Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 893 Routine detection, meet in Melbourne

Ralph Reinhardt, the captain of the U17 American national team, who was rushing all the way before officially greeting the U17 national team players, also noticed something wrong at this time.

Are they being tricked by the other party?

Ralph Reinhardt was initially wary of the Japanese players, not because of the tennis strength of the Japanese U17 players, but to guard against his own players being dug into the wall.

But he watched Tsukimitsu Ochi and Mōri Juzaburō, two high school students on the U17 Japanese national team, who were playing beach volleyball with two blondes not far away, and couldn't help but fall into contemplation.


The captain of the U17 American national team stopped the unexplained running behavior and stepped on the brakes.

[The other party actually came to the beach to play, right?]

For a moment, Ralph Reinhardt's expression with his head down slightly looked a little obscure.

"What's the matter, Ralph?"

"Aren't we going to run, Captain?"

The teammate who didn't know the truth asked naively.

They didn't even know what happened to their captain after seeing the two Japanese high school players who had successfully struck up a conversation.

"Puff, why run?"

Nioh, who was part of the U17 US motorcycle team, put a hand on Echizen Ryoma's shoulder, and he asked with a puzzled look.

Nioh just chatted with Yukimura and Chico, the blonde tennis player of the United States team, and talked about the boundary of "380". He is now ready to "shift the ground"-the topic just now is no longer safe. If you continue, maybe Captain Yukimura who will be ashamed and angry!

So, now let him have a good chat with Echizen Ryoma's other U17 U17 teammates of the U.S. national team!

"Aren't we being chased with guns again?"

Because he was chased, he had to run away.

Although the dark-skinned American player doesn't know who Nioh is, he still answered Nioh's question readily.

[This is someone Echizen Ryoma and his brother know, so he is also a very strong tennis player!]

Dudu-Obando, whose brain circuit is so straightforward, thinks so.

"However, it seems that the person being chased is not us

Alan and Hopkins, the deputy captains of the U17 U.S. national team, finally found the problem.

Why are they running?!

The underworld members who should be chased with guns are not their U17 U.S. national team players at all!

"Damn, we were taken by your Japanese team players!!"

Rocky Melody's face went dark all of a sudden.

His usual personality is actually relatively calm, not as cold and fierce as on court. If you ask for help from Rocky Melody in your daily state, the U17 player of the U.S. national team will provide as much help as he can in the range of his best efforts.

But this does not mean that Rocky Melody is willing to be entrapped for no reason!

"Your Japanese team is too dangerous."

Chico Ballentine also thought of this, so he now looks back at Seiichi Yukimura and Nioh Masaharu, their eyes are subtle and sympathetic.

Of course, the blonde American player didn't know that the Japanese players were playing the "beach chat" game, otherwise he would never be as calm as he is now.

"That is the personal action of the Byodoin predecessors, and it cannot represent the position and behavior of our entire team.

What does this have to do with the U17 national team, Nioh firmly refuses to admit this.

"Look over there, the two senior high school students in our team were completely immersed in the wonderful beach volleyball game.

In order to clean up his reputation as a representative team, Nioh said sincerely pointing to two senior high school students not far away.

"Beach Volleyball?!"

Several American players asked blankly.

The Echizen brothers of Nioh, who has been listening to the name of "the fraudster on court", fooled himself and these teammates after looking at each other--perhaps the tacit understanding between the brothers, perhaps because of other reasons- -I don't know why, they all kept silent temporarily.

"Yes, beach volleyball."

Nioh said very positively.

"Of course you have to play volleyball on the beach."

As a tennis player, Nioh Masaharu said to others who are also tennis players.

"It's convenient and simple, and you can get into the state quickly.

Nioh's words made some insiders have some associations, but for the few US players who didn't know the situation, they could only understand the most superficial meaning.

"Well, that's it"

Deputy Captain Hopkins looked at Otsuchi and Maori thoughtfully.

"Should we try it too?"

Rocky Melody became interested, or in other words, he had the mentality to compete with each other.

"Compare beach volleyball with the Japanese players?"

Chico Ballentin wanted to relax and have fun today, so he was eager to try.

"Then let's go over!"

Dudu-Obandu said directly.

"No, you are willing to play, but others are not willing to care about you!"

But there are also sounds of percussion.

Deputy Captain Alan Hopkins said quietly.

"Hey, what are you talking about?!"

"He's not talking nonsense, Du Du."

Ralph Reinhardt, the captain of the U17 Miguel National team, spoke out to prevent a small dispute between the two teammates.

"The two high school students of the Japanese national team-they seem to be high school players. They are playing beach volleyball with the blonde girl. Are you sure they would like to play beach volleyball with you?"

The humorous American captain said jokingly to his teammates.

As he spoke, the corner of his eye was watching the reaction of Nioh and Yukimura.

But how can the well-tested Rikkai player lose the chain at this time?

