Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 921 Psychological tutor, spiritual comfort

Everyone got up early on the opening day of the U17 World Cup.

"Come on, kill the German team!"

The middle school students are particularly excited.

"That's right, execute them all, hahahahaha!"

A high school student player Tohno Atsukyo was mixed in the excited crowd.

"Are you nervous, little Nioh?"

After getting on the bus heading to the stadium, Maori asked Nioh Masaharu, who was next to him.

"You shouldn't be nervous-everyone is extra relaxing today!"

Senior high school students don't seem to need Nioh's reply, he asks and answers himself.

"Yukimura doubles with the boss of Byodoin Temple. Although the expected opponents still have hidden strength, they will not lose even if they are."

"The combination of Watanabe-senpai and Fuji is also very good.

"When the doubles were training before, they quickly reached a tacit understanding!"

Maori's cold face is very confusing, but he is not a dull person.

However, today's Mōri Juzaburō seems to be particularly talkative.


Nioh, who was dragged by a senior high school student to talk for a long time last night, finally realized what Tsukimitsu Ochi often feels.

"Senior Maori, are you nervous?"

Obviously, Mōri Juzaburō was nervous.

"I know that in the hearts of seniors, the combined U17 German high school players in the first two games are not as good as Borg."

Borg's reputation is too great.

Although Q-P has a great reputation, the staff of the U17 German team is a rising star after all, and has not experienced the test of professional tennis.

The same goes for the deputy captain of the U17 German team.

"I'm not nervous.

Maori has a stiff mouth, how could he admit it to the younger generation?

-He is not nervous!

As a senior high school student, he should set an example for Nioh!

"Yeah, everyone is not nervous."

Nioh nodded perfunctorily, and then continued to do psychological work for his young Maori senior.

[Senior Maori is still too young among high school students!]

Middle school students are not nervous because they don’t know what they are going to face when they enter the arena. Most high school students don’t be too nervous because they have rich experience. One-many high school students go out for expeditions It's been more than once.

But as a high school student, Mōri Juzaburō has only made an expedition once, and he is very unlucky to get stuck between the mentality changes of middle school students and most high school students!

"I also believe that Senior Watanabe and Senior Byodoin can win the first two U17 opening warm-up matches."

How to give psychological counseling to seniors?

Nioh, who has practiced with Kirihaya and later used the Tibetan free seat in the U17 training camp, said that he is very good at it!

First of all, he needs to gain the trust and sense of identity from the Maori predecessors-this is easy to do.

Then next, due to time constraints, he needs to use "mental shock"!

"It's not just us, but the warm-up players including U17 German players are unlikely to fight to the final baseline in today's game."

"So our third doubles will definitely be the winning one-"

"Because the first two doubles of Watanabe and Byodoin will win!"

What kind of perverted ghost logic is this?

Omagari and Tsukimitsu Ochi were sitting behind Nioh and Maori, and they were dumbfounded when Nioh Masaharu spoke nonsense about Mōri Juzaburō.

"What does this have to do with the two seniors?"

Even Fuji Syusuke, who was sitting next to the aisle, asked curiously.

--Even Seigaku's genius, at this time, I can't figure out Nioh's thoughts at first hearing Nioh's words.

* Forcibly explain "|!"

But the next speaker was neither Nioh nor Seiichi Yukimura as Fuji thought.

"Cracked reasoning! Too lax!!"

Sanada Genichiro retorted loudly.

But Fuji Syusuke, Omagari and others listened to Sanada’s tone, and then looked at Sanada’s expression.

Did Shinichiro Sanada know Nioh Masaharu that way?

Many people have a question mark in their hearts.

Then they heard Nioh continue to say--

"Am I wrong?"

"Do you think I and Maori-senpai will lose, Sanada?"

Wow, the smell of gunpowder is coming out!

Coach Saito sat in the back, listening to Nioh's words in the distance ahead, his eyes lit up a few degrees.

[I knew it wouldn’t be boring to be with these kids]

The reason why the coaches want to ride a bus with these team players is not to make dry "pre-match motivational speeches" on the bus.

The so-called "mental coach", Coach Saito is very clear about his duty to follow the U17 team to Melbourne.

But now he suddenly realizes that he doesn't seem to be needed here anymore.

In that case, he should just be a quiet audience!

"Yes, you are right!"

Sanada said loudly.

Some players around have already said silently in their hearts, "but"

"Very good, that's it!

Eh eh--

Sanada, what's wrong with you, why do you say that?

Atobe's eyes changed when he looked at Sanada. He thinks he knows Sanada's old opponent quite well, but now he suddenly has doubts about his own eyesight.

"We will win!"

Fortunately, Sanada's next sentence calmed Atobe and others.

[So it means this

Omagari let out a sigh of relief.

But after two seconds, his breath got stuck in his throat again!

"But you are still too lax, Nioh!"

Sanada said sternly.

"We must have the confidence to win, but we must not underestimate our opponents, and we must not be careless!"

With serious and firm eyes, Shinichiro Sanada said at this moment that many people were stuck in their hearts.

[So you are like Sanada

Shiraishi Kuranosuke looked at Rikkai's deputy minister in surprise, as if he had just realized the true face of this player.

[Ah, this is the "arrogance" of your Rikkai?]

Atobe quickly understood, but his conclusion turned in the other direction.

