Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 910 With whom, news daily and warning signs

When Tanegashima Shuji was thrown down by his group of plastic teammates, Nioh turned around and left at almost the same moment.

Taking a seemingly calm but extremely fast pace, his mind calmed down

[What did I just do!!!]

After he came to the U17 training camp in the third year, why did he become more and more naive?

How did he come up with this naive trick of teasing people before and even "collaborate" with other people?!

Why don't those senior high school students persuade him?

Nioh, who thinks he is mature, wants to cover his face.

Although he is comfortable and comfortable to fly, he seems to be flying too much.

But other people--whether it is junior high school teammates or senior high school seniors, and even the coaches who are on the sidelines, didn't say anything about it, so this is still "the normal category of junior middle school students", right?

Nioh hesitantly looked at the U17 teammates on his left and right as he walked.

"Wait on the plane, shall we sleep?"

"But if we fall asleep on the plane, what should we do at night?"

"Do you need jet lag?"

Most of the middle-aged players in China's "Three Nine Three" are out for the first time.

They followed the tennis team on an expedition, and it was the "first" life experience.

So when I was walking on the road, problems came up one after another.

However, the polite junior high school players are not good to bother the senior high school students who are walking and windy. They are still just whispering to each other.

"No, I checked the world map! The time zone is not far off!"

Kirihara Akaya has grown up, and his geography class has not been learned in vain.

The seniors of Rikkai's junior high school looked at him with relief in their eyes.

"But if you sleep on an airplane during the day, you will definitely not fall asleep at night!"

"Ah, it's boring to be a plane for a day

Undoubtedly, this group of people only thought about how to spend the next twelve hours. None of them thought about Tanegashima who was left behind.

"Melbourne, Australia, is one hour faster than Okinawa.

Mitsuya Akuto is a gentle-looking high school player who can speak very well.

Although the ending of the beach chat was very unfriendly to Captain Yukimura, it did not "deteriorate" to the point where other middle school players kept away from the high school players in this data group.

Therefore, Mitsuya Akuto players blended into the middle school students so smoothly, and I will answer everyone's questions.

This step of "answering questions" for newcomers--

It stands to reason that this procedure should be handled by the leader of the Byodoin Temple.

But when Nioh joined others on a whim to "prank" Tanegashima, he didn't know what he thought, and even gave Tanegashima Shuji's tennis bag to Byōdōin Hōō.

So now the captain of the Byodoin Academy chooses to deliver the tennis bag alone, and has no time to answer questions for middle school students.

* You will definitely fall asleep at night.

Mitsuya Akuto said with a smile.

Although he is only a second-year high school student, not the oldest senior high school student in the team, Mitsuya Akuto has a very high say in this regard.

"After boarding here, we have to wait about twelve hours before we land at the destination airport.

"After you arrive, you have to go to the hotel to check in, and then pack your luggage."

"In addition, your rooms seem to be undivided, and the coaches want you to choose freely.

The high school students in the data group seem to be responsible for "passing the microphone."

He explained the arrangements the coaches wanted to say in detail to the middle school students.

"A double room or a quadruple room?!

"Is it a junior high school student or a high school student?!"

The middle school students' eyes widened and their pace slowed down.

The high school students walking beside the team also quietly raised their ears--

The Captain of Byodoin went to give a tennis bag to the hapless guy who was going to take a boat and waterway, but now no one answers their questions.

Besides, even if Byōdōin Hōō is here

Who dares to ask these trivial things!

But data tennis players are different. Every data tennis player is a "treasure" in the team and needs to be protected.

Data tennis players never think that things are too small and trivial, they will find reliable answers to every corner of the problem.

In the eyes of high school students, data tennis players are more reliable than search engines!

"It will be all right.

Mitsuya Akuto gave everyone an affirmative nod.

"This time the U17 World Cup is different from previous years. There are new rules, so we have to keep up with the times."