Both Nioh and Yukimura's expressions were very calm and natural, and their discussions with the players of the US team did not seem to have "redundant emotions."

[Huh, is Ralph wrong too?]

That person, their captain, is actually unsure of that?

When Echizen Ryoga kept silent on the surface, his inner activities were very rich.

The reason why Echizen Ryoga, who thinks he is pursuing freedom and doing whatever he wants, stayed in this official U17 team, initially relied on the personal leadership charm of captain Ralph Reinhardt.

Although Ralph Reinhardt made his teammates feel comfortable and free as a breeze, the captain undoubtedly has great control over the team. It's just that Captain Ralph Reinhardt's "control method" makes everyone feel comfortable.

It is because of this that Echizen Ryoga decided to let his younger brother Echizen Ryoma join the U17 US national team.

If you join another team, something unpleasant may happen halfway. If you want to change teams, it's not that convenient.

However, the captain is Ralph Reinhardt, Ryoma will definitely go well here, whether it's going or staying!

"Senior Maori and Senior Ochi will of course be willing."

Said Nioh, who didn't feel distressed at all when it was sold.

"But seniors, you are running out of time now

Seeing that the American players actually don't have time to play beach volleyball, Nioh said with regret.

All the opponents are wearing Stars and Stripes uniforms. Although they all came from the resort of U.S. Village, although these people also prepared motorcycles for riding, it was obvious that their time was running out.

Nioh can tell by comparing the clothes of his own players and the other players.

On their side, take Sanada as an example--

After knowing that he was coming to the beach, Sanada Genichiro brought his pocket cloth!

That piece of loincloth embroidered with "Fenglin Volcano" is colorful and valuable at first glance. Although it is called gorgeous in the layer of loincloth (Atobe:???), it is also a piece of loincloth. Cloth!!

People with such strict temperament as Sanada can come to the beach with a loincloth, of course, because their Japanese national team is going to relax and have fun today.

The players of the US team are not the same-

Under the weather in Okinawa, wearing so seriously under such a big sun, you are leaving here today, right?

Therefore, it is precisely because of this.

After deducing this, Nioh verbally "sold out" two senior high school students who were playing beach volleyball.

"But we still have a long time to come.

Looking at some strange faces in front of him, Nioh said meaningfully to the captain of the American team.

The possibility of encountering the U.S. team in the U17 World Cup is still not small. If Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma can join the team, it will be no problem at least to reach the semi-finals if nothing happens.

Although the future of this world line is completely unknown to Nioh, he is still very confident in the tennis strength of the U17 U.S. national team.

"We will meet in Melbourne next time, Captain Reinhardt."

With the corners of his lips, Nioh waved his hand to the captain of the U17 American national team after getting off the car, and gave a short farewell to the man who is about to become his opponent in the World Cup.

It's almost time for the opening ceremony of the U17 World Cup, and Nioh doesn't think he needs to deliberately hide himself. So he ignored the surprised gazes of other people and talked directly to Ralph Reinhardt.

"And Echizen"

The white-haired boy who finished saying goodbye did not immediately turn around and leave.

"I advise you to give up early-Ryoma won't go with you!"

Echizen Ryoga grabbed his brother's shoulders, and his face was straightened in an instant.

"Although we don't have a handicraft here, we have Fuji. Echizen, you really can't come here?"

The intention was to say goodbye to the little samurai, but because of Echizen Ryoga's words, Nioh also changed what he said.

He tempted Echizen Ryoma like a cat stick.

"Whether it is the head of the hand or the Fuji-senior, I will defeat them.

"Senior Nioh, you too


2.9 The Echizen player with amber cat eyes noticed the evil taste that the fraudster did not hide. But when it comes to tennis, Echizen Ryoma answered Nioh's solicitation.

"Puff, it was rejected.

Not only was the invitation to dig the foot of the wall rejected, but also the verbal war book

Nioh blinked.

"Yukimura, change you!"

If something goes wrong, call the captain, the captain is the one who wants to solve problems for the players!

Only then did Nioh finally remembered Captain Yukimura, who had been deliberately forgotten by him just now, who was out of topic.

"If we could meet each other on the court in Melbourne, neither Masaharu nor I would hesitate because of today's ride."

Captain Yukimura's words were polite and funny.

Although, Captain Yukimura's heart is not as relaxed and happy as his words--

This way of calling him up, isn't his teammate Nioh Masaharu really watching too many cartoons?

I don't know why, maybe it was because of the transfer of Rikkai's big tennis club so I got along with Kirihaya for a long time. When Yukimura heard Nioh's words, a red and white pokeball appeared in his mind.

Ps, I’m very busy, but I still have to re-send the outline, otherwise I won’t be able to write it. Sad, I have done two or three things about the Stars and Stripes team a long time ago (not) this kind of strategy (crossed out), but now I have to study other teams!! Damn Spain! The Melbourne meeting between the two teams may be required Soaked!.

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