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Although the current speed is over 200 per hour, which is not as high as the 210+ during the national competition, it is not much different.


On the court, Shishito Ryo and Feng looked at each other, frowned secretly, and cheered up.

Although during this period, Shishido often practiced super-high-speed half-volleys with Feng, the effect was far from being achieved.

At present, there is a high probability that he can intercept more than 190 tennis balls, but he feels that it is a bit difficult to do this move.

Especially since this move also had "mental power", it seemed as if a whole waterfall was coming, making him breathless.


"30-0! Qingxue, do it..."



Qian Qian continued to swing the ball steadily, and then with the sound of water flowing, the game was quickly won.

"Game, Seigakugan Sadaharu, Kaido Kaoru, the score is 1-0..."

"Ball speed...203..."

Outside the court, Taki Oginosuke slowly calculated the speed of the tennis ball and couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to all competitions.

This game was progressing by leaps and bounds, and he was a little worried about the two people on the field.

"It should be fine for the time being. Senior Feng has been growing very slowly during this period. There is still a chance."

Miyashita thought for a while and said thoughtfully.

"We will definitely win. We don't take Qingxue seriously." Xiangri smiled and curled his lips indifferently.

"In the second game, Ice Emperor will serve..."

Bang bang bang!


Throw the ball, bend your knees, step on your feet, swing the racket...

"One goal goes to the soul!"

Feng's body tensed up instantly, and then the tennis ball was shot out by him.

"The ball speed is 210... Sure enough, the serving speed has improved again, and the data needs to be updated again."

Qian's expression was slightly solemn, and then he looked at the tennis ball rolling out.

"15-0, Ice Emperor, Houchotaro..."


"30-0, Ice Emperor..."


"One goal goes to the soul!"


"Game, 1-1, Hyotei Hochotaro, Shishido Ryo scores..."

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"


"Sure enough, the Ice Emperor is chasing after him so closely." Taocheng said with some solemnity.

"Don't worry, what you are doing now will be fine. Besides, there is Haitang."

Kikumaru chuckled.

"That stinky snake..."

Taocheng curled his lips when he saw this.

"Begonia's potential is not weak. It should surprise the Ice Emperor." Fuji narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"In the third game, Qingxue Haitangxun serves!"


Haitang Xun pursed his lips, and then a voice like a poisonous snake came out of his mouth.

The next moment he threw up the tennis ball, and the racket in his hand hit the tennis ball at a weird angle!


The tennis ball drew a strange arc under the agitation of the racket, and then curved and fell towards the court of Shishito Ryo and Feng!

"Snake ball?"

Ryo Shishito and Hoichi ran quickly one after the other, and then Hoichi flicked his racket and was beaten back!

They are already familiar with Haitang's snake balls.

No, the spinning snake ball is very familiar.

Miyashita's O-shaped serve is basically a two-way spliced ​​version of the roundabout snake ball. Over the past few months, they have basically found a way to crack it.

And, this is doubles.

In doubles, as long as you control the front and back positions and guard different defense zones, it is not difficult to fight back the snake ball.



The two sides were highly motivated and soon fell into a fierce and protracted war.

Inui Sadaharu silently took a few steps back, leaving only Haitang in front of him, quickly collecting data one by one.

In a previous game, he saw the possibility of forming a doubles team with Haitang.

Haitang's endurance is not weak, and he is usually the one who works the hardest. Combining his tennis data with Haitang's physical fitness, this will undoubtedly give him more time.


"30-30, Hyokui, Shishido Ryo..."



"This guy is very difficult to deal with, and the defense is simply airtight!"

Shido said a little shocked.

"Yes, not only that, he is also very powerful, and my hands are a little numb.


Feng nodded solemnly.

"He probably wants to prolong our time so that he can collect our data. We can't continue like this!"


The viper's hissing sound came out of Qian's mouth again, and then Haitang's right foot suddenly stepped back, her body bounced slightly, and she swung the racket hard with one arm.


The tennis ball kept rolling, and then drew a serpentine arc in the air again!

"Super high-speed half volley!"

Tap tap tap!

Shindo Ryo's eyes instantly became sharp, and then his waist sank, and his arms violently rotated half a circle driven by his body to strike!


The tennis ball instantly surpassed the previous limit speed, then fell into the dry backcourt and disappeared.

"Game, Hyokui scores, score 2-1...break time."

"Huh...what's wrong?"

Haitang took a few breaths and then looked at Qian.

One against two, although doing it helped, it was not easy for him.

"The data is still a little bit worse. Let's stick to it for two more games."

Qian pushed the frame of the mirror with his right hand and said calmly.


Haitang responded silently, and then his expression became solemn again.

"The game continues, Hyokui Ryo Shido serves!"

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"


Snap, snap, snap.


Shishito Ryo threw the tennis ball, slightly bent his right foot at the knee, then slightly bent his left foot back, and then his body suddenly bounced away.


After the tennis ball fell to a certain height, he tightened his arms, then swung his elbow to the inside of his body, and pressed the racket with his wrist to swing quickly.


A wave of air rolled and then rushed towards Haitang!

"The explosive power has increased by 3 percentage points. It's interesting. The data is rich again?"

There was a golden light in Gan Sadaharu's glasses, and he glanced at Haitang in front of him, trusting his companion.

Tap tap tap.

The body quickly rushed forward for a distance, and then Haitang's eyes widened slightly, and he hit the tennis ball with the racket.


The racket sank slightly under the impact of the tennis ball, but in the end it was cut by Haitang and flew out!

Still a snake ball!

"Super high-speed half volley!"

Tap tap tap!

Shishido's eyes flickered, then his legs suddenly bounced, and the racket hit the tennis ball again!

The next moment, the tennis ball disappeared directly in front of him and appeared behind Haitang.


"The speed is getting faster again. That Shishido-senpai is really strong."

"That's right, it's so fast that I can't see clearly."

"Come on! Senior Haitang! Come on, fuck senior!"


Several cheerleaders from Qingxue rubbed their eyes and then cheered loudly.

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