The ball was swung out of the way, but the ball was too far away.

Pah, pah, pah!

For the second serve, Sanada stood in the "Second Zone" serving area and quickly swung the racket!


Still an invisible swipe.

The whole racket seemed to disappear because of the high-speed swing. Ordinary people with poor dynamic vision had no chance to connect with the ball.

"I've seen through this ball!"

Tap, tap, tap.

Atobe curled his lips, then took a step, and then with a confident smile, he accurately came to a landing point!


Just a single hand pulled vertically, and then the tennis ball that disappeared was suddenly caught by the racket. Then a golden light flashed, and the tennis ball drew a parabola in the air and fell to Sanada's backcourt.

"Your tennis speed... is too slow."

Sanada gripped the racket tightly, and then caught up with the falling tennis ball after a few steps.

"Fast as the wind!"

Swish, swish, swish!

The faster wind whistled, and Sanada's arm seemed to roll up a whirlwind, and then the racket in his hand drove the tennis ball, and all disappeared.

Invisible swing!



A dark ball mark appeared again at the edge of Atobe, and then flew out of the court.

"30-0, Rikkai University, Sanada Genichirō leads!"

"Come again."

Atobe Keigo's eyes flashed with white light, recalling the touch of tennis ball just now, and didn't care about the loss just now.


With a light hum, Genichirō Sanada tightened his grip on the racket and served again.


"It's as fast as the wind!"


"It's as slow as the forest!"


"Aggressive as fire!"

"Stand still as a mountain!"


Sanada let out a low cry, moved his feet and stood still, then raised the racket in front of his chest with both hands and directly hit Atobe's high lob!

"Game, 1-0, Genichirō Sanada of Rikkai University leads, exchange venues!"

"The second game begins, Hyotei Atobe Keigo serves!"

Bang, bang, bang!

On the court, Atobe gently hit the tennis ball, and his eyes began to become sharp.

"Immerse yourself in my wonderful ball skills!"


Atobe raised his lips and threw the tennis ball high up quickly. Then his body tensed up. At the same time, his legs were slightly bent, and the whole person bounced up like a longbow with a taut string!

"This is..."

Seeing this familiar set of movements, both Hyotei and Rikkai were a little surprised.

"Tanhuaiser serve? Xiaolin's Tanhuaiser serve?"

"Yes, it's also called Tai Chi Silk Cannon..."

"When did the minister learn it? You are worthy of being the minister. You can even use this move!"

"Can you really play it?"


Xianghi, Shishido and others couldn't help talking, and then their eyes couldn't help but look at Miyashita Rin.

Miyashita Rin was also a little confused, looking at Atobe a little dazed.

If his memory of his previous life was correct, this move was clearly used by Atobe during the Japan-US exchange competition.

How come he learned it before the competition even started?

Could it be because of him?

Wait... It seems that it is also because of him that Atobe has mastered the world of ice in advance.

Miyashita Rin's expression gradually became somewhat dazed.



On the court, a strong force drove the racket, and then the tennis ball rushed straight to Sanada like a golden arrow!


The tennis ball fell to the ground with a rapid downward spin, and then quickly rolled out on the ground, leaving only the smell of burnt grass on the ground.


"15-0, Hyotei, Atobe Keigo!"


"It's this difficult serve again!" Marui clenched his fists and frowned.

Hit this ball in the serve, and there is no way to return it!

It can't even bounce up after landing, how can it return the ball?

With this move alone, Atobe is invincible.

"Yes, it seems that the deputy minister is in trouble." Kirihara agreed and nodded.

There really was no way. He had experienced the difficulty of Tannhäuser's serve before. Even Vice Minister Sanada would not be able to do anything about it...

But it's hard to say.

Maybe Sanada would have other ways.


"It's really a good trick. Keep going."

On the court, Sanada's eyes sharpened, and then he took a step back and spoke slowly.

He didn't take Tannhäuser's serve seriously.

Although this

One ball is more difficult, but it is not impossible to crack.

And Atobe can't hit it too many times.

Pah, pah, pah.

"Hmph! Immerse yourself in... my wonderful skills again!"

Atobe chuckled and threw the tennis ball again, using his wrist to drive the power of his body to press down hard.

The next moment, the tennis ball was shot in front of Sanada again.

Sizzle, sizzle.

"30-0, Hyotei, Atobe..."


"40-0, Hyotei Atobe Keigo leads!"


"Game, 1-1, Hyotei Atobe Keigo wins this round!"

"We've won a round!"

"As expected of the minister, he's really strong. Even Vice Minister Sanada has no idea where to start."

"Tanhuaiser learns to serve quickly, hahaha..."

"Otherwise, how could he be the minister."

"Xiao Lin, how do you feel when you see the minister use your special move?"


Atobe was speechless when he heard the comments of the Hyotei people.

He had some ideas about this move a long time ago. What do you mean he learned it quickly?

He just borrowed some things from Miyashita Rin.

Didn't you see that these few moves of Tanhuaiser's serve have his own style? !

A bunch of ignorant guys!

Pah pah pah!

The third round continued. Sanada Genichirō slapped the racket a few times, and then the racket pressed down from top to bottom. The next moment, a fire dragon full of explosive power smashed towards Atobe!

The true meaning of military tactics! Aggression is like fire!


The tennis ball fell rapidly in front of Atobe, and then bounced to the left side of Atobe's body.

"Go back to me!"


Atobe bent his right knee and pushed the ground, and then the whole person quickly moved horizontally to the left, while his eyes were focused on the tennis ball on the other side of the court.

The next moment, a slight chill appeared on his racket, and then it quickly hit the fireball.


The tennis ball paused slightly at the racket, and the net was squeezed and hissed, and then it was quickly hit back!

"It's as fast as the wind!"


Sanada moved his body, and his arm drove the racket like an afterimage to quickly press on the flying tennis ball, and then pressed the tennis ball to Atobe's baseline again.



"15-0, Rikkai University Sanada..."






"15-15, Hyotei Atobe Keigo..."



"Game, 2-1, Sanada Genichirō wins this round!"


"Sanada! Sanada——!"

"Come on, Vice Minister!"

"We'll win! As expected of the Vice Minister, we're ahead again!"

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