The game started, and the ball was played.

"The game begins, and Kabadi serves!"



Bending his waist and knees, his legs tensed, Kabadi soon threw the tennis ball gently and hit it hard at Ren Wang!

Compared with others, Kabadi's serve was a little plain, but it was full of explosive power.

"Come on, let me see what you can do."


With a slight step, Ren Wang caught up in an instant!

Bang... Bang...

"What a great power!"

Ren Wang held the racket with one hand, his arm was slightly tense, and he felt a sense of squeeze coming from the net.

The next second he hit it back with force.



“15-0, Niou Masaharu!”

“15-15… Kabaji!”

The two sides went back and forth, and it seemed that they were evenly matched, but gradually, Niou’s face became darker and darker.

He was good at cheating tennis, and could see through the opponent’s weaknesses and then use them according to the opponent’s characteristics, but Kabaji’s playing was too simple, and there was no way to predict it at all.

Even this guy didn’t seem to be very good, just a little strong.

“If it’s just this level…”


Soon, Niou Masaharu hummed lightly, the ends of his short white hair flew slightly with the swing of his body, and the racket was swung out quickly.

And at the moment when the racket was swung, his whole “person” suddenly changed!

It was not a change in temperament, but a real change in a person.

On the spacious court, a figure wearing a peaked cap suddenly appeared on the court.


"Minister Sanada?"

"Strange, isn't Minister Sanada down there... Wait, two Minister Sanadas?"

"What's going on? Am I dazzled?"


The Hyotei people were stunned. They looked at Rikkai University and then at the figure on the court, doubting their own eyes.

"It's just a mental illusion. This Nioh is not very skilled, but it may be difficult to deal with."

Atobe snorted and his eyes became sharp.

It's Rikkai University as expected.

In addition to the exchange, he also wanted to find out the strength of Rikkai University in advance.

Nioh Phantom... He didn't know much about this before.

Just this gain, he felt that the trip was worthwhile.


"It's actually Nioh Phantom, Nioh is quite impatient, he exerted his strength so quickly!"

Marui Bunta was surprised.

"That's right, the person transformed is actually the vice minister. It seems that Senior Niou is going to win the game!" Kirihara's face was full of excitement.

Rikkai people still have great faith in Vice Minister Sanada. Even if Niou can show some of Sanada's strength, it is not comparable to Kabaji!

"It seems that Niou, the white-haired fox, has also felt some pressure..."

Miyashita Rin curled her lips and suddenly smiled.

Kabaji and Niou, it's hard to say who will defeat whom, anyway, there will be a good show to watch.


The tennis ball was quickly pulled out, and then a light whirlwind suddenly swept across the racket face. In just a blink of an eye, the tennis ball disappeared instantly!

It was as fast as the wind!

"Hiss... so fast!"

Mukai Taketo widened his eyes, then rubbed them, feeling a little unbelievable.

He didn't notice the ball just now at all.


The tennis ball landed instantly, and then bounced sideways on Kabaji and rolled to the side.

Kabadi looked dazed, stunned for a moment, and looked dull as if he hadn't reacted.

"30-15, Niou Masaharu!"

"Sure enough! This guy is just a big fool, playing basketball quite conventionally, just a bit strong."

Niou removed the illusion, and then stared at Kabadi provocatively.

Kabadi didn't react, still throwing the tennis ball blankly, and started the second round of serving.





"It's as fast as the wind!"

The tennis ball was like a breeze, and then hit the corner of Kabadi's ball side, and bounced out again.



"Again the lead, Niou, this guy, really doesn't give them any face."

Yagyu adjusted his glasses very gentlemanly.

"Niou did a good job, but... something seems to be wrong." Liu frowned slightly and looked at Atobe's side.

Although Huadi was losing points, the Ice Emperor's players were still

As if he wasn't worried.

Even a girl with a pink bob was grinning.

"Invasion is like fire!"


The tennis ball was pressed down by "Sanada", and then roared like a fire dragon. The tennis ball instantly flew out from between Kabashi's legs like a flame, leaving only a burnt lawn on the spot.

"Game, 1-0, Niou Masaharu leads!"

"Good job Niou!"

"Come on!"

"Second place is only second place. We are a team that always wins at Rikkai University. Hahaha!"

Marui, Kuwahara, Kirihara and others were all excited.

"Almost done. Fly, Kabashi!"

Just at this moment, Atobe outside the court suddenly snapped his fingers slowly, with a playful smile on his face.

At the same time, Kabashi nodded and started to move.


The racket swung violently, and then the tennis ball instantly turned into a breeze and disappeared in front of Niou.

It was as fast as the wind!


The tennis ball instantly landed behind Niou, and then bounced out from the boundary of Niou's baseline.

"15-0, Kabaji Takahiro!"

"Huh?" Niou looked surprised, his pupils shrank, and his heart was a little confused.

As fast as the wind? !

That was...did he see it wrong? !

"Deputy Minister, that was..."

Marui was also shocked, looking at Sanada, and then at Kabaji, feeling unbelievable.

Niou was fine, they knew Niou's trump card.

But Kabaji? What's going on?

"Just now he just looked at it twice... and he actually performed it... out!" Liu's "little" eyes were completely invisible, and his brows were even wrinkled into a river.

"Well, it's true..."

Sanada also nodded somewhat dumbly, a little surprised.

Is it the state of no self?

It doesn’t seem like it.


Niou continued to serve, and he changed into “Sanada” again. His arm was slightly raised like a breeze, and then his arm suddenly stretched and stretched, driving the racket to volley down!


The tennis ball disappeared again and ran towards Kabaji.

Kabaji’s clear pupils played back scenes, and when the tennis ball suddenly appeared beside him and bounced, he suddenly moved!

His body quickly and accurately moved to the right, and then his arm suddenly sank and cushioned, and a tennis ball was wrapped in it.

But this is not over yet!


There was a muffled sound at the Kabaji racket, and then the racket drove the exploding air, and a flame exploded in the air.

“Invasion like fire?!”

Kirhara was stunned and his eyes widened instantly.

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