The battle was won, and the opponent was defeated.

Kirihara's strength and speed are normal, and they will be stronger after the demonization.

However, Liu noticed that even after the demonization, Kirihara's physical fitness is not as good as Miyashita Rin!

His basic data, especially the three items of physical strength, technology, and mental strength, are definitely very strong!


"It's finally my turn, let's see me and Xiangri win this game!"

"That's right, in this game, let's show the opponent how powerful we are."

Akutagawa and Xiangri smiled at each other, full of confidence.

Miyashita Rin won so beautifully before, and they both have more confidence in each other!

This battle... must win!

“Please advise me!”

“Please… advise me!”

The two walked to the court with fighting spirit, and then shook hands with Yagyu and Tamagawa.

Yagyu was better, but Tamagawa Ryoo was a little reserved and embarrassed.

However, Xiangri and the others didn’t care too much. Soon, both sides guessed the edge and walked to their respective courts to prepare to serve.

“The game begins, Hyotei serves in the first game…”

Pah, pah, pah.

Jiro Akutagawa gently tapped the tennis ball, and then quickly swung the racket!


The tennis ball drew a parabola in the air and rushed straight towards Yagyu Biros!

Jiro Akutagawa was a little excited today, and when he encountered the game, he became even more excited, and his strength was 300% exerted!


Yagyu Biros raised his racket diagonally downward, then spread his legs in an arc and quickly tapped the tennis ball.

The next moment, the tennis ball turned into a yellow beam of light and rushed to the back of Jiro Akutagawa!

"Leave it to me!" Mukuhi took a big step and then pressed the racket heavily on the tennis ball!

"Watch my acrobatic shot!"


The tennis ball rushed straight to the blind spot beside Ryoo Tamagawa.

"Not good."

Ryoo Tamagawa was stunned, and then quickly got up and chased.

But the next second, the tennis ball rubbed the rim and bounced directly out of the court!


"15-0, Hyotei, Jiro Akutagawa, Taketo Mukuhi!"



Ryoo Tamagawa looked at the falling tennis ball and suddenly felt a little guilty.

It was just a little bit short. If he reacted faster, he could catch this tennis ball.

"Okay, relax, don't be too nervous."

Yagyu pushed his glasses, glanced at Tamagawa, and comforted him.

After all, it was the first time to participate in such an exchange competition. He could see that Tamagawa was still a little embarrassed.

This won't do.


Tamagawa blushed and nodded heavily.


"I'm coming again!"


Akutagawa Jiro continued to serve, and the tennis ball quickly turned into a golden light under his power and fell towards Tamagawa Ryoo!

Tatama Tatama!

Tamagawa Ryoo quickly chased, and finally, in a dangerous situation, he quickly picked up the tennis ball.






"30-0, Akutagawa, Mukai..."




"15-30, Yagyu..."

The four players on both sides fought back and forth, and soon the scores of both sides continued to rise.

“Game, 1-0, Hyotei Akutagawa Jiro, Mukai Taketo wins this round!”

“Great! I feel like I’m completely excited, I’m so happy, especially with Marui-kun here!”

Akutagawa Jiro took a deep breath, his face full of smiles.

“You guy…”

Mukai curled his lips slightly.

“Should I be so excited, eh…” Shishido Ryo was also a little speechless, holding his forehead with his hand.

“Maybe Senior Akutagawa really enjoys tennis.”

Feng smiled as he thought.

“Yes, Senior Akutagawa is worthy of it.”

Miyashita Rin nodded in agreement.

In the entire Hyotei, Akutagawa Jiro’s tennis talent can be ranked in the top five, and because of this tennis fun, his strength is not much behind.

“The game continues, Yagyu Biroshi serves!”



Yagyu threw the tennis ball, then held the racket with both hands and hit it diagonally downward.


The tennis ball was very fast and then quickly shot towards the direction of Xiangri!

"It's so strange to play tennis in this posture." Shishido Ryo crossed his arms, a little surprised.

"It looks like playing golf. This Yagyu senior is quite good."

Miyashita Rin said with a smile.

"It's okay, serve it

He's very fast and strong, but I'm afraid he won't win this round. Akutagawa and the others are lucky..."

Atobe shook his head slightly.

"The minister is talking about Tamagawa, right?" Feng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, Tamagawa is too weak. This is a flaw in Rikkai University's doubles team."

Atobe smiled and snapped his fingers, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Sanada.

He understood why Rikkai University sent Tamagawa Ryoo over. He was nothing more than the pillar of Rikkai University's next term. However, with this state and this strength, he really needs more training before he can be reused.




"40-40, Mukai Taketo, Akutagawa Jiro!"


"Why is he so weak? It shouldn't be like this. "

On the court, Xiangri watched Yagyu's serve nervously while looking at Tamagawa.

After two simple rounds of testing, he had already tested Tamagawa's strength.

Although he was not very weak, there was still some gap compared to them. It was really hard to believe that there was such a newcomer in Rikkai University's team.

"He is probably a substitute, but who cares!"

Akutagawa Jiro didn't care much.

Although Tamagawa Ryo's strength was a bit poor, and although Yagyu and Tamagawa's cooperation was not very tacit, the pressure these two people put on them was not small.


While speaking, a laser beam shot out again. Then it broke through Akutagawa Jiro's defense circle and fell out of the court!


"Game, 1-1, Rikkai University Yagyu Hiroshi, Tamagawa Ryo! ”


“Sorry, senior, I made several mistakes just now…”

Tamagawa Ryoo took a deep breath and walked to Yagyu, looking embarrassed again.

Yagyu played an indispensable role in winning this game.

If his partner was not him, but Niou-senpai, it would be easier to win this game.

“No need to apologize, just do your best.”

Yagyu pushed his glasses and said nothing.

During the game, Tamagawa had several times when a high lob was the most appropriate choice, but Tamagawa just didn’t play it, which was indeed a bit wrong.

But there was no rush.


Tamagawa nodded heavily and walked to the receiving area with a heavy heart.


“The third game begins, Hyotei serves to Hitaketo!”


“It’s my turn! "

Xiang Ri smiled, holding the tennis ball and looking at the blind spot of Tamagawa Ryoo.

Yagyu's defense was impenetrable, and the breakthrough had to be made from Tamagawa.



Xiang Ri threw the tennis ball into the sky.

Then he kicked his legs hard, jumped into the air, and pressed down hard on the falling tennis ball!

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