The two of them were very close, but the two of them were very close.

In the temple of Ryoma's family, Nanjiro was blowing on the toe that had just been bitten by Karubin. At this time, he found that Ryoma had returned with a dusty face and a dull look in his eyes.

"Hey~ boy! Where did you go to make yourself so embarrassed?" Nanjiro said in an unreconciled tone.

But Ryoma seemed not to hear his words, and walked directly into the house and returned to his room. Nanjiro took a deep look at his son's back and said nothing.

After that, it was not until dinner time that Nanjiro saw Ryoma again, but the other party still looked listless, and even ate absent-mindedly, as if he had lost his soul.

Just after Ryoma's mother had cleared the dishes, Echizen Nanako also went to help wash the dishes, leaving only Echizen and his son at the table. At this time, Ryoma finally spoke to Nanjiro:

"Dad, do you know what the secret of selflessness is? And the ultimate talent!"

After hearing Ryoma's question, Nanjiro's expression suddenly became serious, staring at Ryoma and asking word by word:

"Boy! Where did you hear these words?"

"In the previous regional competition, the players from Fudomine's school used the talent!" Ryoma did not mean to hide it.

"Oh? The boys nowadays are really amazing. In comparison, you are far behind~hahahaha!" Nanjiro never forgot to mock his son.

"Stop talking nonsense! Stinky old man! Tell me what the secret of selflessness is!" Ryoma was obviously a little broken.

"The secret of no self? Before answering your question, you have to tell me where you went today and how you got yourself so embarrassed?" Nanjiro did not answer Ryoma's question directly, but asked about Ryoma's experience today. After all, he is Ryoma's father, and he can still notice the changes in his son.

Ryoma was silent for a while, and finally slowly told what happened today:

"I went to Fudomine Junior High School today, because I heard from the seniors that the current king of junior high school tennis is Fudomine, so I challenged their minister, and the result..."

Nanjiro covered his face directly after hearing this. His stupid son actually went to challenge Akashi Seijuro. He had specially asked Mifune for information about Akashi because of Ryoma's matter before. No wonder Ryoma looked like that when he just came back.

Originally, after he made that phone call, the other party was not going to trouble Ryoma and Ryoma for the time being, but who knew that Ryoma would take the initiative to provoke him. Fortunately, the other party obviously showed mercy and did not completely destroy Ryoma's tennis.

"As for the question about the secret of selflessness, you are too young now. Don't think too much. Wait until you have realized the state of selflessness before you can talk about it. As for the head of Fudo Peak, don't provoke him again before your strength reaches the same level!" Nanjiro said to Ryoma in a serious tone.

"What is the state of selflessness?" Ryoma heard a new term again and asked hurriedly.

"Young man~ Use your brain more for everything, don't ask me everything, you will naturally understand it when the time comes~" Nanjiro returned to his unreliable appearance again.

It can be said that in this conversation, Nanjiro did not answer Ryoma's questions at all, but instead asked Ryoma's situation clearly. Sure enough, Ryoma was too young, just as Nanjiro said.

The next day, in the Qingxue Tennis Club, everyone found that Ryoma worked harder in training. It can be clearly felt that he was not trying to escape from dry juice, but wanted to become stronger quickly from the bottom of his heart.

While everyone was training hard, time unknowingly came to the opening date of the Metropolitan Tournament. This year, Tokyo is also very concerned about the holding of the Metropolitan Tournament, because the subsequent national tournament will also be held in Tokyo, which means that this year the Tokyo area can have one more recommended spot to enter the national tournament.

On the day of the competition, the students who passed the preliminaries in the Tokyo area came to the tennis park for the competition one after another, and the large group of Fudo Mine also arrived at the competition site early, and went to their own competition court after completing the registration.

Fudo Mine's first round opponent is Akiyama Sanzhong. Akashi remembers that this was their second round opponent in the first grade, but he didn't expect to meet him at the beginning of this year.

