Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 919 Target, warm-up list

Although Nioh and the others saw Kunimitsu at the lottery meeting, they only glanced at the hand from a distance.

Even Atobe, who wanted to have a tennis match with his hand Kunimitsu, did not go forward to talk to his current U17 German team player.

"Don't you go talk to the hand house, Atobe?"

The players of the various representative teams have already begun to leave the field one after another. Nioh looked at the back of Borg and his hand and asked Atobe.

He probably knew why Atobe didn’t go over to talk to Tezuka and then make an appointment--

【It's our current team ranking that is dragging down. 】

Pride is like Atobe, absolutely unwilling to become a passerby-like dragon role.

Isn't the reason why Kunimitsu went to Germany because the German tennis club is well developed and suitable for his path to professional tennis?

The U17 German team is currently the unquestionably No. 1 in the world. Even the other three teams in the semi-finals must admit this fact-this is the prestige of the U17 German team for nine consecutive championships.

In contrast to the current U17 national team

Let alone the top four standing on the top of the pyramid, they didn't even enter the top ten!

How can such a ranking be valued by other teams and other players?

"After finishing the warm-up match, my uncle will talk to him."

That's what Atobe thought.

"Nine consecutive championships for the German team

"Huh, what a great reputation!"

Of course he is not totally insensitive.

It's just that the time has not come, calm Atobe thinks so.

"Since the goal is the German team, in the warm-up match that is just a show, the goal set by the "400" is the German team, then the result of the warm-up match at the opening ceremony tomorrow--"

Atobe bit the word and put the accent on the "German team".

"It turned out to be what I thought, Nioh?"

With the iconic self-proclaimed Atobe in his mouth addiction, he sometimes gives up his oral habits very seriously.

After walking out of the lottery meeting place, on the way back, Atobe looked serious and determined something to Nioh.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I haven't forgotten your Rikkai big "arrogance"!]

So it is conceivable what the result of the warm-up match promoted by Nioh Atobe Keigo will be.

As the so-called "fate is fate to win consecutive battles", Atobe, as the head of Hyotei's tennis department, played three years in the summer competition with the Rikkai Tennis Club in the Kanto Division. He naturally understands Rikkai's unusually high desire to win.


Nioh did not immediately give a positive reply.

His current expression, coupled with his mouth addiction, made him even look slightly lighter.

However, both Atobe and Byōdōin Hōō, who listened to their conversation silently, were still waiting for Nioh to continue.

"I can't predict the future, how can I know the result of the warm-up match?"

Nioh wanted to laugh, but his face was still calm.

- The steady people want Atobe and Byōdōin Hōō to hit someone!

"Don't you really want to play a game with Borg?"

Byodoin asked Nioh badly.

After listening to Nioh’s "brilliant rhetoric" in the venue, he was still very pleased, thinking that Nioh Masaharu was finally not so casual, but now

The captain of the high school student of the U17 national team suspected that this white-haired junior high school student was teasing him!

"However, Borg might not be able to play in the warm-up match, Senior Byodoin!"

Seeing that he was about to annoy the senior high school students, Nioh quickly stopped and continued.

"Furthermore, in accordance with the rules of the U17 World Cup, the warm-up match to be held tomorrow is a three-match two-win system. I can only guarantee that I can win the match!"

What this said

Atobe couldn't help but look sideways. He looked at Nioh as if he had seen some prehistoric spectacle.

- Nioh Masaharu really changed his temper? What kind of excitement was he?

Having the confidence and will to win before the game is a must for all tennis players in competitive competitions. But combined with their previous conversations, if Nioh wants to play, he will have to face up with Borg, who is almost considered to be the "first man"!

Even if the warm-up match is the doubles that Nioh is very good at, but if the opponent is Borg, how can he gain an advantage?

The reason why doubles is lower than singles by default in professional tennis matches is because the tennis strength of doubles players is actually lower than that of singles players, but they have a tacit advantage so they have more prospects in doubles matches. If two top singles players form doubles, if they are not the kind of tacit understanding and dragging each other, they will inevitably be in the doubles ranking.

A lot of people ahead.

Although Borg is only one of the professional players in this U17 German team, his actual status in the team is definitely higher than the other two professional players!

"He will definitely be there tomorrow

Byōdōin Hōō’s focus is different from that of Atobe.

This high school player who has really seen and challenged the "world" has a high recognition of Nioh's tennis prowess.

Junior high school players and even some high school players, after all, they just watched some tennis matches, watched flowers in the fog, and couldn't figure out the true standards of the "general-level" tennis players in the U17 World Cup teams.

However, Byodoin Fenghuang knew one-

[It’s just a warm-up match, if it’s Nioh

In the warm-up match, even Borg, no matter how rigorous he was, he would not start with full firepower and do his best from the beginning.

However, if he wanted to deal with Nioh Byōdōin Hōō, he snorted coldly in his heart.

[As long as Nioh seizes the slightest opportunity and has a slight advantage, he will win!]

What about professional players?

Even professional players are not unbeatable.

Although Byōdōin Hōō did not fully understand the limits of Borg's tennis prowess in the game, he was quite sure of Nioh Masaharu.

Even if it is Borg, who has not been defeated so far, I am afraid that in this U17 World Cup match, he will try his best to fight with Nioh on the "battlefield" of court, right?

So in this way, the result is like what Atobe said, which is already predictable.

Nioh Masaharu, who is already very good at "seizing the needle" and expanding his own advantages, is almost sure to win in the warm-up match!

--As long as this kid Nioh doesn't use the banner of "exercise teammates" to paddle!

The Captain of Byodoin thought fiercely.

