However, even so, the state of selflessness is not so easy to achieve.

In addition to unconsciousness and distraction, sufficient experience accumulation is also required.

Only those who have surpassed their own limits can reach this state.

In fact, Oshitari has just reached the threshold of selflessness.


A tiger roar echoed throughout the room, and then the giant tiger quickly fell in front of Oshitari, opened its bloody mouth and bit Oshitari.


Suddenly, Oshitari also moved.

His arm suddenly drew an arc, and then a Tai Chi diagram appeared on the racket!

"Tai Chi Cloud Hand? Is this Miyashita's Tai Chi Cloud Hand?"

Shishido Ryo said in surprise.

"When he first entered the realm of selflessness, he could unconsciously use the tricks of the players he had seen, competed with, and investigated. Oshitari really entered the realm of selflessness!"

Xiangri clenched his fists, looking excited.

"Great, Senior Oshitari can break through. We should have a better chance of winning the Kanto competition this time!"

Feng thought about it, and his eyes lit up.


A hurricane suddenly blew up on the court, and then Oshitari was thrown unconsciously.


"Senior Oshitari?!"

"Like Jiro... also fainted?!"


Everyone was stunned, and then they all walked to Oshitari's side, and took some effort to wake Oshitari up.

"Ahem, I didn't expect that even if I realized selflessness, the gap between us is still so big..."

Oshitari glanced at Miyashita and said complicatedly.

"In fact, the gap is already very small."

Miyashita said comfortingly.

Oshitari: "..."

"Indeed, Oshitari clearly used Miyashita's Tai Chi Cloud Hand, but was still blown away. How strong must the tennis ball be?"

Shishido suddenly became curious.

"Anyway, it's outrageous. Miyashita doesn't look that powerful."

Feng said.


Just as several people were discussing, a crisp snap of fingers suddenly sounded in the room, and then Atobe walked to Oshitari with a smile on his face.

"I saw it all just now. I didn't expect that Oshitari could understand the state of no self. It's great."

"Thanks to Miyashita."

Oshitari smiled.

"Miyashita is not bad, but the state of no self is in an unconscious state at the beginning. If you want to use it perfectly, you must practice." Atobe continued.

"I understand!"

"I won't say more. The Kanto Competition requires everyone to work together. Let's all go all out!"


Everyone responded in unison.

"Now we start the doubles match, Rokkaku Junior High School vs. Hyotei Academy, both players please enter!"



"We will win——!"

"We will win!"

Early the next morning, with Hyotei's more than 200 cheerleaders rushing to the park again, the second round of the Kanto Tournament officially kicked off!

Soon, Atobe and Coach Sakaki finalized the list of players, and the game officially began!

"The first game begins, Kuroba Harukaze, Amane Hikaru vs. Akutagawa Jiro, Mukari Taketo, both players please enter..."

"Please give me your advice!"

"Please give me your advice!"

On the court, Rokkaku's Kuroba Harukaze, Amane Hikaru, and Hyotei's Akutagawa Jiro, Mukari Taketo shook hands, and then began to guess the sides.

Perhaps Rokkaku was lucky, and the two Kuroba players quickly won the serve and started to serve!


The tennis ball was thrown up.

The long wooden racket was swung, and Agen Hikaru held the racket with one hand, and his long orange hair shone brightly in the sunlight.


The tennis ball flashed past Xiangri quickly.

To outsiders, this ball was just an ordinary serve and an ordinary swing.


The power of this ball was terrifying!

Xiangri knelt up, then dunked the ball on the tennis ball with one hand, and then felt his wrist tremble.

"What a great force..."


He exerted force on his wrist, and then rolled over, using inertia to hit the tennis ball back!


The tennis ball fell rapidly and finally landed in the dead corner of the baseline. The next moment it seemed to fly out…

Xiangri and Jiro also showed a smile on their faces.

But the next moment, the two of them were stunned.

The tennis ball that bounced out was suddenly hit by a long wooden ball.

The racket was caught, and then hit back.


"15-0, Rokkaku Junior High School, Kuroba Harukaze, Amane Hikaru!"

"Rokkaku will win!"

Amane Hikaru said a cold joke, and seriously took out a tennis ball again.

"The opponent's racket is too outrageous, is there really no foul?"

Outside the court, Shishido Ryo looked surprised and said.

"There shouldn't be a problem. Rokkaku's rackets are carefully selected by Rokkaku's father, and each one is within the scope allowed by the rules."

Miyashita Rin shook his head gently.


Shishido Ryo didn't know what to say.

"In addition to the rackets, the strength of Senior Amane Hikaru and others seems to be not weak. I heard that he also defeated 100 second-year semi-regular players of Hyotei and won the title of Hyotei Hundred Killer?"

Miyashita looked at Atobe.

"It's just some meaningless titles. We can beat some players who are at the tournament level."

Tetsube didn't care at all and spoke without comment.

"Is that so."

Miyashita nodded.

"But even so, the glory of Hyotei cannot be desecrated. Let's use this game to atone for Hyotei's sins."

Tetsube continued to speak lightly and domineeringly.


"That damn Rokkaku Junior High School, damn racket!"

Xianghi on the court was speechless.

While everyone was chatting outside the court, some tennis balls flew to the side of Jiro and scored one score after another!

"30-0, Rokkaku Middle School!"


"40-0, Rokkaku..."


"Amazing! Brother Amane and Brother Kuroba are so awesome!"

"The Hyotei's Sunrise acrobatics are amazing, but our rackets are longer and the court defense area is larger."

"Haha, wooden rackets are heavy. If they are used to serving with this kind of racket, even power players will be restrained by us!"

"Come on Rokkaku! Come on Brother Kuroba!"


Outside the court, some cheerleaders on the side of Rokkaku Middle School also cheered.

However, unlike Hyotei, most of Rokkaku's cheerleaders are children from lower grades.

These children, under the leadership of their "father" since childhood, are naturally interested in tennis and love to play tennis.

For this reason, the father even made some "recreation facilities" for auxiliary training, just near the tennis court outside Rokkaku, and laid a good foundation for these children through various means!

It is precisely because of this that although these children are very young, they know a lot.

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