Now the strength of the members of Fudo Mine's second army is basically at the Kanto level, but except for one or two individuals, the others are estimated to have reached their limit. After all, they are not talented enough.

It is basically impossible to break through the national level.

During the game, even when facing Fudomine's second team, the players of Akiyama Sanzhong had no ability to fight back. The strength of the strongest captain of their entire tennis club was only at the level of the competition.

Fudomine's second team happily gave them five 6-0s. In fact, the people of Akiyama Sanzhong were well prepared. They still had this self-knowledge. After the game, they didn't say anything. They quietly packed up their belongings and went home directly.

During the lunch break, the list of opponents for the second round of the game has been released. Fudomine's opponent is St. Rudolph. It seems that Guanyuechu will be unlucky again this time. In the end, Akashi decided to let the second team play, but he arranged Xiaojin in singles three as a safety.

In addition, what Akashi found interesting was that Qingxue and Hyotei actually met in the second round. Now that I think about it, the whole game situation seems to be the same as the original, but because Fudomine won the regional championship, it has become the current situation.

Now it is hard for Akashi to say who will win or lose in the match between Seigaku and Hyotei. Atobe and Fuji should be equally strong, but Fuji may evolve in the match. There is also the uncertainty of Ryoma. Akashi is 100% sure that Ryoma will definitely make a breakthrough in the match.

After the lunch break, except for Akashi and Kintaro, the rest of the Fudomine regulars went to watch the match between Seigaku and Hyotei. St. Rudolph's strength is just so-so, and they are not very interested in watching a sure win match.

Among the people from St. Rudolph who came to the match court, Guan Yuechu saw that Fudomine was just as he expected, and all the players on the field were members of the second team, and he showed an extremely confident smile on his face.

He was already imagining how much shock it would cause when his St. Rudolph Academy defeated Fudomine, the champion of the national championship for two consecutive years, in the metropolitan competition, even if the opponent was only a member of the second team.

Guan Yuechu was fantasizing as he strode towards Akashi. When he came to Akashi, he smiled and said confidently:

"Akashi, long time no see. I didn't expect that your Fudo Mine would send members of the second team for this match. It seems that you are careless sometimes~"

"It's been a long time since we last met, Guan Yuechu. You are still so mysteriously confident. I hope you can keep smiling later~" Akashi responded calmly.

Guan Yuechu obviously thought of something. His expression froze. Then he snorted coldly and turned back to his coaching seat. While turning his hair, he gritted his teeth and whispered:

"Akashi Seijuro! This time I will make you pay for your arrogance!"

The doubles match started soon. The players on Fudo Mine were Yuta Fuji and Tetsu Ishida, and the players on St. Rudolph were old acquaintances Shinya Yanagisawa and Jun Kisarazu.

Although there were major mistakes in Guan Yuechu's script in the first grade, there were basically no mistakes in the subsequent large and small competitions, so the two still trust Guan Yuechu very much now.

"The doubles match will start now, with Fudomine Yuta and Ishida Tetsu against St. Rudolf Yanagisawa Shinya and Kisarazu Jun. Please enter the court!"

When the four came to the net and saluted, Yuta and Ishida Tetsu experienced Yanagisawa's verbal attack for the first time, and only heard him say:

"Sure enough, it's the same as what Guan Yue's script said, Fuji Shusuke's younger brother and the Manniu combination!"

After hearing this on the sidelines, Akashi also shouted, "Good guy, you stepped on the thunder directly and accurately, right? I can only wish you a long life, young man, he can already predict the result of the game.

"This time, you Fudomine will fall from the altar, and we are fully prepared!" Yanagisawa is still chattering and launching skills.

The face of Fuji Yuta on the opposite side had completely darkened, but Ishida Tetsu on the side didn't care much about the title of Manniu, on the contrary, he felt that it was a recognition of his strength.

Fortunately, the referee interrupted Yanagisawa's continued casting in time and asked both sides to guess who would go first. In the end, Fuji Yuta won the right to serve, and both sides returned to their own half of the court to prepare for the game.

