The competition is still going on.

When the Kanto tournament started, Akashi gave Yuta, Ibu and Kamio Akira the opportunity to play in the first two rounds, which could also train their mentality and accumulate competition experience.

However, when they entered the semi-finals, all the regulars played. This year's Kanto top four schools are the same as last year, Fudomine, Rikkai University, Hyotei and Seigaku.

Many viewers have now silently called these four schools the Kanto top four in their hearts. Other schools in the Kanto region are not at the same level as them, even Yamabuki and Rokkakuchu.

Fudo's semifinal opponent this time is Hyotei. This year, Hyotei has been supplemented by freshmen, and the overall strength has improved a bit, especially Kabachi. In the national competition in the original book, if it hadn't been for the rain, it is estimated that Tezuka would not be able to defeat him easily.

The game started soon. Hyotei sent out Shishido Ryo and Houchotaro in the doubles, while Fudo sent Kurasa and Kido. Neither side had any special combinations.

Houchotaro still used his one-ball soul, but unfortunately this move may have some effect in the original book. For Kido and Kurasa now, it is no different from an ordinary serve.

Shishido Ryo showed extraordinary leg strength, and he barely kept up with Kido's movements with a super half-volley. Unfortunately, Kido directly used the baptism of the whirlpool, causing Shishido Ryo's racket to be knocked down again and again.

Kido did not use the dark attack. After all, they had lived together and had been to the U17 training camp, so they were not good enough to use this trick. They just relied on the shrinking technique to defend.

Soon the game was completely controlled by Kurasa and Kido, which put Houchotaro under great pressure. He made several consecutive serve errors, which accelerated their loss of points.

In the end, Shishido Ryo and Houchotaro lost the game without any resistance, with a score of 6-0. Atobe frowned unhappily on the sidelines. Although he had expected this, he still couldn't help being angry.

In the doubles match, Hyotei's team was Oshitari and Mukai, while Fudomine's team was Tachibana Kihei and Chitose. The Hyotei team themselves did not have much hope for this game. Tachibana Kihei and Chitose were already No. 1 in the doubles of junior high school.

At the beginning of the game, Oshitari closed his heart and reduced his presence to the minimum. Mukahira attracted firepower at the net so that Oshitari could launch a fatal attack. Akashi looked at the hair color of the two and suddenly had an illusion of a combination of Kagami and Kuroko.

Moreover, during the period of training with U17, Oshitari's five dimensions also reached the national level, but his overall strength may not be as good as Fuji when he was half a step away from the national level.

The only thing that was a little surprising was that in the last game of the game, Oshitari actually used the state of no self, but it was a pity that it was still useless. You know, Chitose is now one step away from opening the perfect fit.

The final score of the game was 6-1, which can be regarded as a face given by Tachibana Kihei and Chitose to Hyotei, but this made Atobe more unhappy, but unfortunately, he probably couldn't play today.

In the singles match, Fudomine played not Akutsu, but Tezuka, and Hyotei played Kabaji. I don't know if this is a coincidence.

Tezuka "gave up" the right to serve as usual. It is not difficult to see from Kabata's body shape that he is a power player, so Tezuka used some cutting techniques to completely dissolve the power of the tennis ball and opened Tezuka's domain.

Kabata had no way to deal with the domain. After losing two games in a row, with a snap of Atobe's fingers, Kabata seemed to have triggered some mechanism, and the whole person seemed to awaken.

Then everyone was surprised to find that Kabata actually used the domain to attack Tezuka, and even Tezuka showed a subtle surprise.

And Kabata not only used the domain, his batting action was almost exactly the same as Tezuka, as if it was a replica of Tezuka. Atobe talked about Kabata's innocent heart with some pride.

But the good times didn't last long. Soon everyone found that Kabadi's domain was slowly deforming and collapsing, but Tezuka was not affected at all. Just kidding, playing a spinning ball in front of Tezuka, even if the players were at the same level as Tezuka, they would not be Tezuka's opponent, let alone Kabadi, a freshman.

In the subsequent games, no matter how much Kabadi imitated, he still couldn't stop himself from losing points, which made Kabadi, who was already "not very smart", even more confused. He couldn't understand why he lost when he had the advantage in size and used the same moves as the opponent.

It was me.

This match lasted quite a long time. Tezuka did not use any other moves except the field, and even the zero-style short ball was useless. He did not want to be learned by the opponent.

When the match ended, the score was 6-0 as expected. This time it can be said that Hyotei was completely defeated, but this is normal. The current Fudomine is stronger than the first grade, and the gap with other schools is also greater.

On the other side, Rikkai University also won Seigaku without suspense, but the total score was 3-2. In the doubles match of Rikkai University, Marui and Jackal lost to Oishi and Kikumaru.