"Although our current rankings are not high enough for the U17 German team to pay attention to, the warm-up match of the U17 World Cup has always been a good opportunity for the German team to show its strength to the audience and sponsors."

Byōdōin Hōō analyzed the current situation for two middle school students.

"So Borg will definitely be there."

He said with great certainty.

"Even if the other two professional players did not postpone their arrival, even if they have already arrived in Melbourne, the person representing the German team will definitely be Borg!"

Because in the U17 German team, no one can be more representative than Borg.

"There are two high school players left who may play."

The captain of Byodoin who had read the U17 German team's information long ago raised his eyes.

"One of them is likely to be their deputy captain-Mike Bismarck, who is about to enter professional tennis!"

This is not the analysis of Byōdōin Hōō alone. It is a guess of the extremely high probability that all the people who do the logistics work for the U17 national team, including the data group, have concentrated their wisdom.

"And their staff, Q-P, which is known as'perfect quality'.

Byōdōin Hōō easily confronted Nioh and they revealed the list of U17 German warm-up high school students.

"So easy to guess?"

Nioh thought to himself, he hadn't completely forgotten the warm-up match in his memory.

If they can really guess the German team's roster before the game, they only need to use some "Tian Ji horse racing" skills in the rankings.

[No, wait]

Halfway through the belly, Nioh suddenly realized.

[At that time, we did not have the confidence to face the German team, so the determination to hit the top four is not as confident as it is now!]

In other words

[At that time, Byodoin-senpai threw Tokugawa-senpai and Yukimura up to play against Borg, to experience them?]

That is really miserable second only to Atobe!

Nioh silently felt sorry for his previous captain and Tokugawa-senpai.

- Thank you so much, Tokugawa-senpai!

-Originally I only thought that the warm-up match at that time was only senior Irie paddling, and now I know the "true face" of Byodoin senior! It turns out that Byodoin senior is also paddling!

Nioh thought so and looked at the leader of Byodoin with complicated eyes.

What are you thinking about?"

Byōdōin Hōō originally wanted to sneer, because after listening to Nioh's question, he believed that the little fox Nioh Masaharu was pretending to him.

But before he started to sneer

Facing Nioh's eyes with complex emotions, Byōdōin Hōō felt a chill.

The high school player instinctively thought that Nioh Masaharu didn't think of something good!

"Borg is very likely to play in the last game."

"So if we can win the previous two doubles, Borg will definitely play vigorously in the last game!"

Not wanting to follow Nioh's line of thought, Byōdōin Hōō simply went on.

"For example, for teams like the U17 World Cup semi-finals, the warm-up match at the opening ceremony is just an exhibition match for them."

"Although the focus is on performance, for them, winning is a matter of course."

The strong wins, as it should be.

No sponsor is willing to invest in a tennis team that has failed many battles and has no commercial value.

"Yeah, senior is right!"

Nioh nodded his head and praised the captain of the high school student, which made the high school student who was praised and recognized by the high school student himself has a blue vein on his forehead.

"Fortunately for the first game, the German team will not be too vigilant.

Fortunately, Nioh's next words return to the subject and alleviate Byodoin's irritability.

"Although Bismarck is the deputy captain of the U17 German team, he may be the best of the three players to play."

The staff of the German team is probably the "blind spot" of all other U17 teams.

Who would have thought that Q-P, who was originally called a genius and even had the title of "perfect quality", had not yet shown his full strength?

In the German team, with the exception of Kunimitsu, who is not well-known and is valued by the outside world only because of Borg's optimism, the most underestimated person should be this "perfect quality".

"You don't have to worry about this.

Although Byodoin did not know the real situation of the German team's staff, he also knew it well.

"We can't lose one in the first warm-up match-"

No matter when it is, the momentum from the beginning must be played out!

"Watanabe will play, he can deal with Bismarck."

Byōdōin Hōō has great confidence in Duke Watanabe. He is confident that the U17 national team will win the championship this time, not just because he understands Nioh's personal tennis strength.

At the level of Duke Watanabe, as long as the middle school students around you are not dragged down, it is absolutely impossible to lose!

What's more, the middle school students they brought here this time are not without high-level people!

"As for the next second doubles--"

"I'll come for the second game!"

The captain of the high school student of the U17 national team decided to see the truth with that "perfect quality".

If the German 2.9 staff can make him "surprise"

Haha, congratulations to Q-P.

--He is about to usher in the death of the captain of the U17 national team high school student!

Byōdōin Hōō's idea is actually very simple. He has tried his best to verify that his tennis skills are not as good as Nioh Masaharu. Then, to deal with Borg, it must be handed over to Nioh, who is actually the No.1 of the U17 national team!

Things like "Tian Ji Horse Racing"

The group stage is only necessary occasionally. If you do this in the knockout stage, even if you win, you will be at a disadvantage on the fishing boat.

In this way, even if you can become the champion of the U17 World Cup?

It's not about swallowing your breath and being ridiculed by others!

Therefore, Byōdōin Hōō very directly tossed the name of No. 1 to Nioh, and at the same time handed over the opponent Borg to Nioh.

So the point of the next question comes out like this

In the U17 German team, who is the second best player besides Borg?

Under the default of the three head coaches of Mifūne Nyudō, the captain of Byodoin decided to verify it in the warm-up match. He set the German team's staff as his goal.

As long as Q-P's performance does not let him "disappoint" and bring him "surprise", he will give the U17 German team a "great gift"!

Ps, Byodoin (indifference): Nioh said he was about to start to wave

Coaches (Grateful): Isn't that great?

the next day--

Before Nioh could fly, Byodoin took the lead in'irresponsible' after flying in the warm-up match--

Coaches (covering his heart): Wait! Stop it!!!.

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