After all the tests were completed, everyone started basic training.

The basic training of tennis is similar, stretching, swinging the racket, running in small steps, serving, forehand and backhand blocking, high pressure sideways, backhand rotation...

Atobe went upstairs directly and handed the results of this inspection to Coach Sakaki, while Miyashita Rin followed Oshitari and others to learn in a similar way.

In fact, this was his first time to play tennis, so he was very serious in learning.

However, the other regulars saw Miyashita's "unskilled" appearance and couldn't help but doubt their lives.

Before, Mukai, Oshitari, and Hiyoshi suspected that Miyashita had practiced before.

But now there is no doubt at all.

This guy is truly a novice, the kind that can't be newer, that is, he has a high level of understanding, and has learned some basic serves and swings...

But even so, they are actually inferior to him...

Miyashita Rin spent half an hour to complete the basic training, with a smile on his face.

But he didn't finish, but started to practice more!

[Serve with inward spin: swing the racket 300 times, understand the inward spin! ]

[Forehand rotation: swing the racket 500 times...]


After half an hour, Miyashita Rin's tennis progress began to rapidly surpass the others on the field, and he even learned a lot of tennis tricks.

The others were gradually stunned.

Except for Kabadi, it was the first time they saw someone train so fast.

This is not a beaver!

After a few minutes, Miyashita Rin rested for a while, and then he picked up a dumbbell and started lifting it.

[Arm strength: 30 kg dumbbells, 32 sets a day, 12 movements per set, completed within one minute, 1 minute interval between each set, arm strength improved after eight days, arm muscle density improved]

The dumbbells are specially made, with sponge rubber wrapped on the iron sheet. Miyashita Rin lifted them a few times and immediately felt it.

He took out the old mountain ginseng from his pocket and took a few bites, then Miyashita Rin felt his blood burning!

"You are eating..." Xiangri felt that what Miyashita was eating seemed a little familiar.

"It's mountain ginseng, is there anything wrong with you eating like this?"

Feng Changtaro scratched his head, a little confused.

"No problem, maybe I was a little deficient in my body when I was a child, so I need to take care of my health. You don't have to worry about me."

Miyashita Rin grinned.

Then he took another big bite and stuffed all the tentacles in his hand into his mouth.


Feeling a little choked, Miyashita Rin took out a thermos cup from his bag.

Opening the lid, the aroma of wolfberry instantly filled the entire training base.

Oshitari: "..."

"How much is this?!" Hiyoshi was a little shocked.

"What a nice smell!"

Akutagawa also got up from the ground, closed his eyes and stretched out his nose to keep sniffing.


Miyashita Rin gave everyone another smile, and then grabbed the dumbbells again.

Well, I'm excited!


Grabbing the dumbbells, Miyashita's mind had another piece of information.

[Arm strength: 30 kg dumbbells, 40 sets a day, 15 movements per set, completed within 30 seconds, 1 minute interval between each set, arm strength improved after 3 days, arm muscle density improved]

One in each hand, Miyashita grabbed the dumbbells, immersed in the joy of the jumping numbers.


Six days passed in a flash.

At home.

[Memory improved! Memory level of five elements at a glance! ]

[Concentration improved! It is not affected by moderate external interference... Four times more focused! 】

[Mental strength is improved! 】

Rin Miyashita put down the tennis teaching material in his hand and stretched beautifully.

This week, he felt very fulfilled and was improving rapidly every moment.

From memorizing three lines at a glance a day, he then memorized a thousand articles to memorizing four lines at a glance, and then memorizing five lines at a glance for ten thousand articles!

Ten thousand articles, God knows how he got through it.

Not only did he finish reading all the fitness materials, he even taught himself most of the junior high and high school courses, and read all the articles about tennis training, Tai Chi commentary, etc.

It took four or five days.

"Xiao Lin, it's time to eat!"

The voice of Yuki Miki was heard outside the door, and then Rin Miyashita responded and ran downstairs.

Tonight is a seafood feast. Thanks to Rin Miyashita, all kinds of food have been very nourishing in the past few days, and Miki feels that he has gained weight.

"With the combination of food and medicine, you have grown a lot taller in the past few days."

Miki chatted excitedly with Miyashita Rin while eating.

He was already at the age of growth, and with the constant exercise and nutrition these days, Miyashita didn't look weak at all.

If she hadn't been with him day and night, she wouldn't have recognized this brother.

Not only that, she felt that if she could keep exercising, even if she had a little "habit", it wouldn't be unacceptable.

"It's okay, I didn't pay much attention these days."

Miyashita Rin scratched her head.

Because of the constant memorization these days, her head was a little dizzy.

I really didn't pay much attention.

However, through club activities, his arm strength, physical strength, and physical fitness have improved a lot.

Even with veteran tennis players like Oshitari, he is not much behind.

Arm strength of both arms: 54kg!

Level 5 accuracy! Dynamic objects at 180km/h can be accurately controlled! Eyesight has also been slightly improved.

The accuracy of the landing point has also been improved! Within 50 meters, as long as the dynamic object does not exceed 180km/h, the landing point of the object can be freely controlled!

Regarding accuracy, as well as the accuracy of the landing point, it is not difficult to improve with the blessing of eyesight, but it is more time-consuming.

The improvement in these two aspects basically used up all the time he had other than reciting articles.

But the effect is also huge.

Now, as long as the serve speed of the few selected by Hyotei does not exceed 180, he can easily defeat them.

At least with accuracy, he can remain undefeated!

"Xiao Lin, I'm talking to you." Suddenly, a voice sounded, bringing Miyashita Rin back to his senses.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"The regional competition is about to start, will you represent Hyotei in the competition?"

Miki Yuki smiled slightly and said.

"Regional competition... not necessarily, generally this kind of competition seems to be completed by the second team."

Miyashita Rin recalled Atobe's personality and was not sure.


Miki nodded, feeling somewhat helpless.

She was still quite curious about Miyashita's strength, but every time Miyashita trained, the door would be locked to prevent her from watching in order to prevent accidental injuries.

"I'm not sure about the regional competition, but I should be able to play in the metropolitan competition... but I can't say for sure, because I'm too strong, and the important cards are usually played at the end."

Miyashita Rin was somewhat complacent.

"... Uh."

Miki Yuki was somewhat speechless.

"By the way, cousin, next week, Head Atobe will take us to outdoor training, and then I'll leave Big Bear to you..."

"Outdoor... training?"

Miki was very puzzled.

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