Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 926 Thousands of tempers, reserved light

The "tacit understanding" of doubles not only exists between partners, but also exists between opponents

It sounds like a joke, but the second doubles match between Germany and Japan in the opening match of the U17 World Cup really started like this.

Seiichi Yukimura and Byōdōin Hōō tauntedly rushed towards the other side.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The very fierce game opened, which excited the audience.

Competitive games are to keep everyone's attention. The start of this doubles seems to suit the hearts of the audience.

But what happened next was completely beyond the expectations of the audience and the team players who came to watch the game.

Bang! Bang!

On the U17 side, the national team is leading the way, and it is better to say that you want to use the first burst to occupy the advantage of the score.

But the U17 German team on the other side of the net--

"The Phantom of the Hand!


Kunimitsu, the hand of middle school student who was dispatched, was wrapped in a round and masterful vigor, exuding a light of tempered temperament.

Some spectators may not recognize the tempered brilliance, but all the tennis players know it.

"He seems to be born in Japan, so is it a mutual acquaintance?"

"Have you met in a competition? Have you competed before?"

Yukimura and Shoujia didn't talk nonsense after walking to the court. They all directly followed the instructions to start the game.

But the relationship between the two people knew each other, and it was still seen by the team players who watched the game.

"Hey, so to speak, Japan is very lucky this year!"

"We finally got the middle school students together.

Although I was watching the game, the communication was also going on in real time.

Through the microphone, you can't see the expressions of teammates, but I want to know that at most, the friends only think that the Japanese national team is a "lucky little character."

Players who have not come to watch the game in person, don't know that this U17 Japanese national team 403 can subvert their previous impressions!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Kunimitsu's cautiousness made Yukimura's attempt to "first-hand advantage" with an explosion to no avail.

But fortunately this is a doubles game.

Compared with the German team on the other side of the net, the double captain combination on the Japanese side at least has a greater advantage in tacit understanding.

What's more, they had already discussed the "tactics" yesterday.


One step ahead of the opponent's high school player, Byōdōin Hōō opened his own card first.


"Indian snake charmer!"

I don’t know what kind of thought change the captain of the high school student of the Japanese national team has undergone. Others naturally don’t understand what Byōdōin Hōō thinks now.

This is just a mere "exhibition match"-for the U17 German team.

In a show game that entertains the audience, is it really worth using your own proud moves?

In the last game, I caught a glimpse of the determination of the Japanese national team, but did not realize the determination of the Japanese national team was so strong, the German team staff Q-P hesitated.


He was just a step slower Byōdōin Hōō.

But it was this step that changed the rhythm of the game, and the scale of victory slowly tilted to the other side.

"As long as the eruption is fast enough and stable enough for a game to decide the outcome, we will win!"

Even the three head coach Mifūne Nyudō, who has the most information and information about the true and false of the opponent, cannot match Nioh Masaharu's current perception of the "perfect quality" of the German team.

"Q-P" is said to be a masterpiece of German talent education, and the German team also uses this as a promotional point.

But many people have never known that what this "perfect quality" has experienced is not exactly the so-called "Education for Talents".

The once closed heart is determined to open in time, and it takes time (bhcj) resistance and tempering; not to mention the mental loopholes in childhood, until now, there are still flaws

It is not so much that "perfect quality" is the highest achievement of German junior tennis education, let alone the Q-P coach who made him.

["Reserved Light")

Ever since Echizen Nanjiro used the "seamless" power in the world to be invincible, training bases, coaches, and tennis players all over the world have studied this system in a deep or shallow way.

Because of their different tennis cultures and backgrounds, many different interpretations have been made on "the limit of perfection".

Because of Echizen Nanjiro in Japan, of course, he insisted on the recognition given by the original "legendary samurai".

But Germany, where tennis is strong, has launched its own research on this.

As a result, the theoretical system of "reserved light" has gradually taken shape!

The appreciation of the U17 German team, especially Borg's opponent Kunimitsu, is by no means accidental. What they value is the "seamless" power felt by the hand-for them, it is the so-called "reserved light".

However, just as the saying "everyone's happiness is different" said, "reserved light" is also divided into many types because of different users.

This is why Nioh decided that they must win this doubles game.

It just so happens that the two captains currently on court--

One of them happened to study the restraint methods of "Selfless State" and even "seamless" and "different dimensions".

The other one is even better--

Byodoin's captain's nature in the core type of tennis is extremely different from that of the German team's staff!


When "perfect quality" is confused and weak, it is necessary to comprehend the so-called "resolute brilliance" of "want to become stronger because of someone" to make up for it.