Although Marui and Jackal are better than Oishi and Kikumaru in personal strength, they have not yet fully comprehended the mystery of synchronization, so facing Oishi and Kikumaru who have opened synchronization, they can only lose the match unwillingly with 6-3.

In the doubles match, the combination of Niou and Yagyu made its debut. Yagyu's strength has grown rapidly. Maybe the previous golf made his physical fitness much stronger than ordinary people.

With the cooperation of Nioh, the power combination of Kawamura Takashi and Momoshiro Takeshi of Seigaku was completely defeated, and was beaten 6-0 miserably, and this was when Nioh did not use the phantom.

However, in the next singles match, Seigaku played Fuji and Rikkai University played Maori. Maori is already a third-year player this year, and there is not much time left for him to stay in Rikkai University. Moreover, after last year's failure experience, Maori's personality has changed a little, at least he no longer avoids training.

In this game, Fuji gave Maori a big surprise. He evolved his fourth-level return, Mayfly Envelope, and gave it a new name.

"Fourth-level return - Void and Quiet!"

When Maori's return ball hit Fuji's racket, all the power and rotation on the tennis ball disappeared, and as Fuji's racket danced, the tennis ball became blurred. When Maori tried hard to see the tennis ball clearly, Fuji suddenly hit the ball back and scored directly.

It seems that Zhongdao's Yimiewu has given Fuji a lot of inspiration. Now the names of Fuji's six-fold counterattack are divided into two categories. The first three are related to animals, and the last three are directly related to the effects of the moves.

In fact, Mao Li's strength is similar to Fuji. They are both national-level and not far from the peak of the national level, but Mao Li's biggest weakness is undoubtedly revealed in this game, that is, there is no move that can win with one hit.

Facing Fuji, whose moves are endless, Mao Li slowly began to fall into a disadvantage. When the game came to the last ball, Mao Li looked at the flying tennis ball and jumped high, smashing towards Fuji with all his strength, and he was ready to run to the baseline immediately.

But a scene that surprised everyone happened. Fuji did not make a posture to launch the Kirin to land. Instead, he sprinted directly to the net, jumped high, and used the power of the wind to hit Mao Li's smash back in the form of a smash.

"Wind attack technique - Aoi Blowing Snow!"

In the end, Fuji won the singles match 6-3. Even Yukimura had to admire Fuji's evolution speed. It might not be long before Fuji's strength can reach the national peak.

Because of Fuji's victory, Seigaku actually led Rikkai University 2-1. The two singles matches were played by Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu. Both are masters of data tennis. After the devil training of U17, Inui Sadaharu's strength finally reached the half-step national level, and he was just one step away from the threshold of the national level.

Unfortunately, Yanagi Renji was already a national master last year, and his ability in data was even slightly better than Inui Sadaharu, and his Kamaitachi and Uchiha were not simple moves.

In the end, even though Inui Sadaharu tried his best, he still lost the game with a score of 7-5. As for whether Yanagi Renji let the game go, I'm afraid only he himself knows.

The last singles match was played by Sanada. Yukimura did not even plan to play. On the side of Seigaku, it was Kaoru Kaidou who played. It seemed that they did not plan to drag the match to the singles match. Unfortunately, Seigaku's plan failed in the end.

In front of Sanada's national-level strength, Kaidou could not even touch the tennis ball. He was shaved 6-0, which made the little seaweed watching the game on the sidelines cheer loudly for the deputy minister's might. As for whether it was sincere or not... Anyway, Kirihara would definitely not admit that he was trying to please Sanada.

In this way, the final of the Kanto Conference was still Fudomine vs. Rikkai University. However, according to Yukimura, this year, Rikkai University is now a challenger. This time, they will challenge Fudomine's position as the Kanto overlord.

On the day of the final, many well-known tennis media came to the scene, and there were even spectators from other regions, because this was probably the first time this year that the national championship was held.

A preview of the finals of the National Championship.

This time, the lineups of both sides have changed. The doubles of Rikkai University are Niou and Yanagi Renji, and Fudomine is Tezuka and Kurasa. Because of Akashi's suggestion, Tezuka and Kurasa have also developed some tacit understanding recently, which is also conducive to the awakening of their ability resonance.

After the game started, Niou made a move that surprised many people. He came to the front and back of the net, and his figure blurred for a while. Then the figure of Omagari Ryuji appeared in front of everyone, and Yanagi Renji threw his racket to the "Omagari" in front of him.

It seems that Niou intends to imitate Omagari Ryuji and use two rackets to buy Yanagi Renji time to collect data. This makes Akashi have to admire Niou's bizarre imagination.