The high school student data tennis player joked.

"This can be considered a training for the roster before the game."

It seems to be free enough, but in fact it is not like that. Mitsuya Akuto smiled on his face, but in his heart he remembered Mifune's old trickster.

[Why should we arrange it directly?]

In the meeting room before coming, the three boat coach said to the other three coaches.

[Saito, what do you do during working hours, isn’t this your job?!]

[You can't guess what they think? In the temporary training camp, these kids have enough free time--isn't the data and information collected in this time enough?]

It was Coach Saito who was irritated by the head coach, but Mitsuya Akuto was also affected a little bit by the side.

[As expected of the head coach

[This is also a test for me!]

Players of the U17 representative team have their own playing fields. As a member of the "data group" that follows the team, he also has a different mission from other ordinary staff.

Guess the list of hotel accommodations. For Mitsuya Akuto, it was also a "pre-match warm-up".

"Who does Nioh want to live with?"

Mitsuya Akuto deliberately wants to get a full score in the "pre-match warm-up" link, so he naturally will not ignore the "fraudster" in the team that he can't guess.

There are so many people in the Rikkai junior high school tennis club. It seems that everyone is likely to be Nioh's roommate during the U17 World Cup, even Shinichiro Sanada is no exception.

There is also Atobe, who has been with Nioh doubles. This is another well-founded choice.

In Mitsuya Akuto's data, any choice of Nioh Masaharu has a misty possibility, making it difficult for him to make a judgment.

This is only the middle school student side.

Although high school students do not seem to be responsible for junior high school students, the actual situation is quite the same.

The tendencies of Maori and Yue Chi should be taken into consideration. Other high school students seem to have no reason but they have their own possibilities. Coupled with Byōdōin Hōō's idea, this is another factor of uncertainty.

* what?"

Nioh was stunned, but he didn't expect Mitsuya Yamei Jiudou to suddenly lead the topic to him.

The arrangement of the rooms is not arranged in advance by the coaches. Is the "degree of freedom" of this U17 World Cup too much?

"Is little Nioh still thinking about Tanegashima-senpai? I've been wandering just now!

Maori hopes to become roommates with Nioh again.

When going out, only the accommodation room is a place to rest--

If you have a roommate who makes your nerves tense, how can you rest!

"Senior Maori."

Nioh shouted helplessly.

It is indeed a pleasure to be a roommate with Maori, but they all know that this is not "the first choice at the moment."

The U17 World Cup is a competitive game. Even if it is time to rest, you can subtly run in with teammates as roommates.

So if the coaches make the list

[Surely not this time. 】

Nioh thought to himself, not only was it impossible for him to be roommates with his familiar Maori seniors, but also 80% of them couldn't live with other Rikkai teammates.

The coaches say it is "free choice", but as long as they think of the coaches' definition and intention of "free doubles" in the temporary training camp in Okinawa, how can they really choose 2.9?

"I actually really want to be a roommate with Mitsuya-senpai."

But as a "data group" that is not in the U17 team's list of players, Mitsuya Akuto's actions do not coincide with their players, and there is a high probability that they will live with Inui Sadaharu in another data group.

"If you must choose

Nioh pondered for a while, his already slow pace slowed down even more.

Other curious players also slowed down.

"Puff, senior Byodoin is very suitable!"

I want to participate in the decision of the game list, I want to know the ideas and arrangements of the coaches at any time, but I don't want to go to the meeting

Captain Yukimura is too familiar with him, so let's get rid of it first.

Then the "right person" is the captain of Byodoin!

And being a "roommate" with Byōdōin Hōō has another advantage--

With Byōdōin Hōō in the accommodation room, who would dare to make a noise and disturb the rest time?

Nioh did not simply regard Byōdōin Hōō as a senior or a roommate. He unilaterally regarded Byōdōin Hōō as a "U17 World Cup-Real-time News. Daily" and a "warning sign". .

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