"End of the game! Fudomine will serve first!"

Yuta stood on the baseline, staring at Yanagisawa with sharp eyes, and Yanagisawa on the opposite side suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he didn't care too much.

When Yuta threw the tennis ball up, he swung the racket with his left hand, and a sound like an explosion sounded, and the tennis ball flew to Yanagisawa on the opposite side with strong kinetic energy.

"Big Explosive Serve!"

Although Yanagisawa was a little surprised why the opponent's hitting sound was so loud, he didn't think much about it. He swung the racket directly to meet the rebounding tennis ball. When the racket and the tennis ball touched, a huge force was instantly transmitted

The blow hit his arm, causing him to unconsciously loosen his racket. After the tennis ball hit the racket, it flew out of the court.

"ACE! 15-0!"

This surprised Guan Yueyue on the sidelines. After all, Yuta had never used this move in a public match before, and wasn't this a move of Nagashiro Kide?

On the other side, Akashi showed a satisfied smile. You know, in order to improve his strength, Yuta asked Kide a lot of questions, and Kide, for the sake of his own people, did not hide his secrets and taught Yuta a lot of problems. Kide personally taught Yuta this big explosion.

In the Fudomine Tennis Club, the members of the second army often ask the main selection many questions about tennis. Although their training plans are all formulated by Akashi, few people come to ask Akashi, and they don't know why.

"ACE! 30-0!"

"ACE! 40-0!"

"GAME! Fudomine! 1-0!"

After getting the first point, Yuta didn't hold back at all and directly hit three big explosive serves again, and each time he was aimed at Yanagisawa, making Yanagisawa extremely embarrassed.

Yanagisawa is very depressed now. Fuji Yuta's move was not in the script of Guanyue Yue at all. Did Guanyue make a mistake again this time? Why did Guanyue lose his level when he met Fudomine!

In fact, Guanyue Yue is more uncomfortable than Yanagisawa now. Fuji Yuta is obviously hiding his strength at ordinary times, but he even fooled him. It turns out that he is a Fudomine player, just as despicable.

The second game was Kisarazu's serve. He saw him directly serve the tennis ball, and the tennis ball flew to Ishida Tetsu on the opposite side. And he was very sure that Ishida Tetsu couldn't hit a wave ball with his current posture.

Sure enough, Ishida Tetsu only hit back an ordinary forehand volley, but even so, Yanagisawa took a lot of effort to hit it back. Even if it was not a wave ball, Ishida Tetsu's strength should not be underestimated.

Yuta directly hit a high lob with a half-volley, preparing to attack the opponent's backcourt, but Kisarazu had come to the net without knowing when, jumped up to intercept, and made a smash.

After seeing this, Ishida Tetsu and Yuta both stepped back unconsciously. After Kisarazu discovered this, his body turned nimbly in the air and directly hit a short backhand.

"Time difference hell!"

Just when Yanagisawa and Kisarazu thought they were going to score, Yuta suddenly appeared in front of the net as if teleporting, and swung the racket quickly. Yanagisawa and Kisarazu felt that their eyes were blurred, and the tennis ball passed directly between them and flew out of the court.


This is Yuta's new move, the combination of the earth-shrinking method and the super half-volley, which greatly improves Yuta's defensive and offensive abilities. Although he can't do the full-scale earth-shrinking method like Mu Te, after more than a year of training, he has barely mastered the forward and backward movement.

"Impossible! How can you move so fast? This is different from what Guan Yue told you!" Yanagisawa said in disbelief.

Yuta didn't pay attention to his meaning, turned around and returned to his position, bent down, and prepared to continue the game. Yanagisawa could only shut up unwillingly.

In fact, Yanagisawa and Kisarazu focused on training how to seal Ishida Tie's wave ball before the game. They didn't expect that Yuta was far beyond their expectations, and his strength was completely inconsistent with the information.

