The two of them were very happy.

"Long time no see."

Momoshiro also smiled and greeted Miyashita Rin, and then introduced her to everyone.

"Miyashita Rin? So Momoshiro was talking about you that day!"

"Are you the freshman from Hyotei? Strange, how come you are so much taller than Ryoma?"

"Indeed, you are much taller..."


Kikumaru and others were curious, and then started to chatter.

Ryuzaki Sakuno and Kosakada Tomoka on the side were a little curious and puzzled.

"I didn't expect everyone to know me so well. Originally, our director wanted to keep me as a trump card..." Miyashita couldn't help joking.

"Oh, this is Ryoma Echizen, right? He is really handsome, but isn't the uniform a bit too big?"

After a while, Rin Miyashita looked at Satoshi Horio, who was disguised as "Ryoma Echizen", with a half-smile.

He almost forgot about Satoshi Horio when he first saw him.

Ryoma had to take a woman who was about to give birth to the hospital today, and then he was late.

There was no choice but to let Horio, who was about the same height, take his place.

After all, the identity check was required at the check-in stage.

But I have to say that Horio, wearing a hat, still looked a bit like him.

"Um... this..." Horio scratched his head and tightened his school uniform involuntarily, "Ahem, yes, I am Echizen, I like to wear baggy clothes."

Everyone: "..."

"Oh, right, Miyashita? You are still far away, you'd better not meet me, Echizen Ryoma, in the competition, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Horiio pinched the brim of his hat, pressed it a little, and said coolly like Ryoma.

Kikumaru: "..."

Oishi: "..."

"Is it true?"

Miyashita couldn't help but touch his chin and think.

"Of course it's true, why don't you go and find out who I, Echizen Ryoma, am? I'm the kind of person who has the final say!" Horio was a little into the play, and continued.

"Ahem, that's enough."

Momoshiro hugged Horio, making him speechless, and then looked at Miyashita awkwardly.

"Yes, Echizen may not have slept well yesterday, and his mind is a little confused. Don't worry about it."

Oishi looked at Miyashita seriously.

"Don't worry, I didn't expect Echizen to be quite interesting. Then I'll wait. Sooner or later, we will have a chance to compete."

Miyashita Rin smiled deeply at "Echizen", then looked at Tezuka who was a little serious, and turned away.

"Let go of my senior Momoshiro, how about it, hehe, I just played Ryoma, and my performance was not bad, right?"

When Miyashita left, Horio broke free from Momoshiro's arms, feeling quite satisfied.

He felt that he must not have been exposed.

It has the essence of Ryoma's three-point play.

"It's really good, but it's a little too much." Momoshiro pouted helplessly.

"I think it was a wrong decision for Coach Ryuzaki to choose Horio to play."

Haitang nodded in agreement.

"I wonder what Ryoma would think when he knows you have arranged an opponent for him, hahaha."

Kikumaru patted Horio's shoulder and couldn't help laughing.

Horiio: "..."


"No. 130, Hyotei Academy, contestants report."


Atobe handed the registration form to the staff of the division and snapped his fingers handsomely.

"Well, confirm again, all five games of the first game must be played, and three games in the subsequent games will be considered the winner."


"The top five can get the right to participate in the Kanto Tournament. In addition to the top four, the teams that lose in the rematch will participate in the loser's revival match. Is this clear?"


Atobe and others nodded, but didn't care.

Loser's revival match?

What does this have to do with Hyotei? !

It's just an opportunity arranged for the weak.


Miyashita Rin looked at Atobe seriously, feeling quite helpless.

Who would have thought that Hyotei would really lose in the end, and lose to Fudomine.

If Hyotei hadn't defeated St. Rudolph in the rematch, Hyotei wouldn't even have had the chance to participate in the Kanto tournament.

"By the way, just like Seigaku, there's another first-year..." The staff checked and then waved, "Come on, there aren't many first-year contestants."

"Don't worry, senior." Miyashita Rin nodded with a modest smile.


"The first game, Hyotei Academy vs. Shiono Middle School..."


After the report, Hyotei and his team soon arrived at the stadium where Shiono Middle School was located.

Seeing that their opponent was Hyotei, many people in Shiono turned pale.

"Go Team 2, win for me beautifully."

Mr. Atobe looked down on the ragtag group of Shiono Junior High School and said casually.


"Don't worry, Chief!"

Ogawa, Ken and a few others were excited and immediately went to prepare.

Team 2 had eight people, including Hiyoshi and Taki.

Therefore, Atobe was not worried that Team 2 would lose.

Atobe even had an idea in his mind that before the finals began, these weak teams could basically be directly defeated by Team 2.

Only last year's runner-up, Seigaku, could allow Mr. Atobe to take action once.

“The doubles match is about to start. Please prepare for both teams…”

“Shiba, you can’t just take photos of Seigaku. Every school needs to be reported.”

“Okay, I got it.”

“Hyotei is over there. They were the champions of last year’s tournament. Let’s go interview them.”

Inoue Mamoru saw Hyotei from a distance, and rushed over with Shiba Saori.

“Long time no see, Atobe.”


“How is it going?”

“Hyotei will win, no matter who they play against.” Atobe smiled domineeringly, “Right, Karaji.”

“Yes!” Karaji nodded seriously.

“What a great confidence. This year’s Seigaku is much stronger than last year.”

Inoue Mamoru joked.

“It doesn’t matter. No matter how strong they are, they can’t change the result of losing.”

Atobe shook his head, and then folded his hands indifferently.

After a brief chat, Shiba Saori and Inoue Mamoru left.

Seeing this, Miyashita thought and said to Atobe, "If possible, I want to play a match with Fudomine in the afternoon. The captain can arrange a singles position for me."


Atobe was slightly stunned.

He thought about it, but didn't find any useful information in his mind. He shook his head gently, "This level of competition is not suitable for you to play."

"I just feel a little bored. Don't worry, I will play more conservatively."

Miyashita said indifferently.

Atobe: "..."

"Okay, play if you want, but are you sure you will have a chance to play with Fudomine next? Our matches are different from theirs."

Atobe said puzzled.

"Yes, the captain should not underestimate them. If we can't meet the top four in the quarterfinals, we will meet them. There are not many teams that can eliminate Fudomine in major competitions."

Miyashita explained with a smile.

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