"Here we go!"

"Whew~ scare me!"

"This time it should be right!"

The screen jumps to the inside of the field.

"Is Fudo Mine a combination of Kamio and Ibu, and it looks like he's in good shape!" Kikumaru said.

In less than twenty minutes, the game ended, and the Tachikai Dasanada Yanagi combination won, the score was 6-0!

On the screen, the combination of Fudo Peak fell to the ground weakly.

"What the hell is going on in this game, Fudo Peak didn't even win a small game!"


"The difference in strength is too great!" said the night long wind.

"yes, it's not like a game at all, it's a one-sided slaughter!"

"Moreover, it seems that the Lihai Great Combination still has spare strength, and it has not used all its strength at all!"

"Anyway, I've heard Inoue, the editor-in-chief of Tennis Weekly, say that the official players of Likai University are all Tezuka-level!" a fine sweat broke out on Oishi's face.

"All of them are Minister Tezuka 03, that's too powerful, isn't it?" Kikumaru said dejectedly.

"Mao! All of them are at the Tezuka level, so we don't have to fight!" Ye Changfeng felt that Lihai was strong, but it was not as exaggerated as Inoue said.

"The next game is the game of the Minister of Fudo Mine, Tachibana Tachibana!" said Sadaharu Kan, pointing to the small TV.

The picture really turned to Tachibana Tachibana's body, and the opponent was Tachiha's big Kirihara Akaya.

The winner of the first game is decided, and Tachikai Okirihara Akaya serves.

Bang! The two people on the screen fought back and forth.

"Hey, anyway, Fudo Peak's Tachibana Tachibana is playing well, much stronger than when he fought us before!" Kikumaru said.

"No! Tachibana is under a lot of pressure! He is a very responsible person, and in the face of the doubles situation that he has already lost two matches, he has instilled in his brain the consciousness of 'can't lose', coupled with the identity of the Minister of Fudomine, this has caused a lot of pressure!" Fuji Shusuke's eyes opened.

"As Fuji said, if I had the same position, I would have the same idea!" said Kansadaji.

The orange on the screen actually twisted his ankle.

"It seems that even Tachibana Tachibana is not easy to ask for the opponent's ball, and it is becoming more and more unfavorable to Fudo Peak!"

The game continues.

"But Minister Fudomine's movements are not the same as just now, isn't there too much heart, senior!" Horio asked, turning his head.

"Looking closely at Tachibana's right foot, he shifted his weight to the other foot just to reduce the burden of his weight on his right foot, so it seems that his right foot should be not lightly injured!" Kan Sadaji analyzed.

"It's a fatal wound! It would be terrible if the opponent aimed at that!" Horio yelled.

"Hey, he didn't attack his right foot, he just kept letting Minister Fudo catch the ball with his backhand! Didn't the other party find out? Or did he deliberately only hit the left side of Tachibana?" Katsuro wondered.

"It's only going to be heavier!" said Night Wind slowly.


"The guy on the other side is called Kirihara Akaya, in order to increase the burden on Tachibana's painful right foot, he constantly aims at the ball path that must move more, so that the burden on his right foot will continue to increase!"

"It's really despicable! With the situation on the field, Lihai Da Kirihara Chi can win without doing this!" Momojo was indignant.

"This guy seems to be a person who does not compromise his means to win, and if he doesn't have the heart to pursue the strongest in tennis, it is difficult to become a big thing!"

Finally, the right foot of Tachibana on the screen was no longer overwhelmed, and he could barely move his footsteps, just standing in place by willpower.

At the end of the game, Tachikai Okiri Akaya won, the score was 6-1!

"That Minister of Fudo Peak, a master who fought back and forth with Changfeng, actually lost after only winning a small game!" Kikumaru said.

Sadaji's hand accidentally touched the teacup on the table, spilling the tea on the table.

"What are you doing, Akama!" Kikumaru dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry!" Sadaharu quickly wiped the table with a tablecloth.

"Eh! Senior Ah Qian also has a time when he is uneasy 230, which is really rare!" Ye Changfeng smiled.

The atmosphere of the Qingxue people cooled down suddenly, and it seemed that they were still immersed in the shock of the strength of the Great Rivalry.

"Hahaha!" Night Wind suddenly laughed, "Did this bit of strength shock you?"

The loud laughter of the night breeze made everyone in the youth school shake up.

"If I meet this guy named Chiya Kirihara, I won't get him a point!" Ye Changfeng said lightly, but his tone was full of confidence.

"That's right, we have Tezuka, Fuji, and Changfeng, the demon, I'm afraid of Mao Lihai!"

"Don't let your guard down!But believe in yourself, we're the strongest!" said Tezuka, who hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Yes!" the young scholars replied.

"Let's win the championship of the Kanto Conference, advance to the whole country with the strongest attitude, and dominate the country!" Tezuka's voice was firm and unstoppable.

The hands of the youth scholars gathered together and raised them high!

Target...... Champion!_

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