The little seaweed who saw Niou's phantom for the first time was confused. He kept rubbing his eyes and felt that he had an illusion in front of him, but no matter how he looked at it, the person standing on the court had nothing to do with Niou senior.

Some viewers who saw Niou's move for the first time reacted similarly to Xiao Haikai, but the old viewers who watched the Kanto Tournament last year said they were used to it.

Although Niou's phantom became Omagari Ryuji, his overall strength was still a little weaker than Omagari, and he could not defend impenetrably, but he still bought some time for Yanagi Renji.

When Yanagi Renji started to act, Niou's phantom became Inui Sadaharu again, cooperating with Yanagi Renji to launch a data offensive, but the opposite side of the Kurasa couldn't help but use the baptism of the whirlpool, and even Tezuka started the Thousand Hammers, and suddenly 'Inui Sadaharu' and Yanagi Renji's rackets were knocked down many times.

Seeing Fudomine's continuous scoring, Niou finally decided to give it a try, even if the probability of success was almost zero, he had to try it, because this was his last chance.

As Niou's figure swayed, Inui Sadaharu disappeared from everyone's sight, replaced by Tanedo Shuji. Akashi chuckled after seeing this:

"Are you planning to use Yimiewu to counter the baptism of the whirlpool? If it's the real Tanedo, it can be done, but Niou wants to rely on the phantom to replicate Tanedo's talent, I'm afraid he's overthinking it~"

The result was exactly what Akashi thought. Even though Niou's phantom became Tanedo, he was still hit by the whirlpool baptism and his racket flew away. Yimiewu is a special talent that cannot be learned even with mental assistance, but you can try to imitate Fuji's new moves.

In the final doubles match, Rikkai University was still defeated by Tezuka and Kurasa, with a score of 6-0, and the next doubles match was even worse. Marui and Jackal were no match for Kihei Tachibana and Chitose, and also ended the game with 6-0.

This year, Kihei Tachibana and Chitose used their full strength at the beginning of the game, making Marui and Jackal miserable. The defeat last year was still fresh in Kihei Tachibana and Chitose's memory, and they would not let such a situation happen again.

However, the singles match was once in a stalemate. The players on both sides were Sanada and Akutsu. After the game started, Sanada directly used the Fenglinzanshan Yinlei secret. He is now accustomed to keeping the Yin in the game, and the hidden power of this move was slowly discovered by Sanada.

However, with Sanada's current strength, he cannot use it freely. After Akutsu scored a few points with the passive thunder, he did not hesitate to hit the light shot directly.

Originally, everyone thought that Sanada should not be able to resist, but no one thought that Sanada actually developed the same move and directly hit Akutsu's light shot back.

"Don't think you can beat me with light shots, Akutsu! This is my gift to you, the lightning shot!"

Akashi looked at Sanada's move and immediately recalled the last shot that Sanada played against Tezuka in the national competition last year. It seems that at that time, Sanada had already touched the prototype of the lightning shot.

Akutsu's expression became excited after seeing Sanada hit the lightning shot. The two of them started a super sweet spot technique match. The court was immediately dusty. The organizer of this event obviously knew about Akutsu's light shots and directly raised the position of the audience seats.

So even if the wall behind Sanada and Akutsu was smashed into pieces, the audience was still not affected, but they couldn't see the specific situation of the game now.

All the freshmen of the top four schools present had fallen into a sluggish state. The scene in front of them was no longer the tennis they knew, while the other players felt like they were watching a world championship.

Just when the organizer couldn't help but want to suspend the game, the two sides finally decided the winner, and Akutsu finally won the game. In fact, he had just decided that if it dragged on, he would directly start Shura Road. Unfortunately,

Sanada still couldn't hold on.

The final score of this singles match was 6-3, and Sanada saved the last bit of Rikkai University's face, and didn't have his head shaved in all three games.

It wasn't until the end of the game that the first-year students and the audience who were watching the game for the first time reacted from their shock. This time, it was also a preliminary display of the true world in front of ordinary Japanese audiences.

After the award ceremony, Akashi looked at Sanada and felt for the first time that perhaps his future development might not be much worse than Tezuka and Yukimura, especially when his Nanzhi Ruyin evolved into a black aura, his strength would be greatly improved.

After the Kanto Tournament, the junior high school students returned to the U17 training camp to continue to exercise their strength. Akashi arranged a training camp again. This time, it was mainly to allow the first-year players to have an environment for rapid growth. Now they are too different from the second-year players in strength.

However, after collecting information and giving the corresponding training plan, Akashi took a private plane directly to Canada. After all, he still had to participate in the U17 overseas expedition competition. This time, Mifune gave a death order to achieve a perfect record in all expedition competitions this year.

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