After picking up the racket, Ryoma found that his hands were trembling slightly. The balls just now were too heavy, and he almost tried his best to catch them. If Ryoma knew that this was only 60% of Kintaro's strength, I wonder what he would think.

"I'm afraid the little guy is finished this time. The first-year student named Toyama on the opposite side is simply a monster!" Kikumaru, who has recovered, frowned and said.

"I believe Echizen, he will find a way!" Momoshiro still supports Ryoma.

On the other side, in the Fudomine player's seat, Chitose looked at Kintaro who was so excited and said with some concern:

"I say, is it okay to continue like this? Now Xiao Jin has already used that Taishan Yading move. If the remaining two moves are also used, the first-year student on the opposite side will be dead, right?"

"Didn't you notice that Akutsu has been watching on the sidelines with a racket in his hand? He must have been prepared to defend against those two moves!" Kido said calmly.

Everyone looked to the left, and sure enough, Akutsu was holding the racket behind his back with both hands. It seemed casual, but his eyes were always watching Kintaro's every move, just as Kido said.

"I had asked Xiao Jin to suppress his strength before the game. Even if he used that move, as long as he didn't hit Echizen Ryoma head-on, there wouldn't be much of a problem!" Akashi said lightly.

Now Kintaro has mastered the sweet spot technique, so his special moves will only be more powerful than in the original work. This is also the reason why Akashi restricts Kintaro from playing to his full potential. If the opponent is Fuji, it is okay, but if Ryoma is hit now, it is estimated that he will be killed directly.

In the second game, it was Kintaro's turn to serve. He threw the tennis ball very high, then jumped up again, rolled several times in the air, and then smashed the tennis ball hard. The tennis ball rushed towards Ryoma's half court like a smash.

Ryoma was already standing outside the baseline. When the tennis ball flew near the baseline, he held the racket with both hands to meet it. At the moment of contact with the tennis ball, the familiar weight came again, but Ryoma still gritted his teeth and persisted, and hit it back with all his strength.

However, as soon as the tennis ball landed, it was caught up by Kintaro, who aimed at the tennis ball and hit it. The tennis ball was deformed at the moment of being hit, and then flew towards Ryoma rapidly.

At this time, Ryoma's behavior was beyond everyone's expectations except Akashi. He rushed directly towards the tennis ball, then suddenly squatted down, using inertia to slide his feet on the ground, and even sparks were rubbed off on his shoes.

When he slid to the front of the net, he suddenly jumped up and used all his strength to pull the flying tennis ball. The tennis ball flew high. Just when everyone thought it was going out of bounds, the tennis ball suddenly fell and hit the center line. After bouncing up, it quickly fell again and hit the backcourt. The trajectory of the flight formed a B letter.

"Switch the ball B!"


Akashi looked at Ryoma's move and was a little speechless. It was really a blatant protagonist halo, right? Ryoma learned to pull the ball B during this period of time, which made it difficult for Akashi not to associate it with the will of the world.

"Wow!!! This move is too cool, it's ahead of the times! Teach me quickly, teach me!" Kintaro came to the front of the net and said excitedly to Ryoma.

Ryoma snorted coldly, turned his head, adjusted his hat and returned to the baseline, ready to receive the serve again. Kintaro didn't care too much when he saw Ryoma like this, but he thought to himself that he couldn't lose to Chaoqian, so he would use that trick later.

"Is this a new trick developed by the little guy? It seems very powerful!" Kikumaru said with shining eyes looking at Ryoma on the court.

"Switch ball B? It seems that sometimes, Echizen's arrogant temper is not all bad~" Fuji said with a smile.

"Use the run-up to increase inertia, increase centrifugal force when sliding, and finally give a strong rotation when hitting the ball, so that the tennis ball can suddenly spin down in the air. Simply put, it is a kind of swiping and volleying ball!" Inui Sadaharu explained on the side.

