Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 928 German layout, football skills exploded

I actually felt heart palpitations from the final video of a summer competition for middle school students in Japan, and the German coach would naturally not hide his findings.

He believes in his professionalism and vision as a coach, and naturally also trusts the coaching level of U17 German coach Retruu.

So he handed in the analysis briefing that he drove out overnight the next day.

The final result of this brief analysis report is unknown to most German teaching assistants. However, those of them who paid close attention to this matter found out that Q-P's behavior was slightly different from the past.

Q-P He seems to have had several exchanges with Kunimitsu, a Japanese handist, and they even went to court for a practice match--

The other middle school players of the U17 German team were emotionally numb after learning about these things.

They sighed because of the importance of Borg's opponents before. Now Q-P has shown the importance of its rival Kunimitsu. Why is this?

Is their tennis level worse than Kunimitsu's "Forty Seven"?

There is no gap without comparison.

Borg has always been mediocre to other players, but his opponents have paid more attention.

Although Q-P is called "the staff of the U17 German team", he is not able to open his heart and communicate with everyone cordially.

As a member of the German U17 team, Seyfried, the middle school player, is undoubtedly the treatment that Jiang Mu's hand received from the two senior U17 German players in Borg and Q-P.

Had it not been for the strict rules in the team, he would have been carrying racquet to the court for a comparison.

But because Borg has always been paying attention to the training situation of the hand in the U17 German team-and then more attention from the Q-P opponents, Seyfried has not been able to compete with the hand on the court as he wished.

Because of this, Seyfried, who is now in the German team's player seat, looked at the game on the court, his face was stinky, completely unhappy.

[What? Although I took the opportunity at the beginning, it didn't get any better!]

The middle school player of the German team thought so, and he couldn't help but recall his previous doubles game, full of indignation.

[If you can completely let go--!!]

Since this is the opening game of the U17 World Cup and not the main game, because the audience is not only the audience but also the players and intelligence personnel of other teams, as well as the reporters, Seyfried thinks that the first game just now The doubles game failed to play his tennis level.

He thinks this way not because he blames the heavens and the others, but because he has the confidence to think so.

The so-called "reserved light"--

He also has the power that can be called "seamlessness" at certain times!

It's just that this is an "exhibition match" so it can't be used, otherwise it's impossible to make the other party proud!

- Forcibly resisted the explosive mentality of "seamlessly" in the first doubles game. Seyfried was selected as the middle school student in the first sequence of the U17 German team for no reason.

Nine consecutive championships are both an honor and a pressure for the U17 German players. To play in this team, you have to withstand the pressure no less than other teams!

Because they beat their opponents, they will only be taken for granted.

And if they lose the game and are overwhelmed by disappointment that flows like a tide, it is no easier than encountering overwhelming noise.

In the first doubles, Bismarck and Seyfried, they lost this game unexpectedly by the German U17 team.

However, something other than the result of this game--

All are in the calculation of the U17 German team!

[Wait, wait for the moment when you relax... I will definitely give it back a hundred times!]

Thinking of this, Seyfried's unhappy face eased slightly.

Bang! Monument!

Seyfried, the German U17 player seat, was a little more happy and full of fighting spirit, but Kunimitsu, the player on court, frowned slightly.

People outside the court can't see it, he is in the court and has felt the pressure from the opposite side of the net.

Seiichi Yukimura's tennis is like a fine spider web, trying to limit him and Q-P. And Byōdōin Hōō, a high school student who can be called the main offensive player, he is getting more and more crazy!


"Indian snake charmer!"

Byōdōin Hōō blasted the ball over.

The trajectory of the ball is unpredictable, but it is still very powerful. The power of the tennis player is poured into the little tennis ball.

If you are a little negligent, maybe the net racquet in your hand will be taken away if it touches the edge of the tennis ball!

Hey! Whoosh! Whoosh!

It's like a poisonous snake winding and swiftly, and the whistling wind sounds indistinguishable from reality.

There is no doubt that the "Indian snake charmer"-this is Byōdōin Hōō's world-class skills.

So here comes the problem!

Hand Kunimitsu wondered whether the U17 national team had a grudge against the U17 German team before? In the opening game, why reveal part of his hole cards?

He didn't regard "Phantom of the Hand" and "Thousands of Hardened" as his own hole card player Kunimitsu, and fell into doubt during the fierce competition.


The light hit with light and shadow was drawn by Byōdōin Hōō's racquet to the baseline opposite the net.

The tennis ball bounced after it hit the ground, and when it rolled on the court floor, there was even a little green smoke...

[Are they trying to fight for two and let one go?]

When Q-P looked back at this scene, his eyelids jumped.

Before seeing the third doubles, the staff of U17 German team subconsciously guessed that the U17 Japanese national team had the idea of ​​"competing two and letting one go" in the face of Byōdōin Hōō's aggressive posture.

He thought that the Japanese team wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the U17 opening game to become famous, so the captain of the Japanese team wanted to win the doubles of the first two games.


"Spanish bullfighting!"

It is another world-class skill from the opponent, Q-P is now very calm.

He even had the mood to quickly analyze how to crack this skill at the moment the tennis landed.

"5:3, the Japanese national team is leading!"

The audience exclaimed, did the German team lose again in this doubles game?

Relative to the spectators' concerns, the mentality of the two U17 German players who are lagging behind is fairly calm.

The handist Kunimitsu has always been very stable, and after he came to Germany, he also accepted the personal guidance of Borg, and his patience was better than his previous self.

Q-P misunderstood the "ambition" of the Japanese team because of a mistake in his own thinking.

The staff of the U17 German team somewhat underestimated the Japanese team's idea of ​​"not looking at the future, just fighting for the court", so even if the current score is at a disadvantage, he doesn't have too much worries.

--Because the leading score of the "5:3" Japanese team was achieved by Byōdōin Hōō with his world-class skills.

For this score, is it really not a loss to pay the price of exposing the hole card skills to other teams?

Q-P shook his head in his heart.

In the audience, the other U2.917 players who watched the game shook their heads in disapproval.

There is even the coaching staff of the U17 Japanese national team--

"What is Byodoin doing?!"

"Although we are trying to win, but this style of play"

"Is he crazy? This is not a critical advancement match. Not to mention the finals, knockout rounds, and group stages. This is not even the main match!'

The three coaches looked at the live game screen, and they choked together.

--Is the head coach at the scene just letting Byodoin go crazy? Why don't you care about him?

Seeing the smooth use of their own players' skills, the three coaches felt painful.

"This time it's really worth the fare!"

Coach Saito held back for a long time, and finally gave such an evaluation.

In his opinion, regardless of the final doubles match, Byōdōin Hōō's play in the second doubles has already made the gate fare more than worth it!.

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