.. Suddenly I want to change the playing position with Seiichi. 】

Fuji Syusuke looked at Rikkai's deputy minister and then at Nioh, with a subtle mood.

After a private discussion with Inui Sadaharu yesterday, Fuji is the one with a bottom line about the opponent he will face in the warm-up match at the opening ceremony today-only for high school students.

So when considering the middle school players in the U17 German team, Seigaku's genius will inevitably be ambitious.

- Will the Shoujia play?

[The player should be able to play, his goal is professional tennis, and Germany is very optimistic about him, he will play. 】

Inui Sadaharu's analysis is the same as Fuji Syusuke's own thinking.

[Which one will it be?]

[Although I just want to verify my progress in tennis, but sure enough

Sure enough, he still wants to compare with Tezuka again!

Nioh's doubles in the third game cannot be replaced by him, so only the first and second games have a spare place for middle school students.

[Less than 2.43% probability is the third game]

--This is the data analysis that Gan did for him.

The probability of Shoujia and Borg playing doubles together in the warm-up match is not high, even if the German team's Borg himself seems to be very optimistic about Shoujia. But it is precisely because of the optimism of Borg's opponents that he would not choose Tezuka as the doubles partner of the warm-up match!

"Huh, it sounds good.

Byōdōin Hōō, who was sitting in the front row, gave a cold snort.

"Since you have this confidence, then you can win the opponent with your gross profit!"

What crooked logic!

Had it not been for Nioh Masaharu who said this, the captain of Byodo-in had already met with the other party to court to let him see the tennis skills of the captain of the U17 representative high school student.

But now that the person who said that is Nioh...

"The fraudster on the court" is also very good at "sophistry" outside the court, and this time it is still a rare "sophistry" that is very careless!

[You are deceiving Maori!]

Byōdōin Hōō thought with a cold face, is this the reason why Maori can be in perfect harmony with Nioh?

"How can the boss say that?"

"This is a doubles game, how come I say it like little Nioh incidentally!"

Not knowing that his boss was slandering, Maori dared to protest loudly.

But he didn't seem to recognize his "double standard" just now--

"Didn't you say that, senior?"

Yukimura's voice came from the first row in front.

"Huh? Did I remember wrong?"

The gentle voice and soft tone made Maori sit stiff.

*. "Obviously it is a doubles competition, but the Maori seniors just refused to mention me more~"

"It sounds as if I was brought on the court by the Byodoin seniors-does this mean?"

Yukimura is not angry, but he is really a little temperamental now.

[First, Maori-senpai almost ignored my sense of existence-although Sensuke mentioned Syusuke less often (Nioh: shouldn't it be said that it was "almost no"?), but then Masaharu came to "provoke" me again!]

There is no doubt that Nioh's fierce words about Maori sounded "too lax and careless" in Sanada's ears, but it was a straightforward "provocation" in Yukimura's ears!

"We might as well compare each other and see who wins is prettier."

Captain Yukimura turned his head and challenged the players who were about to play in the warm-up match.

"How about, Syusuke?"

But the target he wants to compare with is not Nioh and Maori, but Fuji Syusuke.

After all, Nioh's goal is ninety-nine percent of Borg Yukimura's thoughts, so they just let go of Nioh's "disrespect".

--Actually, Minister Rikkai is a bit annoyed, but in his heart he is still very pleased that his teammates are finally motivated!

"Okay, Seiichi."

This time, the silent gunpowder filled the two middle school players who smiled softly.

"I am looking forward to the first match in Melbourne.

Fuji opened his ice blue eyes.

"Me too."

"I am looking forward to meeting my hand on the court~"

Yukimura's voice became softer, but Kirihaya, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't help but shudder.

Kirihaya, once played against the hand in the Kanto youth election-got the treatment second only to Sanada's deputy minister (because Kunimitsu was stronger in the national finals), Akaya: Don't dare to speak.jpg

--(That's it) He is right to keep silent.

Because next, the Kirihaya player listened to his minister and senior Fuji say--

"Let Atobe help judge~"

The two middle school students who laughed softly and had a soft and moving voice finally reached an agreement.

They successfully pulled Minister Hyotei into this "battlefield that does not belong to him."

"Little King!"

Oshitari Yuushi was still in good spirits when he got in the car, but when Nioh spoke, he started to pretend to be dead.

But at this time, Hyotei's genius has to "deceive the corpse"--

"Calm down!!"

Isn't it just playing against Kunimitsu? You have also competed with him, Minister!

Oshitari Yuushi stared at their head of Hyotei with trepidation, for fear that Atobe would break the glass of the bus with a tennis ball when he was upset.

-It is about the image of their entire U17 team, so Oshitari Yuushi cannot be negligent.

"Puff, I don't know how much he has improved compared to the Kanto Competition and the National Competition?"

Nioh tapped the car window glass, curled his lips and spoke.


The window glass did not explode.

This time it's Sanada Genichiro's turn to blow the hair!

Ps, Yukimura (expected): I'm going to play.

Fuji (smiling): I have to compete too~

Nioh (about to play against his favorite opponent Borg. Standing and talking can't hurt back): Anyway, you two have competed with the hand before, haven't you?

Sanada, Atobe:!!!

Pps, author (Ming Yan): I am going to take an exam! (The exam is very important, and there will be more than one exam in the next, and the exam will be taken until next year)

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