Although the three little ones outside the court didn't understand a little, it didn't prevent them from cheering for Ryoma. No matter what the principle is, just shout 666 and it's done.

On the court, Kintaro smashed the ball again. Ryoma has become more and more accustomed to Kintaro's hitting power. Apart from other things, Ryoma has indeed been taught very well by Nanjiro in basic skills.

The two of them fought quickly for two or three rounds, and Ryoma once again used the ball B, but this time Kintaro would not let Ryoma score easily.

When the tennis ball bounced high for the first time, Kintaro jumped into the air, and then his body rotated vertically for several circles.

When the tennis ball reached a certain height and was about to fall, Kintaro swung his racket violently, and a blazing fire appeared on the racket. The moment the tennis ball was hit, it was directly attached with hot flames and flew towards Ryoma's half of the court.

"Look at me - Super Million Tons Fantasy Deluxe Volcanic Eruption Ball!" Kintaro shouted loudly in the air.

When the flaming tennis ball flew in the air, the surrounding air was distorted, and when the tennis ball hit the ground, Ryoma did not react at all. The next moment, flames shot out behind him, and the tennis ball burst like magma, just like a real volcanic eruption.

For a while, smoke and sparks flew everywhere, causing the Qingxue people on the sidelines to retreat one after another, fearing that their clothes would be set on fire. Fortunately, the duration was very short and calm was quickly restored.

The smoke on Ryoma's half court slowly dispersed at this time. Everyone in Qingxue looked at him nervously and worriedly. They saw that Ryoma was covered in dust, but he didn't seem to be injured. Everyone was relieved.

"15-15!" The referee's score just sounded at this time.

"It seems that Xiao Jin still has some sense and didn't hit the ball directly at the position where the player was!" Chitose said with a sigh of relief.

"Even so, I guess the first-year kid on the opposite side will have a psychological shadow!" said Tachibana Kihei.

"No, Tachibana! You're wrong! He is Echizen Ryoma, he won't give up so easily!" Akashi said with a chuckle.

"Echizen Ryoma? That's right! Why didn't I think of it just now? The surname Echizen... Could he be...?" Chitose looked at Akashi in surprise.

"That's right! He is the son of the samurai Echizen Nanjiro, the Echizen Ryoma known as the Prince of Tennis!" Akashi didn't mean to hide it.

"Prince of Tennis? You dare to say that? His strength is not that great~" said Kihei Tachibana with a smile.

"Indeed! His strength does not match his identity at all!" said Mu Te seriously.

"Echizen Nanjiro..." Tezuka muttered to himself.

After Ryoma came to his senses in shock, he cleaned up the dust on his body. At this moment, his heart was full of confusion. His opponent was a freshman of the same age as him, but was that ball really something a human could hit?

"How is it? Ahead! My Super Million Tons Fantasy Deluxe Volcanic Eruption Ball is very powerful, right?" Kintaro said with a smile on his face looking at Ryoma.

Ryoma still responded silently. He was now trying to think about how to deal with this move, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no way at all. This was no longer something that could be hit back by any skill.

At the urging of the referee, Kintaro sent the tennis ball again. Ryoma simply stopped thinking about the ball and started to attack Kintaro. This time, Kintaro did not use the trick again. After all, even if he had abnormal physical fitness, the trick was indeed a bit consuming.

However, even if it was an ordinary shot, Kintaro's natural strength made Ryoma extremely uncomfortable, and the shot B only worked once. After that, even if Ryoma hit it again, Kintaro could easily catch up and hit back.



"GAME! Fudomine! 2-0!"

Ryoma still couldn't completely deal with Kintaro's strength. Every time he persisted for a few rounds, his racket was knocked off or he was too strong to adjust his posture in time and was directly scored.

The game had only started for two short games, and Ryoma's face was already covered with sweat. Although he was not physically exhausted, he had to use all his strength for every ball, which consumed a lot of energy.