Later, facing Yuta who had the earth-shrinking method and the super half-volley, Yanagisawa and Kisarazu had no way to deal with it. In addition, with the assistance of Ishida Tie, the two frequently lost points.



"GAME! Fudomine! 2-0!"

In the third game, it was Ishida Tetsu who served. What shocked Guan Yueyue happened again. After Ishida Tetsu threw the tennis ball up, the muscles on his right arm bulged, and his arm became bigger. He smashed the tennis ball hard, and the tennis ball flew off Kisarazu's racket with sparks and lightning, and flew out of the court!

"Wave serve!"


Yes, after further improvements by Akashi, Ishida Tetsu can now turn the wave serve into a wave serve, but with Ishida Tetsu's current physique, this move can only be used once per game. This is a death order from Akashi.



"GAME! Fudomine! 3-0! Change venues!"

Even though it can only be used for one game, Ishida Tetsu still played four wave serves without hesitation, and directly won the third game. At this point, Guan Yueyue's script was completely ruined.

What made Guan Yuechu even angrier was that Yanagisawa and Kisarazu questioned Guan Yuechu during the break. They felt that they couldn't play Guan Yuechu in the future.

Following the script of Guanyue, he could only rely on himself to adapt to the situation.

When the fourth game started, Kisarazu and Yanagisawa began to play freely, which made them play with some momentum. Unfortunately, they failed to win a game in the end because of the difference in strength. And Yanagisawa didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Yuta was targeting him.

"GAME! Fudomine! 4-0!"

"GAME! Fudomine! 5-0!"

The fifth game was Yuta's serve again, and it was still four big explosion serves, and it was also directly aimed at Yanagisawa. This made Yanagisawa certain that Fuji Yuta was targeting him, but why? Yanagisawa was a little confused.

In the sixth game, Ishida Tetsu could no longer use the wave serve. Although he felt that he could fight, he didn't dare to disobey Akashi's order, otherwise he would end up miserably, so he just hit an ordinary diagonal ball.

Kisarazu on the opposite side was a little desperate at first, but when he saw that Ishida Tetsu didn't hit the wave ball again, he immediately ran to catch up with the tennis ball. Although he didn't know why the opponent didn't hit the wave ball, he didn't want to give up easily since he had a chance.

After catching up with the tennis ball, Kisarazu made a move to hit a straight ball, but he changed his move at the moment of hitting the ball and hit a diagonal ball. He had already seen that Yuta couldn't teleport left and right.

But he was too concerned about Yuta's movements and forgot that they had trained specifically to seal Ishida Tetsu's wave ball at the beginning. When he saw Ishida Tetsu's posture, it was too late.

Ishida Tetsu looked at the flying tennis ball and suddenly became excited. He dismounted and lowered his waist, concentrating all his strength on his right arm, and the muscles on his right arm bulged one by one, and then he directly hit the tennis ball with a forehand.

"The 30th wave ball!"

The tennis ball suddenly flashed with more intense sparks and lightning, turning into a beam of light, and blasted straight towards the opposite half of the court. At this time, Yanagisawa and Kisarazu had no choice but to bite the bullet. They directly merged their rackets together, and both of them exerted force at the same time to meet Ishida Tie's wave ball.

However, the next moment, the two rackets flew high, and the tennis ball flew out of the court without losing momentum, hitting the wire mesh, and even broke the wire mesh directly. Fortunately, the tennis ball was stuck and did not penetrate directly.

Just as everyone was amazed at the power of Ishida Tie's wave ball, Yanagisawa's screams came. Everyone looked over and saw Yanagisawa on the court holding his right wrist and wailing constantly. It was obvious that the ball just hit his wrist.

The referee could only suspend the game and let the medical staff check the player's injury first. Finally, it was learned that Yanagisawa's wrist was sprained and it was impossible to continue the game. The referee directly announced the result of the game.

"Due to the injury of St. Rudolf Yanagisawa Shinya, the match is over, the score is 5-0! The winner is Fudomine!"

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