Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 891 The last strike up a conversation, collective run away

He turned his eyes back to Nioh, Mitsuya and others.

When he first saw Tanegashima Shuji riding a Segway in an escape style, Nioh naturally didn't know what was going on.

But when he saw the following motorcycles and the Stars and Stripes tennis player sitting in the car, Nioh thought to himself, he probably understood what was going on.

When thinking about the previous life, Yukimura was so confident and struck up a conversation and then brought a man back. Nioh looked at the blonde tennis player in the US team at this time, and his emotions became more subtle.

It turns out that even without his intervention, Yukimura couldn't reach the point.

A contented sigh came up in Nioh's heart.


The players who were still here, as well as the players who came over after a successful strike-up, all found those who came by riding their bikes.

It's just that among these people, middle school players pay more attention to wearing Echizen Ryoma, which is obviously another U17 team uniform.

And what the high school students are most concerned about is naturally the U17 representative team players in the Stars and Stripes uniforms.

"The US team?"

"Ah, it looks like Shu-kun and Yukimura-kun invited them over~"

Irie Kanata didn't know that for Tanegashima Shuji, inviting the U17 Mi National team to meet them is not the point. But this did not prevent him from seeing what Tanegashima Shuji was doing at this time.

[Is Xiu Jun running for his life?]

The avoiding gesture is too obvious - who is Tanegashima Shuji hiding from?

Irie Kanata thought so, his eyes opened brightly, and he waved to say hello to Tanegashima Shuji.


However, Tanegashima who escaped now has no energy to circle with Irie.

Under Yukimura's gentle gaze behind him, the Segway balance bike forced Tanegashima Shuji to ride out with an "indomitable momentum"!


"Most of us are here, so let Yukimura take you to introduce each other!!"

With the sound of the wind, Tanegashima Shuji's words reached people's ears.

Also accompanied by the sound of the wind, the Segway balance car quickly turned a corner and galloped in the other direction.

"Senior Tanegashima is probably tired."

"Because we are about to leave, but the best means of transportation to Melbourne is by plane, so the seniors had to take a break-in order not to be tired when taking the boat"||. "

Yukimura, who came on a motorcycle with Chico Ballentin, explained to the U17 U17 players.

"Senior Tanegashima is also very upset about this. A fear of heights made him lose a lot of fun since he was a child."

"Many items in the amusement park, seniors can't try it~"

Inadvertently, the senior high school student seemed to be blacked out by his junior in front of the U17 players.

"Yes, is that so?

Chico stared at the back of the fast-departing white-haired high school player, feeling that the U17 national team where Echizen Ryoma was before was really a strange place.

But it seems to be very free.

The free U17 player of the U.S. national team recalled what he knew about the behavior of Echizen Ryoga, Echizen Ryoma, and Seiichi Yukimura. He felt that the U17 national team where Yukimura was located should also be a good team to get along with, just like their U17. The same is true for the U.S. team.

--Chico thinking this way ignored that when Echizen Ryoma first came, they agreed to “throw” Echizen in the training camp and then let go.

And when he thought about it this way and got a basic good impression of the U17 national team, the "turning" appeared again--

"It's senior by Byodoin! Senior by Byodoin has taken action!!"

Relying on his "unique advantage", Kirihara Akaya, who successfully struck up a blonde punk lover, just returned to the starting point after completing the task and discovered Byōdōin Hōō's actions.

"and many more "

The coaching staff on the sidelines seems to have something to say.

But Byōdōin Hōō stepped firmly towards his goal without looking back.


"Senior Byodoin!!"

On the beach, the players tremblingly called Byōdōin Hōō's name.

However, all of them have been pitted by their high school boss and there is no turning back--

The first shot of the top high school student of the Japanese U17 team is naturally extraordinary. He watched all the blonde girls on the surrounding beach, but finally chose the hardest one.

"That's the underworld one-!!"

The Oshitari Youshi, who had made a gentleman's graceful gesture before inviting others, was about to fade from fright at this time.

The U17 Mi National team players who just came here to look for the U17 National Team were even more sluggish at this moment.

Boom! Boom!


Seeing that the situation was not good, Nioh shouted in the friendship between his teammates to remind all the tennis players present to leave this dangerous place quickly.

So, either running or cycling, all the players ran away.

- How did things become like this?

--Aren't we here for friendly and peaceful exchanges?

Surrounded by (held) by the Japanese team players, Chico Ballenting and other American team players ran away with the others before they were relieved.

"Russian dolls!"

Their only gain is the game of Byodoin’s anti-Phoenix moves.

Tennis ball that can be used to block the muzzle


"Yukimura, tell me the truth--"

Chico Ballentine, who was running in the same car as Seiichi Yukimura, asked solemnly.

Chico didn't know much about Japan before, but since the two Echizen brothers came to their team, in order to be considerate of his teammates, he still went to understand Japanese common sense.

". "What do your Japanese team players usually do?"

Although he knows that Japan is a place with different national conditions, where the underworld even has a legal and reasonable identity, this is not the reason why the captain of the Japanese representative team took the racquet and the underworld boss to grab the female partner!

Is that "Senior of Byodo-in Temple" from a certain underworld family?

Chico-Balenting's brain was wide open, and he thought of the "Yamaguchi Group, Sakura Group, and the Black Organization" that he knew from various channels (?).

Even Chico Ballentin, who is deeply influenced by superhero culture, has a different view of the entire U17 national team--

"I heard that the Middle-School in Japan also has many clubs. Have you organized privately?"

To ask cryptically, have you always been a righteous person in private?

After Echizen Ryoga came to the U.S. team, he has always said that the Middle-School in Japan is extraordinary (Ryoga: No, I'm talking about my brother!), Chico Balen (good money) Ting didn't believe it before. . But today, he felt that he had underestimated the Japanese team before.

A player who plays tennis while acting as an envoy of justice is worthy of admiration anyway.

"No, no, Yukimura."

Chico thought so, he felt that he could not embarrass his new friend Seiichi Yukimura because of curiosity.

"You don't need to tell me the answer, I know it.

The blonde player of the U.S. national team intimately refused to know the truth.

"Okay, Chico."

Answered in English to a new friend of the US team, Seiichi Yukimura smiled, and blue muscles popped out from the backs of his tightly rubbed hands.

Embarrassment, silent embarrassment.

Fortunately, this new friend is empathetic (good at brain supplement), otherwise, Yukimura doesn't know that he should explain to the players of the US team.

There are so many embarrassing things he encountered today!!

ps, I really want to write about the US team, but the original plot makes me embarrassed

PPS, long time no see, I hope you still remember this article.

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