After the third game started, Ryoma stood at the baseline, looking at Kintaro who looked like nothing happened. For the first time, he began to question his tennis skills and talent. Could he really beat the guy of the same age?

You know, even though Ryoma was defeated by Inui Sadaharu before, Ryoma always thought that the other party was two years older than him. As long as he worked hard, he would catch up soon, until today when he met Kintaro Toyama, who was the same age!

Fortunately, Ryoma didn't know that Kintaro had only been learning tennis for about a year, and Akutsu had only played tennis for more than two years. Otherwise, he would not be much better than Tokugawa Kazuya now.

Ryoma didn't think about it anymore. He shook his head, adjusted his mentality, and sent the tennis ball again. Kintaro caught up with the tennis ball without any hesitation, and the happy smile on his face never disappeared.

In the next game, although Ryoma was still not Kintaro's opponent, the rounds of each match were increasing. I don't know if Kintaro wanted to experience more competition.

Was it because of the intentional slackness of the match, or was it because Ryoma himself was constantly improving?




"GAME! Fudomine! 3-0! Change venues!"

During the break, Fuji looked at Ryoma, who was panting and drinking water, and walked over to ask:

"Are you okay, Echizen!"

"I'm fine, don't worry, Minister!" Ryoma replied indifferently. Now he only had one thought in his mind, how to defeat Kintaro.

"Okay, I know, be careful and don't get hurt!" Fuji noticed Ryoma's determination and didn't say anything more.

After the game started again, Kintaro still hit the tennis ball with full energy, and Ryoma was not to be outdone. He hit it back with both hands and rushed to the net quickly.

Kintaro jumped to the tennis ball in a few jumps, and hit it back before the ball landed. Ryoma in front of the net hit a short ball with both hands. Ryoma, who had begun to adapt to Kintaro's strength, could barely hit this kind of ball.

When Kintaro on the opposite side saw it, he didn't think much, and rushed to the net directly. He hit the falling tennis ball with his racket, and the tennis ball flew high. Ryoma saw the opportunity, jumped directly, and hit the tennis ball in the air with a forehand.

"Hit the ball A!"

Seeing this, Kintaro performed several backflips like an acrobatic performance, quickly came to the baseline position, and laughed and hit the flying tennis ball.

As soon as the tennis ball crossed the net, it was intercepted by Ryoma's racket. With Ryoma's strength with both hands, he hit it directly to an empty space in the front court, but Kintaro had already quickly reached the landing point. After the tennis ball landed, Kintaro was about to swing his racket, but the tennis ball bounced to the side at a weird angle and flew out of the court directly.


Kintaro looked at the ground with some doubts. At this time, a small stone fell not far away and made a slight sound. It turned out that the ball just now changed the direction of the tennis ball's rebound because it hit the stone.

"It actually hit the stone. You are so good, ahead!" Kintaro exclaimed to Ryoma after understanding what happened.

"Humph! You are still far away!" Ryoma finally responded to Kintaro's words this time, but he didn't correct his name again.

"Tsk! You only know how to use some tricks!" Akutsu said a little unhappy on the sidelines.

Kintaro sent the tennis ball again. This time Ryoma was not so lucky. After all, there were not many small stones on the court. He could only rely on his own hard power to fight with Kintaro. Although Ryoma could hold on for a while compared to the beginning, he still slowly fell into a disadvantage.

After all, the game has been a big test for Ryoma's physical strength so far, especially since the opponent still looks like he has not consumed any energy at all. The psychological pressure is self-evident.

In fact, it can be seen from the original work that Ryoma's physical fitness is very good, even not inferior to Atobe. In all the games, he almost never ran out of energy, even when he used Muga.

But the current situation of Ryoma is a little different. First, his strength is far from the level in the original work. Second, he met peers who are much stronger than him in the regional competition, which is also a big shock to Ryoma.




"GAME! Fudomine! 4-0!"