But at this time, the two Japanese players standing opposite the net, whether they are Seiichi Yukimura or Byōdōin Hōō, do not have the "opportunity" they need for Q-P.

Captain Rikkai has his own pursuit of victory. He leads the tennis team to the throne of the Japanese Summer Games, but he never carries the entire team on his shoulders.

Seiichi Yukimura will only be at the forefront of the team and let those who can follow him be his teammates.

What he shoulders is the burden of Rikkai's big tennis club, but it is also his own tennis dream.

Experiencing more Byōdōin Hōō actually has the so-called "reserved light", but it has nothing to do with "want to become stronger because of others".

He once fell into a desperate situation, but he climbed up from the desperate situation abruptly.

Playing tennis is naturally happy, and Byodoin is not commenting on this.

But if it is said that the feeling of "recognizing one's own weakness" and experiencing the joy of playing tennis with all his heart", the captain of the high school student of the U17 Japanese national team can clearly tell everyone that he has never had such an idea!

Even in the last U17 World Cup because of an injury caused by an injury before the game, he did not think that he was a "weak man."

The spine was smashed with blood, but in that game against Duke Watanabe of the U17 French team in the French high school fashion, Byodoin had always taken a breath and refused to give in.

[Actually, it's very similar, Byodoin-senpai and Yukimura. 】

Nioh looked at the two people who played doubles on the court, and he thought to himself.

Accept your defeat but never give up, and engrave pride in the bones--

Temporary loneliness cannot defeat them, nor can it change them.

Instead of saying that they are fighting for "others", it is better to say that they are fighting for "self"-for "own tennis" or "own team".

"Shoujia and each other's high school, the tacit understanding between him and Q-P is not low.

Nioh felt relaxed, but Yanagi Renji didn't dare to relax.

"The other party has also done doubles running-in training, Senior Liu?"

Kirihaya used his own experience to speculate on the other party.

However, Liu always feels that "the last piece of the puzzle" is still missing--

Finding this last bit of "information", he should be able to know the information he wants to know.


Fuji Syusuke wants to set about the time for his home to go to Germany.

If you have done doubles training, the time can be matched.

"Speaking of "staff, is it also possible that it is "data tennis"?"

Marui Bunta can see that the number of channels of Q-P is not the type of "data tennis", but he hasn't watched many events of this level before, so he reserves his opinion-what if this is a "variant" of "data tennis"?

"If it is because of "data tennis" and quickly form a tacit understanding with teammates"

This theory is correct, but Yanagi Renji still feels something is wrong, and he always feels that he is missing something.

[Where is my data analysis worse?]

Liu frowned, what did he not expect?

"Don't just watch Q-P, don't forget the hands!"

"Although the "perfect quality" of the German team is very strong, it is necessary to talk about "tacit understanding" in the doubles game. How can we ignore his partner and analyze him alone?"

Nioh silently listened to his teammates' Q-P analysis of the German high school player. He couldn't hold back in the end, and corrected his teammates' perception of "doubles".

"But if you play doubles, you can do it alone, little Nioh~"

Maori couldn't help but complain.

Who instilled this "misconception" of doubles into their U17 team?

--It's not that Nioh Masaharu himself made "doubles" something they didn't recognize!

"It's the Selfless State... the limit of hard work?"

Liu didn't care about Maori's complaints about Nioh, anyway, this kind of complaint is not a day or two, Maori's predecessors just said all of them.

"No, it's not just" the limit of hard work, what Q.P is familiar with is'seamless clothes'!

Liu, who was limited to the information revealed before Q-P, finally found the key point based on Nioh's tips after broadening his mind.

[It turned out to be like this)

The facts are hidden behind that layer of "window paper" that can be broken once you find it, you can break it and see the "real" as soon as you find it.

At this point, Yanagi Renji wanted to understand, he knew what he had neglected before.

"It seems that we had good luck today, and we have gained a new piece of information!"

Q-P, the staff of the U17 German team, has what they know as a "seamless" power--

This seems to be bad news, and the opponent seems to be better than expected.

But when Yoo was sitting on the bench, he finally knew why Nioh was so relaxed and thought that "Yukimura and the Byodoin seniors will win."

[Say that we didn’t arrange the candidates this way on purpose. After playing the U17 World Cup, will the players of the other representative teams believe it?]

Yanagi Renji thought that their team was probably labeled by other teams as "scheming", "scheming", and "venomous".

[Almost finished!]

But wind reviews are something that coaches need to worry about.

Liu was still very happy about the fact that the troops lined up in the middle of the opponent. .

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