malice" for teenagers who are not very proficient in other languages.

"Hey hey, blond?!"

The red-haired Kintarou Tooyama jumped straight up.

He opened his eyes wide and turned his head to look at the people with the characteristic of "blonde" on the beach.

"I don't seem to understand what they are talking about, what should I do, Shiraishi!!"

Shitenhouji's first-year student drew on his minister with a very familiar face, asking for help.

"Ah ha ha!"

"I prefer to invite them to play tennis rather than using words to strike up a conversation!"

Damn it, I was first attacked to be strong. No, no, I can't be so naive!

Kirihaya originally wanted to ask his seniors for help. Although he has made great progress in learning thanks to the help of the seniors in the tennis club, the hard-handed subjects are not so easy to overcome.

His English level is only above the passing line.

Remarks, this passing level refers to the English level of the second grade of Japanese junior high school!!

For spoken English, although Kirihaya is not in a dazed state, he also knows his "dilemma" in spoken English.

[Just say hello in English, can this be a success?]

Kirihaya, who showed a confident posture after a dry laugh, was actually very unconfident in his heart.

"It doesn't matter what method you use-as long as you don't force it!

Although the head coach does not think that his representative team players will have an "accident" that is so irony that they will be pressed by racquet for "confirmation", but in order to prevent such a situation that will cause people to call the police, the Mifune coach still does it by the way. Emphasize this question.

"Use your own charm and wisdom to conquer them

The head coach seems to have his own life experience in this regard.

"Moreover, since it's a game, we must divide the winners and losers!"

Here comes the key--

This is the "turning point" Nioh has been waiting for.

"Even if both high school students and junior high school students have successfully built the mountain, it cannot be considered a'tie!"

"It's all "blonde" also have to distinguish the difference!!"

The "malicious intentions" of the three-ship coaches have been completely exposed in Nioh's view.

This is obviously to encourage them to engage in "high-quality strike-ups" and at the same time try to prevent their opponents from successfully strike-ups!

"if so "

There was a voice from the high school student.

"That can't be arbitrary, we must work hard on quantity and quality!"

Mōri Juzaburō said thoughtfully, and at the end he nodded firmly.

Unlike other people who didn't know anything about the food and drinks on the trays of the three people in the data group, Mōri Juzaburō is a high school student who knows to what extent "dark cuisine" can destroy taste.

With just the initial version of the drink, he couldn't stand it anymore--

Although he entered high school, he once "occasionally" drank Yanagi Renji's "Nutritious and Healthy Vegetable Juice"!

That was the "drink" that Nioh, a junior of his "respect for seniors", gave him "drinks" when he "ran into" him some time.

Because of his lack of defense against his younger generations, Maori unsuspectingly drank the so-called "Nutritious and Healthy Vegetable Juice from Yanagi Renji Special Offer of Rikkai Tennis Club" after returning home.

--Fortunately, that was just the "initial version" that Liu Gang was inspired and just started to study. The original intention was to "small punishment (crossed out) incentives" for teammates, instead of directly rushing to "let the living see hell" Goal strides forward.

After Maori drank it, he was in a trance for less than three minutes, and then he came back to his senses and ran to the bathroom to gargle frantically. He was not confused to the extent that the body would automatically go white.

"There must be a victory or defeat, such a requirement

Shiraishi Kuranosuke has a headache and seems to have returned to when the sequelae of forced homology during doubles training occurred.

Sorry, he can't protect himself now, he can't save 2.9 Kintarou Tooyama anymore.

"Wait-the coach, you only said that this is a hill-building game between junior high school students and high school students. It seems that there are no restrictions on our internal team formation.

Unlike others who focus on "reaching up a conversation", Nioh has been studying "rules" seriously.

"The victory of this'match', is it solo or-the victory between the camps?"

Nioh does not hesitate to try to figure out the minds of the coaches with the most insidious ideas.

Since the so-called "night training" began, he has been careful about the arrangements of the coaches.

In case, if you succeed in according to each other, it will inevitably be the experience of the taste being destroyed because of the drag of the junior high school teammates, wouldn't it be too miserable!

Ps, when it comes to "Miguo Village", you should also be aware of who the "intruders" in this plot are. I have been thinking about them for a long time for their reasonable appearance. The beach is not suitable for building a mountain in Melbourne, in memory The location of the first universal Hawaii is too far away, so "Little Hawaii" is the most suitable!

(Righteously) Yes, it is to take care of the plane phobia of senior Tanegashima, and it is convenient for the U17 representative team on the Japanese side to let the other representative team players run away for a vacation (crossed out) for training. .

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