Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 897 The expectations of seniors, new roommates

Although the dormitory is for two people, the actual "dormitory standard" is a four-person room.

Each dormitory has two bunk beds, so there are actually vacant beds in a two-person dormitory.

Tsukimitsu Ochi pulled Tanegashima Shuji's suitcase and came to the door of Sanada Genichiro's dormitory first, waiting for Nioh to open the door for him to put his luggage.


Nioh took out the key and opened the door of the dormitory where Sanada was.


After opening the door, it closes almost immediately.

Tanegashima Shuji's suitcase was pushed by Ochi, and the suitcase with its own rollers automatically rolled into the door of this dormitory.

"Don't we need to help Little Sanada pack up?"

Maori asked while pulling Omagari's suitcase and standing aside.

He followed Nioh to this place, before seeing the situation inside the dormitory door of Sanada Genichiro, he regretted watching Nioh slam the door shut, and then locked the door very strictly.

"Let "Three Eight Three" he clean up by himself!

Niohオ is unwilling to help Sanada pack his luggage.

In fact, he was actually unwilling to do hard work for anyone. It's just that he realized that the high school students had packed their suitcases ahead of time because they were "experienced", so he said "help seniors pack their luggage" before.

Although most of the high school students of the U17 representative team are the same as their middle school students, they are the first time to participate in the U17 World Cup. But unlike the middle school students, these high school students basically have a wealth of experience going out.

--Even if there is no direct experience, there is also indirect experience.

- High school students are used to packing their luggage ahead of time and come to an "expedition" that just walks away.

"That's right---notes for Tanegashima-senpai and Daqu-senpai, where did you post it, Maori-senpai?"

After Nioh locked the door, he tried to push it to make sure that Sanada could not get out. His dormitory door was opened.

"Of course it is directly on the door.

"In this way, when they come to the door of the dormitory, they will know which dormitory they should live in tonight!"

Maori takes it for granted.

"Okay, now let's go to your dormitory in Little Nioh!"

"I have already written on the note I left--"

"Little Nioh, you can live in the dormitory of Yueguangsang and I with Senior Daqu!"

this is an accident.

Nioh had no idea that Maori, who was left to write the message note, would give him such a sentence.

"No way, little Nioh~"

Mōri Juzaburō, who surprised the younger generation, was very proud.

"Yueguangsang and I are too tall. It's uncomfortable to sleep in ordinary dormitory beds."

"So I had to let you and Da Qu senior come over together."

The senior high school student with reddish brown curly hair said, and patted the younger generation on the shoulder.


Nioh hesitated and stopped.

After he glanced at Maori, he looked wiser with unspeakable emotions.

"Senior Maori, are you serious?"

The Rikkai big country middle school player frantically winked glances at his seniors.

Because there is still Hyotei's senior high school student standing here, Nioh can't say bluntly with his Maori seniors for a "exchange between Rikkai big players".

But one-

It is precisely because the senior Tsukimitsu Ochi is standing here, Senior Maori, you let me and Senior Daqu live in your dormitory. This is really embarrassing!

"I have written all the notes, can't it?"

Maori said hesitantly.

Mōri Juzaburō is of course serious. As he said, he took out a small note.

-ーThe note says "Little Nioh is going to live in another dormitory, so don't wait for him tonight~"

"No way?"

Because the younger generation desperately passed on to him the "senior, please pay attention, you can't do this" eyes, Maori hesitated to look at Yue Zhi.

[Of course not!!]

Nioh is very tired, because he is a senior high school student.

[Senior Maori, do you remember who my current roommate is?]

If Nioh's roommate is Sanada, Nioh Masaharu will never hesitate.

Even if his roommate is Marui or Yukimura, Nioh will not hesitate for too long.

But but one by one

[My roommate is Atobe! It’s Atobe!!]

His roommate is Atobe-Atobe Keigo, Minister of Junior High School Students of Hyotei Tennis Club!

Atobe may like to live in a single-room dormitory, but it is definitely not a single-room dormitory vacated under this situation!!

Nioh never thought that one day he would face such a "dangerous choice"--

"The last day is freely arranged and the coaches will allow it.

Tsukimitsu Ochi said in such a flat tone, as if what he said was just a casual answer to the question "How is the weather today".

But for Nioh, this is not a question of whether the coaches will allow it, nor is it a discourse such as "what's the weather today".

"Maori wanted you to come and live."

Although Yue Zhi’s tone is very flat, Nioh can hear the sincerity of this senior high school student

"If you think the quadruple room is too crowded"

Tsukimitsu Ochi said, and paused.

"Let Daqu live in your dormitory?"

The senior high school students of Hyotei, like the senior high school students of Rikkai University, did not realize the key point of Nioh's tiredness.

"It's not the problem."

From the sincere words of Senior Ochi, Nioh finally realized the "point of disagreement" between him and the two seniors.

About his house

[My current roommate is Atobe, don’t Māori and Ochi-san do not know about this?]

When Nioh was in U17 training camp, his roommate was Kabaji Munehiro.

Now in this temporary "overseas training camp", in order to take care of the players' psychology and avoid the problem of "unacceptable", the coaches intimately let them live with their familiar teammates.

Therefore, the roommates of high school students are basically their familiar teammates or even partners.

But Nioh's original roommate at U17 training camp Huadi was not selected for the U17 team, so when arranging the dormitory, Atobe, who doubles with Nioh in the qualifying match, naturally became the roommate arranged by the coaches for Nioh.

"Senior Wisdom"

Nioh looked up, he felt that he couldn't just let him struggle with the roommate's problem.

Ochi-sen is also a senior of Atobe, and is also a direct senior of Hyotei, so Nioh believes that he needs to let Ochi know something that has been overlooked by high school students.

"Have you seen our list of dormitories?"

Mistakes, Nioh 2.9 thought.

He just ignored this, forgot about it--

The U17 representative team is now divided into two teams, the high school student representative team and the junior high student representative team, and the news on both sides are respectively conveyed by Byōdōin Hōō and Seiichi Yukimura.

In other words, the high school students actually don't know the arrangement of the dormitory for the middle school students.

"My current roommate is Atobe."

Nioh looked at Yuezhi sincerely, he said.

"From what I know about Atobe, Atobe doesn't think single rooms are more gorgeous than double rooms.

On the contrary, Atobe will probably think that Senior Wisdom, do you have any opinion on him, or whether he is not pleasing to his eyes.

After speaking out his "concerns", Nioh finally relaxed.

Well, it is not him who is embarrassed now-

Although the predecessor Yuezhi in front of him was expressionless, his body had froze. .

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