Soon, after finishing breakfast, Miyashita, led by Mifune, came to a trail in the back mountain.

There was a unicycle parked around the trail.

However, this unicycle was very strange, with the wheels and seat made of wood, and only the chain was normal.

"What is this?"

"Today's first training is to ride along this road, but you need to reach the end within 20 minutes, otherwise it will be considered a failure!"

Mifune looked at Miyashita expressionlessly, his pupils flickered slightly, and he spoke slowly.

Riding a bicycle, especially on a rocky mountain road, can greatly enhance the explosive power of a person's legs through persistent training.

However, it may take an hour for an ordinary person to reach the end of the normal ride.

Even if it was Rin Miyashita, with his current explosive power, he couldn't get there within half an hour.

Not only that, he also prepared some "surprises" for Miyashita during the ride, ensuring that Miyashita would be satisfied.

"Okay, then I'll try it first."

Miyashita rode on the unicycle, tried it, and then found the feeling.

However, because the wheel was not made of rubber, it would feel very strenuous to ride.


At this moment, Mifune took out a timer and smiled grimly.

The next moment he pressed the switch directly.

Swish, swish, swish.

A strong wind suddenly blew in the forest, and Miyashita gathered his strength and rushed forward quickly!


"Haha, hell? That's just the beginning!"

Mifune took a sip of wine, and then staggered away from the mountain trail.


Swish... swish...

On the trail, Miyashita rode while keeping an eye on the surroundings.

He did not underestimate this training, and he was sure that this training was not that simple.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Suddenly, Miyashita's expression changed slightly.

The next moment, he had just ridden around a boulder when the sand and rocks under him suddenly collapsed, and finally he and his bike fell into a huge pit with a radius of two meters.

"Hiss... There are traps on the road?"

Miyashita's face turned black.

He finally pushed the bike out, and he didn't dare to ride fast this time. He slowly observed his feet and the surroundings.

Then he carefully avoided several traps and breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, this is too slow. I have to think of a way."

Miyashita gradually became anxious about his speed.

He didn't know how far the end was, but at his speed, it would be difficult to reach it in twenty minutes.


Whoosh whoosh.

After walking a distance, about ten minutes later, Miyashita arrived at a valley.

At this time, his sixth sense felt that something was wrong.


Suddenly, the ground shook, and then huge rocks rolled down from the slopes on both sides of the valley!

"So cruel?"

There was no time to think, Miyashita's eyes glared, and then he did not dare to hesitate, and stepped on the wind and fire wheels with his feet quickly, and "escaped" from the valley dangerously.


"There are still a few minutes, and now it's less than ten minutes... I don't know how long it will take..." Miyashita gritted his teeth, thought about it, and sped up again.

But at this moment, the ground collapsed again, and the wheels suddenly sank deep into the gap in front.


Miyashita did a backflip, and then jumped off the car with inertia.

"Interesting, it seems that it is difficult to speed up without dealing with these traps."

Miyashita touched the ground in front of him, thinking quickly in his heart.

The entire ground is the same as a normal mountain road, and basically there is no flaw.

Unless you step on it yourself.

But there are other ways, like the eyesight of Atobe, you should be able to see through it.

"Although it's more troublesome for me, it's not without direction."

Miyashita gently shook his hand.

Then his palm flickered slightly, and a gas ball appeared.

He didn't fall behind in the Five Animals Exercises these days, and he also made several breakthroughs in the Ape Exercises.

Qi power, third level!

No, it's the fifth level of Qi sense.

This level of Qi can probably make him produce a weakened gravity.

"Anyway, time is running out, let's just give it a try!"


A tennis ball was caught in Miyashita's hand.

The next moment, the tennis ball was wrapped in a stream of Qi, and a stream of suction suddenly rose around the tennis ball.

Snap, Snap.

Slowly picking up the racket, Miyashita tried to aim at the small path

Swing the ball.

In an instant, the tennis ball passed through the path, and then suddenly a gust of wind whistled along the tennis ball, and a lot of camouflaged soil suddenly flew everywhere, leaving a series of large and small holes.


A smile instantly appeared on Miyashita's face.

Although the power may be weaker than the genuine universal gravitation, it can still be done to clean up the camouflage on the ground.

"The next step is to get to the finish line as soon as possible... Wait, if I keep hitting universal gravitation, can I also speed up my riding speed? The power of universal gravitation will pull the bicycle forward, right?"

After thinking quietly for a while, Miyashita suddenly had another idea in his mind.

Then his face lit up.


At the finish line.

Naito, Arai and several high school students sat on the ground bored and yawned.

"Time is almost up, less than two minutes, it seems that he can't make it."

Arai said so.

"If he can come, it's a ghost. We dug the pit ourselves and disguised it. Not to mention 20 minutes, even an hour is not enough for him to come."

Naito sneered.

"Hahaha, after all, he is just a junior high school student. We will be relieved if he doesn't come..."

Kashihara nodded.

They stayed here for a mission. When Miyashita arrived, they would swing the ball at the same time to stop Miyashita's progress.

If he didn't come, they would be relieved.


Suddenly, a sound came from not far away, and then a golden light shot towards them.

"What is that?"

"No, get out of here!"


The golden light quickly enlarged in front of everyone, and then directly knocked four or five people out.

"Strange, there are still people?"

"Are you referees?"

Miyashita was exhausted and stopped at the finish line and threw the car. Then he stuffed a few candies into his mouth.

“Ahem, impossible, how did he get here?”

“He actually got here in 20 minutes!”

“We didn’t have time to do anything yet.”


Several high school students got up from the ground and looked at Miyashita with a complicated expression.

The Cliff of Heart.

Mifune Nyudo squinted his eyes and was lying on a boulder drinking wine out of boredom when suddenly a voice came from the intercom.

The next moment he was slightly stunned, and his eyes gradually widened unconsciously.

“He passed it in one try?!”

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