Soon, Ryoma lost the fourth game again. Ryoma, sweating all over, looked at Kintaro on the opposite side with a smile on his face. He felt mixed emotions in his heart. I am afraid that even he himself does not know what his mood is now. There is reluctance, surprise, and a little frustration.

'If this trend continues, Ryoma will not awaken the lonely glory in the future, right? ' Akashi thought with some interest.

The fifth game was Ryoma's serve. Now Ryoma no longer expected to serve with an outspin. He just hit an ordinary flat shot and started to attack Kintaro again.

At this moment, Kintaro was extremely satisfied. Although there were people playing with him every day in the tennis club, to be honest, he didn't feel very happy about losing all the time. But for him, being able to play was a good thing, and Kintaro didn't care so much about winning or losing.

However, this was not a match within the tennis club, but a formal match. The opponent was still a peer of his age. Being able to play back and forth with him certainly gave Kintaro a completely different feeling.

Akashi's Eye of the Emperor on the sidelines noticed Kintaro's increasingly excited expression, and the tendency of his muscle strength to explode, and he secretly said: Not good! I guess Xiao Jin was too excited!

But then he thought of Akutsu who had been watching from the sidelines, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

I didn't know what was going on, so I continued to watch. I saw Kintaro on the court began to spin like a top after hitting back Ryoma's shot B.

And the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster, and slowly a small tornado was formed. Even the people on the sidelines felt a strong wind blowing towards them.

Ryoma on the opposite side also discovered this situation after fighting back with all his strength, but he had experienced enough things today, and now Ryoma was even a little numb. It's just a tornado, what's the fuss... What the hell!

Kintaro's big move before shaking

Just when everyone in Qingxue was extremely surprised, Akutsu flashed to the outside of Ryoma's half-court baseline at some point, as if waiting for something.

At this time, Kintaro finally jumped high from the tornado, flew into the air, turned two somersaults, and smashed the flying tennis ball down. Suddenly, the whole court flashed red light, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Take my move! Super invincible and absolutely delicious Big Wheel Mountain Storm!"

Ultimate move animation effect

"Get out of the way! Echizen! This ball is not something you can contend with!" Tachibana Kihei shouted loudly to Ryoma.

"Echizen! Don't take it!" Fuji also shouted nervously.

Ryoma looked at the tennis ball that was hitting him like a meteorite, and said in a daze:

"What is this...!?"

However, after Ryoma finished speaking, he reacted instantly. This was a tennis ball flying towards him. He was also in the game and could not give up. Then Ryoma ignored the persuasion of the people on the sidelines and directly held the racket with both hands and swung the racket towards the flying tennis ball.

At the moment when the racket and the tennis ball touched, Ryoma's arms instantly lost consciousness, but the unwillingness in his heart supported him to resist the huge force on the tennis ball. At this time, Ryoma's whole body was actually shining with golden light.

All of this was seen through by Akashi's Eye of the Emperor, and even he was a little surprised. In this case, Ryoma could still use the protagonist's halo to resist. Isn't it too foul?

But the next moment, a huge crash sounded, and Ryoma's entire half of the court was covered by a lot of smoke and dust. A tennis ball with huge kinetic energy flew straight to the wire fence outside the court, but was immediately intercepted by a racket. It was Akatsu who was waiting on the sidelines.

But no one noticed his actions now, because everyone was choked by the smoke and coughed, and some people were blinded. After a long time, the smoke slowly dissipated, and Fuji and others looked at the court at the first time.

I saw a red racket broken into two sections fell outside the court, and Ryoma was lying in the position where he just received the ball, without any reaction. Taocheng was the first to rush onto the court and check on Ryoma's situation.

The referee also immediately announced the suspension of the game. Ryuzaki Sumire also hurried over. After taking a general look at Ryoma, she breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Ryoma had fainted only because of exhaustion, but he was not injured. Then she told the referee that Seigaku had conceded the defeat.

"Since Seigaku's players cannot continue the game, this singles match is over, the score is 4-0! The winner is Fudomine!"

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